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The NEW Peng Challenge ... Available Before Sept. 20th

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Originally posted by Geier:

We non-members of the No-House shouldn't lower ourselves to such discourse. However, since it is you, I'm not surprised.

House of the Unserved Masters

Geier, Hakko Ichiu, Mark IV, Pawbroon

Some are gone

Some are game

None forgotten

Their names remain

Forever ours

their posts our fame

Swift striding bastards

Amongst the lame.

I name their House

Let no one claim

That Masters, servantless

Were here defamed.

Standing Skald then, yes, once again, and with a right awful attempt at anything approaching an historical verse. Still, I blame you lot.

I'm constanstly having to make good on the fly when I see what you've been up to.

Ah, the joy of discovering that the World is evenly split between Bodhisattvas, Drunken Masters, and Sly Dogs.

Render it here now, and say it with a Roight Good Will:


In my absence, I see you've raised up that Geordie swine, Athkatla to Squire. Good thing, and time he was brought into the fold. Good on Ye', Sir Yeknod, for taking his otherwise useless, anarchistic poncing about and redirecting it into simple useless, anarachistic poncing about! Everyone wins.

More upon all that you've done here, my own adventures, and the fact that most of you aren't fit to tote guts to a bear in my next installment.

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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

{stomps in, sits down dejectedly}

Well, I'll never be a kah-nigget. Heck, I don't think I'll even make it to squire. I suck.


Squerf! I said SQUERF! WHERE'S ME SQUERF! Laddie, now's yer chance, think sausage, think poppet, think rustling kanigget - go get 'im, lad, molest the ssn.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Well, all right then! Let me be the first to rat him out. Back-stabbed in the finest traditions of the 'pool. Both our battles are/have been not ME's, but attacks.

Ahh, the squealings of sewer rats can be SO rewarding. Here's a nice buffalo taint for you to munch on, R_Leete.

Papa Khann, I am depressed. You have brought dishonor upon House Persiflage. I will have to a) strike the non-ME games from your tally of five (so note that, Joe Blow) in you path to kaniggethood. And B), you are not permitted to muck out The Box, in which you will be spending the remainder of your squirehood.

Very sad, very sad.....

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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

{stomps in, sits down dejectedly}

Well, I'll never be a kah-nigget. Heck, I don't think I'll even make it to squire. I suck.


Yes, you suck big time Jug Bewoman (spelt not bolded), your a whiner, a moaner a worthless piece of low number crap. I'd challenge you, but you would probably collapse in a heap at the mere thought of combat, and crawl away like the decrepit little rat you are. If you can't come in here with the semblance of a bit of spunk, don't bother at all. Now if that's everything........SOD OFF!

BTW Senileguy I am not a Geordie, they are quite simple people with a strange sense of humour and an accent that makes OGSF read like a primary school book. I am a Lincolnshire Yellow Belly......and proud of it!! Let that not be forgotten!

[ July 16, 2002, 05:45 AM: Message edited by: athkatla ]

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Posted by the Lilly-livered-lizard :



Others will be considered, with references and a suitable proposition.


Ahh.. references - none.

Other reason : I'm not playing enough losers at the moment. You fit the bill.

Judging from Persephone's last picture of you, you need to lose weight and some sweating would help. ( Sorry, I'm not a plastic surgeon..can't help there).

Proposition: We play, you lose.


Dear Lilly-livered-lizard can I expect an answer to this challenge of your generous challenge !


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Originally posted by Noba:

Dear Lilly-livered-lizard can I expect an answer to this challenge of your generous challenge !


Probably not, maaate. As you well know, lizards such as the Goanna are pretty dumb critters - and they certainly can't type!!

Best you can expect is a *HISS* or two.

Good luck......

Sir AJ

Kanigget of the Superior House Of Berli

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

OK, we've talked about this before. About how Oddly Jeff is not allowed to do impressions of any kind! Now, I'm pretty sure that's an attempt at a Katherine Hepburn and I for one will not stand for it! I Say Ye NAY!

Can't you other Oztralyuns DO somefink about this? Who's in charge over there? Where's this man's foreman?

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Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Doug Beman:

{stomps in, sits down dejectedly}

Well, I'll never be a kah-nigget. Heck, I don't think I'll even make it to squire. I suck.


Yes, you suck big time Jug Bewoman (spelt not bolded), your a whiner, a moaner a worthless piece of low number crap. I'd challenge you, but you would probably collapse in a heap at the mere thought of combat, and crawl away like the decrepit little rat you are. If you can't come in here with the semblance of a bit of spunk, don't bother at all. Now if that's everything........SOD OFF!

(snipped some sort of gibberish about being better than the generally accepted opinion of him)</font>

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This thread begs the question ....

How many Stri-Dex pads does a hormone-filled, pimply-faced teen wanker need to use while posting jibberish, as opposed to how many that same wanker would use while actually playing the game?

I may be new, but if the competition spends its time like this... a lot of you folks will be no problem to embarass.

You 'knights' probably spend more time 'polishing your swords' than thinking about your next turn.

As far as playing some 'serf' for the dubious 'honor' of playing yet another wanker, errr... no thanks.

Now if one(or more) of you don't like that .... then YOU can challenge ME for your 'honor' instead of the other way 'round. That is IF your MOMMIES let you have the time after you do your chores and go to the store and mow the lawn and buy some Maxi pads for them. Gamey or not... anything you want bucko. Knights... in WWII... sheesh... wankerism at its finest.

Don't like smilies eh?


Help stomp out wankerism in our lifetimes.... don't play them, or, beat them so silly they cry to their mommies. I chose the 2nd option always.


How as that? Believable? Naaa ... I am just not the wanker type, and could never get that special cadence they have down. It comes from being too busy actually playing WWII strat games for 28 years rather than talking about them. But that challenge still stands. Get your games in now before my arthiritus acts up and I cant play anymore.[g] Morons and wankers are given preference for the initial whuppin's. Then I move on to actual opponents that may be a challenge.


P.S I must wait 1 week for delivery of game. USPS is slow. Demo only at present time.

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((Sigh, did Seanachai open the cat-door again...))

Firstly, Scarfing Schlitz, if we do buy Stri-Dex, it is for our pimply sons and daughters rather than ourselves (and what the Hell are you doing looking through our grocery bags, anyhoo??)

Finally, we have people like you to polish our swords.

Now kindly grab that chamois and come here.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

An' Stuka, ye kin kiss mah spotty arrse mon. Saind a feckin' setoop.

Art'ull bae ah plushuh mon. Ah'll hahv ye noo thart ah'm doon tah mae larrst gahm ahnd uts oonly 'wa Aussah Jiff.

Wun ah sae 'gayme' ah meynt tae saye 'gaymah', can yoo sae 'gaymah' Aussah Jiff?

Ah ddon't kna ef ye cahn, baht ai'd wager thaht 'ta thoosands ah crews thaht ye're torsing ahn mah general dahrection cahn.

Hoots mahn, harve ye noo truups left?


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This SSN's post begs the question: North Carolinians: Inbred or do they just seem that way?

Originally posted by Sgt. Schultz:


  • How many Stri-Dex pads does a hormone-filled, pimply-faced teen wanker need to use while posting jibberish, as opposed to how many that same wanker would use while actually playing the game?</font>
  • You 'knights' probably spend more time 'polishing your swords' than thinking about your next turn.</font>
  • How as that? Believable? Naaa ... I am just not the wanker type, and could never get that special cadence they have down. </font>
You seem to have a strange obsession with other men masturbating. I'm not sure why getting 'that special cadence they have' is important to you. Perhapos you should see a psychiatrist about that. And please, feel free to 'Sod off!' along the way.
I may be new, but if the competition spends its time like this... a lot of you folks will be no problem to embarass.
This is rich coming from a guy whose home page states:
  • We will provide a measure of civility to the online gaming community and promote good sportsmanship. We will not flame, cheat or use a mod without disclosing that we're using one. </font>
  • This means we, as a group, don't condone public statements or actions meant to maliciously insult or embarass another person or group.</font>

It would seem you have the wrong thread. The 'Please good sir, might I have a game of CM, that would be a right jolly load of fun' thread is somewhere else. Go find it. And don't forget to 'Sod off!' while you're at it.

As far as playing some 'serf' for the dubious 'honor' of playing yet another wanker, errr... no thanks.

Now if one(or more) of you don't like that .... then YOU can challenge ME for your 'honor' instead of the other way 'round.

Another winner of the TinCookSicko "I just don't get it" award. Everyone, please, a hardy Sod Off! for our winner.

That is, if your MOMMIES let you have the time after you do your chores and go to the store and mow the lawn and buy some Maxi pads for them. Gamey or not... anything you want bucko. Knights... in WWII... sheesh... wankerism at its finest.
That is the weakest excuse for a taunt I have ever heard in my life. Wait, no, Mouse has topped (bottomed) {shudder - ewwwww!) it, but few others have. Read the first post, and feel free to 'Sod off!'

Don't like smilies eh?
No, actually, we don't like mindless idgits (i.e., YOU) who are incapable of expressing themselves without resorting to meaningless heiroglyphics to communicate simple ideas. Oh, and by the way, there is a gift wrapped 'Sod off!' waiting for you outside the door.

Help stomp out wankerism in our lifetimes.... don't play them, or, beat them so silly they cry to their mommies. I chose the 2nd option always.
You must be the king of the fifth grade school yard. Congratulations.

It comes from being too busy actually playing WWII strat games for 28 years rather than talking about them.


A wonderful locker room display of "No look here - mine is bigger if you measure it like this!"

No one here CARES how long you have been a gaming nerd. We don't want to hear stories about how happy you were when mom let you use her sewing room to reinact Pickett's charge. Put simply, we are not impressed.

You want to impress us . . . well, based on your initial effort, its a safe bet that it's not going to happen. You might as well 'Sod off!' now and beat the rush.

But that challenge still stands.
Read the first post of the thread. What part of

No, I don't guess you DO know what I mean. Okay, look, it's gotta be a SPECIFIC challenge, you gotta challenge SOME ONE person. And don't go thinking you can challenge me neither, or any of the Knights on account of how we'll just laugh in your sorry face and tell you to SOD OFF again. Challenge another SSN, maybe a Serf, or maybe you'll get lucky and some Knight'll let his Squire play you ... probably not though. And listen dude, act like you got a pair, know what I mean?

don't you understand? You can still 'Sod off!' -- it's never too late!

And finally, this gem:

P.S I must wait 1 week for delivery of game. USPS is slow. Demo only at present time.
You spout all this meaningless drivel, and you DON'T EVEN OWN THE BLOODY GAME?! Sigh. It is to weep.

Oh yes, in regards to my initial question, I'm guessing answer C, all of the above.


P.S. Did I mention you should just go ahead and 'Sod off!' yet?

[ July 16, 2002, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by someone called Shlitz or summat!

"As far as playing some 'serf' for the dubious 'honor' of playing yet another wanker, errr... no thanks."<HR>

My good man(?) you are not fit to play the **** off a serf's shoe, now as previously indicated......SOD OFF!

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oooh, that gotta hurt. Best damned put-down I've seen since Peng had his personal problem adjusted. Well, done MrSprocket! The Lurkers at the back of the hall all applaud you, or would if they weren't Lurkers.

What? Oh. Right. I'm going.


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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Doug Beman:

{stomps in, sits down dejectedly}

Well, I'll never be a kah-nigget. Heck, I don't think I'll even make it to squire. I suck.


Yes, you suck big time Jug Bewoman (spelt not bolded), your a whiner, a moaner a worthless piece of low number crap. I'd challenge you, but you would probably collapse in a heap at the mere thought of combat, and crawl away like the decrepit little rat you are. If you can't come in here with the semblance of a bit of spunk, don't bother at all. Now if that's everything........SOD OFF!

(snipped some sort of gibberish about being better than the generally accepted opinion of him)</font>

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Originally posted by Sgt. Schultz:

***Snipped because not only did the SSN challenge the whole Pool, the idjit doesn't even own the game***




Hee hee hee hee....


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Originally posted by Sgt. Schultz:

How as (sic)that?

Overall, I'd say it had a nice melody, but I couldn't dance to it.

Venom quotient was adequate, but it lacked a soupçon of a certain, how shall I say, je ne sais quoi that renders it unfit for human consumption, or just about perfect for you, snook'ums.

Now sod off. You're giving us Tarheels a bad name for all the wrong things. Then again you're from Down East and it's difficult to operate on all mental cylinders when you've been scraped from the bottom of a very shallow gene pool. Give my regards to your mother...er, sister...er, cousin...er, whatever. You know who I mean, but be careful; one look at her and Mace will be after her faster than poop through a goose. Best to take her out of the waller and make her into country ham a'fore that happens.

Oh, and MrSpkr, I would remind you that in the more refined parts of North Carolina, unlike in, say, Texas, when we are consorting with our first degree relations we always use protection. To do otherwise would be ungentlemanly.

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Oh, and MrSpkr, I would remind you that in the more refined parts of North Carolina, unlike in, say, Texas, when we are consorting with our first degree relations we always use protection. To do otherwise would be ungentlemanly.

Sneezy, I don't think putting a paper sack on (and I use this word loosely) 'her' head qualifies as using 'protection.'

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.


[ July 16, 2002, 10:28 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Elvis:


My good sir Elvis,

You have either failed to seek psychological help, or you need to increase your dosage. Worse, your fascination with wankers seems to have inspired others:

Originally posted by Sgt. Schultz:

This thread begs the question .... jibberish… wankerwankerwankerismwankerismwankerwankers.

Six wankers (or forms thereof), in a single post! My god! The genius! This imbecile has, in a single post, made a contribution to the thread that it would normally take you at least two months to achieve. I hope you are proud. Now go back to picking the lint from your belly button, or whatever it is that you do between making your ingenious posts.
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