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Quid Nomen Tuum Peng? (The Challenge)

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Speedy :Got the set up, get some sleep mate, my Eastern hordes are ready to make you cry like a little girl.

Noba: Sent you a new ME setup. You should have more forces to lose now.

As for the Bali outrage, my heart goes out to all the Australian folks who lost loved ones. These people are attacking us all, their goal is to return to the Middle Ages. As someone who experienced 9/11 up close and personal, I know the myriad of emotions that run through you during these times.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Speeeeedy! The cricket ticket?

I'm waiting..........

Bloody netballers. So shy until you get 2 vodka cruisers into 'em then its "belts off, trousers down and last one to the bars a poof"

I've been busy, it's me day off and I had some drinking to do.

As for the cricket as far as I know we just plan on turning up at the Gabba someday during the test and gatecrashing.

{edit-too many fars}

[ October 16, 2002, 08:07 AM: Message edited by: Speedy ]

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Originally posted by Stuka:

The good lady Stuka was involved in her second car crash in less than a year last thursday and is laid up with whiplash and back strain,

Stooka, I trust your better, nicer, smarter (insert positive adjective here) is doing OK? Did she do it trying to run you over again? Tell her that even though her intentions were good, perhaps she should lay off for awhile.

(Meanwhile, miles away in a small office on the west side of town...)

Turns will be going out tonight, so you all can quit biting your nails. I may hold back on sending Seanachai's, simply because I can and it would please me to make him wait.

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The Bard:

The best part of my Quest to Crush All Australians is that it doesn't leave the abuse and belittlement of them in the hands of other Aussies, a role for which they are simply not suited.

Oh contraire, you overstuffed bag of gaseous emanations. The best part of your {snicker} quest {tee hee} are the chuckles, chortles and raging belly laughs we gets each time we watch a new episode of this quest played out minute by glorious minute. Turn 22 of the quest {snarf} redux 3 v the AoS Gruppe Sud features the second of our pioneer flamethrower teams throwing a little barbeque (aussie style) in which the Bard is both the prime guest and featured item on the menu. Mmmmm, mmmm, who wants some crispy gnome hot off the grill. Get some of that pink stuff off the belly there lads, it’s the most tender.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Another one who sends no turns is that git Nestor.

<small>Ni</small> - you really are eager for a pummeling aren't you? I am now up and running again in a 'sort of' fashion, playing on a laptop that thinks moves look better on a black screen - highly appropriate really, given my new place of residence. I will send you something approriately dark when the time is right (i.e. after the 'hot lesbo action' drama on BBC2 this evening)

Malapropski - I assume we're waiting for some infernal concoction to cough and splutter its way out of the Olde One's Collective QB Farm before fisticuffs commence.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Did she do it trying to run you over again?

She claims I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Its a good thing I'm quick on me toes eh?

Oh and Mace, if you want to wear a skirt when you play netball thats entirely up to you, just don't expect Speedy to like it.

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well.. Good morning twits.

Looks like I have a couple games going now. Too new to give you any gamey updates. But Damn... How many diffrent ways can I say I am getting my arse kicked?

Hiram.. I am awaiting his return file. He is playing the romainians... I am playing so kind of russina unit with ****e I've never heard of before.

OGSF... Awaiting a setup by the mumbling drunk.

Panzer Leader...Sent me "Retaking Vipuuri". Map looks good. Sadly I have no clue what this damn Finish stuff is either.

Harv... I just sent the bastage "a warm place to sleep". I think it is close enough to "a warm place with sheep" that he will accept it.

Oh... an I still hate and loath the rest of you.. just not as much as I hate and loath myself.

Lorak the loathed

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Originally posted by Nestor:

Rubber-wear in the depths of hell? I don't think so!....

.....and that when an Englishman can't watch women pretending to have sex with one another on prime-time television, whilst dangling from a chandelier, dressed as Lord Nelson and pouring champagne over himself without being labelled as a rubber-wearing 'wierdo', I sense that western civilisation has no future.

At least you don't live in a country where a bunch of do gooders try to protect you from engaging in such behavior.

Oh, and Nestor you Limey git, its "i" before "e", except after "c", or when sounding like 'A' as in "neighbor" and " weirdo " the language is called English after all.

[ October 16, 2002, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Just a quick word to say that there will be no turns from me before Saturday. Anyone wanting to send me a set-up (Geier) or turns (a wunch of you sorry bankers) should probably just find better things to do with your time -- try honing those belly-button lint extraction skills that are so vital to so many of you.

[Edited to add: My heart goes out to all the Aussies, Brits, Balinese and others who lost loved ones in the attack. I am less tender-hearted than many, so I will ask in my prayers for the swift discovery and just punishment of those who committed the act and those who helped and harbored them.]

[ October 16, 2002, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: Hakko Ichiu ]

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Originally posted by Nestor:

Malapropski - I assume we're waiting for some infernal concoction to cough and splutter its way out of the Olde One's Collective QB Farm before fisticuffs commence.

Berli managed to bugger up the editor somehow and get it to crash. Said he hadn't saved the map. Likely story.

Enjoy the reprieve.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Oh, and Noba you Limey git, its "i" before "e", except after "c", or when sounding like 'A' as in "neighbor" and " weirdo " the language is called English after all.

Second of all, Noogie, it was Nestling who made that post, not NoBa-D'sKnowsTheTroubleISeen, and Firstly, the concept of a NOO Yawka teaching ANYONE about grammar (whether they're right or not), is a sure sign that we are, indeed, in the end times.

[ October 16, 2002, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Noba:

Err. Do I have to challenge a non-poster, and/or a drunken, soporified, bottle-fed Gnome. Well, it's a dirty job - but someone has to do it.



Please Sir Noba, as a boon for me, take on that wussy cow college graduate and make sure he gets what he deserves. Give him the Russians, you play the Finns, and choose DEEP snow.
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Ahh good day mein herren und frauleins.

It's a beautiful morning and the rest home thought it a good idea for me to go on a bit of a walk about. Of course they thought I'd stay on the grounds. Bugger them. I have my dentures packed, my eight track primed and the double knits pressed. Time to boogie.

Hell, thank god memories are fickle things. Any how some news for you all. After trashing Hirsute Hiram in a double blind sceanrio that he was also playing with Elvis he surrendered as the whipped dog he is. He has now embarked on further humiliation in sending me a set up of Cementary Ridge. I just want to know how there can be armor flaking in a wooden Mg bunker. He sports naked about the woods, no doubt conducting Satanic Druidic ruitals to Berli (fat chance that'll help him) while my faithful and loyal cannon fodder soak up the Stoli.

AquaP and I are still trying to figure out if his retrograde advance is taking him any where. That and both of us being so befuddled as not to be able to figure out who owes who a file. For a while he forced me to become a non numbering file git.

My constant bane and companion in misery Seanachai and I are engaged in a titanic struggle of wills and futility that spans the eons, yea many kalpas of sister kisssing draws. 5 or 6 at last report going back into the darker recesses of thread incarantions. I am happy to report that There can be ONLY ONE Challenge may be coming to a close. The Bardles was foolish enough to play a lawyer in a scenario designed by Lawyer (ie Baugnez) Thus his destruction and binding in perpetual litiagtion is assured. Mua ha ha.

My greetings and felicitations to dear Moriarty, Macey and Justicar Joe We really must sport one of these days.

[ October 16, 2002, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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Originally posted by jdmorse:

Lies, falsehoods, and untruths.

What the lumpy old git meant to say was that he was a cheating bastard who seems to have hacked his copy of CMBO to implement CMBB's death clock for one my hapless Shermies, which has been holed 24 times (give or take a factor of 10) without being KOed. My doomed vanilla Canuckleheads laugh at your gamey ubertruppen!

Agua Perdido

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