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You don't see those flowers in Normandy in June. They blossom in late April and early May and by June the flower parts have withered away. They also only grow in marshes, which this is not. How about doing your homework next time? :rolleyes:

The flower grog rears it's head! :eek:

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Fishing for more info on bridges, if Steve is willing to release details...

Will they be 'fixed height' bridges as in CMx1 (bridge type 1 required 2 height levels difference between the bottom and top for roads etc. to join up smoothly, bridge type 2 required 4 height levels difference, etc.)? Or will you be able to place them between two points of the same height without regard to how far below the bridge the bottom is? (Or in an ideal world, between two points of slightly different height to allow for sloping bridges)?

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Since the next game after Normandy will happen largely during winter months, there's one sort of bridge related question: will there be more than one kind of ice strength? If the ice is thick enough at least many vehicles should be able to cross ice without using bridges.

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If it comes with "the blue bar", WEGO, & PBEM... it will be a great family of games.

The primary purpose of the CMx2 code was to provide us with a stable game engine we could use for many, many years (at least 5, perhaps 10) without fundamental reengineering. Therefore, everything in CM:SF now will be available for CM: Normandy except, of course, the things we choose to improve or otherwise modify. There is no reason to remove things that work and people are already happy with. Which is why we are completely redoing the QB system ;)

Some quick follow ups...

Any date we choose to split CM: Normandy and CM: Bulge is arbitrary since the real war had no logical pause between the two. October 1st seems as good as any, but a little earlier or later shouldn't be a problem.

The bridge weight stuff could be taken to the nth degree, for sure. But doing that means not doing other things. So we're likely to not make it too complicated. The primary tactical consideration for a battlefield commander is "can I get over that bridge, and if not then what are my other options". That's what the game has in it now. Having a lot of different rules, such as crossing one vehicle at a time or possible collapse, are things we might add in the future.

Bridge heights are fixed. There's no really good way around this since variable terrain heights mean either extremely tedious bridge building in the Editor (putting together the bridges one tiny piece at a time) or a lots of programming to essential have a bridge building AI to assemble pieces together correctly. Having said that, more bridge height options over time definitely is part of our plan. For example, the Market Garden Module will likely introduce certain new functionality.


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Who cares about the flowers. As long as they get the cows right! Can cows cross bridges? Will you have fences that humans can pass through and cows cannot?

Speaking of cows, will there be cowbell? The game will be completely broken if we have no cowbells in it. :D


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Will there be load-bearing degradation due to damage? I.e. Bridge B/C/D is hit by artillery, direct fire or partial demolition and can subsequently only be crossed by foot infantry. I believe this was a fairly common tactical problem on the WWII battlefield. I hope there are at least more than two states (undamaged/totally destroyed).

Likewise, for the defending side, I hope there are variable outcomes when attempting demolition, i.e. total failure of charges to detonate (already present in IED code), partial destruction, complete collapse of a span.

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Any date we choose to split CM: Normandy and CM: Bulge is arbitrary since the real war had no logical pause between the two. October 1st seems as good as any, but a little earlier or later shouldn't be a problem.

I would assume it will be like CM:AK - how many scenarios were created using CM:AK that were in Normandy or the Bulge - all you had to do was get over the terrain differences and just play the thing.

But that brings up two general questions:

1. Will all the *official* scenarios that ship with the game be limited to these time periods? In other words, even though it is certainly possible to put together a scenario (using only the base Normandy game) covering say a Spring 1945 battle, these will not be included as official scenarios. So the first Normandy module would only have *official* scenarios covering from D-Day to about Mortain/Brittany.

2. Any word on the campaign for Normandy? So many units to choose from - so many interesting battles! Using the 29th, 1st or 4th Infantry Divisions would be great because you could follow them from right after getting off the beach to all sorts of fun places! Any details at all? - Also, come to think of it, will the entire campaign be based on historical battles, or will they be hypothetical? In other words, if you win XX historical battle in the campaign, you go to the next YY historical battle. But, if you lose XX, then you go to a hypothetical ZZ battle since the unit in reality won XX.

Thanks in advance!


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Woohoo! Since I'm certain you'll get all gameplay things right I'll focus on the graphics.

I know these are placeholders, still some questions.

1. Will trees/vegetation be drawn in a different way than CMSF? Eg no more distorted 2d trees and overhead cycles inside cycles of woods?


2. Will there be a way to display slight curbes, not perfectly straight lines on building roofs, walls so to smooth out the "box" effect without having to re work the 0/45 degrees code? For instance the LOS/LOF would be as it is but visually you would fool the eye with some bends here and there. (like the damaged cage on CMSF APCs which is purely aesthetic).

3. Shaded doodads? :)

Keep up the good work and take your time! No need to rush this!

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Quick follow ups...

No, the bridges will not have their carrying capacity degraded due to damage or demolitions. Again, we're not building Bridge Mission :) Improvements over time may include things like that, but for right now the things I mentioned in the Blog are huge steps forward and we're quite content with that being enough for now. Better to spend our time on other leaps instead of minor nudges.

Scenarios/Campaigns released with our games will always be within the context of the time period that particular release covers. It is also impossible to create a Spring 1945 battle using Summer 1944 units. At least it's impossible to create an accurate one, that is, because the equipment and TO&E changed significantly between those two periods. Which is one of the reasons we broke the Western Front up into two chunks. Weather and terrain effects are the other major reasons.

I also assumed it was humor ;)


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