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What's Your First CMBB game going to be?

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Are you going to start playing against the AI or PBEM/TCP/Hotseat? What type of battle first?

I have tossed the idea of starting out playing PBEM/TCP or starting by playing against the AI. Is learning how the death clock and how MG's work better to experienced alone (without embarasement) or with someone else?

My old football days have embedded too much competition in me, so I think that I am going to start out playing against the AI. Learn all the new features ASAP, and then start up the old PBEM machine again!

As to which game I am going to play first, I am leaning towards a rural battle envolving a few tank platoons and lots of infantry. Definatly play as the germans first (sorry to you finnish fans out there!), and play against some russian t34's. Early war, so I can see the markIII in action and other early armour.

Second battle will have to be a Stalingrad battle, involving factories, sewers, lots of house to house fighting, and good AFV support in town! There are just somethings that ASL cannot capture, and CMBB is going to show us that again just as CMBO did before.

Chad smile.gif

What about you?

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The tutorial :D

Actually, for us CMBOers that might not show us the important changes in a light that makes its impact felt (e.g. getting mauled by a lone MG ;) ).

Hmm... probably a Tiny to Small combined arms battle to ease into the game.

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A friggin' Commie bloodbath!!

Oh, sorry. Definitely gotta play the AI first! I picture a lot of testing that situation, what with all the new and improved goodness and all.

As far as the particular scenario parameters...I have to see some Tractorworks right off the bat, or at least some of the new and imroved city-fighting stuff. Then it will be straight to an armor engagement on the steppe to really check out the armor and afvs! Then I will * head explodes with excitement *

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A horrible loss, though nothing like the 99-1 loss recorded by a certain someone in the Cesspool...

I am on Fionn's list of ne'er-do-wells, so maybe I will remain a CM:BB er, virgin, until our PBEM. That gives me one more excuse with which I can rationalize my loss...

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For me, AI first. It will allow me to get a feel for the changes made, become familiar with the new look of the interface and learn the new commands. Then off to PBEM.

My time is limited so unfortunately, TCP/IP play is on the backburner.

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I have already made a challenge to a respectable opponent for a PBEM battle, and we will discover the new features of CMBB through an embarassing battle. "Ah, so that is what that command does. So much for that platoon...." Thereafter, we will send an AAR to each other (perhaps the forum as well without spoilers) and discuss what we've learned, what worked, and what failed (miserably).

We've choosen sides- Soviets for me considering that I have been waiting over a year for this- and he'll choose the scenario. To start, we are keeping it somewhat simple- no battles in deep mud, the dead of winter, or deadly street fighting.

We have allowed each other to play against the AI in another battle, because there is no way that we will be able to hold ourselves back as we wait for e-mails and turns.

"Za Rodina Matz" Yankee Dog!

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QB, playing the Russians and armed to the teeth with IS-2/M1944, T-34/85 with accompanying SMG/Tank riders, ISU-152, and a katyusha bombardment in addition to some 120mm mortars. Fighting in Berlin sounds nice.

....either that or some Kursk scenario.

[ July 31, 2002, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: Commissar ]

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I'll probably start off with the tutorial. Then like a kid trying to finish his green beans to get to his dessert, my anticipation will get the best of me and I'll probably jump into a QB playing as the Russians with lots of T-34s. Can't wait to see how the T-34s fare against the Germans.

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First game will be to sort through all the TOE and find the most likely weapon candidates that will be decried as "gamey" in future weeks so I can at least try them before their banned by the gamey polizia.

[ July 31, 2002, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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In all seriousness, there was a battalion/regiment sized battle along the Berlin-Kustrin highway in April 1945 that I have always wanted to play around with. It is an ad hoc Panzer division (no name or number) defending against a determined Soviet assault.

Probably a huge scenario, and one I won't get to until after my Taman peninsula scenarios, but I think it can be pretty fun.


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Originally posted by Spanish Bombs:

Some good ideas here, but I was thinking about starting near the end, maybe the Seelow Heights or something inside Berlin, even. Or something with an Elefant -weren't there one or two of those at the very end?

No Elefants nor Ferdinands by Spring, 1945. They were all lost on the steppes of Russia or in the mountains of Italy. Battles in the Seelow Heights and Berlin will be primarily StuGs, PzKW IVs, and Panthers- with a occasional Tiger II.
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Guest Panzer Boxb

AI game with lots, and lots, and LOTS of tanks. I want to make my system scream for mercy trying to calculate all the armor penetration. I'll do that for a few turns and then switch to a nice, small combined arms game to start learning the new features. Then maybe, just maybe, I'll venture forth into the real world and get my arse handed to me royally by some 13-year-old. :D

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