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Opinions of 1.05?

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The thread is called "Opinions on 1.05" - that is why I posted my opinion about it. Which is this - the game is unplayable.
No problem so far.

That's my opinion. Am I free to express it or not?
Here's the problem. Are others not free to express their opinion about your opinion? As you say this thread is asking for opinions, not just your opinion. The stronger you make an opinion look like fact the more likely someone will take issue with it. If you can't handle that then you should not make such your opinion so strongly worded.

It's not about you. My interest in this has worn out.
And yet you take issue with people suggesting that perhaps you would be better off not wasting your time on something that you have no interest in?

If you reply, it's for your own self-service. I won't be reading it. I have that luxury. Talking about this makes me want to vomit.
You need to grow up and take responsibility for your own actions. Nobody else can do that for you.


I have to kind of agree with Adam on this one. A thread asking for opinions and then he is taken to virtual task for expressing it.
Opinions are like arses... everybody has one smile.gif Without discussing the opinions themselves they hold little value. If someone isn't capable of seeing their opinions challenged then they shouldn't post them in the first place.

The response to Adam's opinion was EXTREMELY mild. The reaction after that was to Adam's overreaction to it. And now a few hours of our lives have been wasted over nothing.

You guys attract more attention to the negative opinions by making a big deal about them.
I can not control other people's opinions any more than I can control Adam's. He made a very strong statement, some people took VERY mild opposition to it. There should be no problem to be discussing at all.


[ December 15, 2007, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: Battlefront.com ]

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I think Adam1 should be part of the beta testers. He finds bugs faster than anybody around. Could be a great asset to BFC. I would bet my life that he would find them before release of the patches. No offense to the current beta testers but it seems they missed some easily identifiable bugs.

I don't think it is unplayable, but it has taken a step foward as well as a step backwards. Stuck infantry is a big problem for me. I guess I can't understand how the testers missed it. Anybody that tests it in MOUT should find it within a few minutes.

Hopefully these are easy fixes, and I do appreciate the customer service and the games that BFC has provided over the years and continues to this day.

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I think Adam1 should be part of the beta testers. He finds bugs faster than anybody around. Could be a great asset to BFC.
Could be, but he has chosen to not be.

No offense to the current beta testers but it seems they missed some easily identifiable bugs.
True, but you are only seeing what slipped through, not what they caught. It's easy to find fault from the outside looking in :D

Charles and I take responsibility for the bugs not being caught. We felt it was more important to get this sucker out the door than dragging it out even longer. You guys have to understand we've been in "almost done" mode for a month. At some point we just have to release :D

I don't think it is unplayable, but it has taken a step foward as well as a step backwards. Stuck infantry is a big problem for me. I guess I can't understand how the testers missed it. Anybody that tests it in MOUT should find it within a few minutes.
Right, but that presumes we gave the testers a few minutes to test it ;)

Hopefully these are easy fixes, and I do appreciate the customer service and the games that BFC has provided over the years and continues to this day.
Thanks! The fixes are easy, and we'll put out v1.06 very quickly.


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Originally posted by skelley:

I think Adam1 should be part of the beta testers. He finds bugs faster than anybody around. Could be a great asset to BFC. I would bet my life that he would find them before release of the patches. No offense to the current beta testers but it seems they missed some easily identifiable bugs.

You'd be surprised about how wrong you are. Us testers are more productive then you might think. I'm probably the worst beta tester of the lot, but you'd be surprised at the length of the list of stuff I reported which you guys haven't even noticed. Some of them you guys really, really should have spotted by now.

AdamL has a fairly good eye for (some) bugs, I'll grant him that, but IMO suffers from tunnel vision and as a result a lacking sense of proportion. Personality wise it's probably even worse. If you invite him in to beta, it's entirely possible other highly competent testers sneak out the back door.

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Charles and I take responsibility for the bugs not being caught. We felt it was more important to get this sucker out the door than dragging it out even longer. You guys have to understand we've been in "almost done" mode for a month. At some point we just have to release
I fully understand how hard you guys are working and ya gotta be tired of it. It is a truly complex engine and I don't see how you guys got it this far without loosing your hair and gaining a wicked amphetamine addiction.
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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

The arguing (I would call it hurtled feces in our direction) was not over specific issues but fundamental and philosophical directions we took from a design standpoint.

OK, this quote is almost good enough to become a new sigline for me. Let me sleep on it.

Illegitimi non carborundum, Steve!

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BTW, glad you are finding v1.05 a major improvement BigDuke6.

I'm picky, and I'm going to have to go through machine pretty throroughly before I give it my personal stamp of approval. (FWIW, I'm just one consumer etc. etc.) But based on a day or so of messing around with the engine, I am beginning to suspect the overall "fidelity" of replication of RL probably exceeds CM1, and that ain't chopped liver in my book.

It was a bit unnerving to watch a pair of Strykers work their way up an alley, think to myself "those guys are going to get hit if they don't watch it", and sure enough the A/I threw some RPGs, and for just a nano-second there as the firefight kicked off I thought something like "Bet there are some decent pix in there, but the shooter (camera jock) would need guts."

Another indicator for me that this patch may have done the trick for me, is that I find myself a shade annoyed watching U.S. forces tromping around a Middle East map, I keep asking myself "Christ, all this taxpayer money down the drain, etc. etc."

So all in all it's starting to look like the evening news to me.

That's enough nice talk, complaints and gripes to follow.

Oh and before I forget, it seems like now Strykers hit with RPG become immobility kills as of this patch, while before they were catastrophic kills. Seems about the right replication, but I'm not a Stryker bird cage expert.

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I was recently reading an article about Anthony Bourdain and he used the term 'nerdfury'. I didn't understand what he meant then but I think now I'm beginning to get it....I suppose that makes sense though as "No Reservations" is entirely unplayable....

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Steve, I remember the pinto era. Surely we are not the only ones, and I'm not calling you shirley either:).

Not trying to brown nose... but Steve, never have I seen a game developer who is so tuned in to the community. Never have I seen such good customer service. You consistantly answer questions to the best of your ability. I really appreciate that (Shirley I'm not the only one). When I heard a noise when my reinforcements showed up, I knew that you were listening to us. Thank you for listening, thanks for your continued support. Battlefront is now my favorite game company of all time (been a fan since 2001 when I discovered Beyond Overlord). Keep up the good work, keep cranking out the goodness, and we'll keep coming back for more.


Nerdfury??? LOL. Seen it. Saw a little 4-eyed 10 year old boy chide his mother for passing the salt instead of the "sodium chloride, otherwise known as common table salt, duh mother".

[ December 16, 2007, 12:38 AM: Message edited by: the Fighting Seabee ]

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Originally posted by SlowMotion:

One thing I hope will be in 1.06 patch: Clear Target shortcut that has been mentioned in hotkeys.txt.

"<E> // NOT CURRENTLY USED... Do not assign a key to this function! It will eventually be the hotkey for Clear Target, but not yet properly activated"

Delete works fine for me.
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I recently had an interview for Customer Services Manager at a gaming company...One of the questions I was asked was how I would deal with a Service outage to their online game.I'm also from a customer service background so I gave the stock answer. Apologise, explain and give a best estimate of ttf...

The guy interviewing me smiled slightly and said, good answer but you've not dealt with gamers as customers before...give them a timescale and if it's not up *to the minute* they'll slam you into the ground. You tell them absolutely the minimum, that way they have nothing to hold you to...

It certainly isn't my philosophy of customer service, but he's got far more experience in the industry than me. From my experience it's not Battlefronts approach either, for which I am very grateful as a customer.

"Prosecutor: Over Macho Grande?

Witness: No. I don't think I'll ever get over Macho Grande."

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