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the cancel button when placing way points just cancels the last WP placed, and clears all WPs if clicked twice. I use intricate WP depending on surface type etc. kind of annoying to have to start over because of a miss-click.

Use BACKSPACE to undo orders one at a time.

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To increase the fun factor, I would like to be able to lock-on enemy units and be able to pivot around to get an idea of their LOS and to watch them during replays.

Is hitting TAB to lock on and then rotating with W and E no good?

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To increase the fun factor, I would like to be able to lock-on enemy units and be able to pivot around to get an idea of their LOS and to watch them during replays.

You can already do this. Just click on the unit and hit TAB and you're good to go. You can adjust the camera position in the usual ways.


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Perhaps more on map heavy and medium guns. I know it may make scale an issue but I'd actually love to see my battery of rocket launchers or 25pdrs (when the brit's come) in action.

Also is it already possible to design maps WITH trenches/fox holes and pillboxes in place? It could make for some great assault battles. I havn't looked into the designer yet.


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Armor cover arcs

I know that this is already mentioned, but i hope this will be implented in a patch soon. For example i was playing the second mission of road to montebourg and there was an AT gun covering the road. Lucky for me i got my infantry first down the road and the AT gun gave away its position. If it didn't i would have probably lost one or more tanks!.

Target Area bocage

when i think there is an enemy behind some bocage i place a target area at that bocage. Because of the action spot this target line is placed at the nearest spot. At close range you see them firing in front of the bocage and not firing in it.

besides that i wish more modules and the eastern front game

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I wish there is a way to see how many kills off-board artillery has achieved post-game (and ditto for the enemy, may his rounds always fall short). Perhaps there is but I have missed it?

I need all the feedback I can get to improve my play....

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I wish there is a way to see how many kills off-board artillery has achieved post-game (and ditto for the enemy, may his rounds always fall short). Perhaps there is but I have missed it?

I need all the feedback I can get to improve my play....

If each artillery module comes with a spotter (I haven't gotten to that yet), you can check his score. That should reflect the score of his battery, assuming you have taken care to ensure that he does not fire his personal weapon.


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in no particular order:

Free, unbound to units, line of sight tool. (although movement command and checking LOF by use of "target" on particular waypoint works to some extent)

"wet looks" for various objects in the game, including vehicles and soldiers, when weather is rainy. Color shades would be generally darker tone and smooth surfaces have a bit of shinyness added. Rain soaked clothes have a considerably darker tone and dry, dusty surfaced also turn darker, dependent upon material.

True "underground shelters" (basements, dugouts). Could be abstracted (like buttoning a vehicle, or CMBB "sewer movement")

Towers, that serve as observation positions (in absence of hills or high buildings). OR trees, also serving as sniper positions.

Small size (1-5 meters width) brooks, creeks, drainage ditches, that are not just bound to the floor level. That should not lead to a waterfall simulation necessarily...:D

More varied and more realistic looking damage levels for buildings.

Less densly packed infantry squad formations, with selectable frontages and certain orders (skirmish line, column, staggered, ect.).

Option to select a certain weapon system to shoot at a particular target and range. In example, just let the squads LMG gunner engage targets and keep the other guys in the suad idle and in cover.

Armor cover arc, preferably in conjuntion with normal (vs. soft) cover arc.

Movable waypoints.

"True medics", or medical aid stations.

Tread marks on any non hard ground.

Improved models and animations for destroyed and burning AFVs.

Fire effects, burning terrain, flame throwers.

A top view map mode, similar to CMX1 5-9 modes, that is a 2D presentation of the 3D map (billboards), preferably with contour lines shown, shadows disabled automatically...in all looking more like a topographical map. If this can´t be automated/created on the fly, then a map maker should be given the tools to hand craft these map and loadable with a user made scenario/map.

Ability to load "grayscale maps" (or multi color coded), that can be loaded into the map editor and then translate to terrain and height variations automatically. (Mapping Mission for CMX1 can do this)

Individual, distinguishable weapon sounds.

Environmental audio for weapons, explosion and voice sounds. In example, sounds are perceivably different, when in a forest, within a town, at night or bad weather. Could add a lot to the "you are there" impression and immersion. I could imagine a map maker adding "sound zones" to a map manually and with the player camera entering/hovering the zones, a "prerecorded" different sound would be played instead of the generic sounds.

PhysEx support.

Multicore processor support.

That´s just few, that come into my mind...hehe

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in no particular order:


That´s just few, that come into my mind...hehe

That's a great list. As for prerecorded, location-specific sounds, how about a rooster crowing near any farm? The gurgling of water near a stream? The sighing of wind through branches when near trees?


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Target Area bocage

when i think there is an enemy behind some bocage i place a target area at that bocage. Because of the action spot this target line is placed at the nearest spot. At close range you see them firing in front of the bocage and not firing in it.

You can get this to work although it's a little finicky ( so only really useful for us WeGoers ) - if you move your camera over the bocage and look back at your firing troops and then give the targetting command, a little moving around with the blue line and you will get a red targetting line through the bocage to your ( the enemy's ) side.

Tricky to explain, but give it a go, it does work ;)

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I miss the movable waypoints that were in CM:BB

Amen and a +1 to that. Especially in WeGo. I have tried playing in RT and I am going back to WeGo. Costs a bit in fiddling and wasted time if you don't set things up right, but I want the ability to replay the last turn. I RT had a way to click and replay the last 1 minute of action, I would probably switch to RT.

This is one of those things that I cannot understand why it was left out of CMSF and now CMN. I know there must be a good reason, but it is really frustrating to have to re-plot an entire movement in order to move a single way point.

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The ability to somehow visualize the openings in Bocage, etc. It is really frustrating to tell a unit to move to the other side of a hedge/bocage and then watch them advance 50m or more into the line of fire, just to go around the edge and then head back to where you put the way point.

Or, if a long move is required do to impassable terrain, then the unit should always seek to take the path that is safest (meaning back the way you came and around).

best would be that when you plot a course like this, the interface should show you the anticipated path of the unit and then you can take steps to avoid this problem.

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The ability to somehow visualize the openings in Bocage, etc.

If the sun is shining and at the right angle, you can usually spot breaks in the hedgerow. You may have to get down in the 1 view and scan carefully along until you spot it, but it can be done. I haven't tried it at night or in cloudy weather, so I don't know how well it works under those conditions.


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The ability to somehow visualize the openings in Bocage, etc. It is really frustrating to tell a unit to move to the other side of a hedge/bocage and then watch them advance 50m or more into the line of fire, just to go around the edge and then head back to where you put the way point.

Or, if a long move is required do to impassable terrain, then the unit should always seek to take the path that is safest (meaning back the way you came and around).

best would be that when you plot a course like this, the interface should show you the anticipated path of the unit and then you can take steps to avoid this problem.

This seems like it might be susceptible to modding--the gaps could be highlighted, for instance. Or is that not possible?

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So many things to list here, so a few off the the top:

-a section for group orders, better way to give orders to move to a group like a platoon or company. This would really help large battalion size battles. You could even give a formation selection like column, line, ect and it would show the foot print like single unit orders do.

- able to adjust already placed waypoints (been asked before a million times I know).

-in the leader's formation tab, clickable icons that indicate C2 at a glance. also c2 indicators on the floating unit icons.

-ability to attach and dettach a unit from a platoon leader and assign to another platoon leader. kinda make your own composite platoon size force on the fly and not loose c2. example - you want to attach 2 mg sections to a platoon but the MGs fall out of c2 as the mission goes on and they venture away from the weapons platoon leader. in RL the MGs would be under the assigned platoon command.

And now the big one that everyone's wanted since the beginning.....an operational command simmulation layer to augment the campaign system. ( I'd skip a module or delay CMSF2 for two years if battlefront could make this happen).

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I'll go along with the crowd and politely request Armored covered arcs and moveable waypoints. :D

Some other requests:

* Add C2 lines (so you can tell why that squad doesn't want to listen to orders).

* Add an indicator in the unit's status area so you can tell if they're hiding.

* Tanks expose belly armor and are unable to fire weapons when crossing bocage, hedges or walls.

* Move the "Bail Out" key so I'll stop accidentally hitting it when I'm trying to "Hunt". :P

* Add the ability to set a rate of fire for mortars and other on-board arty when they are firing directly at a target (not using a spotter)

* Add a "Target Heavy" command for tanks, mortar, and arty crews to fire main armament only and not MGs or the crew's small arms (which rapidly gives away the mortar's position).

* Similar to clicking on a weapon in the squad's list highlighting the soldier on the map, how about clicking on a soldier in the map view highlighting which weapon/squad member he is?

* It seems very difficult to use mortars to drop rounds just on the other side of a hedgerow. Give them an additional 5-10m targeting range past a blocked LOS?

* The map compass rose is very counter-intuitive. Instead of rotating an arrow around to show which direction you're facing, why not rotate the entire compass?

* A wind direction pointer would be nice on the compass as well. Variable size/color depending on wind strength?

* List details about squad composition or vehicle stats (see below) in the buy screen for Quick Battles.

Probably the easiest of all:

* Bring back the old armor and gun penetration value charts! I really, really, do not like the graphical representations used in the vehicle's defensive stats. At least, could you make this data available in a separate window like in good ol' CMBO?

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Being able to area fire with AP. During the scenario that I am playing there is a Panther holding up my advance. I can't directly target the Panther, which is head on so to move to acquire him would be stupid. I have indirectly targeted him with several Shermans. The result was three or four hits out of a dozen or so rounds fired and these hits did not have the desired effect on the Panther or the crew because the Panther did not retreat. If they had been AP projectiles that hit the Panther they probably still would not have penetrated but maybe would have caused him to retreat. The Panther was head on to the Sherman fire but there will be instances where a Panther will be side on or rear on to the indirect fire and a hit could well penetrate. Are there any other forum members that feel that this would be a good added feature?

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I'll go along with the crowd and politely request Armored covered arcs and moveable waypoints. :D

Some other requests:

* Add C2 lines (so you can tell why that squad doesn't want to listen to orders).

* Add an indicator in the unit's status area so you can tell if they're hiding.

* Tanks expose belly armor and are unable to fire weapons when crossing bocage, hedges or walls.

* Move the "Bail Out" key so I'll stop accidentally hitting it when I'm trying to "Hunt". :P

* Add the ability to set a rate of fire for mortars and other on-board arty when they are firing directly at a target (not using a spotter)

* Add a "Target Heavy" command for tanks, mortar, and arty crews to fire main armament only and not MGs or the crew's small arms (which rapidly gives away the mortar's position).

* Similar to clicking on a weapon in the squad's list highlighting the soldier on the map, how about clicking on a soldier in the map view highlighting which weapon/squad member he is?

* It seems very difficult to use mortars to drop rounds just on the other side of a hedgerow. Give them an additional 5-10m targeting range past a blocked LOS?

* The map compass rose is very counter-intuitive. Instead of rotating an arrow around to show which direction you're facing, why not rotate the entire compass?

* A wind direction pointer would be nice on the compass as well. Variable size/color depending on wind strength?

* List details about squad composition or vehicle stats (see below) in the buy screen for Quick Battles.

Probably the easiest of all:

* Bring back the old armor and gun penetration value charts! I really, really, do not like the graphical representations used in the vehicle's defensive stats. At least, could you make this data available in a separate window like in good ol' CMBO?

1) C2 doesn't affect your control of a squad. If a squad is not obeying orders it's because of it's morale (shaken, broken, panic). Just a clarification ;).

2) If a unit is hiding, the text in the soldiers list reads "Hiding".

3) That'd be nice.

4) You can also use the space bar or assign a direct hotkey to "Bail" to circumvent this problem

5) +1, although target light should reduce the rate of fire I am not sure about this

6) You can see that don't you? (well zoomed in anyway)

7) +1

8) There is mod for that, that is more intuitive, it's somewhere in the mod pack by Marco Bergman

9) +1

10) +1, although the more you play the more you are familiar of course

11) Again check Marco Bergman's mod. I never found that armor and gun charts useful beyond the colour scheme. Too many factors such as angle (correctly estimating of the angle), hardness of armour, type of shell to wrap my mind around. Also extrapolating the data was dodgy at best.

And it gets worse because the models are now much more detailed that something as "lower hull" would not cut it anymore.

However I agree that the way it is now is not very informative either.

My two cents :)

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A few more...

1) A slightly different 'floating icon' for TEAMS separated from squads (perhaps a little A or B)

2) Floating icon suppression info. Currently we have a flash to indicate a hit and a dim icon when control is lost. Perhaps adding a small suppression bar next to the icon would work.

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When you click on any unit, I would like to see vector lines pointing to where the unit believes it has received incoming fire for the last 2 minutes. If you click on an HQ, I would like to see the vectors lines for all units currently within command range, with a variable level of FOW employed.

This would be a big help in general assessment of concentration of enemy fire.

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And wondrously easy to kill. How would you get them to move?

Apologies Mr Emrys, your reply was swallowed up.

You must remember that for any British person, members of HM Forces or not, until about the 1990's it was not unusual for motor vehicles to be recalcitrant, mule-ish and in most cases stationary, so your average squaddie would have just loped up and put his shoulder to the damned vehicle and pushed!


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