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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dissapointed by CMBN

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Finally, i bought the game and my feelings are somewhere between dissapointment and anger...

Battlefield view and graphics are marvelous but then comes the gameplay...

I've started training campaign, reached mission, where i have two shermans under my command as reinforcements to learn game mechanics. There are "crew less" PzIVs, one tiger and panther as a target practice. I ordered one of my shermans to go "fast" to the little hill and shoot them, second one started moving "quick" to those tanks after delay of 30sec. What i realised was that the accuracy of standing sherman (reached hill before second one) was the same as this one moving on "quick" - both of those tanks hit enemy's tanks by first hits.

i couldn't belive it. If developers called this game "simulation" they have to be joking.

Just try to imagine how is it possible to shoot accurately from 200m from quick moving tank during IIWW... If so we should also start calling game "world of tanks" as a simulaton...

But then - came second dissapointment - sherman moving on quick hit panther from 400m by first hit (partial turret penetration) and knocked it out. Still moving on quick the same sherman hits Tiger, also from over 400m (hull penetration!!!) and also knocked it out... Thats crazy!! Rambo tank... Americans should have won war in 1 month then, why they didnt?

If tanks behaviour is f*** up, even with this great graphics this game is also f*** up. If i wanted just a game with fine graphics i will buy FPS...

I didn't mentioned about totally idiotic things like:

-shooting to tank by infantry from any distance as soon as infantry spot it

-"paper buildings" - soldiers losses in buildings are much more higher than those in oppen terrain - RIDICULOUS!

-bulletproof trees - if is any on the line of tank's fire, tank will shoot at this tree again and again

and much much more

I regreat the money that i've spent and hope that developers will do sth. with that ****.

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Well you live and you learn.

I for one am having a blast, one of my best buys deffinatelly.

Has it got issues? yes, but hey thats what patches are for and in my experience from CMSF BFC dont ussually dissapoint

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Finally, i bought the game and my feelings are somewhere between dissapointment and anger...

Battlefield view and graphics are marvelous but then comes the gameplay...

I've started training campaign, reached mission, where i have two shermans under my command as reinforcements to learn game mechanics. There are "crew less" PzIVs, one tiger and panther as a target practice. I ordered one of my shermans to go "fast" to the little hill and shoot them, second one started moving "quick" to those tanks after delay of 30sec. What i realised was that the accuracy of standing sherman (reached hill before second one) was the same as this one moving on "quick" - both of those tanks hit enemy's tanks by first hits.

i couldn't belive it. If developers called this game "simulation" they have to be joking.

Just try to imagine how is it possible to shoot accurately from 200m from quick moving tank during IIWW... If so we should also start calling game "world of tanks" as a simulaton...

I didn't mentioned about totally idiotic things like:

-shooting to tank by infantry from any distance as soon as infantry spot it

-"paper buildings" - soldiers losses in buildings are much more higher than those in oppen terrain - RIDICULOUS!

-bulletproof trees - if is any on the line of tank's fire, tank will shoot at this tree again and again

All items above are being looked in by BF. Half full and half empty bottle theory here m8. Call one better product in this gerne?

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I believed that "battlefront" is a good trademark and will not sell game that is such a s***

Most of your complaints have been addressed here in the forum under other threads and I believe Battlefront is addressing most of them. They always have patches and things will improve. Yes your points are valid, but give them a chance to improve what they have, that is really how all their CM games have developed in the past.

If not, you cannot wait, move on to another game, oh, wait a minute, there is no other game close to what they have. OK, so I am waiting for improvements and am enjoying the good things that the game does right. So its not perfect, but I am sure it will get better.

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So you've had the game for 5 mins and its garbage,fair play.I've had this game a fortnight and it's totally addictive.The Ai is challenging and its even a blast when it kicks my ass.The game i've been waiting for for many years.Your loss my friend,if you won't even give it a chance.

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Just a figure of speech.I bought CMSF the day it came out and was gutted,bugged and totally unplayable.Took numerous patches to sort it after many many months.This game though,yes it has bugs but they are not gamebreaking in my opinion.No offence was meant but try some of the great scenarios posted and give the game a chance.

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I believed that "battlefront" is a good trademark and will not sell game that is such a s***

Don't get your panties in a bunch yet. Read the forum, most of this has been discussed and some items are already earmarked to get checked in version 1.01. The game is for sure not absolutely bug or gameplay issue free, but me thinks yee is getting too worked up without really having experienced the full game. Don't let the first issue you see totally skew you yet and if you do find something that bugs you check out the forum. Odds are someone has already argued the case for some changes and if they make sense and aren't just perception they may show up in a later correction.

For my self, I am totally immersed in this game. Does it bug me when I see a guy in the back of a jeep do a somersault with his head projecting beneath? Yeah, but does that distract me from the other 1000 things they have got spot on? Not a chance. Give the game some time, I think you will find the number of things that bother you are far less than the number of things that will have you going "OMFG!!!".

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I might suggest basing your opinions on more than just a demo training mission that comes nowhere near adequately representing the game... You could at least try the rest of the demo training missions before bringing your whines here...

This is much like choosing your wife based on little thumbnails on sketchy Russian websites....

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Brindlewolf --> where did i write that i have played it for 5 minutes ? Look at my points and consider if its possible to have such clues after 5 minutes of gameplay?

You're whinging about the firing range mission. That's there to let you get a handle on the basic controls, not demonstrate what live fire performance is. And you're basing your complaint on a sample of what? half a dozen shots at 2 targets. Way to leap boldly to conclusions.

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I thing perhaps you are being a bit harsh on ketonur. He had high expectations given CM*! and those expectations were very rudely shattered by the invincible Shermans doing things that really should not happen. To argue that any purchaser is required to peruse all the forums before registering an opinion is perhaps us being a little unreasonable. If I want to complain about a Buick that does not work as it should I am not abused for not having read all the GM user forums before beefing about it.. Lets face it the game is flawed and whilst we may be resigned to it being fixed post-issue that is actually not a normal or desirable process.

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Anybody else see problems with Panther 1st round knockouts from the front? Are we talking 75mm or 76mm gun? Jentz's thick Panther book has a table that says Sherman 76mm penetrates Panther turret front from 700m and mantlet from 100m. T34/85 gun penetrated Panther turret front from 500m.

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Red herring calibre. It is the firing on the move and hits which are noted

But then - came second dissapointment - sherman moving on quick hit panther from 400m by first hit (partial turret penetration) and knocked it out. Still moving on quick the same sherman hits Tiger, also from over 400m (hull penetration!!!) and also knocked it out... Thats crazy!! Rambo tank... Americans should have won war in 1 month then, why they didnt?
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.... Lets face it the game is flawed and whilst we may be resigned to it being fixed post-issue that is actually not a normal or desirable process.
By your definition it appears any in-game issue not working as either intended, or forseen, implies flawed. Ahem, so by what normal/desirable process do you then suggest should BFC go about ironing out the issues that you regard as being flawed? Test another 240 months to cut out "all flaws" for it to be a normal/desirable process? Or the fact it's "desirable" for Charles to drink while programming, and thus not a normal reason for BFC to release such a flawed product on the market?
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The firing on the move thing is a valid point, but I've not seen anyone else reporting penetrations where there shouldn't be penetrations on Panthers and Tigers, and you know the forum members here would be complaining long and loud if there were.

Lets face it the game is flawed and whilst we may be resigned to it being fixed post-issue that is actually not a normal or desirable process.

Desirable, obviously not, but it is all too normal. The game is a picture of bug-free stability compared to some even big name titles.

A beta testing team can never cover the same territory that 1000 or 10,000 players can. If the players could provide a decent bug report instead of "this game is sh1t" things would be a lot more likely to get fixed.

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Sorry guys for my language but english is not my native language and because of that it's rather not sophisticated. ;)

As I supposed most of you just point me that

1. "that were such topics on this forum already"


2. "give developers some respect"

1. I don't care, sorry - it's my personal complain. I think that it deserves for one tiny topic. ;)

2. I have a lot of respect for them (i love CMx1) but didn't suppose that they will concentrate on details (interiors of tanks, falling helmets after hit etc.) and just forget about the most important things like realism and gameplay. Tanks that shooting accurately when moving quick on grass??? From even 1000m (I've made some tests)??? During WWII??? Where were the beta testers??? Tank behaviour should have been tested as 1st thing if you are thinking about selling such kind of game.

I've looked to some topics on the forum and i started to laugh. A lot of theoretical bull**** about strange behaviour of tanks and infantry like "maybe commander say to them bla bla bla and thats the reason why they reacted so", "maybe they were so stressed that they reacted like so", "maybe they were tired".

Ok so what is the excuse for shooting to tank as soon as you spot it??? Hey guys! Look! Tiger, lets shoot to it from Garands for fun! Yeeeah texas cowboys!!!

Why do everyone excuse stupid behaviour of this game and demand respect for developers? I have given them my money, so i also can demand i think.

Ok, this game has very big potential, but you don't love people for their potential but for what they are.

I think that this proverb is also actual if you think about games ;)

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