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Badgers?! We Don't Need No Stinking Badgers In the Peng Challenge Thread!

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Originally posted by SturmSebber:

"Oi! that bunker was supposed to be padlocked"

famous last words of a lousy scenario creator...

And despite that 'surprise' I've still probably advanced as far as Boo has in a third of the time, withering flanking fire & all...

Yes folks, Boo's THAT slow!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

We're on the third day of our near-record setting heat wave, and it's supposed to be 100 tomorrow. Besides being buggeringly hot, the humidity is way up, so that the heat index (as in: it's 90 degrees, but feels like 96 sort of thing) is dancing a slow, languid tango on the prostrate, torpid bodies of all those without air-conditioning.

Such as myself.


I may have to strap on the Cyclone Suit.

You are such a GIRL. Complaining about a bit of heat. Still, your body shape of short, fat and round IS the worst for retaining body heat. And to think we told you once to come out an visit us, you'd simply bitch whinge and moan all day about how hot is was, even in winter.

Just get on with it. Winter will soon be upon you and you can complain about the cold. For a change.

Bloody foreigners.


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Originally posted by Lorak:

I guess it is true that the Peng thread will never die!


Thanks to YOUR website I can now get hold of the ancient gold demo of CMBO… oh actually, no I can't... the link is broken.

Sigh... thanks Lorak.


Your screenshot truly sucks as well!


One thing that I do like about you is that your member number has a '9' & a '4' & a '1'... AND SO DOES MINE!

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Originally posted by dalem:

And Seanachai, you mad bugger, I offered you AC last night and you saw fit to cavort with others. Your resultant heat stroke is therefore your own fault, as I was bathed in asses milk and rubbed with rose petals by lissome and delightfully filthy wenches all night long.

So you hired hookers.
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Originally posted by rleete:

But, Seanachai will do things even hookers won't try.

Nothing worse than an easy gnome. And even more revolting, the gnome in question is short (he's a gnome, duh!), fat, sweaty, and probably suffering from a severe case of prickly-heat. Eat your vegemite pancakes to that image Mace.
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Originally posted by bauhaus:

Nothing worse than an easy gnome. And even more revolting, the gnome in question is short (he's a gnome, duh!), fat, sweaty, and probably suffering from a severe case of prickly-heat.

But he's got a lovely singing voice and an amazing capacity for degredation.
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Originally posted by Lorak:

Wow... Just wow...

I guess it is true that the Peng thread will never die!




And after I immortalized you in my epic poem "The Justicar At The Bar" (a copy of which I've appended below since you have the attention span of a gnat.

YOU LEFT! And now you come crawling back to, figuratively, beg forgiveness ... I know, I know you didn't exactly SAY that you wanted forgiveness but it was implied.

Well ... I forgive you, the others may need, uh, inducements to forgive you.

For those who may not have been around at the time, chrisl and someone else were on trial for having stolen Peng's name by nefariously cheating in a Blood Hamster match.

The Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread, in order to ease the burden placed on the jury and judge, ordered Stenographers from Big Al's Emporium of Hair Design, Stenography and ISP. The leader of the Stenographers, Miss Rose by name, quickly placed herself atop Lorak's lap to be sure to hear him properly.

We join the trial just as Lawyer is summing up for the defense ...

The Justicar At The Bar

The outlook wasn't brilliant for the CessPool team that day;

The Justicar had done his best but it might not win the play;

For Lawyer pulled out all the stops, he lied, bribed and cheated,

He'd do it all, just to see, the Justicar defeated.

The jury had grown restless, with too much of a good thing;

They'd had a surfeit, so it seemed, of the stenographic fling.

How bravely our Lord Lorak stood up under the stress,

Of the weighty and substantial charms beneath Miss Rose's dress.

And as she shifted, yet again, and crossed a shapely limb,

The eyes of Lorak seemed to cross, and tears began to brim.

And it was then, upon that sight, that a plan so full of guile,

Formed in the mind of the Justicar, that he began to smile.

As Lawyer prosed yet on and on, back teeth began to float,

The Justicar waved Bailiff o'er and handed him a note.

The eyes of Lars widened, he tumbled to the plot,

And he slipped out from the courtroom, then broke into a trot.

Lawyer finally finished and sat down with curled lip sneer,

A full acquittal of his lads was bought for price so dear.

Cash had been dispensed, it seemed, and paid to one and all,

The guilty then would both be free and mighty Peng would fall

Then from the throats of those assembled was heard a lusty roar,

It rumbled through the CessPool and scared the outerboard.

The grogs they hid behind a glacis, or fled in armored car,

For at last the noble Justicar was advancing on the bar.

There was ease in Joe Shaw's manner as he walked to his place;

There was pride in Joe Shaw's bearing, a smile upon his face,

And when, responding to the cheers, he waved a lit cigar,

'Twas clear to all assembled, twas the Justicar At The Bar.

He waited then, for just a moment, 'till each and every eye,

Was focused there on only him, to wait on his reply.

"May it please the CessPool," he began in honeyed voice,

"It seems that I've neglected, to give Your Lordship choice!"

"A choice?" asked Lorak warily, for he knew of no such thing,

"What choice is now before me, but the fate of he named Peng?"

And then the doors reopened, and Lars re-entered then,

And said, "Milord, it's all prepared, shall the video begin?"

"The video?" asked Lorak, confusion on his face,

"What video is this Sir Joe, how bears it on the case?"

"All will be clear, My Lordship, if I may just proceed?"

The Justicar responded, and Lorak did agree.

The lights were dimmed and on the screen the video took shape,

The camera in the courtroom, had caught it all on tape.

Lord Lorak's eyes drifting, from Lawyer to Miss Rose,

As she heaved a sigh and he could see, from her neck down to her toes.

And wriggling round and round and round, there upon his thighs,

She was primed and ready, for whatever might arise.

And Lorak could be noted, to ensure that she not slip,

To grasp and grope with hand or two around her perfect hips.

"Stop the tape!" cried Lorak aloud, the crowd responded, "NO!"

They who’d suffered bombastic prose deserved a little show.

But the Justicar raised a hand and the video suddenly ceased,

The lights came back and with the lights the crowd's wrath was released

But Justicar cut through the noise with voice that thundered out,

"This disrespect for Lord Lorak, it's simply not allowed.

Lord Lorak's labored long and hard, this trial to oversee,

Is he to be derided for the girl upon his knee?"

"It's not as if," continued he, " these scenes be viewed by all.

'tis a matter to be held, close within these walls.

And none should dare to e'en suggest that his spouse he'd cheat upon

What WAS her name again milord ... ah yes, the fair C'est Bon.

'twould be a shame, a pity true if e'er she viewed this tape,

That leg, perhaps, just might not be the LAST bone that would break.

But, milord, you need not fret, nor worry about that fate,

The Justicar, I promise you, has each and every tape.

And now, My Lord, if pleases you, I've a case to plead,

For a verdict directed by you, and a punishment agreed.

The jury would find them guilty, that's the verdict that they'd bring,

They'd restore that which was stole, the name of he that's Peng.

And so. My Lord, I leave to you the choice that you must choose.

If Peng is to retain his name, the tapes I might just lose.

But if he isn't known as Peng and right soon too I fear,

Who knows where all those copies ... might suddenly appear.

Oh somewhere in this Pool of Cess, sadness reigns tonight,

Peng is found now nowhere, and no one fights his fight.

But you can bring him back Milord, with heart both true and stout,

And I KNOW you'll rule correctly, the Justicar has no doubt.

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Originally posted by bauhaus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

And Seanachai, you mad bugger, I offered you AC last night and you saw fit to cavort with others. Your resultant heat stroke is therefore your own fault, as I was bathed in asses milk and rubbed with rose petals by lissome and delightfully filthy wenches all night long.

So you hired hookers. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Yeah, but you completely missed where he said he showered in essence of donkey. Maybe that's why I saw Yeknod in the paddock, smoking a cigarette.

So, dalem was being literal when he said he'd gotten a nice piece of ass...
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Bloody Hell!

Lorak and Bauhaus are posting?

It must be the 7th sign or sumfink....

Mind I've bothered to post also so thats it settled then.... its the 7th sign alroight.... or maybe the 8th sign..... could it be the 9th?

Isn't that the sign where the Dark One appears in the form of a heat struck Gnome?

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Mind I've bothered to post also so thats it settled then.... its the 7th sign alroight.... or maybe the 8th sign..... could it be the 9th?

It's likely the 9th sign of this month
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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Vermin,

I am moving in the next couple of days. My current email address may die soon so I have set up a tempory email address:



Upgrading trailers?

And yes, I'm back from the dead. As the only Saint of the MBT[/b} I feel it's my duty to save the poor lost souls of this godforsaken place. But alas, I fear, it is much too late to help any of you. May you all suffer a fiery-afterlife in hell. Toasted marshmallows anyone?

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Bloody Hell!

Lorak and Bauhaus are posting?

It must be the 7th sign or sumfink....

Mind I've bothered to post also so thats it settled then.... its the 7th sign alroight.... or maybe the 8th sign..... could it be the 9th?

As a matter of fact, it's the bottom of the 9th and the bases are loaded.

As a matter of fact, so are most of us.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Bloody Hell!

Lorak and Bauhaus are posting?

Tha's Lord Lorak tae yoo, ye ferty bum-bum persnacklewackin' stack o' sloppy emu dung.

Tha' leige an' founder o' tha Clan OGSF 'as popped hais haid ain tae sae "halloo". Look Yeknodathon, at's Daddy!!

Lorak, hoo's tha knee laddie?

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Bloody Hell!

Lorak and Bauhaus are posting?

It must be the 7th sign or sumfink....

Mind I've bothered to post also so thats it settled then.... its the 7th sign alroight.... or maybe the 8th sign..... could it be the 9th?

Isn't that the sign where the Dark One appears in the form of a heat struck Gnome?

And to top it all of Essendon won on the weekend!!


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Originally posted by bauhaus:

Nothing worse than an easy gnome. And even more revolting, the gnome in question is short (he's a gnome, duh!), fat, sweaty, and probably suffering from a severe case of prickly-heat. Eat your vegemite pancakes to that image Mace.

Hah! I didn't read it until after dinner...

...and it tastes just as good coming up as it did coming down.

Hmmm vegemite pancakes? Now there's an idea.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

Bloody Hell!

Lorak and Bauhaus are posting?

Tha's Lord Lorak tae yoo, ye ferty bum-bum persnacklewackin' stack o' sloppy emu dung.

Tha' leige an' founder o' tha Clan OGSF 'as popped hais haid ain tae sae "halloo". Look Yeknodathon, at's Daddy!!

Lorak, hoo's tha knee laddie? </font>

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Back from Oshkosh.

Saw a Lancaster, a B-24, and two B-17's flying in a nice, tight formation. Then they came around again and did a missing man formation.

Tres cool.

Also, three idiot wwii re-enactors were out there driving up and down the field in a M3A3. Bet them poor bastages were hot.

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