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Memories of your first CM game (VoT/CE/LD/Reis)

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Dont you remember? i do. Downloading the demo to CMBO. Which was YOUR first, Valley of Trouble, Chance Encounter, or any other scenario you first played. I remember those days vividly. Lets hope the demo to CMBB, brings back some of those memories.

[ June 03, 2002, 04:42 PM: Message edited by: CMsoldier ]

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Chance Encounter

I played the Germans, got my ass kicked by the AI. I remember thinking My god! Someone has finally made the game I have been dreaming of since I was a kid!! :eek:

I still play CE and VoT now and again for old times sake (and to see how diffrent they look when I load up a new grass or uniform set). CM realy was (and still is) a revolutionary game. I'll never forget that first experience with it. :cool:

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Oh yes, I remember my first game. I found the demo on c-net, I had never heard of it before. I think the first thing i did was sit there in awe, the second thing I did was to make my wife come and have a look. I can honestly say that's the most excited I've ever been over a game of any kind.I remeber I told her that this was the type of game I had waited years for. And I also, had my butt handed to me the first two or three times I played. After that I called all my wargaming buddies and had them download the demo.I suppose I'm about to drive my wife nuts waiting for CMBB, and by the look of things I wont be dissapointed.

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First go was "Last Defense."

I thought: "Hey, a Tiger *big grin* --- ATTACK!"

And I watched,amazed, how this mean, cool, unstoppable tank rumbled forward, fired the mighty 88 2 or 3 times... and got killed 2 minutes later by a 'zook. :eek:

"Argh! Next time I'll show you..."

This was pretty much the moment were other game companies lost me as a customer.. ;)

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Last Defense

It was THE REVELATION: I was amazed by the recoil of the tiger's gun and the little bastards who shout "los, los, berigung männer" (or Somefink ;) )

I also remember I didn't understand why my guys were hurt when behind the cover of a tank ;)

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A TCP/IP quick battle against a former cadet and CM "veteran" of some months...

I set up a Heer defence while he attacked with green US combined arms. There was this nice village and a hill beside it, and a road from his side of the map to the village.

I mined the road and set up an ATG on the hill. Then I spread a company of infantry to the houses in the village and some cover. I was set! Cool! I think I had a StuG too.

He moved the armor in a column and I shot up a Sherman with my hilltop ATG which he then destroyed with HE rounds. Then he drove to a mine on the road and stopped his armor.

After a few minutes of silence he shelled the village with 240mm and mopped up my broken remains.

Rough start!

I was so sold. It took me months to win my first games vs this opponent but it was always that much fun. I ordered the game the next week after my first game and got it in three weeks to practice vs the AI.

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Not quite my first game, but I was showing CE demo to a wargamer friend (must have been my third or fourth game) while waiting for my full copy. A Sherman advanced to 300m short of the church, and engaged a target to the left. A Stug came round the corner of the church, saw the Sherm, and started to rotate.... Sherm saw it, changes turret arc, but Stug half way round by now.. Sherm fires and misses, Stug very nearly on...Stug about 5degrees off when the Sherm second shot got it. I can safely say that this little mini drama got my friend hooked on the game.

I also remember in VoT the first time I saw moving vehicles hit, and roll to a halt rather than stop - great!

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Few people know this, but a copy of the famous Moon-Fionn Alpha battle is availible at the depot. The title is 'Going to town, the alpha battle AAR', and the author did an excellent job of recreating the scenario using the AAR and screenshots from CMHQ as reference.

Drop me a line if you are interested in firing up this classic. Either side is fine with me.

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Beta Demo - Ages ago

Last Defence. Playing As Americans, I watched in amazement as I saw half tracks and troops proceed down the dirt road towards my platoon, Half tracks MG's sounding so nice. I felt I was actually in the battle. :D

Of course I didn't order toops around, and just kept clicking the go button to see the movies. tongue.gif

Unfortuantely for me, I forgot about CM till about a year back when I finally got around to buying it.

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Yah, Last Defence for me too.

Played as the Germans and grouped my dismounted PanzerGrenadiers on the left flank with the half tracks provided cover fire. I watched the third or fourth turn over and over again as an American rifle squad opened fire on my troopers only to call down four streams of MG42 fire. I think the sound of the '42 hooked me forever!


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I think the very first game I played was Riesburg as the US. What a relief it was to finally get a foothold in that first row of houses!

The first time I played Last Defense, I happened to have my Tiger selected during playback when the Hellcats showed up - I'll never forget the skipped heartbeat when those yellow targeting lines popped up one-two-three like so many spotlights (followed closely by the killing shot).

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I ordered the game without playing the demo because it won an awward somewhere... loaded it up, played a QB, and after it was over (and I lost by a landslide) I thought... "eh... its ok. Nothing special."

20 hours and 15 straight QBs later I thought, "Eh... its ok." and passed out.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMsoldier:

Dont you remember? i do. Downloading the demo to CMBO. Which was YOUR first, Valley of Trouble, or maybe Chance Encounter.

Oh good god... newbies ;)

Last Defense</font>

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What about first PBEM? For me it was Elsdorf. After dozens of scenarios against the AI I finally got to try the game against a human opponent and AI gaming pretty much stopped there. I had learned the way the AI moves its troops quite well and when I first saw German infantry doing something totally different it was as incredible as the first few games of Valley of Trouble and Chance Encounter.

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When the Demo came out we played the first two scenarios so many times and discussed it so much on the forum Steve and Charles stopped what they were doing and created a third scenario (Valley of Tears?).

I forget what the 1st two scenario’s were, I think it was Reisburg and Chance Encounter but I remember a lot of discussion about how we played the Allies, then the Axis, then from the left side, up the right side, then both sides, sneaking up and quick charges, FoW and no FoW, on and on.

I remember Steve coming on the forum and saying that neither he or Charles had anticipated that we would play those two scenarios to death and that he would give us a 3rd scenario. The board went delirious with happiness and gratitude.

Ah, those were some heady days.

I think maybe that’s why the Demo for CMBB will come out close to the release date. So they won’t have everyone clamoring for a new scenario to play while they wait.

[ June 03, 2002, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: Ted ]

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It was a cold and windy night, a door slammed and a dog howled.

My evil brother introduced me to a new game he had

1. I was amazed by the ability of the game to create random terrain!

2. Our first game was a QB of 2000+ points against an Allied AI. We divided the troops in two and moved out. My column moved ahead and took a pounding from 155 which nearly ended the battle as it immobilized a number of my tanks-then that damn plane came in. We shall not speak of what occurred when my infantry tried to move against a certain hill.....

3. I gave away all my Close Combat games, and rarely play anything but CM now, mainly by email and IP....but occasionally a QB of 700 or so points against impossible odds....

it can only get better

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Originally posted by CMsoldier:

dont let the junior member fool you, i have been playing since late 2000.

Junior member had nothing to do with it... you said which was the first scenario played, Valley of Trouble, or Chance Encounter. Long before them was Last Defense and Reisberg
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Riesberg as germans.

Someone had mentioned there's a great new game out there, so I downloaded the demo. Hesitated a bit at the "beta" label, bad experiences of those.

Setting up and learning to move the men took ages. Graphics were blocky and IMO, amateurish.

The damage modeling for everything was way off. First the three man squads were incredibly tough. It took a lot of firing to injure just one man.

It was late night by then and I abandoned the scenario halfway.

Gave it another go the next day and started to see the better points, I think I drawed the fight that time.

Then tried out "the Last Defense" and was soo hooked. Looks like it's something you can't quit once you start...

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