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The Peng Challenge Thread(s) Of Past And Present, Where Are YOU all Now?

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After reading Seanacoochies post (where he was handing out cuddles to all in sundry) I thought it might be a good idea to dedicate this incarnation of the MBT to those who came before, as well as those here now, and those yet to come, and of course those who never went away in the first place. *enter confused smilie here*

It would be cool to see how many of the past Pengers are still around and to have them say Hi, hello, howdie... Wankers...whatever.......

So, with that in mind I wont post any rules ( the first Peng thread didn't have any)

But then it wouldn't be a Peng thread if I didn't at least say, SOD OFF ... Past, present and SSN's excepted... of course !

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So I & NG Cavscout managed to get an early ’for the Cesspool only’ version of CM: SF.

I’d take the imperialist Yanks, NG would be the freedom loving Syrians.

My plan was simple enough, form three columns & surround the objective town of Ali-Umpamiscus.

This map may seem familiar to some.


(Red arrows are the routes of advance, blue arrows where defensive posts were set up)

Team Eagle consisted of two Abram’s (the top secret M4A4 version) & a platoon of mechanised, Stryker borne infantry.

Their mission was to travel in an Easterly direction north of the town also claiming two objectives (‘the mission complex’ and ‘the Ranch’) beyond the outskirts of Ali-Umpamiscus.

Team Eagle would then drive south towards the 'rear' of Ali-Umpamiscus thereby sealing off any possible Syrian retreat.

Meanwhile defensive posts would be set up at suitable locations to defeat any desperate Syrian counter attack with either the ATGM or machine gun.

Team Eagle initially advanced with Stryker’s leading the way and an Abram’s in close support however a ZSU quickly knocked out my lead vehicle & the Abram’s was forced to push aside the wreckage & take the lead.

Team eagle was now in a 'mild' firefight with several enemy units during which our thermal sensors (not to be confused with Borg spotting) proved extremely useful. But as the lead element of Team Eagle approached the ‘complex’ an air force F-15 came in & fired mavericks at a fully laden Stryker, worse almost immediately afterwards a Syrian IED went off nearby.


Team eagle suffered at least 15 casualties in these two incidents, whilst one Stryker was knocked out another was damaged & knocked out shortly afterwards.

Still the rest of Team Eagle carried on with their mission.

Soon afterwards the first objective was occupied by several infantry teams, however it did take them awhile to deal with the few remaining BRDM.

As Team Eagle continued heading East the second objective was also taken though enemy fire caused yet another casualty. Team Eagle now, as planned, turned towards the ‘rear’ of Ali-Umpamiscus. They met several enemy vehicles along the way. All were dispatched either by the Abram’s or the Stryker’s HMG… It was now that a BMP managed to take out yet another Stryker.

Towards the end of the battle an enemy counter attack was indeed launched towards the complex, ATGM quickly destroyed the enemy tanks & escort vehicles.

Team Falcon consisted of an Abram’s, an infantry platoon in Stryker’s, a Bradley platoon (somewhat easily mistaken for M8 greyhounds) plus the company command vehicle & 150mm FO. Their first goal was merely to occupy the first few buildings of Ali-Umpamiscus.

Advancing cautiously, with the Abram & Bradley’s leading the way, Team Falcon soon started to meet enemy vehicles & receive incoming small arms fire. At key points in the firefight extremely heavy enemy IED’s went off whilst ATGM engaged our Bradley’s, T-72’s were also involved in the action and immobilized the Abram’s (a massive IED then went off just behind it leaving the crew with no choice but to bail out of the stricken tank), all our heavier AFV’s were now out of action, one Bradley even appears to have been abandoned for no apparent reason.


The remnants of Team Falcon dismounted into the first building they came across. Worried by enemy T-72’s the Stryker’s bunched up behind this same building. Enemy fire from mortars and HMG’s firing from our flanks were of particular concern, casualties were suffered and Stryker’s lost.

Team falcons dismounted infantry rallied somewhat & pushed forwards into the town, they eventually occupied the first thee main buildings & even succeeded in attacking enemy tanks with their personal AT weapons. Still casualties were considerable & the situation had the potential to have been even more disastrous than it ended up being.

Team Falcons artillery FO apparently caused nearly 30 casualties & knocked out two AFV’s despite this NG Cavscout said that my artillery was unimpressive. The F-15 returned & destroyed one or two BRDM; the second F-15 nevermade an appearance.

Team Bongo consisted of a brace of Abram’s, a platoon in Stryker’s & the company’s mortar firers. Their mission was to travel north easterly & help support Team Flacon. If successful they were to try and head for the towns railway station situated to the ‘rear’ of the town.

Team Bongo moved off, scaring away a poorly hidden BRDM, & cautiously cleared out a nearby enemy hamlet… which turned out to be unoccupied.

As most of Team Bongo drove through this hamlet it became cut off from the rest of the US force by a nearby ridge (this ridge was later occupied by US MG teams). Therefore at the time of Team Falcons greatest need it did not receive as much flanking support as it would’ve liked.

Once out of the shadow of the ridge the Team advanced, with one Abram’s in the lead, towards the Southern section of town. Moving across scrubland (to avoid IED primarily) the Abram’s & a pair of Stryker’s occupied the main north-South street and then fired along it at anything that moved.

Other Stryker’s dismounted infantry into the nearby buildings, including the town hall, and cleared these out. Some of these infantry became pinned inside by mortar fire, casualties were suffered but eventually the town’s Hotel, commanding the main crossroads, was occupied and the Syrians killed or captured.

Now T-72’s started to engage our infantry, the Abram’s & Stryker’s assisted ably in the resulting action. Short ranges, alleys, confusion & considerable quantities of smoke reigned but the enemy were destroyed… at cost.

Meanwhile the second Abram’s & a Stryker (carrying a squad taken from the Town hall firefight) carried on Eastwards to try & reach the Railway station. Along the way many vehicles were surprised by the Abram’s and these were dispatched without trouble at one point however a T-72 engaged the Abram’s at nigh on point blank (and scored several hits, it would’ve have done better if it had managed to hit the side turret).


This force did eventually reach the railway station leaving a trail of burning wreckage in its wake.

One other action of Team Bongo was to send out a small force to occupy ‘the Hacienda’ commanding the Southern flank, these men engaged an enemy MG team & secured the objective, one casualty was suffered.

With the Syrians surrounded on all sides & with the majority of their forces annihilated NG Cavscout honourably surrendered.

Sir 37mm was ‘fragged’ by the survivors of his force the very next day.



The main crossroad (after the battle)

Serious note (I really did not like suffering US casualties playing this thing)

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Originally posted by **YK2**:

Hey Hiram how's it hanging?

And where is your better half?

It's been ages since me and the Lady Moraine had a good banter...

I am here, my Queen. I got so comfy over there in the overstuffed divan by the fire with my brandy-laced hot chocolate (with marshmallows) and my luxuriant quilted robe and little bunny slippers (made from real bunnies, dontchaknow - it's hard to keep them tied to my feet with all the wriggling they do, but oh they are warm) that I must've dozed off for a few weeks.

Shan't happen again.

For a couple of days at least.

Hope your holiday celebrations found you well and happy.

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Originally posted by Shandorf:

Hey guys, how are you all doing?

I haven't played any CM for a long time but a friend and I picked up CMBB and we have been playing a lot so I was wondering if any of you want to do a CMBB PBEM.

Shoot me an e-mail at: jshandorf@comcast.net

Wow. Your first post in two and a half years and you use it to come in here and beg a game.

How sad are you?

You even make Shaw look butch.

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Dear God...Shandorf is still alive? I thought you went to Texas, but your profile says you're still up there in BP.

This of course begs the real question: Why are you still alive, Shandorf?

Funny thing, I was just thinking about your worthless self the other day. Nothing good, of course.

And Emma-kins? I seem to still be here. I've actually thought about trying to pull the MrPeng "Die, die, leave me alone, I'm leaving forever!".

But, like a moth drawn to the flame, I seem to always return...

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Originally posted by Shandorf:

Hey guys, how are you all doing?

I haven't played any CM for a long time but a friend and I picked up CMBB and we have been playing a lot so I was wondering if any of you want to do a CMBB PBEM.

and look, he's no longer a snotty nosed student! He's now a snotty nosed employee!!!

My how he's grown.

Mate, still good to see you again however.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I seem to still be here. I've actually thought about trying to pull the MrPeng "Die, die, leave me alone, I'm leaving forever!".

But, like a moth drawn to the flame, I seem to always return...

The place is filthy, there are old newspapers and dirty clothes strewn about the floor, the furniture is all ratty and broken down, and the garbage hasn't been taken out in a month. But it's Home, right?

Oh, I forgot...the toilet's backed up and overflowing.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

The place is filthy, there are old newspapers and dirty clothes strewn about the floor, the furniture is all ratty and broken down, and the garbage hasn't been taken out in a month. But it's Home, right?

Oh, I forgot...the toilet's backed up and overflowing.


Dear God, it's like you've got a Web-cam into my life. Do you work for the NSA? Is that your secret, Michael? Here all this time I assumed you were simply an aging crank living in a shack in rural Washington State, a relatively sane version of the Uni-bomber.

But now, it seems, you might be the local processing node of the NSA's domestic intel operation. Quick! How many fingers am I holding up? And how many of them have puppets on them?

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Originally posted by Speedy:

I just watched an excellent Japanese movie called 'The Twilight Samurai', and no this is not like a Dalem film recommendation - this film is actually very good.

Now what sort of bloke would watch a movie instead of sending back <font size=+3>THE LAST FLAMMIN' TURN</FONT> TO A GAME THAT HAS TAKEN A L M O S T as long to finish as a Jo-Blo game ?? Huh ?



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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

I got so comfy over there in the overstuffed divan by the fire with my brandy-laced hot chocolate (with marshmallows) and my luxuriant quilted robe and little bunny slippers (made from real bunnies, dontchaknow - it's hard to keep them tied to my feet with all the wriggling they do, but oh they are warm) that I must've dozed off for a few weeks.

Shan't happen again.

For a couple of days at least.

Hope your holiday celebrations found you well and happy.

Ohh... Brandy laced hot choc with marshmallows. that sounds delicious...I wouldn't mind some of that, but you can keep the wriggling live bunny slippers *blurgh*

Good to know you're being pampered, I trust that Hiram is keeping the fire roaring and making sure you have plenty Brandy in stock...

And lookie here, it's young Shandorf ... Don't think you ever had the pleasure of his posts Moraine ... It's been so long since he posted.. But I remember his pic, oh yes.. I remember that...

And Seanachai..

Of course you're still here....Just like I'm still here, and Shandorf is still here.

I think some of us will always be here, maybe not actively posting, but out there somehwere, watching, listening and keeping track of distant friends.. yep..

As long as there is a Peng Thread, and as long as I'm able... just like a moth to a flame....*sigh* (stealing your line)

I guess I'll always keep coming back....(cos I never really went away)


But so many new names and not nearly enough of the old crowd..

Hello Elvis ... And Mace..(Tie me kangaroo down sport and pour me another Stella) you've not been on Aim for ages.. Infact nor has Berli or Seanacoochie.. ah well... Life takes over at times..and things change.. I've been off playing WoW and Skyping but I almost always have Aim running in the background just incase..

Aye...... distant friends....

May you always be here or there.....

For as long as I can breath, I know I will be....

[ January 06, 2006, 04:41 AM: Message edited by: **YK2** ]

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