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New screenshots of German forces in NATO


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Dont downplay the importance of the mule skinners in those hills. Until Col Pick and his boys pushed through the Ledo road, the GIs either carried their own gear, had it airdropped or had someone else -- mule or coolie -- carry it. That includes the extremely useful 75mm pack howitzer.

I bet the Afghanistan US Army is regretting they let the mule skinners and all that knowhow go. The local packhorses and wranglers are good but Army mules were bigger and stronger . Plus there's no risk they're doubling for the Taliban.

Yes, you may be tempted by that newer, sleeker, foreign ass, but you'll be happier in the long run with the large ass you've grown accustomed to. ;)

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Dont downplay the importance of the mule skinners in those hills. Until Col Pick and his boys pushed through the Ledo road, the GIs either carried their own gear, had it airdropped or had someone else -- mule or coolie -- carry it. That includes the extremely useful 75mm pack howitzer.

I bet the Afghanistan US Army is regretting they let the mule skinners and all that knowhow go. The local packhorses and wranglers are good but Army mules were bigger and stronger . Plus there's no risk they're doubling for the Taliban.

No downplay here, anyone who takes an almost point blank round to the side of the mouth, has everything put back together, and the returns to unit to move mules (I didn't find that bit till recently) is not to be downplayed.

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Spent almost a year on the Thai-Burma border in my misspent youth and packhorse was still the best way to move cargo... And opium. Although the Thai and Burmese armies were cutting logging roads like crazy too... Which wash away once they take the timber, together with the topsoil. Nice little ecological disaster there.

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My grandfather said it was miserable what they had to march and fight through, jungle, swamps and then mountains all the way through Burma. I do remember him talking about the mules too. He didn't talk about it too much but in his late life he did talk a bunch more to my Dad and I because he knew I was interested and wanted to know! He wound up sharing quite a bit with me but was still very guarded on what he talked about. He was one of the original Marauders and fought and marched his way through the entire campaign. He went into the army at 190 pounds and came out at like a ridiculous 130 or something due to dysentary and malaria. He was awarded two Bronze stars, one was for the entire unit and one he earned seperately, and a Purple Heart. Also all Marauders were awarded the Presidential Unit Citation.

He originally fought on Guadalcanal and then when the call came out for volunteers for a secret mission he volunteered. They told him he would get a 30 day furlough back in the states and that's why he volunteered. He wanted to go home to see his wife, my grandmother. He didn't get to go back to the states though of course.

I have his unit patch and a pin that he gave me which I always wear on my coat. My uncle keeps his medals and other unit memorabilia. I also have one of the shell cartridges from his funeral. We gave him a military funeral with a 21 gun salute and all the children and grandchildren were given the casings.

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Having done some work for DoD agencies, I concluded that when there is a choice between a simple, cheap proven system (eg mule) and an overly complex high tech and very expensive system, the latter usually wins.

There is a logic to this, altho' it's got little to do with winning wars.

The defense industry makes a lot more money from creating, supplying and servicing ridiculously expensive, overly complex, high tech equipment (nuke vessels, aircraft, tanks etc.) and and not much from (say) a bunch of special ops guys on mules. And since big corporations tend to run countries like the US these days...

Think about it and you can see why western powers are in the mess they are in today trying to fight insurgents.

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Say I have not played Shockforce since it first came out. You could say I have been oversees for some time.

I noticed they now have the Marine, UK, and now NATO pack.

Question#1. I take it you need the first game (Shock Force) to be able to play the rest of the add ons?

Question#2 How powerful is the editor? Does it let you combine allied forces together, much like the old Combat Missions?

Thanks, I have been out of the game for about 4 years.

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Wow you have been gone for awhile! Welcome back....

Question#1. I take it you need the first game (Shock Force) to be able to play the rest of the add ons?

That is correct. You don't need Marines to play the Brits, but you do need SF to add these and eventually NATO.

Question#2 How powerful is the editor? Does it let you combine allied forces together, much like the old Combat Missions?

All the missions/campaigns in the game were made using the editor. It's quite capable in my infinitly uninformed opinion. Yes you can mi and match all forces in the editor...Brits and Americans can fight Syrians....or each other if you want.


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Question#1. I take it you need the first game (Shock Force) to be able to play the rest of the add ons?

Yes, you need SF first as the base game. The rest (Marines, UK, NATO) can then be added on all together or individually.

Question#2 How powerful is the editor? Does it let you combine allied forces together, much like the old Combat Missions?

Yep, you can have any combination of forces you want. You can even have Syrians fighting alongside NATO forces, or any other combination.

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Having done some work for DoD agencies, I concluded that when there is a choice between a simple, cheap proven system (eg mule) and an overly complex high tech and very expensive system, the latter usually wins.

There is a logic to this, altho' it's got little to do with winning wars.

The defense industry makes a lot more money from creating, supplying and servicing ridiculously expensive, overly complex, high tech equipment (nuke vessels, aircraft, tanks etc.) and and not much from (say) a bunch of special ops guys on mules. And since big corporations tend to run countries like the US these days...

Think about it and you can see why western powers are in the mess they are in today trying to fight insurgents.

I can concur with you there bro... I must say its nice to have the predator systems etc.. but its boots on the ground, Intell, Logistics and Training that for me is essential... I hate to say this but sometimes we get into situations (Police Actions-Anti Terrorism actions) but in Reality its all out WAR... I dont think that the Western Nations have figured this one out yet.. I mean our enemy over there is really lethal in close quarters.. and they dont play by any rules. ITs like fighting with your hands tied as the rules of engagments differ depending on where your at.. its really nuts. If this was Korea, WWII fighting.. we probably would have significantly been Victorious by now. I think we are still winning there.. but for what... There is nothing there.. all they know is Opression, crazy Religion, and Violience.. thats it.. Anyways sorry for the rant.. I just got back and glad to be home in a civilized country, with civilized people. We communicate here by talking things over.... over there, they just kill.. that is their negotiations.
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Thanks for your service Ghost Rider 3/3!! Semper Fi!!

Enjoy the games, you will love the new series. Play Shock Force first for awhile before starting the Marines and Brits. Once you get used to the Stryker combat team's firepower and toys it's quite fun to step up to all the Marine fireworks! British forces are a whole new world after that but equally as fun. :)

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Thanks Phantom Captain...

I guess this may be a dipstick of a question.. but is The NATO one out as well.. I have seen the Teaser videos... So maybe its not out yet.. lol Literally just got back.. and the weather is dismal here, and I plan on basically Marathoning CM Shockforce for awhile. but want everything.. :)

Thanks for the suggestion Capt. Phantom.. I will defenitely get some practive time in first.

I have not played it I guess since it first came out.. me and some of my Squad would actually right down every casualty we took vs the enemy.. freaking crazy I guess, but it heplped us be more cautious in Urban, and "unkown" areas. Defenitely a great 3d 360 degree simulation. For what its worth.. thanks guys at Battlefront!

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