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Will The Peng Challenge Play Better If The SSN's Read The Manual?

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Who? The boys that beat you up on the way to school?


Mister Papa Khann "I am a little girl and have to leave because I'm tired" and Seanachai BigTalker of the "O, I have paddled muchly on the lakes of today and must appear at the celebrationism of Small Emma tomorrow" that leave without smoking another cigar.

Disappointing, that.

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Page 2 again?!?

All you supposed Cesspoolers can just bloody well start posting and bloody well stop shooting Syrians right..bloody...NOW!

I actually met a Syrian last week, he was quite a nice fellow, insisted I drink coffee with him and when I requested an 'Americano' (fully expecting to be instantly beheaded of course) he couldn't have been nicer. We had a good old chat while he tried to convince me that 3M was the best product to tint my truck's windows with and even got down to telling me why Israeli's are not nice people for hooking into his land or sumfink. Oh well, you can't please all the people all the time, I mean look at Joe who can't please anyone any of the time....

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

I, of course, am Mal.

Ha! You're delusional. Actually, I think you're the crook that was in the first episode (Weedon's first, not Fox's)... the dude with the bowler hat </font>
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Damn! Second page again ... and all because of those idiots on the outerboard who can't get their Super Duper Whiz Bang 87.24 Gig REAL 3D with Concert Sound Graphics Cards that cost more than their wife spends on the gardener (if you get my drift) to work with CMSF!

It works on MY machine ... therefore there ARE no issues.

Speaking of my machine I want the CessPool to know that I am taking one for the team. I have agreed to play a PBEM of CMSF with an outerboarder. It IS Sergie, who was a Beta Tester or somesuch and actually has a printed manual and has actually PLAYED the game before, AND it's HIS scenario so he knows EVERYTHING about it AND I haven't even had time to scope out the relative merits of the various RPGs out there ... BUT FINE.

I'll soldier on as I always do and regardless of the whims of the capricious digital Gawds of War I shall FIGHT. I shall fight him in the date palms, I shall fight him in the mosque, I shall fight him in the streets and in the alleys and in the ruins. And should the M.B.T. and it's future incarnations last for a THOUSAND years, the Knights of the CessPool will still say ... THIS was his finest hour.


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In my long drives through this country's west, I was impressed by the vast distances full of nothingness; just dirt, rock, and the occasional vegetative life. Still, all in all, it was as a teeming metropolis as compared to the sum of all your echoing skull holes.

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Lameley lampooned by BunnyIP


Originally posted by CupOHemlock:




welcome to the cesspool fellow SSN

On the contrary good bunny sir. I have been around quite a while longer than you have and even though I may not post very often I am not in, but rather look down into the cesspool as time permits. If I have a full bladder and a moment to concentrate I may also micturate into the odiferous mire and upon those clawing their way out.

How dare you reduce my declamatory gem to mere "Blah"!!

I challenge YOU sir and I will even take the Syrians!


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Originally posted by CupOHemlock:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> quote:

Lameley lampooned by BunnyIP


Originally posted by CupOHemlock:




welcome to the cesspool fellow SSN

On the contrary good bunny sir. I have been around quite a while longer than you have and even though I may not post very often I am not in, but rather look down into the cesspool as time permits. If I have a full bladder and a moment to concentrate I may also micturate into the odiferous mire and upon those clawing their way out.

How dare you reduce my declamatory gem to mere "Blah"!!

I challenge YOU sir and I will even take the Syrians!

COH </font>

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I want the CessPool to know that I am taking one for the team. I have agreed to play a PBEM of CMSF with an outerboarder.

Can't have you outerboarding, 'sides, its been awhile since I've kicked your ass up between your ears. Expect a file shortly </font>
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