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Impressions of the campaign?

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I feel a little ripped off after playing the Aba-Shab mission or whatever it's called, the one where you escort the humanitarian convoy.


I suffered a minor defeat even though I achieved the only objective, on reviewing the results I find the Reds got 200 points for holding a couple of HQ buildings. Nowhere in the briefing was it even hinted at that these should be taken, the briefing implied that getting the convoy to the exit zone was the only focus for the mission.

Thank you for the information, which I strongly intend to use as I approach this map.

Actually, I just finished the "Dumayr Riot" map in what I considered a spectacularly successful manner, only to find out that I got a meagre Tactical Victory because I did not kill enough enemy soldiers. Ironically, the briefing stated that killing them is not the priority. :rolleyes:

By the way, I destroyed over 80 percent of the Red forces. That not enough? :eek:

Best regards,


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I suffered a minor defeat even though I achieved the only objective, on reviewing the results I find the Reds got 200 points for holding a couple of HQ buildings. Nowhere in the briefing was it even hinted at that these should be taken, the briefing implied that getting the convoy to the exit zone was the only focus for the mission.

I lost two infantry sections and one Warrior to and IED plus a few other assorted casualties but a minor defeat because of an objective that was unknown was a bit annoying.

Asymmetric victory conditions are ... asymmetric. It is more than possible to win that scenario without clearing the buildings, which makes sense since clearing the buildings isn't your task anyway. FWIW, the Syrians can't win, either, by 'merely' holding the buildings.

If those 'few other assorted casualties' included trucks then yes, you'll lose. And deservedly so.

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Actually, I just finished the "Dumayr Riot" map in what I considered a spectacularly successful manner, only to find out that I got a meagre Tactical Victory because I did not kill enough enemy soldiers. Ironically, the briefing stated that killing them is not the priority. :rolleyes:

There is no irony, Thomm, since that isn't the priority. In that mission - and most of the others - the are probably a dozen distinct ways each side can gain or lose points. Yes, killing the enemy is one of them, but it isn't the most important. Rolleyes indeed.

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Sir, we will let you know where and when to report for your court-marital. ;)

I just hope the sentence doesn't involve paying for all those vehicles I trashed ;)

I'll probably have another crack at the campaign, and try the Damascus branch this time. My disastrous figures from first time round were probably the result of absolutely no saving and reloading at all - thus every warrior that got ambushed and destroyed with 10 men KIA stayed that way.

But I can't complain - We asked for realism, and real life has no reset button!

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Well, now I got a Tactical Victory in the Sab'Abar (convoy) mission, even though I never came close to the exit location?! I just did not loose any vehicle (just one KIA and WIA soldier, respectively). If I had left the vehicles in their initial locations, would I still have won a TacVic?

If I compare the two missions, first the police station, which I consider a spectacular success as I held the station almost without losses to the Brits (no vehicle lost) and, second, the convoy mission, where I failed in my opinion, then it is just strange that the end result was the same.

Not that it matters. Any kind of victory is good enough for me to continue the campaign.

Best regards,


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Asymmetric victory conditions are ... asymmetric. It is more than possible to win that scenario without clearing the buildings, which makes sense since clearing the buildings isn't your task anyway. FWIW, the Syrians can't win, either, by 'merely' holding the buildings.

If those 'few other assorted casualties' included trucks then yes, you'll lose. And deservedly so.

I got all but three trucks to the exit zone, three of my truck crews dismounted and ran away after coming under small arms fire. Considering Thomm's result and the briefing stressing the need to get to the exit zone I can't see how my defeat is "deservedly so".

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The Syrians had objectives. You had objectives. The Syrians managed to do better on their objectives then you on yours. How is it unfair the Syrians get the win?

Pre-stated objectives are all well and good, but if those HQ weren't red flag for you to possibly improvise something, you kinda deserve the minor loss.

You want clearly stated objectives? So does every commander, but they are going to have to improvise as the situation requires, either to further a stated objective or the general cause. Initiative is required of every commander and the scenario designer was thoughtful to include you.

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I kept all of the trucks back in the corner near where they started. I advanced the Warriors and tin cans near the bend of the road and let them engage the enemy from a distance. With about 10 minutes left I sent a Warrior down into the ravine on the left and mopped up the stragglers in that area. I got a tactical victory.

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I got all but three trucks to the exit zone, three of my truck crews dismounted and ran away after coming under small arms fire.

There's your problem. Read the briefing again - it's pretty clear that the trucks are very important.

Here are the relevant bits:

With more refugees flooding in constantly, GOC 1 CAV DIV has ordered the Div Medical and CMA assets to establish a reception and care facility several kms to the south of DUMAYR in order to ease the strain on the towns resources, to segregate the refugees from the locals, and to ensure HIGHWAY 2 though DUMAYR remains unimpeded for use as an MSR. Over the last 18 hours convoys have been shuttling shelter, food, and medical supplies from IRAQ forward to the DUMAYR Refugee Camp. Since The Highlanders Battle Group are in reserve, they've been tasked with providing escorts to these convoys.

Your convoy, CMA Convoy #23, is carrying medical supplies for DUMAYR and the developing humanitarian crisis there. The convoy crossed the border about two hours ago. Nothing of note has occurred, other than the routine 15 minute travelling halt at the old Crossroads battlefield about 20 minutes ago, where the American truck drivers scampered about looking for souvenirs.

The convoy of consists of ten LMTVs escorted of 13 Pl, 4 SCOTS, and some Scimitars from the Battlegroup Recce Pl. The convoy is split into three packets, each travelling about 10 minutes apart.


Continue to shepherd the convoy towards DUMAYR. The incipient humanitarian crisis there is threatening to completely derail the invasion. Your sole objective at this time is to continue moving those trucks forward.


Purpose: Escort convoy to the DUMAYR Refugee Camp in order to prevent humanitarian and public relations concerns interfering with continuing combat operations.

Method: Conduct close escort of convoy along the HIGHWAY 2.


Advance with caution, maintain your balance. Do not allow the LMTVs to become separated from the escorts.

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Finished the campaign after "Bashar in our hearts" with a tactical victory. 192 men killed, 104 wounded...I'd hate to imagine the media reaction back in the UK after that campaign...

That's pretty good, I think, especially since you didn't do any resets :)

It's a hard campaign, deliberately so, and to complete it with a victory of any sort is laudable. Good work.

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I've got the save game, but I'm tempted to replay the whole thing up to that point again, 1) because its so good :D and 2) because now I actually know how to play as the Brits, and probably won't take as many casualties.

I think I'd also stand a better chance if I restarted - for example, A Company's Javelin team where wiped out, all KIA, in mission 2, and I'm sure there's at least one mission where they didn't show up beause of that (though they did eventually reappear, having been reinforced, later in the campaign).

So by playing again perhaps I'll have better forces for the more difficult battles towards the end.

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Just finished the campaign. Wow that was extremely difficult! I lost quite a few guys, but under the circumstances, I'm surprised not to have lost more. It was like sending a unit through the North Africa campaign in ww2, and ending up in Stalingrad.

It'll be a while before I can go through that one again... some scenarios seemed quite painful to play. But hey, war is hell.

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Finished my 1st ever campaign :D go brits! Now I'm going to go back and try and finish TF thunder and then the marines.

oh and I love playing with the Brits.. I think I def play more cautiously.. with Strykers I just seem to roll them into trouble and hope they can shrug off most fire.. which is probs not a good idea!

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Of course, the secret is in (cowardly) reloading when something really bad (like loosing a tank) happens. I would say that the result should be quite close to optimal, because I always tried to prevent loosing an important vehicle, for example.

I was too tired to post the detailed scoring table yesterday, but here it comes:

**** SPOILERS ****

A) - no notes taken -

B) Minor Victory (Blue: 3 KIA, 9 WIA, 2 MIA, 1 Scimitar)

C) Crossroads: Tactical Victory (Blue: 6 WIA)

D) Os Sayqal Recce: Tactical Victory (no losses)

E) Os Sayqal Assault: Major Victory (Blue: 17 KIA, 13 WIA)

F) Bagdad Cafe: Total Victory/Surrender (no losses)

G) Dumayr Riot: Tactical Victory (Blue: 29 KIA, 12 WIA, 1 MIA, 1 vehicle; Red: 173 KIA, 82 WIA, 21 MIA, 3 veh.)

H) Sab'Abar (convoy): Tactical Victory (1 KIA, 1 WIA)

I) Mountain Crossing: Total Victory/Surrender (no losses?)

J) Qutaife: Total Victory/Surrender (Blue: 5 KIA, 1 Stryker)

K) Counter Attack: Major Victory/Surrender (Blue: 3 KIA, 3 WIA, 1 Warrior, 1 truck; Red: 109 KIA, 34 WIA, 11 MIA, 9 tanks, 18 AFV)

L) Course of Action: Immediately cease fired to go Southern route

M) Ambush in the Lava Field: Major Victory (Blue: 1 KIA, 2 WIA; Red: 33 KIA, 37 WIA, 1 MIA, 7 veh.)

N) Narrow Margins: Major Victory (Blue: 2 KIA, 8 WIA, 1 Warrior; Red: 92 KIA, 62 WIA, 8 MIA, 4 tanks, 6 AFV)

O) Ash Shaykh Miskin: Total Victory/Surrender (Blue: 10 KIA, 9 WIA, 3 AFV; Red: 152 KIA, 59 WIA, 57 MIA, 13 tanks, 30(!) AFV)

P) Bashar is in our Hearts: Total Victory/Surrender (Blue: 5 KIA, 7 WIA; Red: 63 KIA, 32 WIA, 10 MIA)

Best regards,


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