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Peng Challenges a Bottle of Vodka!!! or "Drink, Brother, Drink, We Need The Bottle"


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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

I'm still trying to work out what Iskander used for fertiliser.


He probably got it from the paddock.


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The following deux surrender monkeys OWE ME OVERDUE TURNS:

OGSF - based on past performance, he's almost CERTAINLY going to lose before we even hit the GO buttons for turn 1.

Joe Shaw - he's lost his mind and therefore, by default, his marbles. And I thought playing the Seniour Ass was sloooooow!

Hop to it lads. The sooner you experience the pain of losing and get over it, the better...

Now, I once did, but as of this moment do NOT owe stinking overdue turns to the following surrender monkeys:

Lars - he's almost winning but can't make up his mind yet.

Leeo - he's definitely almost winning but doesn't know it yet.

Mr Spkr - he's almost probably losing AGAINST THE FRENCH {bolded out of respect for his love of the aforesaid escargot-munchers}

That is all,


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I proudly announce that Boo_Radley has won Arty-fest 45 by default. By that I mean that his damn ISP finally pushed me over the edge by bouncing turns, and I deleted the file in disgust.

That would be disgust at his ISP, and not for Boo himself. That disgust is on an entirely different level, and involves flan, munching, and other less savory things. Not that there's any thing wrong with that...No, wait. There is, and for that you disgust me even more. Sick bastid, seek professional help.

Not that this irregular end is necessarily a bad thing, as the scenario in question is stoopid in the extreme. The only high point was a FB (his own) dropping it's ordinance on his reinforcements, therefore wiping out all but a few panicked huns. Gotta love those flyboys. Was Stuka the pilot by any chance?

I am now informed that his computer is disgusted with him, too. So much, in fact, that it won't let him play either CM:BO or CM:BB. Sucks to be you, buddy. Not that is one whit less than you deserve, of course.

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Did I forget that other surrender monkey Mr Peng still owes me a turn too??

Can't remember, it's been so looooong waiting for turn #3 from HIM that even GODOT would've given up by now.

That and the endless "My ISP HATES ME!!" excuses that I DO receive from HIM from time to time.

Sucks to be HIM I guess.


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Originally posted by Speedy:


Not only do we Australians vex poor little old Seanachai in his quest to crush us all, The Bald One has just announced that the very first CMBB preorder was placed by an Australian.


Double HA! See, in the NATURAL order of things (in this case, CMBB) justice will always out...


Uber Alles Australia!!

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Now look you here lads and lassies (though I don't care for collies as a rule), I've a few things to say and since it's ME that's saying them it's damned important to YOU so pay attention!

I'll be out of town for the most part all of this week in Denver and then traipsing around the hinterlands of Utah so turns will be delayed.

None of your sass about "can you delay" that which will never come? My computer has issues with me lately, I'm thinking it's depressed because I'm leaving for the week and is sulking.

In short my email is unbelievably screwed up and I have no way to tell if I'm actually getting any mail or not. IF you've sent a turn to me ... I don't have it! I have turns from my semi-loyal and likely to be forever Squire unless he gets on the stick and completes his quest Papa Khann but NO ONE ELSE! IF YOU'VE SENT A TURN I HAVEN'T RESPONDED TO ... SEND IT AGAIN!

I have pre-ordered CMBB ... you may commence losing to me ... no sense in waiting till the last minute is there?


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Hmm..let'ssee.....Alexander the Grape was a dag...Greek. Iskander is kindof a Greek delicacey......does that mean Isky should properly be referred to as Iskander the Grape??

Anyway - I've been offered a rotund rodent's rectum to do something else, so that seems more appealign than staying here listening to you lot of fruit puffs!!

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Ah'm noo orderin' CM:BB cos there's noo mustard gas ain tha demo. Alreet, Ah alraidy order'd at, boot Ah nae gwintae tak at oot o' mah letterbox whain at arreeves cos tha demo wid noo convince tha Quake crood tae buy at. Waill, Ah might tak at oot boot at'll bae agin mah baist judgemaint... Ah didnae deserrve at, an' mah brother-ain-law's cousin' kids widnae lak tha noo look. All tha' smoke an' flames an' fancy taixtures...noo lak tha Close Encounter wi' at's shockwaves an' monochrome tanks an' still trees. BFC are gwintae tak mah money tae...bastarrds.

Long's Peak Highland Festival

Ah waint tae a wee gatherin' o' tha Clan's ain Estes Park (tha hotel as tha wun ain "The Shining" wi' Jack Nicholson) yesterdi'. At were all happenin', aincludin' cannon bein' fired, bowlin' balls bein' blasted oot o' mortars tae try an' hit the Loch Ness Monster (a wee blow-oop pool toy) oot on tha lake, Heeland Dancin' , pipe bands an' Braveheart re-enacters. 'caipt Ah didnae knoo at were re-enactin', di Ah? Ah cum roond thas tent thang an' foond twae bastaards swingin' swords aboot, an' Ah shooted "Ye'll hae sum bugger's eye oot mon! Pack at ain!". Tae whuch tha closest bugger replied, "Piss off ya....errrk!!" as hais opponaint slammed haim on tha noggin' wi' tha flat o' hais sword. Hae dropped lak a sack o' Croda. Ah proceeded tae admonish the twit still standin', "Yoo jammy bastarrd! Hae widnae watchin' yoo, Jimmy!" "Di ye wan' sum o' tha' yersailf?" hae said.

Sae Ah snatched oop tha sword dropped bah tha clobbered pillock, who wha lyin' there moanin, "Ooooooeeeerrrrr! Ah'm dyin' mon!", an' swung at aboot mah haid. "Kiss mah spotty arrrse!!" Ah yelled, an' swung mah blade low an' for'ard. Unfortunately there were various member's o' tha public teemin' aboot lak rat's an' Ah happened tae clout wun across tha forehaid as Ah swung tha mighty blade. Which were noo a bad thang, Ah jus' mainshun at fer interaist, cos at caused tha festerin' clump o' cat litter across fra' mae tae glance awah. "THWAP!", tha great sword continued aboot an' smacked haim right ain tha nads. Such a shriekin', an' show o' agony Ah hadnae seen since Lars lost five o' haes nine gamey JagdpanzerIV thingies ain a single turrrn tae mah stoot Heeland Laddies.

Ah sensed a growin' hostility aboot mae an' decided tae retire tae parrts ailsewhere. Whuch Ah daid, boot tha mob were growin' an' seemed intaint on followin' mae. Ah were scamperin' across a patch o' open grass, lookin' back tae see af'n tha smelly band o' Sassanach sympathizer's were gainin', whain "Whooff! Blaaatweeeethpppprrrttt!!", Ah smacked straight aintae tha Calgary 10th Pipe Band, marchin' aboot on special delivery fraim Canada (or Calgary). Tha laddies were noo impraissed, an' Ah sensed trooble anew.

Meanwhile tha bleedin' Sassanach hordes hae cam crashin' through tha bleachers an' were streemin' ontae tha field, blood ain their eyes' an' snot ain there hair!! Ah turned tae tha Calgary 10th Pipe Band laddies who were mostly back on their feet, an' yelled ain mah baist Mel Gibson voice, "STAND LADS!! HERE THEY COME!!! YE KIN TAK' AWAH MAH HAGGIS, BOOT YE CANNAE TAK' AWAH MA FRRREEEEEEEEDOMMMMMMMMM!!!" (Whuch were a load o' bollocks cos tha peeler's ain Glasgi' hae tak'n awah both on more than wun occasion).

But tha lads stood....turrrned an' stood....

Ah had a wee tear o' pride ain mah eye as Ah crawled awah aintae tha gatherin' crowd on all fours, tha sounds o' fierce battle eruptin' baheend mae....

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Hopefully, in the very near future, I will no longer be sober, and able to once again post here as one of you.

During this very disorienting period in which I was reminded, sometimes hourly, as to why alcohol is the very foundation of American society, I had time to reflect on you all.

I decided, of course, that 'bugger them all except the Ladies' pretty much covers it. Strangely, I'm sure this is also the motto of 96% of you.

Oh, and the wee spaniel. He's alright. Not that that won't stop about a third of you from having a go at him, as well.

I have now ordered the game, and invited a larger influx of hatred, in the form of mail, from the Outer Board. I will be rejoining you all shortly.

Watch this space.

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