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HMG from Saving Private Ryan

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I watched the end scene of the movie yesterday (to get me into the CMBN mood) and noticed what looks like a german HMG on wheels, pushed by 4-6 men. It looks like it is very easy to move and packs a devastating punch. Is this a fictional weapon? If not, is it in CMBN? If not, why (within the time frame of the game)? I wouldn't mind giving it a go.

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I watched the end scene of the movie yesterday (to get me into the CMBN mood) and noticed what looks like a german HMG on wheels, pushed by 4-6 men. It looks like it is very easy to move and packs a devastating punch. Is this a fictional weapon? If not, is it in CMBN? If not, why (within the time frame of the game)? I wouldn't mind giving it a go.

That's a real weapon alright. You're not the only one!;) It's on my wish list and I keep asking for it time after time, after time... hopefully, one day they'll put it in just to shut me up!:D However, I'm betting on the Market Garden module as it was very commonly used against ground forces there.

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I suppose if they would have showed the prime mover a block away outside of the rubbled area, the 20mm being unhitched, and the crew stuffing a few of the big box clips in a bag before it was rolled into position, it would have been more palatable. But really it was not ridiculous.

I would like to have in the game that panzerbusche pak36 they had in the Band of Brothers Carentan scene.

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Any more ridiculous than using a 152mm howitzer in the direct fire mode in an urban environment?

Or a 37mm(maybe 45mm) Atk gun?, or 76.2mm pieces?

or a 75mm IG18, soviet 122mm howitzer? 37mm Pak 36? ...

No, that´s well known application of heavy frontline support, even anchored in the various military doctrines.

Just never heard, nor seen pushing a 20mm wheeled flak offensively through city streets into close combat.

I like the SPR movie alot, but wished Spielberg/Hanks did at least as much homeworks on german combat methods, machinery, tactics and the like, as they did on US. At last it´s a Hollywood movie and I neither do know any more realistically made outside Hollywood.;) All in all these movies carry a "message" and are less likely to be meant giving lessons on historical accuracy in all detail fields.

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I like the SPR movie alot, but wished Spielberg/Hanks did at least as much homeworks on german combat methods, machinery, tactics and the like, as they did on US. At last it´s a Hollywood movie and I neither do know any more realistically made outside Hollywood.;) All in all these movies carry a "message" and are less likely to be meant giving lessons on historical accuracy in all detail fields.

It's even worse in Band of Brothers. The German infantry tactics seem to consist of "See that flat open spot totally exposed to American fire? I want you to go over there. Don't worry, if you kneel or lay down there is no way they will hit you!"

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It's even worse in Band of Brothers. The German infantry tactics seem to consist of "See that flat open spot totally exposed to American fire? I want you to go over there. Don't worry, if you kneel or lay down there is no way they will hit you!"

You forgot

"Quick, lets retreat across a marsh"


"Make sure the MG-42 has as limited a field of fire as possible and don't worry about covering any other avenues of approach"

SPR though took the Hollywood dumb Germans to new heights, there is even a website of Movie mistakes that has a special SPR, it runs into pages!

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Any more ridiculous than using a 152mm howitzer in the direct fire mode in an urban environment?

Or a 37mm(maybe 45mm) Atk gun?, or 76.2mm pieces?

Watched the linked video and very little if any of it is actual combat footage.

The Russians were big ones for staging the footage in their news reels.

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Funny, I just finished reading Hitler's wartime conferences and towards the end he discusses flying in 15cm infantry howitzers to beef up troops engaged in street fighting in the Balkans, specifically for the purpose of bringing down strong points in buildings.

Spielberg or not, almost nothing surprises one when one reads enough history books. Darn near everything that can be envisioned, has been tried on the battlefield at least once.

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Funny, I just finished reading Hitler's wartime conferences and towards the end he discusses flying in 15cm infantry howitzers to beef up troops engaged in street fighting in the Balkans.

Spielberg or not, almost nothing surprises one when one reads enough history books. Darn near everything that can be envisioned, has been tried on the battlefield at least once.

Well, it's one thing to use something like that to hold a street or suppress a strong point. It's something else to use it in an offensive role to directly fire at infantry that are literally 20 yards away.

You have a good point though, if we took every scene from every war movie, book, and videogame, it probably wouldn't cover a tenth of the crazy things that have happened battle.

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plus you all need to keep in mind, the movie director needs to film something you will enjoy watching.

You need them enemy Units in the open so you can see them, filming real enemy soldiers in the woods is nothing but flashes of gunfire from the brush.

Same thing for the AA gun in SPR, the shot was made so you could see the weapon and watch its firepower, had nothing to do with trying to be realistic.

Realistic might have been to stage it at the other end of the road and give supporting fire or set it up and take out the guys in the church tower at a distance, if for some crazy reason that unit was even with a forward element.

but none of that would be as exciting as that up close and personnal scene, even if it likely would never happen.

Grogs are so negative - it gets old.

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Grogs are so negative - especially as they get old.

There you go, it needed a little enhancment. Now get the hell out of here ya rapscallion. Why in my day we walked up hill in the snow both ways for school!!

Yeah the movie took a lot of hollywood license, but ya got to admit, the first time you saw that first 20 minutes I bet I am not the only one who was saying OMFG!!

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There you go, it needed a little enhancment. Now get the hell out of here ya rapscallion. Why in my day we walked up hill in the snow both ways for school!!

Yeah the movie took a lot of hollywood license, but ya got to admit, the first time you saw that first 20 minutes I bet I am not the only one who was saying OMFG!!

It has to be said that SPR did alter the landscape when it comes to how the West portrayed war (especially WWII) in film. We can come up with our groggy criticisms (that would be largely correct) but lets give it it's place in cinematic history and admire it for it's very great stengths (it's one of the most influencial movies of the last 20 years) rather than dis it because its not as accurate as it might be. It still sets a bench mark as far as Hollywood is concerned.

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Yeah the movie took a lot of hollywood license, but ya got to admit, the first time you saw that first 20 minutes I bet I am not the only one who was saying OMFG!!

I watched it and said, "The bluffs are only half as far from the waterline as they should be." Once a grog...

(But I was impressed that they included the sound of bullets striking the beach obstacles.)


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