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In space, no one can hear you Challenge Peng


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

You know I'm now going to have a very disturbed sleep tonight. *shudders*

You have my blessing to have a very large glass of something extremely alcoholic.

For medicinal purposes. </font>

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Peng I can always tell when our blessed progenitor enters the thread, there is a pervasive odor of bog water, or is it bong water?

If you can stop verbally diddling with Sir 37mm, (is he your long lost son? Or just the newly introduced "Duality" portion of your little psuedo religion?), you might stir yourself from your throne of musty velvet coated with strange organic fluids and send me a setup.


I am an Olde One We do not send setups. Setups are sent to Us.

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Originally posted by dalem:

My new favorite joke:

Q: How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: That's not funny.

Think we can safely say dalem's good news isn't that he finally got a girlfriend.

Which just leaves Greeter at Walmart.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

My new favorite joke:

Q: How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: That's not funny.

Think we can safely say dalem's good news isn't that he finally got a girlfriend.

Which just leaves Greeter at Walmart. </font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rleete:

Hey, Lars, didja see the SC2 release thread? Hubert (bolded out of supreme respect) mentioned me by name in O-fish-al correspondence to BFC! I is famous!

And they still haven't banned you yet?</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

He's going out with a Greeter at Walmart? That's really disturbing ... but oddly apropos.

"She seemed so friendly, turns out she was just after my Social Security and Medicare Supplemental…"

Ah, it’s an old story, and one I'm sure you're well familiar with, eh Joe?

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

He's going out with a Greeter at Walmart? That's really disturbing ... but oddly apropos.

"She seemed so friendly, turns out she was just after my Social Security and Medicare Supplemental…"

Ah, it’s an old story, and one I'm sure you're well familiar with, eh Joe? </font>

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MrPeng, setup is winging its way through the ether to you, I even used the large type in deference to your status as an Olde One.

Speedy is not the libation blessing enough in and of itself?

Stuka I hope you gave Jessica Alba due attention in Sin City, she is truly worth a 2nd, yea verily a 32nd, look.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

I am an Olde One We do not send setups. Setups are sent to Us.

You sent me a set up. Is that because you're just an old softie at heart? I've seen something to that effect written on various restroom walls. At least the word "soft" is featured prominently.

In other news, a local computer geek is delving into the intricacies of my computer, and I have supreme faith in him.

First of all, he's a gamer, and second, he looks like Larry of the 3 Stooges.

How can you go wrong?

With luck and a good wind behind our backs, he said he can have it back to me later today.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

As I say you’re a tragic figure, now let me make your life more tragic by whupping your damned hide two shades darker and sending you off to Seanachai's shandy store to 'numb the pain'

I've never given you permission to mention my name in your villainous twaddle, you Brit puddle of sidewalk piss, so kindly refrain from dragging my own exalted moniker into your various attempts to provoke your betters.

I would mock your ancestry, were I not sure that they would just as soon disown you, and I won't add further to their pain by associating you with them. But I will comment on your person, which is of such a nature that no one would normally encounter unless they overturned a rock.

37mm, you're a dog's breakfast of unappetizing bits of remaindered, undifferentiated offal. Less enlightened societies than our own would simply have driven you into the wilderness to die, which speaks volumes for the wisdom of tradition. Your collected posts could serve as a case study of what happens when a society bemired on an island off the coast of Europe not only fails to heed the dangers of in-breeding, but actively embraces them as a means of 'keeping out the wogs'.

You, sir, are a suppurating sore on the arse of the English speaking world, and your pretensions to being the 'Messiah of the Peng Challenge Thread' are not only laughable, they are pitiable. Or they would be, if righteous pity wasn't more properly reserved for cannibalistic pedophiles, who at least might make the argument that they're 'just as God made them', unlike yourself, a self-made blight on the evolution of Humanity.

I would spit on you, but for fear that I might need my saliva to anoint a more worthy object of disgust, such as a Child Pornographer, or a CEO of an Oil Company, or a member of the House of Lords.

By the gods, but it does a man good to occasionally taunt. With elán, unlike most of the spatter of vomit you see here, lately. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Even though you were never HALF the Squire that Agua Perdido was, that loyal and trustworthy lad, you WERE a Squire of mine and I just can't bring myself to tear you to ribbons as your thoughtless and vicious statement deserves.

Well, there's a first.

Hey, wait a tic…

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It not being just any challenge, but a Blood Hamster! challenge, Decorum, Protocol, History and Vivian demand the challenger send the setup, even when it means an Olde One lowering himself to the stature of a Boo!.


I relish and chutney the honor and priviledge of our encounter. May your nads fall off from disuse and your nostrils flare from your own putrescent, odoriferous, nether emanations.

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MrPeng well, they are close to falling off from disuse, and in exquisite irony, the Army decided to inflict a class on the prevention of Sexual Harassment on me this evening. Quite necessary they assure me, after all, I am in an all male Infantry battalion in a base guarded by two all male Infantry companies.....

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

MrPeng well, they are close to falling off from disuse, and in exquisite irony, the Army decided to inflict a class on the prevention of Sexual Harassment on me this evening. Quite necessary they assure me, after all, I am in an all male Infantry battalion in a base guarded by two all male Infantry companies.....

Well ... perhaps THAT'S the reason, not that there's anything wrong ... etc. etc. yada, yada.

BTW, Googling my old company results in many hits, but the majority seem to be referring to a sexual harrassment suit against a local manager by the employees ... ALL were female. The manager was a particular friend of mine in fact.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

BTW, Googling my old company results in many hits, but the majority seem to be referring to a sexual harrassment suit against a local manager by the employees ... ALL were female. The manager was a particular friend of mine in fact.


Might we even say... protege, perhaps?
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

BTW, Googling my old company results in many hits, but the majority seem to be referring to a sexual harrassment suit against a local manager by the employees ... ALL were female. The manager was a particular friend of mine in fact.


Might we even say... protege, perhaps? </font>
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