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CMBB Pre-orders Discussion

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>From Madmatt in another thread:

No plans for pre-orders are expected at this time.<hr></blockquote>

If this is BTS policy, I would like to question it on several grounds.

First, planning. I fail to see how not doing pre-orders would help out BTS. Remember all the problems in getting a whole bunch of extra CDs generated in a hurry after the first lot sold out so quickly? Doesn't allowing pre-orders allow you to plan for the original number of CD burns, manuals printed, etc. help BTS in their planning? Especially in making a more realistic estimate of the popularity of the game?

Second, rewarding loyalty. Why should those of us who have been around since Madmatt was a slack-ass poster boy* have to wait to get a copy of the game with first time buyers who might have the luck of timing? For instance, let's say CMBB is going to be a huge hit and there is no pre-order. When the game gets released it is likely to be daytime in the US - let's say Friday morning for the sake of argument. That means it will be Saturday night in Australia. Add to that the fact that Stuka, Mace, me and quite a number of other people in that part of the world go get pissed on the weekend and might not even check the BBS until about Sunday at the crack of noon. By then the game could be sold out and we get screwed and are standing in line with the rest of the mob waiting for another CD burn. Is that justice?

Finally, cash. I run a small business and if someone told me that I could have say US$350,000(US$35 x 10,000 copies) now for a product that I was going to release in three to six months, I'd be all over that money like stink on **** my friend. Cashflow is king in the small business world and if you don't think that cashflow injection would help BTS out in a number of ways, you need to return to first year Economics.

Any thoughts from Steve on this?

* - courtesy Doug Beamn

[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Goanna ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by phil stanbridge:

I don't have a credit card anymore :( but I have a debit card. I imagine this will cause a problem when it comes to ordering...<hr></blockquote>


My debit card worked just fine about six weeks ago.

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IIRC, the stated reason for not accepting pre-orders is the fact that your credit card would be charged immediately, even though the game won't be out for months. I personally would have no problem with this as long as I knew in advance this was the case. Nobody would be forcing me to pre-order, right?

I sure don't want to get caught in the crunch of orders on this one and have to listen to how great the game is for six weeks from a pack of newbies who haven't even heard of the game yet. Remember the fiasco that was CMBOs original release. Pre-order people basically got screwed in many instances. Now you can make up for that. smile.gif

Here's what I'd like to see. Have time periods where certain groups of people are allowed to pre-order. For example: The first bunch that would be allowed to pre-order would be those who pre-ordered CMBO before the demo came out. You would give them say a 3 day window to get their order in. These same people would be the very first to have their orders processed.

The next 3 day pre-order window would be for all those who pre-ordered CMBO after the demo came out. Then, if you have the records you could create further 3 day windows based on the purchase date of people's copies of CMBO. For example June-August 2000 purchases would get the next 3 day pre-order opportunity, and so on.

All pre-orders would be processed in the order they were received. If an old timer misses his window he could pre-order at any later date. All who pre-ordered would understand that their credit cards would be charged immediately.

Once all the CMBO owners have had a chance to pre-order you do whatever you want. Your loyal longtime supporters will be well taken care of and quite happy.

For those of you who are thinking of suggesting forum membership numbers, forget it. Many old timers lost their numbers due to forum crashes.

Going by CMBO purchase date is the fairest way.

I know this would involve some extra work for Battlefront; maybe too much extra work, but it's fair.

Treeburst155 out.

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One preorder from here, yes.

Why don't you change the topic of this thread to

"Post here if you'd like to preorder CMBB now, knowing that you'd pay now and receive the goods whenever it's done."

[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Nabla ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

Finally, cash. I run a small business and if someone told me that I could have say US$350,000(US$35 x 10,000 copies) now for a product that I was going to release in three to six months, I'd be all over that money like stink on **** my friend. Cashflow is king in the small business world and if you don't think that cashflow injection would help BTS out in a number of ways, you need to return to first year Economics.<hr></blockquote>

WOW, you completely forgot that in the case of CMBO the credit cards were charged as soon as the product left the house, not months before (Anything else would not be very moral in my opinion)!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rollstoy:

WOW, you completely forgot that in the case of CMBO the credit cards were charged as soon as the product left the house, not months before (Anything else would not be very moral in my opinion)!<hr></blockquote>

Well, that must mean that many of us, the customers, have really low moral :D

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Nabla:

One preorder from here, yes.

Why don't you change the topic of this thread to

"Post here if you'd like to preorder CMBB now, knowing that you'd pay now and receive the goods whenever it's done."

[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Nabla ]<hr></blockquote>

Sure I would preorder.

I hope there is some "mechanism" in place to honour the long time supporters of CMBO and the "early adpoters" and evanglists of the orignal CMBO.

So BTS how about it?

How will BTS make it feasible for early adopters and those that pre-ordered CMBO to be the first in line for CMBB.

I would be happy to pay now and get it when it is done if I know that it would be shipped to me immediately after it came of the press (duplicator CD burner whatever).


AND this is a BIG one

how about enhanced shipping options like FED EX and UPS and Package Tracking???

That might be pushing it but, package tracking would be a VERY big deal.

So BTS mark me down for at least one copy of CMBB.

At this point many of us are concerned the game might sell out before we get our copy because the demand may be greater than BTS projections again.

Any thought give to an intial run of say 50,000 to 100,000 units???

just a happy smile.gif friendly question......

-tom w

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IIRC (and someone correct me if I am remembering incorrectly), BTS had problems with some of the CMBO preorders. As someone else pointed out, the credit cards were charged when the game shipped, not when the preorder was recieved (not sure why this is, it may be a law, or it may be conforming to GAAP). Anyway, what happened is that some of the credit cards expired between the placing of the preorder and the shipping date. This led to headaches for BTS and the customers involved.

It doesn't seem to me that preordering would make much difference in how soon you recieved the game anyway. Perhaps a day or two. No biggie.

PS - Phil, your debit card should work just as well as a credit card for ordering. I paid for CMBO with a debit card.

[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Vanir Ausf B ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B:

It doesn't seem to me that preordering would make much difference in how soon you recieved the game anyway. Perhaps a day or two. No biggie.<hr></blockquote>

For me, it was almost 2 months -- thanks to USPS! Arrgh!

Thanks for sharing.


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If the problem is credit cards and what you can and can't do with them, great. Cause I have the solution. Just do what I do and pay by IMO (International Money Order). Yes, there were ways to make business transactions worldwide before there was credit cards. I paid my copy of CMBO by IMO and, get this, I even made it out to Big Time Software, yadda-yadda United Kingdom. And it worked anyway.

OK, BTS, pay attention. I would like to pre-order four (4, vier, quattro, fyra) copies of Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin. I want to pay by IMO now. You must guarantee that my order will be in the first shipment to Europe.

This is not a joke or an insincere offer.

If you are interested let me know.


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Has anyone stopped to wonder what the price of CM2 will be?

With all the new features, coupled with the irresistable screen shots - they could probably get away with charging 70 or 80 dollars US for this game, knowing we would all buy it...

Pay now, pay later, I don't see the difference; BTS has always acted honourably towards its customers, and paying now doesn't mean you will get it any faster, though I agree that having a place in line so to speak would be good.

My only concern is that the web based ordering system will become choked and we will be unable to order online for many days. I hope there is a contingency for that.

If Steve and Charles wouldn't give in to corporate pressure or the giants at Avalon Hill when designing and producing this game - why would screeching fans waving money in their face be any different? They've proven themselves to be of sufficient moral fibre not to give in to that sort of thing.

Let's let them finish the game; can't wait for the doodads.

The fun of saying that word over and over will in itself justify the price of CM2...


[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]</p>

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Many of you may have seen this before:

"Can I do a pre-order?

"Because we won't be taking preorders as such The main reason is that our new online ordering system, which will be in place fairly soon, processes credit cards online in

realtime. Therefore, when you place your order you are charged right there and then. Because of that we won't be able to take orders until about a week or so before we think

the game will ship." -Steve"

its in the CMBB FAQ

I guess that sounds like a big improvement over the way it was handled the first time around.

I hope it works out better when CMBB is released and the 10,000 or so refresh monkeys hit that server with their credit card numbers to order CMBB.

Anyone who remembers the evening of the "refresh Monkeys" when the Gold Demo (I think :confused: ) was about to be released, knows what damage thousands of RABID Combat Mission fans can do "en masse" to a poor defenceless server, I hope those folks you contracted with are prepared for the revenge of the refresh monkeys when CMBB goes on sale smile.gif

-tom w

[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I think we should do it by the current member number :D


Now that is a brilliant idea! ;)

I don't really care about pre-ordering, but I would like to have UPS or FedEx shipping as an option, for both speed of delivery and the ability to track the shipment.

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We are not deaf to your concerns regarding an extended Pre-Order time but as it was said abive our current system charges the card at the time the order is placed and NOT at the time the order ships. We will be looking at this issue closer when the time is right but if its possible we will allow a one or two week ADVANCE ORDER period prior to the final ship date where you could order, but that depends on wheter or not we can adequelty tailor the order system to what we require.

Contrary to some beliefs, we don't like the idea of charging people for something that isn't yet available, even if it's just for a week or two.

But as I said above, this issue is still being worked on. Many quote my answer in the interview, and at that time (and currently) that is true, that doesnt mean we won't work on it. ;)


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