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Ain't It Just Like the Peng Challenge To Play Tricks When You're Tryin To Be So Quiet


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Quick Q:

Did anyone ever retrieve me yarbles from the bloody maw of Seanachai?

If so, please drop into the nearest US Postal box, preferably wrapped in sheaves of surprisingly absorbant new ten dollar bills. Failing that, a ten gallon hat will work.

He probably keeps them in the box on his desk where he also keeps his tooth.
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I went to the Canadian Military Museum in the Halifax Citadel, and guess what they had on display??

A Bren Gun repleat with tri-pod!!! Pics to follow.

Welcome back my errant former squire, stikkypixie , I hope you had a wonderful trip back to your homeland.

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Originally posted by jdmorse:

Wankers and Greetings all.....

It's nice to know you all still don't have a life, but then neither do I. As always the pool has held that sickly draw that never really let's you go or you can escape from.

While time and senility prevent active 'splasin' or 'polsions for that matter. I send my best to you all.

Hiya, Pappy!

And how is the founder of our proud house? Or is that prude horse? Whatever.

Rest assured that I always keep a light in the window for both you and M'Lud Croda.

... and a cocked bear trap under the welcome mat.

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Official Announcement from the Office of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread

Dire and Fell News lads ... Your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread ... namely ... ME ... will be out of town starting tomorrow through Friday at noon.

The following Sunday I leave again and won't return until Thursday late.

The Sunday after THAT I ... well, you get the idea ... I'll be gone a LOT from now until Thanksgiving and I'll likely have precious little time or ability to keep things in check around here.

Being the forthright and dedicated sort that I am I tendered my resignation to the Olde Ones but they'd hear none of it and make it clear that I was Justicar for Life whether I liked it or not.

As you know I've made attempts in the past to find a suitable Junior Justicar but they fell apart due to catastrophic incompetence on the part of the one and base treachery on the part of the other.

With the recent infestation of Outerboarders I fear, oh yes lads, I fear for the sanctity of the MBT. I fear for the traditions which we've worked so long and hard to create and maintain.

I considered asking the Olde Ones to shoulder the task ... yes ... well ...

I considered my former Squire Lars, but he's to be wed soon and ... well ... he IS Lars, let's face it lads, I've not had a worthy Squire since Agua Perdido. I thought of dalem but then realized that we'd all be marching in step and wearing camo blazers with a big little "d" on them. I even debated asking Boo Radley to give it another try ... but then I came to my senses and realized that there is no one ... NO ONE ... who would offer the same degree of devotion and attention to detail that I provide as a matter of course.

So ... I'll be looking in from time to time ... you're on your own lads ... but the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread is ALWAYS WATCHING!

The JPCT is watching,

All the livelong day.

The JPCT is watching,

it will never go away.

Hear the SSNs a squealing,

The Outerboard bellowing in fear.

The JPCT is watching,

O'er all that we hold dear.


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I'm surprised the Olde Ones didn't avail themselves of the bleedin' obvious. If you are Head Drain Cleaner and all round pompous ass, for life...

Put out a contract. I'm sure paypal will take donations for THAT. Hell, I'll add to the pot no worries.


ps. Give the job to Boo. He has all the attributes required.

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Ah, man... I hate seeing you all tizzed out and worried. And by "hate", you know I mean "live for", but when the MBT is in need and even though it goes against my better judgement (the same judgement that told me that playing a Ker Dessel* scenario against MrSpkr, although I knew he had created, it wouldn't be so bad... shudder), I would be willing to once again don the crossed bandoleros full of Vienna Sausages and wear the Cape of Justice, even though it looks suspiciously like a floral design shower curtain (On sale at WallyMart - $3.99).

I have the experience. I have the know-how. I have far too much time on my hands.

Just let me know.

Junior Justicar, Junior Justicar

Will save the MBT

Junior Justicar, Junior Justicar

But first I have to pee.

Smite the SSNs

The glory never ends!

Junior Justicar.

Junior Justicar.

Junior Justicar!

*Ker Dessel - Bringing a whole new meaning to the word "set-up".

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:


Ah, man... I hate seeing you all tizzed out and worried. And by "hate", you know I mean "live for", but when the MBT is in need and even though it goes against my better judgement (the same judgement that told me that playing a Ker Dessel* scenario against MrSpkr, although I knew he had created, it wouldn't be so bad... shudder), I would be willing to once again don the crossed bandoleros full of Vienna Sausages and wear the Cape of Justice, even though it looks suspiciously like a floral design shower curtain (On sale at WallyMart - $3.99).

I have the experience. I have the know-how. I have far too much time on my hands.

Just let me know.

Junior Justicar, Junior Justicar

Will save the MBT

Junior Justicar, Junior Justicar

But first I have to pee.

Smite the SSNs

The glory never ends!

Junior Justicar.

Junior Justicar.

Junior Justicar!

*Ker Dessel - Bringing a whole new meaning to the word "set-up".

I'm going to regret this ... I know I am ... still, it's FOR the MBT.

Acting on behalf (or in the case of Seanachai on bequarter) of the Olde Ones we hereby appoint Sir Boo Radley as the Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and as such we authorize him to wear the Cape of Justice (trusting that he will, by his own admission, have the time to remove that pesky mold infestation it accumulated) and to add JPCT after his name.

He shall act in our name and for us until such time as we are able to return in our full glory to the regular maintenance of the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread. Therefore he shall acknowledge the elevation of SSNs to Serfdom, provide them with the requiste Piss Bucket and proclaim the Knight with First Rights of Refusal.

He shall be empowered to acknowledge the promotion of Serfs to Squire and shall carefully monitor the work and effort of said Serfs to be sure they meet our high standards.

Finally he shall carefully peruse the rules of each and every thread incarnation, he shall chastise those who post inferior rules, he shall remind one and all of the requirement for an email address and general location and he shall lead the way when "welcoming" SSNs to this, the Peng Challenge Thread.

Fail NOT in this duty Deputy Justicar Boo Radley, for while I am quick to reward loyalty and comptenence with the highest reward, i.e. praise from me, I am also quick to met out punishment for transgessors.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm going to regret this ... I know I am ... still, it's FOR the MBT.

Acting on behalf (or in the case of Seanachai on bequarter) of the Olde Ones we hereby appoint Sir Boo Radley as the Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and as such we authorize him to wear the Cape of Justice (trusting that he will, by his own admission, have the time to remove that pesky mold infestation it accumulated) and to add JPCT after his name.

He shall act in our name and for us until such time as we are able to return in our full glory to the regular maintenance of the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread. Therefore he shall acknowledge the elevation of SSNs to Serfdom, provide them with the requiste Piss Bucket and proclaim the Knight with First Rights of Refusal.

He shall be empowered to acknowledge the promotion of Serfs to Squire and shall carefully monitor the work and effort of said Serfs to be sure they meet our high standards.

Finally he shall carefully peruse the rules of each and every thread incarnation, he shall chastise those who post inferior rules, he shall remind one and all of the requirement for an email address and general location and he shall lead the way when "welcoming" SSNs to this, the Peng Challenge Thread.

Fail NOT in this duty Deputy Justicar Boo Radley, for while I am quick to reward loyalty and comptenence with the highest reward, i.e. praise from me, I am also quick to met out punishment for transgessors.


You mean this is going to require {best Maynard G. Krebs voice} WORK?!?!?{/best Maynard G. Krebs voice}

Judas Priest... I should have been taking notes.

And should I add JPCT or DJPT? Or maybe LSMFT?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm going to regret this ... I know I am ... still, it's FOR the MBT.

Acting on behalf (or in the case of Seanachai on bequarter) of the Olde Ones we hereby appoint Sir Boo Radley as the Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and as such we authorize him to wear the Cape of Justice (trusting that he will, by his own admission, have the time to remove that pesky mold infestation it accumulated) and to add JPCT after his name.

He shall act in our name and for us until such time as we are able to return in our full glory to the regular maintenance of the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread. Therefore he shall acknowledge the elevation of SSNs to Serfdom, provide them with the requiste Piss Bucket and proclaim the Knight with First Rights of Refusal.

He shall be empowered to acknowledge the promotion of Serfs to Squire and shall carefully monitor the work and effort of said Serfs to be sure they meet our high standards.

Finally he shall carefully peruse the rules of each and every thread incarnation, he shall chastise those who post inferior rules, he shall remind one and all of the requirement for an email address and general location and he shall lead the way when "welcoming" SSNs to this, the Peng Challenge Thread.

Fail NOT in this duty Deputy Justicar Boo Radley, for while I am quick to reward loyalty and comptenence with the highest reward, i.e. praise from me, I am also quick to met out punishment for transgessors.


You mean this is going to require {best Maynard G. Krebs voice} WORK?!?!?{/best Maynard G. Krebs voice}

Judas Priest... I should have been taking notes.

And should I add JPCT or DJPT? Or maybe LSMFT? </font>

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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

OGSF, yon gibberish spouting kilt sniffer,...blah, blah, blah...

Kilt sniffer?? Kilt sniffer as at?

Di ye noo hae some sand tae pound, Jimmy? </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:




Official Announcement from the Office of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread

Dire and Fell News lads ... Your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread ... namely ... ME ... will be out of town starting tomorrow through Friday at noon.

I bet the locals are getting seriously pissed off that everytime they run him out of town he keeps coming back.

Maybe they need to upgrade from pitchforks.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:


The Fury have lost two in a row this week.They were sluggish - I failed to inspire them. They were timid - I failed to put a fire in thier bellies.

Look, we've discussed this before. Stop handing out ale to the children before the game. The motivational beers follow the game, not precede it.
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