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A french army in CMSF II ?


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I doubt if they've even begun work on CMSF II, so no decisions would have been made on who will be included. My advice: every one buy the CMSF NATO module when it comes out. If sales are really good (as they were for the Brits I understand) we may see the French in CMSF I. ;)

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Oh, nothing definite has been said about it other than a vague reference to a fourth module once. But if sales for the NATO module are strong, and Webwing's team is waiting on the first team to complete Normandy, you never know, it could happen!

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All I'm saying is it hasn't been ruled out completly. There was once a vague reference to a possible fourth module. I imagine it would only happen if sales for the NATO module are strong, and the module team, which is led by Webwing aka Cassio, has to wait for the first team to finish the Normandy game. Steve did mention that much of the work on the models for the Commonwealth Normandy module has been done. So it's possible Webwing's team might be waiting long enough to do another CMSF module if coding for Normandy game takes longer than expected.

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I think I recall Steve saying there would be no French for CMSF 1, back when the Nato module was announced.

The French have so much unique gear that they'll alway be a long shot I reckon. Doing German gear in addition to the US gear already in, leverages into a bunch of countries, but the French stuff gets you the French.

Still it would be nice, they really would round off a CMSF-2 European Nato based war.

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I'd be pleasantly surprised if we got a French module for CMSF1 but I hope that we'll get the French for CMSF2. After all, the models for most of the Allied kit have already been done for CMSF1. No doubt, there will be some new vehicles added to the existing US, UK and NATO formations so there's only really the Russian kit to do.

However, I wouldn't hold your breath on this one. BFC are an American game company and the bulk of their customer base is American. For reasons I'll never fully understand, Americans don't like the French very much at all.

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I think I saw somewere a screen with French partisans(FFI,FFL ,whatever it doesn't matter) I cannot remember where, perhaps it was a joke made by someone(but a well polished joke) perhaps it was a dream,but I expect to see the partisans in the first release. After all, if there are irregulars in CMSF why wouldn't be in CM Normandy?

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I think that it will be too bad not to have the French 2nd DB (they disembarked at Utah beach the 1st of August '44) in CM Normandy. That should not too difficult to be done, since they were entirely equipped with US clothing, guns and vehicles.

We could make multiples scenarios of the breakthrough toward Paris from Avranches, Mortain, passing by the Falaise pocket and so on, till the Kufra pledge of Gal LECLERC had been fullfilled with the take over of Strasbourg.

Let's hope

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However, I wouldn't hold your breath on this one. BFC are an American game company and the bulk of their customer base is American. For reasons I'll never fully understand, Americans don't like the French very much at all.

You under estimate the expectation many French players. Good this is on that 500 Americans that buy CMSF against 150 French this does not motivate. :P

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However, I wouldn't hold your breath on this one. BFC are an American game company and the bulk of their customer base is American. For reasons I'll never fully understand, Americans don't like the French very much at all.

While that may have been a common sentiment when much of the US was still gung ho about the Iraqi war 6 years ago, I think currently most of the US doesn't really feel strongly about the French one way or another, or at least doesn't dislike them any more than the British or Germans do, though that might not be saying much.

Our current dislike is directed towards Iran, North Korea (and temporarily Libya I suppose). Even the Taliban seem to have receded in despicability in our short memory, though Al Quida still ranks high.

Anyway yes it's a long shot but the French Army would hold my interest in CMSF I or II. If we had French kit along with what we're getting from other modules there must be someone else that could be added isn't there? The Belgians for instance?

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However, I wouldn't hold your breath on this one. BFC are an American game company and the bulk of their customer base is American. For reasons I'll never fully understand, Americans don't like the French very much at all.

Honestly, that's more of a worn-out old joke. Although Parisians were *******s when I was over there. The people in Nice were nice though, along with another coastal, touristy town who's name escapes me at the moment. Other than grey-area rule bending that crosses the line into blatant cheating on exercises, their .mil types seemed professional when we trained together. I've never operated with them, but it stands to reason they are competent. Most nations in NATO are.

Gaming wise, I'd probably get a French module after a short while playing with Normandy. Modern units and campaigns interest me moreso than WW2.

EDIT: "People in Nice were nice"

That was honestly unintended, but it's so terrible I'm leaving it there.

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Don't under estimate the LECLERC Tank. If you think that the M1A1 Abram's is at the top of the list of the tanks, it is surely at the top. but that doesn't make it absolutely the best.

2 of them have been set on fire, being hit at the rear during the 1st and the 2nd Thunder Run in Irak. One of them (1st Thunder Run)we are sure by a RPG 7 (the fuel leaking kept igniting again and again, leading to the lost of the tank) the other one (2nd thunder run) was shot still at the rear by an unknow round (the size of a pen) which set, the fuel leaking, once again on fire. The fire was extinguished and the tank was towed away.

If French troops and materials could be available we could do pretty good scenario about Afghanistan Kapisa valley.

Just to pull your leg a bit. If Battlefront doesn't do, it thinking that the French do not deserve it since it is not worth it commercially speaking, I think that France should reconsider its troops deployment overthere and let the English speaking deal with the Talibans.

Oh, just a final thought, since Talibans do not play at CMSF and by that way are not worth to be put into the game, I think that the war overthere is over, since no one is interested in the belligerent other than the Marines and the S.F. They won't have anyone to fight anymore !


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snake_eye, lets stick to the subject please ;)

The French Army has some very interesting pieces of kit for wargamers, like the brand new VBCI (think of a very heavy Stryker with a 25mm gun).

I hope CMSF 2 will includes some new armies (meaning some more than in CMSF) : like the Italians, or the Spaniards... Not the kind of equipment you see often in modern tactical games!

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Don't under estimate the LECLERC Tank

Leclerc has one bragging right that Challenger 2 doesn't, anyway. It has managed to obtain an export sale. :D

Poor LeClerc. I'm reminded of when the U.S. borrowed some Italian Centauro ACs for training while waiting for the (slow) arrival of Stryker MGS. At the time the poor Centauro was savaged by American critics for a laundry list of faults found during use. The Italians may be forgiven for feeling some schadenfreud in the laundry list of very similar sounding faults found after MGS finally arrived for testing. I doubt any vehicle really lives up to its good press, and I doubt any vehicle entirely lives up to its bad press either. :)

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