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RoW II: The Boots & Tracks Brawl (Part VI)

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No turns from anyone but Boris, but what he sent me

more than makes up for it. Never have I seen such a stunning combination of incredible luck for the foe and criminal ineptitude and/or treason from my own troops. Am beginning to think that Boris made no Faustian arrangement after all, since the evidence is more indicative of a blood connection!

Seriously, a carefully planned ambush and crossfire

yielded not one apparent kill, a huge apparent disinclination to shoot, and major lumps inflicted upon my side. There should be a charnel house in the kill zone, but it was my men who got whacked. This is a new low in my CM career.


John Kettler

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Fate has finally been heard from. Unfortunately, the turn he sent was somewhat abridged, therefore useless. Tero sent what turned out to be a mutual hammering. Inspired, I sent one back, though I plan to be the chief dealer of blows in the new turn. He has smote me way too much for my tastes.

Time to balance the equation!


John Kettler

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Easy V reported in. Unfortunatly he has lost his file due to a hard disk crash, while I managed to loose mine due to same. Seems we are stuck. Pity, it was just getting interesting.

Treeburst, if you need an other North of Ephrom score, ask my opponent (Michael Reddy), I also lost that file (I thought I had send on the score already).


[ December 11, 2002, 05:10 AM: Message edited by: Bertram ]

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Boris's unbelievable luck has now reached the point where I've decided that he staged a coup in the infernal regions. How else to account for his increasing immunity to fire, coupled with an uncanny ability to destroy my critical weapons with no apparent effort. My guys, though seasoned and in command, seem to be utterly unable to hit him, that after they get past their can't being bothered to shoot. By contrast, Boris has weapons the Pentagon should urgently procure.

Fate and I have now managed two consecutive turns.

Have sent orders in both battles. Nothing from Tero.


John Kettler

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Three in, three out. The battle with Boris continues to become more and more farcical and surreal, with yet further instances of mesmerized, barrel wagging, nonfiring German soldiery and still more casualties on my end. His men seem to laugh at fire. Only a few turns left. Issued orders against Tero's force (halfway mark), and I seem to be making progress against Fate.


John Kettler

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Update on my replay with Holien of "Head for the Hills" to test his contention that a skillful Allied commander will be very hard to beat.

I took the Axis in this replay, and I have to admit that I am convinced. Holien has very skillfully coordinated his infantry and artillery into a juggernaut. Every time I pull off an ambush of his infantry (which has happened several times now), his artillery comes in to punish me threefold. Plus, my 88s have been quickly knocked out whenever I bring them into play.

Still about 10 turns left, but it's clear that I'm going to lose. The question is, by how much. I feel like I'm just up against too much arty. This is a scenario that stands and falls on arty use, and a skillful commander who uses it in a highly coordinated attack WILL IMHO be very hard to stop.

This counterbalances our replay of "Another Day," where I seem to have pursuaded Holien that the Allies can win if they go on the defensive after taking the first VL.

[ December 13, 2002, 01:56 PM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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Don't be too sure about that. It took several failed attempts today to connect with Netscape (only place Fate's turns are received intact), and success was obtained only after multiple reboots.

Got some weird error. Downloaded Fate's turn, played the movie, and saved the new file. Took several more tries to get AOL to connect, so I could send him the file and post here. Trend line doesn't look good at all, and a friend in Sacramento, California (live in suburban Los Angeles myself) reports her browser keeps crashing (Explorer on Prodigy/Yahoo) and that the tech help people report lots of trouble reports like hers.

Could get bouncy soon, if that's what's causing all the problems. We both have had TV problems, and our answering machine here has mysteriously made erased calls appear in its queue.

I have a few turns left with Boris, under ten with Fate, who just shot me up some, and am halfway through with Tero.


John Kettler

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Have just sent Fate my orders. His men are to march out, empty hands held high, shouting Hitler ist kaput!" Think it'll work?

KR, I have no evidence of poltergeists. Besides,

they are historically associated with those seething seas of energy and chaotic hormones known as teenagers. Am here by myself and will soon be 48. I know many consider me to be a big kid, but that's stretching it.


John Kettler

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John Jelinek,

I attached some photos along with the file and it came to 1.2meg. This may have overloaded your inbox, so I sent just the file. Duh! This probably further filled your inbox. Let me know cause we only have a couple days left.


Hope to hear from you tonight (my night) so we can finish up by the deadline.


Do we have until midnight Sunday, your Sunday?

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

Fate and I are in close combat,

and is it ever lethal. Wiped out

a nest of resistance on my left,

but got chewed up on my right.

Sent the bloody movie off to Fate.

Still nothing from Boris and Tero.


John Kettler

I think Mr. Kettler deserves a medal of some sort for his valiant effort to complete his games despite persistent computer woes.

Anyway, my figurative hat is off to you, sir!

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Originally posted by CombinedArms:

Update on my replay with Holien of "Head for the Hills" to test his contention that a skillful Allied commander will be very hard to beat.

Advantage is strongly pro-allied in that scenario with foreknowledge of the contents of the defender's forces and setup zones. Holien played the axis in his first run through of H4tH, after all; I certainly won't deny that he's also a skilled player, but that only makes it more likely that his knowledge of the defender's situation will make a difference in a replay.

I think the balance is much closer when approaching the scenario totally blind, and the scores seem to reflect that.


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