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AI hands me my ass in tutorial...

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parabellum you must be a genius! How the H*LL did you manage that? More detail please....

Hmmm... nothing special really.

You will most certainly lose a tank to an AT gun. But with the infantry scouting ahead you should be able to locate the gun quickly and disable it with mortar fire. Taking the farm should be rather easy (did it with two squads) and the enemy in the center near the VL can be easily destroyed from a distance with your Shermans. Then just move the bulk of your infantry through the fields on the right side of the road, supported by the reiforcement Shermans. Spot enemy infantry, suppress, assault. Rinse and repeat.

Since the quality of the German troops in the scenario is pretty low they will get suppressed/routed very fast.

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Yeah, well...here's something I'd rather not admit:

it didn't even occur to me to leave my mortars in the starting area and use the two-story building as a FOP. Guess I thought the scale of the battlefield was a lot larger than it was; my first thought was to get them forward so that they could see something.

It turned out ok, actually, as I ended up with both teams behind the big hedgerow in the middle of the map. I was smart enough to keep my regular infantry off a ways to their left, so as not to draw mortar/arty fire onto the mortar teams.

Probably won't replay that scenario now that I "get it" but definitely looking forward to the other two demo scenarios tonight.

On another note: played with the editor a bit just to see what it could do (compared to the old CMx1) and uh....wow. Gonna be burning many an hour on map-making. Can't wait to see what others come up with as well.

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Sorry for double post, but make sure you get the weapon platoons HQ into the 2 story building looking over the battlefield at the US starting point, from there you can get the general location of all enemies and can call in accurate mortar fire.

I think this is crucial.

Also, remember to 'deploy' your mortars and MG's.

I haven't played much CMSF and always always always seem to forget to deploy my crew weapons.

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By god i suck...

I saturated the area where the at-gun had been the last 3 missions with mortarrounds (all of them). And the SOB have the audacity to be at a different spot.

I can't even beat the AI when i'm acting gamey.

How can you move the startingpositions of your units at deploy? Consulted the manual with no luck.

Where do you put the MG? First one and the follow up one? What do you do with the ammocarriers?

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Don't worry about Panzershrecks because they are useless in this game.

I must have found a useful one - I lost a tank to one (either a 'shrek or a 'faust, I never did spot the unit that did it) through some spectacularly bad luck (commonly known as bad tactics by some people).

Anyway, I ended up with a Total Victory despite losing 3 Shermans and 11 men killed, 18 wounded.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of letters to write to the poor pixelwives and pixelmothers.

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What do you do with the ammocarriers?

Simplest answer to that is keep them close to the MG. If you move them away you'll see your MG's available ammo loadout drop considerably. You can also scamper one mg's set of ammo carriers to another gun in need too. Anti-tank ammo carrier have additional rsponsibility of protecting the gun. I think one of the German ammo carriers might carry a a bipod MG34 for self-protection.

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By god i suck...

I saturated the area where the at-gun had been the last 3 missions with mortarrounds (all of them). And the SOB have the audacity to be at a different spot.

I can't even beat the AI when i'm acting gamey.

How can you move the startingpositions of your units at deploy? Consulted the manual with no luck.

Where do you put the MG? First one and the follow up one? What do you do with the ammocarriers?

There's no option to reposition in the tutorial as there is no setup zone (correct me if I am wrong).


Me, I positioned the MG forward in the middle. Behind the central hedgerow. Nice clear field of fire there and it helped to spot some stuff :-P.

I moved the early ammo carry'ing team up there with them btw.

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yes i know... at the easiest setting. :o

I had a slightly different purpose, same result.

In all fairness (to me, ahem), I was playing to see the game... I wanted gunfire, running, screaming, some dying, and oh yeah, some 'splody things too!

I was not disappointed... some observations:

a) gonna take some time to learn the new UI

B) none of my pixeltruppen had the opportunity to shave any time recently

c) the tank drivers feel like they are teenage hot rodders, lots of engine revving, start fast, stop fast

oh, and

d) 1:45am is not the time to try out the 5.1 speaker system appropriated from the family room. Not when your armor make a run for fun, and meets its expected demise. No sireee...

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Someone recently posted a Youtube of a restored Panther being brought out of a garage and driven around. A lot of "Bla-bla-blaaaaam!" sounds out of the open exhaust pipes, and short moves forward followed by rocking like a drunken sailor on the tortion bar suspension. Wasn't quite as graceful as the stuff you see on obstacle courses during demonstrations.

Oh, and I wear headphones while playing the game. :)

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I don't think there is an area to deploy in with the tutorial. I tried the other mission as the Germans on the attack and the whole deploy area is red, as the americans it's dark blue. BTW, the other missions are a blast too, great time I tell you!!!

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Hmmm... well this thread seems to be a good spot to post this :D (first try, elite mode biatches!):


I was unaware also that shermans could blow holes in the bocage... about how many does it take? Could have saved me a few casualties...

Alright, now I'm off to play the real scenarios.

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Helou to everyone since this is my firts post here, being huge fun of cmbo bb ak last 10 years or so and this new game is just fantastic :) my best thanks to bf.

about the tutorial mission in demo for me worked right flank assault whit 1plat second givin firesupport behind center hedgegrows and slowly probing the farm nearby. Use tanks as teams, try to probe atgun position whit infantry and use mortars and mgs as supportfire. since germans are cons/green they realy dont have change against us rifle squads at right flank. Now is time for me to get my hands at other two scenarios, exciting :)

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God damn what a good name TEMEE. I must congratulate you. As is tradition. What a great day for Canada and therefore the world.

Ps. If it doesent make sence to everybody who reads this thread you realy have to upgrade your SouthPark skills. Ds.

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I thought I was the only one the tutorial beat the crap out of. Shermans are made out of paper looks like, I hate that farm and I run out of morter rounds but apart from that its all great ( sob )


Park the tanks some distance from the hole of the hedge closest to the farm. move up all inf close to the hedge. Fire away at the building. Advance with one squad fast as hell and take the first farmhouse. Advance with anouther squad. Take the other farmhouse. One platooncomander should be spotting from the second floor of the manor you start at. Advance a tank slowly as bait. as soon as the gun reveals itself cancel order and reverse out of harms way. Mortar the **** out of the gun. Then kick the **** out of everything with the tanks supported by infantry.

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Just so you guys don't feel bad, I got the snot beaten out of me the first time I played. OK, OK... I wasn't 100% playing, but after I lost some stuff I got angry and tried to win :D My mistake was trying to push up the left instead of the right. I did manage to pretty much eliminate everything and did get some sort of victory at the end, but I lost way more stuff than I should have. Did I mention I didn't start out playing the game for real? I did? Well, I would like to emphasize that point. That I didn't start out playing the game for real. You know, just in case anybody missed that point.



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I just played the tutorial a second time. Total Victory, 13 Dead, 16 wounded, 3 Tanks lost.


I went up the LEFT side first, after dropping all my mortars in the area of the AT gun. I thought I had knocked it out, I didn't. I fired smoke round through the gap on the left to cover my infantry. Two squads hauled a** up to the trees, then a rifle team stormed the first house, killed two, captured the rest. I used the rest of the men to form a base of fire into both houses before this. I then lost a tank, then another tank, to the "dead" AT gun. I got an MG team into the second story of the second house and suppressed the gun. At this time, I took 1st Platoon that was on the departure line to the right flank and pushed them into the hedge rows. I had already killed the HQ I guess, so shock and awe was the word of the day. I took hedge after hedge and captured far more then I killed. The Germans surrendered with about 10 minutes left.

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WOOT! Total victory for the good guys! 118 US survivors, 5 KIA, 16 WIA, zero tank losses. Germans had 21 remaining, 47 KIA, 28 WIA and 7 MIA.

I basically moved half the tanks on the left, firing out the opening in the hedgerow...one of them sighted the AT gun right away and kept blasting at it until it was destroyed. The other 3 tanks rode down the main road very slowly, hunting for targets. By going very, very slow, I managed to keep them out of schreck range. I split up the infantry left and right, took the farmhouse and the first rows of bocage on the right, then closed in for the kill on the crossroads. Oh yeah, the mortars and MG's...that was neat. I kept them together, moved forward to the first big field in the center, deployed mortars with the wpns platoon leader as spotter and used them to kill off the German infantry that was conveniently lined up along the stone wall near the crossroads. Piles of bodies everywhere. That linear bombardment really works! Used up all their ammo, but there was really no more infantry after that. MG's were given arcs of fire and they did a great job suppressing the German MG's and infantry, fixing them until the mortars could finish them off.

I'm really jazzed but at the same time I realize this was "easy" setting and a tutorial. But I love the game, the graphics make you feel like you are there and it is so very cool! Thanks BFC!

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