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Originally posted by Abbott:



I apologize if you thought I was referring to you as a bitch, that was not the case. I actually thought you were a man and a Lawyer for some reason which gave double the bite as I am not to fond of Lawyers. However Nidan1 does seem to shine a light where Lawyers are concerned. Good luck with your photographs.

My apologies.

Nick Abbott


Thanks for the apology.

I've been mistaken for a man before. It happens in the Cesspool. It's kind of hard to see in all the muck.

No I'm not a Lawyer....Lawyer is the Lawyer.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by J Ruddy:

I don't know about Abbott, but I'm sorry that Patch has no twig and berries, though I suspect that in hot muggy weather or when dealing with a bicycle cross-bar accident that might be an advantage. When it comes to gender equality, the glass ceiling and living in a patriarchal society, not so much...

I think Patchy owes us all an apology for her chromosomes, frankly, and then an explanation for why she would let someone like Joe Shaw call her a friend in public. With friends like Joe, who needs enemies?

Patch, does he make you dress up in a Snow White costume and pose for pictures the way Seanachai did with my second cousin Myrtle? </font>

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Originally posted by J Ruddy:

I don't know about Abbott, but I'm sorry that Patch has no twig and berries, though I suspect that in hot muggy weather or when dealing with a bicycle cross-bar accident that might be an advantage. When it comes to gender equality, the glass ceiling and living in a patriarchal society, not so much...

But I do grow berries. I grow gooseberries, red currants, pink currants, white currants, black currants, red raspberries, black raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and grapes. Are grapes a berry?

Yum! Berries!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bugged:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

We do have rules here, Abbott, as you've acknowledged. And sometimes mistakes are made. I slammed Bugged pretty hard once and was promptly reminded that she was a "she", something I'd forgotten.

I apologized ... no big deal, mistakes happen.


First off, I don't remember it being a hard slam. Maybe my skin, like my ankles, is too thick to be overly bothered by these things. But I know the point you're making.

The thing that bothers me the most, however, is that my name is included not only in the same post as his name, but in the same paragraph! *shudders* Joe Shaw, have you no mercy? </font>

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Originally posted by Patch:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by J Ruddy:

I don't know about Abbott, but I'm sorry that Patch has no twig and berries, though I suspect that in hot muggy weather or when dealing with a bicycle cross-bar accident that might be an advantage. When it comes to gender equality, the glass ceiling and living in a patriarchal society, not so much...

I think Patchy owes us all an apology for her chromosomes, frankly, and then an explanation for why she would let someone like Joe Shaw call her a friend in public. With friends like Joe, who needs enemies?

Patch, does he make you dress up in a Snow White costume and pose for pictures the way Seanachai did with my second cousin Myrtle? </font>

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I don't imagine that much has changed either; farmers are still at the mercy of the elements.

Thankfully, though, due to genetic modification of foods, farmers have more of an edge now than in the 1800s. Now, some seeds and plants are stronger and more resistant to disease.

If GM foods were around way back then, I might not be in Canada, Joe might not be in the US and I might not have family in Australia. Hmm, fancy that.

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If GM foods were around way back then, I might not be in Canada, Joe might not be in the US
If it actually worked that way. Cascading changes mean that one relative doing something different in the 1800s means that the likelihood of great greats never meeting is increased, ditto greats, or someone along the line, and quite simply, Joe Shaw is never born.

Oh. The humanity.

The odds against all his predecessors displacing across the ocean to the same place and hooking up with the same people is ...well bad example; pick a family not known for their inbreeding, I mean.

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And here we see the violence inherent in the system.

I am but a man ... granted a man possessed of qualities not normally seen in ordinary men. A man called to greatness, a man OF the hour, much like Old Tom Fool of VMI who became, in the right hour and at the precise place ... Old Blue Light, Stonewall Jackson. But still ... a man.

A man who, when called by his sacred DUTY to perform his appointed task, hesitated not an instant but leapt to the task come what may.

And, by so doing, placed myself in the sights of those men who skulk about in gillie suits, those men who have no honor, no dignity and no DUTY.

But I do not complain, not even when ATTACKED by one who HAS honor and dignity and a sense of duty. Attacked by the one I would defend. Not even when the attack was in the form of a viciously repeated calumny of dubious veracity with, and this is key, NO PHOTOS!

Silverware indeed ...

And Grog Dorosh, after I took pity on him and actually called him ... ON MY DIME ... to interview him for the podcast. Oh he was all sweetness and light THEN, he was complimentary THEN, butter woudn't have melted in his mouth THEN.

Do I belittle him because he is Canahockian ... well, I do but that's completely different. I think the legal term is Lhasa Apso or somefink.


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Originally posted by Abbott:

Yeah I know Cavscout . I become part of the talk-**** thread and people start complaining that I don't talk-**** right. I can remember years ago when they were complaining that I didn't talk enough **** to be in here.

Anyone can call you an a-hole, but to do it with style, or suggest it with both verve and a smile, or even a poem, well, that's what this place is about on its better days.

You are, quite simply, uncouth. The uncouth are not welcome here.

So if you leave the MBT and never come back I promise I'll never come to where you hang out on the 'net and slap the peckers out of your mouth.

Shake on it?

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Abbott:

Yeah I know Cavscout . I become part of the talk-**** thread and people start complaining that I don't talk-**** right. I can remember years ago when they were complaining that I didn't talk enough **** to be in here.

Anyone can call you an a-hole, but to do it with style, or suggest it with both verve and a smile, or even a poem, well, that's what this place is about on its better days.

You are, quite simply, uncouth. The uncouth are not welcome here.

So if you leave the MBT and never come back I promise I'll never come to where you hang out on the 'net and slap the peckers out of your mouth.

Shake on it? </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Are dalem and Abbott getting divorced? Does anyone need a Lawyer (no, not The Lawyer™, just A Lawyer)?

I only ask because my new solo shop needs more work.


Hey hey! How are ya? </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... granted a man possessed of qualities not normally seen in ordinary men.

Yeah, genetic defects like that usually mean the child doesn't survive.

MrSpkr! Welcome back. Long time, yadda, yadda. We need some lawyerly influence in here; you can nearly see the bottom.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Are dalem and Abbott getting divorced? Does anyone need a Lawyer (no, not The Lawyer™, just A Lawyer)?

I only ask because my new solo shop needs more work.

Geez, you certaintly have your lawyer skillz finely honed!

A mere hint of possible litigation and **poof** there you are.

Now all we need is JDMorse to show up and we may have a veritable lawyers punch-up as they fight over the potential clients.

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MrSpkr has returned, and just in time to give CMSF the benefit of the sceanario design firm of Ker Dessel*.

It'll be like old times buddy ... except that it is, of course, new times and new game.

I've got an idea though, what do you know about the Syrian Girl Scouts ... I'm thinking of this one scenario where the US storms into this village and ...

<small> they probably think we're joking ... but we're Ker Dessel* ... we go where others fear to tread!</small>

The Arab Region of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts has 13 Member Organizations. There are 160,000 Girl Guides in the region today. The Arab Region also has 5 Countries Working Towards Membership (Iraq, Algeria, Morocco, Syria, Palestine).


* Ker Dessel - When it's called a setup for a reason.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... MrSpkr has returned, and just in time to give CMSF the benefit of the sceanario design I've got an idea though, what do you know about the Syrian Girl Scouts ... I'm thinking of this one scenario where the US storms into this village and ...




...smashes all of their pottery?
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