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Eastern Front after Normandy ;) ?

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You know, part of me hopes they do a pre-twentieth century game first before they tackle the Eastern Front. I know it's a become a joke to say it, but it's HORSES!

With a pre-twentieth century game done they'd already have the code for horses. They could than easily add them in (now waits for post saying cavalry dismounted long before they came into rifle range).

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Originally posted by Sequoia:

You know, part of me hopes they do a pre-twentieth century game first before they tackle the Eastern Front. I know it's a become a joke to say it, but it's HORSES!

With a pre-twentieth century game done they'd already have the code for horses. They could than easily add them in (now waits for post saying cavalry dismounted long before they came into rifle range).

If it's horses you want, take a look at the Napoleonic game BFC will publish, presumably later this year, Histwar: Les Grognards. smile.gif
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  • 3 months later...

I'm reviving this topic because I'm curious as to whether Battlefront has even decided what the 3rd game will be. No need to tell us what it is. I'm just wondering if you've decided. Also is the projection that only two of first five games will be WWII still the plan?

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First, it's good to see Steve posting again. This means he did his work and the development is in plan. smile.gif

EDIT: oops, this is an old thread.

The conclusion for all real wargamers is very easy: if CMSF is a huge success, then we will get CM:EF. So everyone wanting to play Eastern Front, should buy all CMx2 titles.


Since with CM:SF you have already chosen a fictional scenario, i have an idea, that could be a solution, to get all potential customers into the basket AND to do the eastern front theatre.

How about a central setting, where you can reuse all the labour that was invested in previous modules?

Berlin 1945.

In the West, you have the US/UK-players (maybe previously expanded with an Ardennes module).

In the next module, you add the eastern front at Berlin '45 AND the hypothtical scenario, that the offer from the W-SS had been accepted to stop fighting against the german troops and to give them the possibility to throw everything against the Eastern Front and fight the Communists out of Europe. That way you could offer the US/UK/GER players playing the eastern front setting directly with their nations.

This could offer a new experience to the normal US/UK wargamer, who isn't that much interested in the Eastern Front because of the reasons you mentioned, but who always wanted to see, how it is to play against the Red Army and not wanted to being forced to play the Germans to do so.

Maybe this would even draw that much attention, that it could be further expanded with a pure Eastern Front module like Kursk or something else.

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I get the impression that the smaller module idea would mean doing something like that game over at Matrix - I can't remember the title, I think it was Winter Storm. So using that as an example or someone else gave the example of just a battle of St Lo, the Matrix one was just for a German drive to relieve Stalingrad so that they only needed to model 2 or 3 tank types per side.

Even if the module is that small a scale I would buy into it. But I just can't do this US vs Syria thing. They would have been better to just do "Red vs Blue" and throw in some real equipment.

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Originally posted by Baron von Beergut:

I get the impression that the smaller module idea would mean doing something like that game over at Matrix - I can't remember the title, I think it was Winter Storm. So using that as an example or someone else gave the example of just a battle of St Lo, the Matrix one was just for a German drive to relieve Stalingrad so that they only needed to model 2 or 3 tank types per side.

Yes, makes sense. And after Normandy if the East Front game was about Bagration or other late war stuff, German equipment would already be there.
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I think CMx2 is going to have something for everyone, grogs and WWII snobs alike. Eventually you can find a module that is to your liking and you will be purchasing the game anyway. If you cannot find a module you want, you weren't going to buy the game anyway.

Sadly the American people are going to think that US Forces are almost invincible as we have only lost a couple thousand troops in a 6 year war. Hopefully when they start playing they are going to see that this isnt the case. I am willing to bet the first few times you start playing you are going to think how the US could even win a war. smile.gif

I can see however how CMBO beat the sales figures for CMBB. CMBO was revolutionary and the first of its kind. CMBB was an improvement in lots of ways, but not in anyway that could make it like the feeling most of us got from the first beta demo session of CMBO.

But I suspect almost all games that change the way you play a genre dont have that. ;)

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eastern front by battlefront™ could come out nothing but huge joke - i'm sorry, but simply you dont have materials, archived data and much more needed information to make eastern front. Stick to normandy and "band of brothers" scenario - you cant get wrong with the sales on this one and wont bring anger of soviets, like myself, upon yourselfs for showing eastern front as walk on the beach in perfect weather and titanic strugle on western front... afterall we all know who took Berlin first and who backstabbed Soviet Union in Berlin and went on nazi side defending their warcrimes and genocide of soviet nation... make game on coldwar scenario or better ww3 instead and dont forget make some extra healthbars for western block - the'll need it in ww3...

p.s btw cc3 was my most favorite part

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Originally posted by unsobill:

eastern front by battlefront™ could come out nothing but huge joke - i'm sorry, but simply you dont have materials, archived data and much more needed information to make eastern front. Stick to normandy and "band of brothers" scenario - you cant get wrong with the sales on this one and wont bring anger of soviets, like myself, upon yourselfs for showing eastern front as walk on the beach in perfect weather and titanic strugle on western front... afterall we all know who took Berlin first and who backstabbed Soviet Union in Berlin and went on nazi side defending their warcrimes and genocide of soviet nation... make game on coldwar scenario or better ww3 instead and dont forget make some extra healthbars for western block - the'll need it in ww3...

p.s btw cc3 was my most favorite part

And the prize for most incoherent rant of the day goes to.... smile.gif

And now back to your regularly scheduled thread.

I got into the CM series with CMBB (and have never even played CMBO). Having got used to the idea of playing with Russia and Germany (and friends), I tried CMAK, but it never had the same appeal for me (and that is as a Brit, getting a chance to play with the British forces to boot). So in my mind, the Eastern Front is what it's all about, and ironically, that is purely because of CMBB. If it's a niche market, it's a niche that mugged me and dragged me in.

So for me it's a great shame that an eastern from CMx2 game+modules is a long way off. That's the price we pay for having minority interests (at least, minority amongst BFCs customers it seems).

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Originally posted by unsobill:

eastern front by battlefront™ could come out nothing but huge joke - i'm sorry, but simply you dont have materials, archived data and much more needed information to make eastern front. Stick to normandy and "band of brothers" scenario - you cant get wrong with the sales on this one and wont bring anger of soviets, like myself, upon yourselfs for showing eastern front as walk on the beach in perfect weather and titanic strugle on western front... afterall we all know who took Berlin first and who backstabbed Soviet Union in Berlin and went on nazi side defending their warcrimes and genocide of soviet nation... make game on coldwar scenario or better ww3 instead and dont forget make some extra healthbars for western block - the'll need it in ww3...

p.s btw cc3 was my most favorite part

Ok. This is my favourite post of the month. :D
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Originally posted by unsobill:

genocide of soviet nation...

Soviet nation?

Have you ever heard about the Estonians, Ukrainians to mention only two of the over 100 nations that were forced into the Soviet slaughterhouse?

I could imagine this being quite a hit into the face of ALL nations that were forced into this criminal bolshevik state.

Soviet nation. Incredible. tongue.gif

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At this point, I’m just happy there will be CMx2 WW2. That being said... The Eastern Front is the theatre of primary interest for me.... nothing else comes close in terms of personal preference.

I do understand the rational Steve offered relating to marketability... though I do think the sales numbers can be misleading. For example, I purchased 2 copies of CMBO and CMBB (supported both CDV releases) but 95% of my game time was devoted to CMBB.


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It's stupid to say that Axis was bad soviet was good. I get annoyed every time i hear someone who doesn't have any kind of knowlegde about WW2 go: oh those nazis were bad. I mean not everyone, but only a really small bunch was really nazis in nazi Germany. And as said before if it wern't for the Wehrmacht i would probably be speaking russian and living in a slumcity now. WE have a saying here "The best russian is a dead russian"

[ May 09, 2007, 03:58 AM: Message edited by: Axel ]

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Originally posted by Axel:

It's stupid to say that Axis was bad soviet was good. I get annoyed every time i hear someone who doesn't have any kind of knowlegde about WW2 go: oh those nazis were bad. I mean not everyone, but only a really small bunch was really nazis in nazi Germany. And as said before if it wern't for the Wehrmacht i would probably be speaking russian and living in a slumcity now. WE have a saying here "The best russian is a dead russian"

Well maybe in your tiny hometown. Rest of the world is pretty grateful to the russian people for defeating the "not so nazi" Wermacht. And the ethnic cleansing these guys were doing there was as low as humanity can get, it's an unbelievable disgrace to thank them for "not living in a slumcity". Think you can do better in a gas chamber?
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