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Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

Steve already said (about a million times) don't waste your time/bandwidth/engery lobbying for PBEM because it won't make any difference to them.

I'll be sure and check with you anytime I have something to say. Obviously my entire self worth is built around impressing the forum suck-ups.
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Originally posted by Sumac:

I'll be sure and check with you anytime I have something to say. Obviously my entire self worth is built around impressing the forum suck-ups.

It's not a question of being a "forum suck-up", but of revisiting previously fought forum battles. If you look back last year, you will see there was a big row over the same issue and BFC's answer was exactly the same as now, i.e. that PBEM will be in, unless there is a technical problem.

I fully expect PBEM to be in. If it's not, then the game will have to stand and fall on it's remaining merits, although personally I would not still be playing CMBB/CMAK after 4 years if PBEM was not available.

If you want to continue posting on an issue which is a proverbial dead horse, knock yourself out, but don't attack other forum dwellers who are not interested in mounting another fruitless charge on this issue.

[ October 06, 2006, 10:51 AM: Message edited by: Sgt.Joch ]

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Just reading through this thread Details of Air and Artillery Support and wondering how long setting up a fire mission will take. It seems rather detailed and complex, and while I'm really looking forward to playing with it, if I have to drop everything for any extended period of time (especially if a pop-up window prevents me from seeing the map) to set up some off-map fire support, well, that could really screw things up in real time mode.

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I have read so many pros and contras about nearly each aspect of the game, and took part in some discussions, too!

I feel really pissed because everybody here is an expert in the beta team and play CM:SF 8 hours each day. I seem to be the only one who has no idea what he's talking about. :eek:

I guess the only thing I can do is to keep on waiting for the demo, than I will buuild my opinion about a real time modern warfare CM with or without (but likely with) PBEM.

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"I feel really pissed because everybody here is an expert in the beta team and play CM:SF 8 hours each day."

LOL!! :D

Reading that I got curious and checked the BFC Beta Boards at the bottom of the chat group list. Nothing I can see there that might remotely be CMSF, unless its 'Skunkworks" which hasn't been visited in awhile. Basically, while discussing this game we're ALL faking it! :D

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Originally posted by Hat Trick:

Just reading through this thread Details of Air and Artillery Support and wondering how long setting up a fire mission will take. It seems rather detailed and complex, and while I'm really looking forward to playing with it, if I have to drop everything for any extended period of time (especially if a pop-up window prevents me from seeing the map) to set up some off-map fire support, well, that could really screw things up in real time mode.

Aww, I bet this is only a problem in the beginning. You do that a couple of times and soon you'll know blindly what to click to get your shells flying. smile.gif
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Hat Trick,

Just reading through this thread Details of Air and Artillery Support and wondering how long setting up a fire mission will take.
Seconds. It might be extremely realistic, flexible, and powerful... but it is brain dead simple to use. The reason why is we modeled the controls on how the US military does it in real life. The procedures are designed for speed, accuracy, and the lowest amount of training possible. I think you'll do fine with it ;)

(especially if a pop-up window prevents me from seeing the map)
Trust me... I made sure there are no pop-up windows in CM:SF. Same reason why there are none in CMx1 (exception - Details Screen). Pop-up windows are a UI design crutch that usually causes more problems than it solves. The closest we have to a pop-up in CM:SF is the Support Asset Roster. When you opt for calling in Support a small window (less than the height of the main UI and 1/3rd as wide) pops up directly on top of the main UI area. You select which Asset you want and the window goes away. Then you do are walked through the Mission Parameters one at a time. You can call an artillery strike down in about 5-6 clicks (1 or 2 in the map, the rest in the main UI). The options to click on are generally the same and therefore you can concentrate on translating what mission you want into action without having to remember which option does what. That's why we don't give players direct control of things like sheafs, vollies, fuze settings, etc. That would be a nightmare.

Moronic Max,

How long will it take me to call in a tac nuke strike?
Have you seen all the paperwork that needs to be filled out and filed for one of those? Heck, it takes months! And if you use the wrong type of writing utensil, or fill in boxes outside of the lines, they're likely to reject your application out of hand. They aren't quite as bad as the Department of Motor Vehicles, but they're a close second!


I feel really pissed because everybody here is an expert in the beta team and play CM:SF 8 hours each day.
hehe... people might be imaginary beta team members playing the game in their head 8 hours a day, but it doesn't make them a beta team member :D


I know because I'm in charge of the alpha test.
Didn't anybody tell you to look for new work? We went Beta last month :D We aren't quite ready to have outside people play the Beta yet, but we are getting pretty close to that.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


We hope that it will be available for the initial WWII release, but we'll have to see how that goes.


In that case, do you have a rough time between CM:SF release and CM:WWII release? Personally I'm thinking 2 - 3 years starting CM:SF release, which places it around 2009.

If it's shorter than that, please tell us.

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MUCH shorter.

The whole point of the CMx2 strategy is to get things out quicker. To do this we've focused on depth and not breadth because depth is largely reusable from title to title while breadth is generally not. From the technical side we made the new engine, from the ground up, designed to be modular. This means we can switch between time periods, theaters, etc. without massive limitations or recoding effort. The reason why we didn't do this before is we didn't know how to structure such a beast. That's 90% of the design battle right there. CMx1 gave us the experience necessary to do this. We also planned the game's future out in chunks so we didn't force ourselves to waste time writing sloppy just to have something. Lastly, the Module concept allows us to gain back much of the breadth CMx1 games had without sacrificing forward momentum.

CM:WW2 will hopefully be out roughly 12 months after CM:SF is out. We're shooting for less, but we'll have to see how that works. We hope to also ship at least 2 Modules for CM:SF during the same period.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

CM:WW2 will hopefully be out roughly 12 months after CM:SF is out. We're shooting for less, but we'll have to see how that works. We hope to also ship at least 2 Modules for CM:SF during the same period.

Wow! 2007 is going to be a VERY good year! Now get the first game out so I know what new PC I need to buy. ;)
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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

MUCH shorter.

The whole point of the CMx2 strategy is to get things out quicker. To do this we've focused on depth and not breadth because depth is largely reusable from title to title while breadth is generally not. From the technical side we made the new engine, from the ground up, designed to be modular. This means we can switch between time periods, theaters, etc. without massive limitations or recoding effort. The reason why we didn't do this before is we didn't know how to structure such a beast. That's 90% of the design battle right there. CMx1 gave us the experience necessary to do this. We also planned the game's future out in chunks so we didn't force ourselves to waste time writing sloppy just to have something. Lastly, the Module concept allows us to gain back much of the breadth CMx1 games had without sacrificing forward momentum.

CM:WW2 will hopefully be out roughly 12 months after CM:SF is out. We're shooting for less, but we'll have to see how that works. We hope to also ship at least 2 Modules for CM:SF during the same period.


Brilliant news. So will you be focussing on a specific operation or what? I guess the US front is kind of a given.
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Other Means,

Oh sorry, I'd missed that in all the noise.
It was part of the original announcement and then the first couple of threads of WW2 grog complaints, not mentioned since :D

Yes, CW is the intended subject for the 1st WW2 Module. Fireflies are a nice little beasty.


Including beach landing on D-Day this time?
Nice try smile.gif


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

MUCH shorter.

CM:WW2 will hopefully be out roughly 12 months after CM:SF is out. We're shooting for less, but we'll have to see how that works. We hope to also ship at least 2 Modules for CM:SF during the same period.


By the previous prediction accuracy track record, I'd estimate CM:SF is out sometime before the end of next year. The two modules following mid -08 and early -09. Then CM:WW2 by late -10.

Can I preorder them already? smile.gif

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

It was part of the original announcement and then the first couple of threads of WW2 grog complaints, not mentioned since :D

Yes, CW is the intended subject for the 1st WW2 Module. Fireflies are a nice little beasty.


Steve, assuming the focus of CMx2 WWII stays Americans and Germans in Normandy, if BFC makes a Bulge and/or Market-garden game would this likely be a module or another "Game/series"? I know the scope of each release will be much smaller this time around but I'm hoping that one game/series would cover most of the 1944-45 Western Front (well, not including Italy) over the course of several modules. Or does BFC envision one game/series on Normandy with very narrow modules providing additional nationalities or vehicles?
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