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About Nestor

  • Birthday 11/14/1964


  • Location
    Leicester, England
  • Occupation
    University Administrator

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Member (2/3)



  1. Kanonier Reichmann gets the prize (thanks, Jim). I was thinking of it as a separate issue to the starting point of this thread. I'm assuming that we've got a Nabla system that deals with the issues raised by Malakovski, GaJ and others and simply asking whether a Nabla score of, for example, 0.50 for Maleme should be worth as much as a 0.50 scored in Moltke. Or should the Maleme score be multiplied by a factor (0.75, for the sake of argument) giving a revised Nabla score of 0.375, to reflect the far smaller number of points 'on the board' to be either gained or lost in achieving the raw percentage scores which Nabla works from. This would be applied across the board, regardless of which side you were playing and different scenarios would have different multipliers, dependant on their 'size' relationship with the largest (Moltke in this case). I'm not saying that achieving 0.50 in Maleme was 'easier' than Moltke, simply that each point scored for kills/VL's in the smaller game had a greater impact on the final % scores than in Moltke (which in itself might have contributed to the 'imbalance' of Maleme??) and perhaps some correction should be made for that when determining the overall score. Ok, this may still be bollocks, but it now has numbers in, so it's officially more scientific. Does it make any sense?
  2. This is a fascinating thread and without really understanding the detail, it does seem that flatter would be better (perhaps because I would have finished equal 27th, rather than 28th overall ) One thing that I've been pondering is whether all scenarios should be treated equally when Nabla scores are being generated. What I mean is, shouldn't each scenario's contribution to the overall Nabla score for a player be weighted based on the number of points in the scenario? This may be bollocks - I've been trying to make this post make sense for 10 minutes and I'm not sure I've succeeded. It just seems fairer to the total score for a player that scenarios with fewer points have proportionately less impact on the overall score, but I seem unable to express this logically! Does anybody agree and more importantly if you do, can you express it in a more scientific fashion
  3. This sounds interesting. All the blurb brought back memories of a game called Herzog Zwei that I used to have for the Sega Megadrive. Anybody remember that? I think it was the first game I ever played where you issued orders to units, rather than controlling them directly and you carried them onto the battlefield via some kind of transport ship. Not sure realistic physics was high on the games list of features though Happy memories - apart from the fact that it used to crash the whole time.
  4. Don't get up yet Kingfish, because I'm on turn 3 with him as well! As Elmar mentioned he has had RL issues of the serious and life-changing variety and I know that he was hoping to sort himself out and get things back on track, but I think we've reached the point of no return. I suspect mpisi & Flenser will be along shortly to tell you that they're in the same boat.
  5. When I was learning the mechanics of this game, trying to establish tin-pot dictatorship hegemony in Central America as Costa Rica, I got invaded by an Australian armoured division in 1937! I would suggest that its value as a modelling tool is questionable
  6. Aside from amusing myself with the thought of staging a landing in various Cornish locations (Fowey, in particular, would be fun to watch), I'm left wondering about The Scilly Isles in this equation. 25 miles from Penzance, presumably poorly defended in the summer of 1940 - wouldn't they have made an ideal staging post for this proposed invasion of Cornwall? Take them, base your aircraft there and you're in business.
  7. Jim Message received. Sorry to hear about that. Hope you get it fixed soon. Graham
  8. The double-printing of counters in AH games caused it's own problems on occasion. It took me a couple of years to realise that my brother and I were playing with both sets in Stalingrad - my that map was crowded Afrika Korps was my 2nd ever purchase - great game, although my favourite was (and still is) Ceasar.
  9. I acknowledge receipt of my call-up papers. I have kissed the girlfriend goodbye and am currently en route to the 'front'. I will establish communications with my opponents this evening and should have files flowing by tomorrow.
  10. Form has worked flawlessly. If you got a thank you for registering, you got in successfully. If it emailed me an error, and saw an error message, you did not. I have not got a single email. WWB </font>
  11. I have just this minute returned from a secret mission your Queenliness, for the Evil one himself. It’s obviously extremely hush-hush and I shouldn’t really be talking about it, but since it’s just us here I don’t really see the harm. Well, how best to put this…………….suffice to say that for some time there has been concern about the ……errrr……potency of the ……well not to put to fine a point on it, the Evil One’s fires, as it were. More ‘pooooff’ than ‘phwoarrr’ if you catch my drift. Many therapies, for want of a better word, have been explored in an effort to stir the embers back to life (dear Nidan’s drag act being the latest), but all to no avail. I’m hopeful though that the……….ummm……’fuel’ which I have returned with today (scraped at some personal risk to myself off the pointy front end of a certain well known African mammal I might add) will see the Evil fires back in full working order very shortly. Anyway, so much for euphemism. It’s nice to be back in a sordid and desparate kind of way. How’s everybody doing?
  12. It's so refreshing to find an older gentleman getting in touch with his feminine side. You go girl!
  13. It's not often that I get an opportunity to wind up a policeman without any fear of being asked to 'step out of the vehicle sir'. So Gary, I just thought you'd like to know that the CDV CMAK delivery van finally made it into Leicester today and I dutifully wandered into town, whistling a happy tune at lunch-time, to purchase a copy. If I get stopped on the M69 this weekend I'll know you've got friends in high places.
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