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The Eastern Front next?

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That's a shame. I wonder why the Pacific always seems to get short shrift in wargaming.
Because most people feel it simply doesn't make for a fun game. The Pacific theater was mostly hopping from island to island, removing well dug-in defenders like ticks on a hound. There's little variation in climate, terrain, tactics, etc. Every mission would be taking a bunch of Marine infantry and flamethrowers, along with the occasional tank, and taking out pillbox after fortified pillbox. No matter how much you like the Pacific theater, it would get old after about the fifth try.
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If you're an up-and-coming gaming house and you'd like to lease the CMx2 game engine to build a tactical sim title based on the 1932 Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay it wouldn't hurt to give 'em a call. 98% chance they'd say no, which means a 2% chance we could be refighting the battle of Fortín Nanawa this time next year. ;)

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CMBN = Hors d'œuvre

CMEF(?) = Main course



CMSF2 = the sweet, sweet, sweet dessert :)

I really want the eastern front, pine trees, snow, T-34's, what's not to love. Though I'll have a great time with everything that comes between now and the eastern front regardless.

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I remember playing some fun PTO scenarios in Steel Panthers, so maybe there's something to be said for a PTO CM version. I guess someone will just have to mod one. But my priorities are for ETO/Med and East Front first, after which they can do as they please...Korean War, anyone?

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I'm getting them all anyway...I'm even looking forward to the next modern game a sI expect it will be more even..hopefully set in the 70's...before tech took over to much.

I was going to say 60's but then thats hardly modern is it??

Late 70's very early eighties.

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Although I will definitely enjoy the east front the most out of all the games/modules, honestly I'd rather it be LAST, just so that by that time the engine is far more refined, all the little LOS issues hopefully cleaned up, movable waypoints, tcpip wego w/replay or RT with autopause (I'd prefer the latter personally), maybe even co-play by then...

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Although I will definitely enjoy the east front the most out of all the games/modules, honestly I'd rather it be LAST, just so that by that time the engine is far more refined, all the little LOS issues hopefully cleaned up, movable waypoints, tcpip wego w/replay or RT with autopause (I'd prefer the latter personally), maybe even co-play by then...

Very good point.

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Got to admit, as excited as I am with the coming of CMBN, it's nothing compared to how excited I am at the prospect of the Eastern Front getting the CMx2 treatment eventually.

There is in my mind no theatre of war as utterly fascinating or as barbaric as that fought out on the Eastern Front. As such CMBB remains my Battlefront favourite. At least.......for now :)


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^^me too....that really truely will be my wargaming career highlight...I very much doubt a game\tactical sim will come along and beat CMEF...not in my lifetime anyway...once all the modules are out it will be like having the OstFront at tactical scale to be played at your leisure in such great detail on your bookshelf!!

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Has Battlefront ever considered sponsoring of some of its overhead? Some Battlefront enthusiasts may be able to play a part by dint of personal wealth and understanding of project management.

I could be one such person. This is my main hobby outside my work. My uncle likes ice hockey and throws enormous amounts of money away running our local ice hockey team (in Switzerland). Before his involvement it was insignificant, after he stuffed it full of Swedes, Canadians, Russians and kicked out most of the local boys 25 or so years ago it went on to win several tournaments.

Sponsoring additional programmer resource for Battlefront would be a much smaller commitment and one I personally would probably consider quite seriously and without any financial interest or voice in management.

It may be the case that the training and additional management overhead of introducing this would make it impractical or of no material impact (I have managed complex IT projects within my family's businesses, so I am aware of this possibility).

This is not a frivolous post, and may be worth further discussion through a more private channel. I have been thinking about it for some time, but big issues in our businesses recently have prevented me from acting on it. Steve, you should have an e-mail for me, if you think this is worth a try send me a message.

I am serious about not seeking a financial return for any contribution, getting a more rounded game offering faster would be sufficient reward for me and something I would be happy to share with the other co-enthusiasts here. I make a very good living out of my businesses and don't mind giving this bunch of committed enthusiasts a leg up to make a better living out of their very commendable efforts here.

Equally, I have sufficient confidence and respect for Battlefront's professionalism and dedication not to be bothered to insist on any level of influence on project management or output contents, save as to seek some guarantees that certain possibly less bankable sub-projects would be covered (Italy, North Africa), something which I am sure could be discussed if the idea is of interest, and that my contribution would go exclusively towards the CM efforts.

If there are any other chaps with some dosh to spare lurking around here, perhaps they could make themselves known to Battlefront discreetly if they prefer to join such a scheme.

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I take it usgubgub REALLY want Eastern Front. :D

All joking aside, I would suggest that you start with an X-Price like competition for best scenario. Draw up the specs, select a jury (plus maybe a popular vote win too) and give out a price to the winner. This way you don't need to engage directly with BFC but can make a significant contribution anyway. Do that a couple of time successfully and I am sure BFC is going to pay serious attention.

Just my two 9mm spent shells.

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I'm pretty ambivalent about the Eastern Front.

I found CMBB very good, fascinating, educational, cool vehicles yadda yadda and I enjoyed playing it very much but I never could get in to it, immersion wise. In the end it is about one set of bastards with a dodgy ideology fighting another set of bastards with a dodgy ideology.

West Front fighting sees you playing the good guys or the unambiguous bad guys, which can be almost a much fun. Playing the Germans against the Western Allies gives much the same pleasure as strapping into a TIE Fighter and shooting down some X-Wings.

It perhaps shouldn't matter, but to me it most certainly does.

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I'm pretty ambivalent about the Eastern Front.

I found CMBB very good, fascinating, educational, cool vehicles yadda yadda but I never could get in to it, immersion wise. In the end it is about one set of bastards with a dodgy ideology fighting another set of bastards with a dodgy ideology.

West Front fighting sees you playing the good guys or the unambiguous bad guys, which can be almost a much fun. Playing the Germans against the Western Allies gives much the same pleasure as strapping into a TIE Fighter and shooting down some X-Wings.

It perhaps shouldn't matter, but to me it most certainly does.

I think your take on the Eastern Front is pretty narrow, but if you only want to play "good guys vs bad guys" then I suppose a simple-minded approach is best.

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usgubgub, I share your sentiment. If I were Bill Gates, I'm afraid the Red Cross and other good charities would suffer, since I'd give $millions$ to BFC and Oleg Maddox's team (IL2 Sturmovik and progeny). But I can and would give $ to BFC for the same reason and also without conditions. Let me know if Steve contacts you...seriously.

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