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I've 3.01 installed and working but still not all the mod's ( very long download) . I miss the Stug and the Fernando's halftracks.

It's a so wonderful tool that I complain when a good mod like the last Daimler isn't compatible.

I hope that CMOS became the standard and that it will be implemented in CMBB by BTS.

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CMMOS rocks.

this needs to become a standard.

i *had* all the mods i wanted installed once...

then i found CMMOS!

now, i can have unit 'sigs and different mods for different scenarios (12 pz div [or 21st, or LAH, etc] woods, country, city, etc), not to mention some CMMOS only enhancements that you can't buy at any store (ronco special anyone?)

GEM: please (oh, please!) have you and your peers *highly* encourage BTS to issue a "fatwah" and get folks online w/ CMMOS.

if you haven;t used CMMOS yet, i'd like to use a simple analogy;

win95 is cool, it works and all, but the features of win98 make the upgrade worth the effort.

likewise w/ CMMOS.

in a nutshell....

make it so!


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I am not using it. Been seeing alot about it and from everyone's praise, it sounds like I should take the leap and get it. Is it available at CMHQ?

Pretty happy with my mods as they are now, but always willing to improve.

I'll prolly get it implemented a week before CMBB is out.

[ January 30, 2002, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: Hawkmek ]

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I'm also an extensive user of this thingy! Hope that Steve & Charles will license CMMOS and include it in future releases of the CM game engine, CM:BB and/or beyond.

If/when BTS & Co. includes CMMOS or some adaptable version in their future game releases, I'll promise to send you that 6 bottles of South African wine that you so graciously declined before Gordon! With PBEM Helper by Fuerte, CMMOS is still one of the 2 greatest software CM add-ons to be found.

Oh BTW Gordon, how far is the CMMOS 3.1 version of Andrew's Super Action Pack uniform sets?

Keep up the hard work Gordon & Friends and ... THANK YOU! smile.gif

A very satisfied CMMOS user,

Charl Theron



“Nothing in life is as exhilarating as to be shot at without result.”

-- Sir Winston Churchill

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Ok, time for another "Answer man" session. smile.gif

Colonel_Deadmarsh: The different coverage levels of different icons reflects the fact that you've got lot's of different people making mods, and I just can't get them to agree. :D

massimorocca: Fernando's StuGs and Halftracks are available on CM:HQ. There's also a new (old) StuG and JgdPz IV on the way.

leakyD: Maybe once the Mac side of the house get's covered a fatwah might be in order.

MajorVictory: We'll try to be as comprehensive as we can on the uniforms front (and back). :rolleyes:

Hawkmek: Yes, CMMOS v3.01 and most every CMMOS compatible mod is available on CM:HQ.

Sgt Colon: Go to CM:HQ, download CMMOS v3.01, install it and start downloading and playing with the mods.


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