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Peng Challenges Seanachai in a Thunder Run


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NGCavscout, you wretched little man, Congratulations to your wonderful wife! You, of course, simply bask undeservedly in the light of her achievement.

Ah, Kathleen. That was the name of my departed sister. Good choice. She will grow up to be sharp, organized, pretty, funny and assertive.

On the down-side, she's going to be a bit of a Drama Queen, and stubborn as hell.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

NGCavscout, you wretched little man, Congratulations to your wonderful wife! You, of course, simply bask undeservedly in the light of her achievement.

Ah, Kathleen. That was the name of my departed sister. Good choice. She will grow up to be sharp, organized, pretty, funny and assertive.

On the down-side, she's going to be a bit of a Drama Queen, and stubborn as hell.

Just like her Uncle Seanachai.

Congrats indeed!

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

She will grow up to be sharp, organized, pretty, funny and assertive.

Just like her Uncle Seanachai.

Congrats indeed!

Grog Dorosh...thinks I'm pretty!

I'm cute, I'm cute, I'm cute! He thinks I'm cuuuuuuuuuuuuute!

I'm giddy!

No, wait. I think I'm nauseous.


How about a quick somewhat strange jolly singsong, eh?

I feel pretty

Oh so pretty

I feel pretty and witty and...gay

(Now wait a bloody minute, I don't feel...)

And I pity

Any 'Pooler who isn't me today!

I feel charming

Oh so charming

It's alarming how charming I feel

And so pretty

That I hardly can believe I'm real

See that drunken fool in that mirror there?

Who can that drunken sot be?

Such a pretty face

Such an empty glass

Such a pretty smile

Such a pretty me!

I feel stunning

And entrancing

Feel like running

And dancing for joy

For I'm fancied

By a pretty wonderful Grog!

Aussie Chorus

Have you met my good friend Seanachai

Craziest bastard on the block?

You'll know him the minute you see him

He's the one in an advanced state of drunk

He thinks he's attractive

But he's just deranged

He isn't good looking

He's merely insane

It must be the beer

Or some mental disease

Or too much whisky

Or maybe it's fleas

Keep away from him

Send for Peng

This is not the Seanachai we know

Modest and pure

Polite and refined

Well-bred and mature

And out of his mind!

Olde One, Olde One, speech!

Olde One, bravo, speech!

I feel pretty

Oh so pretty

That the city should give me its key

A committee

Should be organized to honour me

I feel dizzy

I feel sunny

I feel fizzy and funny and fine

And so pretty

That Queen Emma can just resign

See the drunken swine in that mirror there

(What mirror, where?)

Who can that drunken sot be?

(Which, what, where, whom?)

Such a pretty face

Such an empty glass

Such a pretty smile

Such a pretty me!

Seanachai and SSN Chorus

I feel stunning

And entrancing

Feel like running and dancing for joy

For I'm admired

By a pretty wonderful Grog!

Thank you all, and now, I think it's time for a walk around the park, and then a good, solid vomit. Selah.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ah, Kathleen. That was the name of my departed sister. Good choice. She will grow up to be sharp, organized, pretty, funny and assertive.


Right, but let's not overlook the fact that her first name is "Hope". I'm just saying... *shrug*


Congratulations NG cavscout.

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So Sir 37mm would have to start at SSN, before going through the whole serf/squirey/kniggetty thingey again?

Thats never been done...

I guess we'll need a whole new set of da rules to oversee this.

That would be right up your alley hey Joe?

Wow, rule writing and your thumb... you must have a good sized alley.

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and to the lovely NGcavscout, (only the second 'pooler I've met in person after Mace, seems I'm setting a nasty trend there), well done big fella!

Seems at least one of your rounds wasn't a dud!

Post pikkies of the newest cubscout with all speed....

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

She will grow up to be sharp, organized, pretty, funny and assertive.

Just like her Uncle Seanachai.

Congrats indeed!

Grog Dorosh...thinks I'm pretty!

I'm cute, I'm cute, I'm cute! He thinks I'm cuuuuuuuuuuuuute!</font>

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Originally posted by Stuka:

So Sir 37mm would have to start at SSN, before going through the whole serf/squirey/kniggetty thingey again?

Thats never been done...

I guess we'll need a whole new set of da rules to oversee this.

That would be right up your alley hey Joe?

Wow, rule writing and your thumb... you must have a good sized alley.

It's never been done because no one ever changed their name before. Now in the case of Sir Sir 37mm one can readily understand why he'd want to do that ... if I were him (and if I survived the initial burst of massive depression at the realization that I WAS him) I'd be after changing a lot more than just my name.

And, yes it would require a massive rewrite of the Policy and Procedures of the CessPool, The Code Duello and the Internet Bill of Rights though I foresee no need to introduce Constitutional Amendments to the Congress at this time.

Such a move would, of course, require additional funding for the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread and I therefore request a 200% increase in the Budget allocated to the Justicariate and I would respectfully ask the Olde Ones (or as many of them as can be roused from their customary alcoholic stupor to raise a trembling finger in assent) to agree to such an increase.

Finally I shall require additional staff. I have, of course, been "assisted" in my efforts by Boo Radley, the Acting Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Threadp. To suggest that he has fulfilled his duties with stupifying incompetence would be giving him too much credit, but he HAS been here ... more or less.

I therefore shall promote him in accordance with the Peter Principle. Boo Radley shall now be the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread. That's right, he is no longer ACTING.

I also recommend to the Olde Ones that Sir juan_gigante be promoted to Deputy Assistant Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread. His duties shall consist of archiving and bringing coffee ... mostly bringing coffee ... I like mine with a bit of a kick to it if you get my meaning.

As to Sir Sir 37mm, he can continue to retain his name and continue to receive the extrememly limited degree of respect he's earned as a Knight of the CessPool or he can change his name and be an SSN again ... really up to him though I certainly vote for the later.


[ March 21, 2006, 08:23 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You know, Joe, you've never had an Acting Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread with a fraction of my talents and abilities. ADMIT IT!

Quite true Boo Radley, you are quite correct ... of course a FRACTION of zero is still zero ...

But on the plus side YOU now have a Deputy, think of the possibilities. I mean, in a manner of speaking YOU are THE MAN ... well, at least A man ... technically.


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Originally posted by Mace:

I see Joe Shaw's empire building again. Typical bloody management. *rolls eyes*

Nonsense mace (GAWD I'm saying that a lot lately ... actually it's surprising I didn't say it more, earlier).

It's not an empire, it's merely good planning and organization. Here's an example that will illustrate the value of good planning:

London - 1787

British Civil Servant: I say sir, we've simply GOT to do something with all these neer-do-wells and ruffians clogging up the gaol space. It's getting so there's no room for a honest criminal anymore.

British Cabinet Member: Yes, yes I see your point Smithers-Smythe-Spencer, but what in the world could be done with these chaps, I know ... we'll send them to America!

British Civil Servant: Yeeesss ... well, sir there is a problem with that solution.

British Cabinet Member: Really, what problem is that?

British Civil Servant: The Americans won their independence sir ... it was in a briefing book I prepared for you.

British Cabinet Member: Indeed? Don't recall reading that, still, if you say so ... well what's to be done then? If we can't send them to America with the savages and wildlife where CAN we send them eh, eh, eh?

British Civil Servant: Well sir, there is New South Wales in Australia.

British Cabinet Member: Australia? Good heavens man are there that many mass murderers and traitors in the gaols?

British Civil Servant: No need to limit it to murderers and traitors sir, virtually any criminal could be transported.

British Cabinet Member: Well ... yes I suppose they COULD be ... but it seems awfully harsh. Wouldn't they prefer to be hanged or something?

British Civil Servant: Likely enough sir IF they knew what they were going to ... but remember we're calling it "New South Wales" ...

British Cabinet Member: Ah ... yes, one DOES see the value in that. Good thinking Smithers-Smythe-Spencer.

British Civil Servant: All part of the planning process sir, so if you'll just sign here we can have the first lot shipped off immediately.

British Cabinet Member: By George that's just the ticket ... who's the first to go then ... hmmmmm ... Rob Knight ... desperate sounding chap, evil I suppose?

British Civil Servant: Very evil Sir, just sign here.

And there you have it Mace, just planning for the future.


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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Hello again all, and thank you all for the well wishes. Here is a picture of the latest member of the NG Cavscout family.


On the way back to the hospital now (it was a C-section), no time for more info, I will post later.

That might be the best looking thing ever to come out of the Peng Thread. Congratulations, good sir.
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Originally posted by stoat:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Hello again all, and thank you all for the well wishes. Here is a picture of the latest member of the NG Cavscout family.


On the way back to the hospital now (it was a C-section), no time for more info, I will post later.

That might be the best looking thing ever to come out of the Peng Thread. Congratulations, good sir. </font>
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Originally posted by Lars:

No. That's math.

Banking is managing to collect a fraction from a zero.


... and a fraction of a Justicar would be an ic? And collecting an ic from the deep, deep recesses of a Justicar... ahem... zero... might

[slowly slides front hooves into thick rubber boots]

be the most difficult thing in the world. But one should at least try when the opportunity arises?

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