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A thread for the desperate and disillusioned pre orderers

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I am one such disillusioned preorderer-----steelbox dispatched by BF 18 May and since then - a deafening silence. The forum has reported deliveries all over U.S, Canada, Europe including many UK addresses and Australia----many (some in UK) citing BF dispatches as late as 24th and 25th May which have been delivered. There is no logic which explains these huge discrepancies . I am now seriously doubting whether in my case any delivery will actually be made.

I dont know if Im the only non-recipient but if there are other long -term waiters it would be useful if you mailed this thread asap indicating your location(City,Country) and the date of the Battlefront Dispatch. We need to know the extent of the problem of delivery failure and also whether there is any pattern related to the failure--eg Dispatch date or location etc.

I should also like to ask Battlefront whether there are any steps they can take in the interests of their customers re contacting DHL and any other links in the delivery chain to try and determine the cause of the unreasonable and unacceptable and inconsistent delays that some of us are being subjected to.I am not in any way holding BF responsible but they are our only link with the distribution chain. We cannot do anything ourselves to get any information or help from DHL etc

I await feedback and ideas from any other affected purchasers

Thanks very much

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As stated we mailed out everything in the order it was received. They were all packaged, addressed, postage metered, and shipped through the same Post Office without any differences. So if someone doesn't have theirs yet it's likely because:

1. They were towards the end of the "shipped in order received"

2. In a country other than the US. Customs delays are notoriously random.

3. Something happened specifically to that one shipment

We had a customer today ask where his was. According to the domestic Delivery Confirmation, it was delivered to his house. Why he doesn't have it... unknown at the moment (he's not replied yet).

As for Customs delays... their definition of "reasonable" is very, very different from any of ours. I sent a package to Germany using the most expensive method mail service possible. It should have got there in 3-5 days, including clearing through Customs. On the same day I sent a package to China using the least expensive method. Estimated time delivery was 2 weeks. Results:

Package delivered to China in under 2 weeks

Package delivered to Germany in 3 weeks (held up in German Customs I found out)

Let me emphasize again... the package going further, using the slower method, made it through the most populated country on the face of the Earth, run by a Communist government, faster than the one going to Germany. Reputably the most "efficient" country in the world.

Go figure :(


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Steve --Thanks for your comments--but neither "Underfire"nor myself were "late dispatches".Both were sent from BF 18 May and many others dispatched much later (eg 24May) have been delivered round the world including the UK. One forum member living only15 miles from me reported his delivery a few days ago on the forum.

What we do need to know is that the games are definitely en route and will be delivered soon. And we certainly need positive reassurance that they have not been lost or disappeared and cannot be traced--in which case immediate measures would have to be taken to sort the matter out.We cannot just go on vainly hoping they will arrive if they are lost.

Could Battlefront please get some feedback from DHL about these long overdue deliveries in UK re my order "Pcelt" (David Hawken) and that of "Underfire".

Thanks --please let me know.

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The vagaries of postal services are notorious. For me my pre-order arrived here in rural Australia a little over a week after shipping however I have had other not so good experiences.

For one earlier this year I ordered some books from amazon, a month after the expected delivery date and they still hadn't arrived so I contacted amazon and had another package sent out to me (this ended up saving me money as they refunded my initial credit card charge and then recharged for the new shipment and in the intervening 6 weeks the exchange rate had improved quite a bit :D).

Anyway a couple of weeks later the new package arrived, then about a week after that I recieved a letter from a complete stranger who lived 600 km away who had recieved the original package intended for me. Somehow Australia post had put an address label for them on my package and it was delivered months late to him even though it still had the original amazon address to me on it.

Moral of the story it's only been a couple of weeks give it one or two more weeks and if it still hasn't turned up contact battlefront sales and see what they can do.

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Speedy- I appreciate your illustrative anecdotes re deliveries--but to wait for 4weeks and then quite possibly to discover the items have been lost --does not seem reasonable to me. Carriers must keep records of what they carry and should be able to find out what has happened to any item in their charge and care and at least be able confirm it is still en route or missing and lost.If they cant do that they are not conducting a proper business in relation to their paying customers. Their service is not fit for purpose.

I have to ask BF to make the enquiry because they have the relevant documentation re the carriage arrangements .All we have is a receipt from BF showing payment for game and delivery.


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First ,I would like to be able to read and study the manual properly---but the crucial question is to know whether its on its way at all or lost--putting up with some delay is fine if you are assured it is on its way but not knowing whether its coming at all or not is a big problem . That is the real urgency-to deal with that question.


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As for Customs delays... their definition of "reasonable" is very, very different from any of ours. I sent a package to Germany using the most expensive method mail service possible. It should have got there in 3-5 days, including clearing through Customs. On the same day I sent a package to China using the least expensive method. Estimated time delivery was 2 weeks. Results:

Package delivered to China in under 2 weeks

Package delivered to Germany in 3 weeks (held up in German Customs I found out)

Let me emphasize again... the package going further, using the slower method, made it through the most populated country on the face of the Earth, run by a Communist government, faster than the one going to Germany. Reputably the most "efficient" country in the world.

This. My package went out on 18 May, and for all I know it couldn't even physically exist. I've bought many things from the US in recent years, and I can only second Steve's assessment that (German) customs services are ridiculously random, inefficient and slow. Depending on the shipping service, you might have to clear customs fees yourself (keep your blood pressure in check in that case...) or you get an invoice from the shipping service a few weeks later on.

Using express service isn't a guarantee if the driver is full of ****, either. I took a day off work once to be able to receive an important shipment, and the guy simply put a notice in my mail saying he would "try again next week" after not even having the decency to ring the bell. A furious call to the shipping company sorted that, but was I ever pissed.


Shipping services may have to keep records, but good luck trying to get any of them "by the balls". Musical instruments f.e. are regularly delivered in a very broken and sad state (which they most definitely were not at time of shipping), and they're usually just going to blame the shipper for incorrect packaging. Overseas shipping worsens this condition because most of the time, the US company hands the package over to a local shipping service at some point in time, and of course neither wants to be responsible for the loss or damage of your shipment.

Anyway, I fully expected the package to take multiple weeks to arrive, only to be held back by customs so that I can go there to collect it and enjoy their "service" once more.

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First I would like to read and browse the manual in a civilised way. But the real issue is whether the game is actually coming at all or is lost. This is the heart of the urgency issue -- I could steel myself to slighly protracted delay if it was officially confirmed en route.


NB Those of you still awake may realise this is a boring rerun of an earlier gem


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Mine was shipped on the 18th May as well. Haven't got mine either yet. I'm in Suffolk. Probably the whole batch are sitting around n a customs yard. Yay. :(

Not overly worried. It'll turn up. With a demand for monies no doubt.

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Vein--you have confirmed a worrying theory of mine-- who at BF specifically handled the delivery of18 May shipping consignment to the local carriers---has that person been seen since by anyone or is he now sailing a yacht named "Normandy Steal" in the Bahamas in the company of a young curvaceous nubile blond from Matrix Games

Id like to know if anyone at all has actually received a game dispatched by BF on 18 May.

Watch this space

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As stated we mailed out everything in the order it was received. They were all packaged, addressed, postage metered, and shipped through the same Post Office without any differences. So if someone doesn't have theirs yet it's likely because:

1. They were towards the end of the "shipped in order received"

2. In a country other than the US. Customs delays are notoriously random.

3. Something happened specifically to that one shipment

We had a customer today ask where his was. According to the domestic Delivery Confirmation, it was delivered to his house. Why he doesn't have it... unknown at the moment (he's not replied yet).

As for Customs delays... their definition of "reasonable" is very, very different from any of ours. I sent a package to Germany using the most expensive method mail service possible. It should have got there in 3-5 days, including clearing through Customs. On the same day I sent a package to China using the least expensive method. Estimated time delivery was 2 weeks. Results:

Package delivered to China in under 2 weeks

Package delivered to Germany in 3 weeks (held up in German Customs I found out)

Let me emphasize again... the package going further, using the slower method, made it through the most populated country on the face of the Earth, run by a Communist government, faster than the one going to Germany. Reputably the most "efficient" country in the world.

Go figure :(


Germans were checking for dangerous mind washing swastika content?

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Still not got mine in NZ, Although my mailing address has been my parents ones as I was moving during the pre order period. No reports yet on the steel encased manual :(.

It is as awful as waiting for the original series, although now I can download the full game as opposed to eating time by constantly playing the demo. I miss chance encounter.

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I don't understand how you can be desparate and disillusioned, especially with BFC, unless you have exhausted all avenues for support by them.

As far as I can see, they are dilligently following up with all reported issues. Isn't that the case?

In which case what are you disillusioned about exactly? That sometimes the postal system fails? That customs holds things up? Only the most naive person has illusions about these things being failsafe.

I haven't got my box yet either... I assume its out there somewhere, I'll start following up if I don't see it soon, but I'm not "desparate and disilllusioned". I _will_ be if BFC can't account for their end of it, but I'm not fearing that at the moment...


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Mine was apparently shipped on the 18th too but still no sign of it in glasgow. I'm not especially worried. If I still haven't received it in a week or two i'll start worrying.

Would be nice to have it here safe and sound but i'' already playing the game and that's the main thing. Thank god for downloads. :)

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Hmm - one question: was there a specific email saying "your box has shipped"?

I can't find one of those.

The email I got was the one with all the text on one line that said "pre-order download is ready, and your hard copy will ship later, please don't tell everyone".

If there was another email, what was the subject of it?

My account info at BFC website says "shipped", but I have no email...



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Although I am delighted that my SteelBook arrived last Tuesday I do have sympathy for those still waiting for theirs to arrive. I distinctly remember having problems when I ordered the CMx1 series of games back in the day.

CMBO didn't arrive at all and I had to ask for a replacement.

CMBB took about three weeks to a month to arrive.

CMAK also didn't show up.

It does appear that getting software delivered to the UK from outside is a bit risky and can take time. I think that some customers will still have to wait a few weeks before they see their Steelbooks and I reckon that it's worth waiting until the end of June before considering the parcel lost.

I'm pretty certain that all the missing parcels and hold-ups (to the UK) are the fault of the UK postal services and customs.

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Green As Jade-- May I point out I explainedin my earlier posts that I was attaching no blame or responsibility to BF but I do think I have a right to complain about a delivery system which is so widely inconsistent in the time it takes to deliver to different customers many only a few miles apart in the same country.

Secondly-we all did receive an email stating when our order status had changed to "shipped".

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