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**Weapons and Warfare** Expansion Pack announced!!!

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HvS raised a very good question "Will a german basic version run with an english expansion pack?"

Hubert, maybe you can offer some kind of "Gold-Version" including SC2 (eng. version) and the expansion pack for owners of a foreign version of SC2, if the expansion pack won`t work with the german basic version? (ofc for a "special price" smile.gif )


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What would be interesting for passing visitors is to have a 'Demo-Game' that could be run off of a server[iE: "A La'-Streaming"],...so that these interested one's could very-quickly give the game a try-out to see what it's all about!.

Eeesss Gooottt!!!...,Eeesss No Gooottt!!!,...???.

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Originally posted by Retributar:

What would be interesting for passing visitors is to have a 'Demo-Game' that could be run off of a server[iE: "A La'-Streaming"],...so that these interested one's could very-quickly give the game a try-out to see what it's all about!.

Eeesss Gooottt!!!...,Eeesss No Gooottt!!!,...???.

You can make movies of the game with Fraps smile.gif
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Great news! Two questions:

Is there any chance that the exp. will include an optional non-random (i.e. point-buy) tech research? It would be really great if it did...

Maybe a bit too early to ask this, but I have a friend who has birthday in September and I thought of buying SC2 as a present so will there be an option to buy SC2+Exp together at some discount?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why would you think that Vveedd? The original release is playable and moddable. They gave us a complete and good game.

Now they are simply adding to that game with the first of what I hope will be many expansions.

For me I am happy to see them continuing to support the game. These types of expansions allow them to continue to support the game and make it better and better.


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I do realize that. Still, difference between first and second part of the game should be much bigger then we had in SC games case. And this is not my opinion; it is general public opinion for all PC games. Original SC2 release was step forward after SC1 but too little step. Actually if you excluded new graphic all other improvements should have been in Expansion Pack for SC1. With this Expansion Pack for SC2 it is big step forward. Of course, it is too early to be sure in this. We have to see this Expansion Pack first.

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Originally posted by vveedd:

I do realize that. Still, difference between first and second part of the game should be much bigger then we had in SC games case. And this is not my opinion; it is general public opinion for all PC games. Original SC2 release was step forward after SC1 but too little step. Actually if you excluded new graphic all other improvements should have been in Expansion Pack for SC1. With this Expansion Pack for SC2 it is big step forward. Of course, it is too early to be sure in this. We have to see this Expansion Pack first.

Well, well,

What do youse know!

My old pal! :eek:

Say, vveedd!

Since you are beta boy for that OTHER game

We know a bit about,

Can you do us a wee little favor?

If you please, tell us!

What can be EDITED in

That there other game?


Be specific as you can.

I would REALLY like to know!

(... thatta way... I can COMPARE the 2

and see which ALLOWS the very best

options for any "modders," know

what I'se means? ;) )

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Hello Desert Dave. Nice to see you again. :cool:

I can’t see how your question is related to point of this discussion but I will tell you – I DON’T CARE about editor, modders or anything related to this. Never really care and never will be. I didn’t open SC2 editor, not even once and never will. My only concern is gameplay in singleplayer and, most important, in multiplayer, PBEM especially. This other game is not perfect, (no need to tell you, you already know this as I can see) but it has potential. Guys are working hard but they made same mistake as Hubert did; they didn’t include gamer population soon enough in development. Many of Expansion Pack features me and many others have suggested to Hubert while SC2 was in development. For commercial point of view Expansion Pack is maybe good move but still many of these features should have been in original release.

By the way, as I know, in this other game, EVERYTHING is editable. Not from editor, every original game files are editable but I will say again; I DON’T CARE. :cool:

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maybe better games in the market are SC2 and upcoming CEAW, i are a turn based fanatic speaking for me, anyway maybe you may find interesting a pc remake of mithical "hitler's war" as freeware (i think) and can help waiting for CEAW a little, well, i are playing some scenarios on SC2 but this is just my case, not much played it for now, hope to have time this summer for play both games nice and amazing games of 2007 to my personal account...

hitler's war link...


hope you enjoy it,

with best regards,


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Hello Desert Dave. Nice to see you again. :cool:
Same here.

Though, I can't SEE you, merely

Hear the, ummmm... defensive tone

Of yer 2D voice, ah,

That's alright,

Since - NOBODY really "knows"

Anybody else, nope,

Even if they been trading smack or blather

For 5 years or more. ;)

I can’t see how your question is related to point of this discussion...
EVERYTHING is "related," even when

The seeker/searcher doesn't know

That it actually is.

Until much later in Life, usually.

I DON’T CARE about editor, modders or anything related to this. Never really care and never will be. I didn’t open SC2 editor, not even once and never will.
LOTS of folks do.

Now, more than ever,

Thanks to the most amazing!

Editor you shall ever witness

Thence SC2-Weapons and Warfare

Becomes available... notso long

From now, or

So I hear, tho, as with ALL else,

I could be wrong.


I appreciate your common fear

Regarding - trying some thing,

ANY thing... that is new.

It's what is causing so much grief

And consternation

In the World community, IMHO.

And too,

Many are the number who are like you,

Well, in this particular way anyhow,

And prefer to let others make those

Mods for them.

North Afrika,

Battle of the Bulge,

Air Assault on Crete,

Etc, etc.


I am in suspense just now!

Can we make uniquely scaled MAPS,

As for those scenarios

Listed just above?

With that other game?

Just wondering. smile.gif

Guys are working hard but they made same mistake as Hubert did; they didn’t include gamer population soon enough in development.
Where've you been the last 5 years vveedd?

Parsing out the stems & seeds?

Folks on this here forum have been expressing

Quite explicitly,

Many and multiform requests all along!

What did you miss?

Worse, does that worry you? :eek:

For commercial point of view Expansion Pack is maybe good move but still many of these features should have been in original release.

Didn't you realize?

EVERYTHING, darn near, is "commercial,"

These latter days.

That which is not - and, cannot

Be bought & sold, well,

Those sorts of things are THE most valuable,


We save that discussion for another day, eh?

As for the other comment, nope, nix nay,

There ain't one single thing

I've EVER heard tell of... that

Should be... other

That what it - IS.

Could be?

Sure, you bet.

Might have been?

Well, who wants to dwell on what's

Long ago gone?


Well, they ain't puttin' much in at start,

So I must presume that MOST

Of what else is necessary

To make a decent WW2 GS game

Will come later? :confused:

With what kind of price tag,

No one can tell.

From my readings it sounds as though,

This is a pretty rudimentary version,

With plenty of "basics"

(... as with complete

Polish sovereignty) yet

To be inserted, yes?

By the way, as I know, in this other game, EVERYTHING is editable. Not from editor, every original game files are editable but I will say again; I DON’T CARE. :cool:
That YOU do NOT care

Is well established by now, no need vveedd

To lather rinse and repeat.

However, I am - same as any other potential


VERY concerned to know just HOW

That "file editing" might be done?


And intuitively,

With a few simple mouse-clicks,

As Hubert has done it,

One would hope? smile.gif

And so... the DEMO will let

Whoso is actually interested

(... based on fleeting flimsy knowledge

thus far enumerated by, ummm, rather

reluctant-to-reveal immoderaters) - finally,

KNOW all about 'em nuts & bolts,

As well as IF the game is balanced

And has a robust AI,

And whether it tends to crash & burn,

And the like.

Good luck! With yer future testing!

May be you will do some good

For the real-deal,

Get it when they SEE it... gaming crowd! smile.gif

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Originally posted by Desert Dave:

Can we make uniquely scaled MAPS,

As for those scenarios

Listed just above?

With that other game?

Just wondering. smile.gif

Editors are handy but most games are modded by hand, lack of an editor does not in any way prevent mod creation as long as the developer chooses to "soft-code" instead of "hard-code" enough data. And it looks as if the game in question will be very moddable.
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Not sure why you continue to think the general population is unhappy with SC2. I have played and watch the boards of most of the WWII games and this one has the least complaints I have encountered.

Having played it for over a month now I am extremely happy with the game. Well balanced, good AI and turn based.

The mods I have tried are awesome. I really love Advanced Third Reich.

I have played 2 PVP games. One with a friend and that one is fun. Played one with someone from the board which convinced me to never play this game PVP with anyone but a friend.

Reason is people tend to play only to win. They do not recognize there is suppose to be a history related to their actions. That maybe fun for some but when I want to play a fantasy game I play Civ.

The only improvement I would like to see would be reprecussions for ahistorical behavior so that those who do wish to avoid history must face some consequence for their actions.

Anyway, of the over a hundred war games I own at the time this is the best and I am anxious for the expansion and really happy to see the developers are continuing to produce product for there old work.


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Excellent news Mr. Cater, i have played SC2 so much that with out a doubt, this has been the best money spent on a computer game for me! I will gladly put my money down for this expansion pack! I think i read that there will be commando's, what exactly will there role be? I can wait for the release but any hints on how soon?



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