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I have come to bury Peng, not to Challenge him

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Let it be known that on this 6th day of March in the year of Our Lord Two-Thousand and Two that I Croda hereby lay penultimate claim to Leeo's immortal soul!

I have crushed, trounced, blitzed, wracked, crumbled, massacred, defiled, denounced, obliterated, eliminated, and been altogher mean to his troops.

His soul is mine.

Let he who would claim it place setup in my mailbox else I shall display said soul with detest above my mantle with the ears.

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Sludge. Sludge is being French. Of Sludge's Frenchness there can be no dispute. The Rat observes no hail from the Sludge in tha Cess regarding our little bingle. Can it be (wonders the Rat) that Sludge is coy about 'is Frenchness. Oh, no indeed. The fellow absolutely wallows in it. The Rat is most put out at having to command flighty Prussians to put Sludge's French to the sword. Some sturdy British tars would have soon set the French Sludge to rights.

The sea veritably swarms with Sludge's troop transports and gunboats. Sludge is being the French in certainty, playing the role to the hilt. Meandering one of 'is transports round and round within musket shot of my Prussians while the rest of his fleet stalks just within cannon range. Now I must contend with a nasty Sludge outbreak in the midst of me fleet. Courtesy of a pell mell round the flank advance by 'is transports. Though the sea is awash with the wreckage and flotsam of his transports, thanks to the steady work of my gunners, by some miracle of Frenchness the troops aboard survived all but unscathed an' now occupy one of me forts. Not happy with this display of Frenchness Sludge wanders a vessel, with it's guns blasted off their mountings but still seaworthy, back and forth like a cheap Portsmouth doxy to attract the attention and fire of me men. Aaaarrgh!

But this is not the end of it. In the 'piece de resistance' to use 'is damnable lingo, Sludge has stiffened up his French forces with some British lads. How can I know this you ask, when they were at least a couple of miles away? Well, upon entering some trees they raised their ensign.

Now the blood runs from 'is scuppers and the French are dieing at the very muzzles of me guns.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

The happy Justicar travels on his new job with his favorite Stenographer.


I bet you guys are all jealous.


Okay, fine, make fun of the absent Justicar WHO CAN'T DEFEND HIMSELF! In the first place, I DON'T (you can trust me on this) fly first class ... boy can you trust me on this. Second it's business casual, not suit and tie ... so there.

GOOD NEWS THOUGH! I will be able to access the net on my theoretical new laptop! While I'll not be able to play CMBB on it I CAN attend to my duties in the Justicariate ... when I'm not answering the 40 some odd emails that I'll be getting daily if my co-workers are to be believed ... jury's still out on that one. Of course it's all predicated upon the arrival of said theoretical laptop and the jury's REALLY out on that one.

So ... I'll be here again until Monday when I won't ... be here.

The concern expressed over my absence was heart warming ... or maybe it was just indigestion.


OH Marlow ... those rules REALLY sucked! We have to remember the audience you know, what do think the odds are that ANY SSN would understand them?

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Fellow Cesspudlians,

I drop this message into an empty Scotch bottle in hopes that by whatever whimsy it would make it's way to the far distant shores of the Cesspool. The text of said message doth read

"My feckin' home compuker has been on the fritz. I've replaced the gott-damned power supply twice and it's still not un-busted. So no turns ya gits. Having to read email at work on a web based browser sucks Croda droppings. Plus the idjits in suits at my so-called job have dumped a huge friggin' project on my lap which has severly degraded my f**k off time at work. Hopefully the home compuker will be up and running next week after I get my paycheck thingey. Stop whining, ya sissy girls, yu'll get a feckin' turn in good order. That is all for now, Hanns"

May gentle hands pluck this missive from the ether, break open the bottle upon your acne blemished visages, force feed you the broken glass and tattoo my words upon your unworthy backs. Cheers!

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I CAN attend to my duties in the Justicariate

Good. You can start by hanging that twit Croda for his blattent attempt to steal the Justicariate</font>
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Originally posted by Croda:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I CAN attend to my duties in the Justicariate

Good. You can start by hanging that twit Croda for his blattent attempt to steal the Justicariate</font>
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Tha BilgeRat has shown his ugly mug again has he?

The Rat observes no hail from the Sludge in tha Cess regarding our little bingle.
Perhaps you missed this one from a month and a day ago:


Here you have come to our beautiful countrie, and your welcoming was at ending already before you were arriving! We have several hundreds brave men for you to be dealing with right now. You will enjoy this, no?

Nous détruirons ces envahisseurs allemands!

Monsieur Sledge

I was sorry to hear the news when you piloted your ship onto that reef, MrRat. You see, your emails are most entertaining and while you were marooned, I longed to hear even a single 'Aaargh'. Now that all is underway again, I'll give you this as a welcome back.

Sludge has stiffened up his French forces with some British lads.
It wasn't me, MrRat. We are reinacting history here, and those Tommies helped make it possible for the Free French to win this particular fight. Let that be a lesson to you!
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Originally posted by Persephone:

The happy Justicar travels on his new job with his favorite Stenographer.


I bet you guys are all jealous.


These are exactly the Carnie rejects I always end up sitting next to every damned flight. I bet it was better in the seventies when every flight longer than Detroit to Chicago seemed to lead to some Penthouse Forum gropefest. All I get is

"Dear RealityHouse Forum-

I never thought I'd be writing to a magazine like yours, but the other day something happened to me that finally convinced me all the stories I read are true! I was flying steerage from Minneapolis to D.C., and I was halfway through my tiny bag of stale butter pretzel thingies when suddenly the man next to me decided he needed to go to the rest room. I'd been waiting for this to happen ever since I sat down for two reasons; I was hoping he'd have a chance to maybe pull the dead otter out of his buttcrack, or otherwise take care of whatever was making him so odiferous, and I was also hoping to get a chance to talk to the young cutie who was sitting on the other side of him. When I leaned over she put her book down so she could more easily look the other way. While I was waiting for her to stop ignoring me I read the title of her book: 'Do I Hate Men Enough, You Dickweed?'

Yessir, that was quite a flight! Next time I hope I get the steward with the twitch!

-name and address withheld

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My apologies (yes, that ugly word again, but 'fish must when the devil demands'...no, I have no idea what it means either. Shut up) to all my opponents. I'm several days behind on turns (at least). I've been working until very late each night, even at home (which is less objectionable, because the music is better), on a sudden Crisis Project. Read: Someone finally noticed that I've been blowing off the last 4 weeks of database updates in order to stroke, cuddle, and reassure any number of bloody idjits that I work with day to day about their use of their computer (or, as most of them call it, the Magic Box of Infinite Pain.)

Turns out tomorrow for all, and perhaps even the setups I've promised any number of opponents, and haven't delivered upon (most likely because you defeated me in an ugly and unpleasant fashion, unlike Lawyer, who died like a Law dog, and AussieJeff, who's not quite dead, but isn't fooling anyone).


Loved the Pillocks Anonymous. You are a fine person who is much too kind to most of us, most especially myself. I think this Gnome needs more humility. Anything to cut the depression, but I cannot re-register until the name of Peng is re-captured from the Rogue. Otherwise, Berli would be left alone with the Thread, and...well, that couldn't be good.

Love you all (that's right, gag on it, you swine), and back again as soon as the Real World™ permits, and the desire to fade away...fades away.

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Wakey, wakey, Peng!

Don't you have a humiliating defeat to announce?

Oh yes I think you do...

Don't be shy......you can do it.

Come on now...be brave 'lil fella.

Wipe that tear from your eye......step up to the podium.....and tell the lads and laddettes....


Uncle Stukey has whipped your spindly, acne pocked, pasty-white honkey ass.


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Just a word of warning, some friendly advice...DON'T CLICK THE LINK THAT Sledge POSTED...you WILL be sorry.

{Especially if you stay the distance}.

Ma-Lo I am the squire ofSlapdragon.

You sir can Sod off.


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Originally posted by BilgeRat:


Look, it has posted some contact info. It is mine, cause I saw it first.

First instructions:

Run along and do whatever your kind is supposed to be doing AND kill something. Preferably a squire or SSN or whatever it is they're called this day. Pick someone useless and ... just pick someone.

Stick with me kid and I'll show you where the little iron exercise wheels grow*.


* = copyright of The Bard

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Originally posted by Lindan:

Star Control 3?? :eek: :eek:

now THIS was a game...

No taunt, and two emoticons!

tsk, tsk *shakes head*

What happened to that vindictive Teutonic taunting that Germany is well reknown for?

Have you not paid attention to Warphead, who is well known for nasty, bitter prose (mainly directed towards me)?

Now you march right out of here, then come straight back in with more spite in your soul.

You'll thank me for this, mark my word.


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It has come to my attention that I have been processing my turns in a timely and dependable manner. That will stop immediately. I will now go back to sending them when I get good and ready. That should give me some time to lose repeatedly to the AI. So, to those of you who are unfortunate enough to be my opponents, you can never really count on a turn from me. It might be once a week or twice a week. I do promise to not send them at the snail like pace of a Sir Seanachai. That would be criminal. I also won’t send them at the pace of jdmorse or Elvis. That pace consists of sending the turn and constantly checking the email at intervals of thrice an hour every day.

This was the most logical recourse for me in that I am known to spend more time with my turns and my latest PBEM schedule has been atypical of me. You may now commence the cacophony of wailing and beating of your communal breast. (Sit down Bauhaus, you myopic, mouthbreathing twit!)

For those of you who don’t care a whit about my PBEM schedule, I have this to say: There may come a time when you might stumble into a PBEM with me. Know that my turns are packed with “strategery” and awe inspiring tactical acumen. I provide quality turns that encourage you to remove your finger from your over worked nose. Think of me as an easy win if you want. (that will be the phrase that Berlinginand outagain will pick up on and quote) I might surprise you. Ask Elvis. hehe

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Guest PondScum

Words and phrases that make my opponents weep:


  • chrisl: "top penetration"</font>
  • Goanna: "crocodile"</font>
  • Noba: "jabo"</font>
  • Berli: "ceasefire"</font>
  • Yeknod: "landlord"</font>
  • Sledge59: "still no turn for you"

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

It has come to my attention that I have been processing my turns in a timely and dependable manner. That will stop immediately. I will now go back to sending them when I get good and ready.

Ha! I have already beaten you to the punch. I still haven't gotten around to playing the second turn of our game...a movie too! All I would have to do is hit GO.

Funny thing is, you have sent it to me twice, seemingly impatient for its return! Be aware, Croda doesn't stoop so low as to send a turn again saying "just in case you didn't get it."



[ummmm...I love the feel of the edit button]

[ March 07, 2002, 12:57 PM: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

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