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Apocalypso! 4Horsemen!! But no Seanacoochie or Peng To Challenge Them?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm in Riverton, Wyoming ... Riverfreakington, Wyofreakingming ... and it sucketh mightily ... I figured that would cheer you lot up.


There is a Riverton in Wyoming? I was unaware that Wyoming even had towns... but then, I always suspected that Wyoming was nothing but a myth anyway
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

There is a Riverton in Wyoming? I was unaware that Wyoming even had towns... but then, I always suspected that Wyoming was nothing but a myth anyway

I've been to Wyoming.

I've eaten movie popcorn in Wyoming.

You, sir, are no Wyoming.

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

There is a Riverton in Wyoming? I was unaware that Wyoming even had towns... but then, I always suspected that Wyoming was nothing but a myth anyway

I've been to Wyoming.</font>
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It has been brought to my attention that you have offered somefink like an apology to Seanachai (aka Gnome, Pillock, Uncle Steve, The Nice One, etc). That just will NOT do. Retract your apology immediately! Up until now, I have not had a problem with any of you pom wannabe, sheep shaggers, but an apology to the Gnome just goes beyond acceptable behavior

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm in Riverton, Wyoming ... Riverfreakington, Wyofreakingming ... and it sucketh mightily ... I figured that would cheer you lot up.


Thank gawd that it's not the Riverton just 5km down the road from here. That was almost beer spilling news.

But it sucketh even more for the poor residents.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

It has been brought to my attention that you have offered somefink like an apology to Seanachai (aka Gnome, Pillock, Uncle Steve, The Nice One, etc). That just will NOT do. Retract your apology immediately!

He is new to us. Let me give him a lesson on cesspool etiquette.


We apologise ABOUT Seanachai, not TO him!

Have I made myself clear?

Now go play in slops, or whatever you serfs do.


[ October 30, 2003, 06:02 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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The Scene: A deserted car lot on the outskirts of Seoul. Buzzsaw, a lowly serf from the House of Rune, sits forlorn on the sidewalk. The approaching tempest is but a gentle zephyr compared to winds of despair swirling in his breast. He has failed to find a steed worthy of his Lord Rune, and is now lost and without guidance in the land known as the Hermit Kingdom.

A stranger emerges from the mist of the approaching storm

Stranger: Greetings Weary Traveler! Your garb is unfamiliar to me. From whence have you journeyed to reach these fair shores?

Buzzsaw: Greetings. I am Buzzsaw. These are the proud trappings of a serf from House Rune, and verily, I am a humble servant of my Lord, Master Rune.

Stranger: But a great tempest approaches, and you will surely be drenched wearing such meager attire.

Buzzsaw: Master Rune does not like serfs spreading pestilence in his land, so during intemperate weather, I am permitted to don a burlap sack and wear the diaper on my head. I guess I should change.

Stranger: Who is this Master Rune of whom you speak? He seems a wise and learned ruler.

Buzzsaw: Oh, he is a most radiant and munificent Liege -- a wise teacher and benevolent benefactor. I was but an ignorant fool when he took me in, but after many moons under his sagacious tutelage, I have learned the difference between the blunt and pointy ends of a stick. He protects his people from the great ogre-curmudgeon that inhabits our land, the foul-mawwed Joe Shaw. But, I am disheartened. I am now separated from my Master by the Great Water, and it has been many long nights since have used a Magic Portal to check the Cesspool for guidance. I fear that many repetitions of the pointy stick lessons will be required unless I can speak with my Liege soon.

Stranger: “Magic Portal”? You seek the Internet! Weary Traveler, I can be of service in your time of need, for I am in the employ of a great Sorcerers Guild – the very guild that created the Internet.

Buzzsaw: No, that cannot be. The Internet was created by Al Gore, a golem sent from the future.

Stranger: Hah, a peasant myth. Here, witness other powerful enchantments of my masters. This is a 15 teraflop cell phone with a holographic screen. It probably isn’t due for release in your land for several years, but here they are freely available to all journeymen.

[Much ohhing and ahhing from Buzzsaw]

Stranger: Here, come with me. We have machines built of enchanted sand that will connect you to the Internet. You can download Lord of the Rings IV.

[buzzsaw and the Stranger travel to the headquarters of the Sorcerers Guild. A palace of black glass with glowing runes painted on the side.]

Stranger: Here sit down. Are you pleased by the 75 inch LCD display?

Buzzsaw: Gates of Hades! This machine is possessed. Look, it speaks in tongues – mystic ciphers that look like part of a Mensa quiz.

Stranger: Oh, those are Hangul characters -- the written text of this land. Here, perhaps this will be easier.

[stranger manipulates the machine]

Buzzsaw: That is better…. But wait there is still a problem. I cannot connect to the Cesspool. What could be wrong?

Stranger: Oh, that is the Great Wall of Fire, a barrier erected by our wise enchanters to protect us from the dangers of the unbridled Internet.

Buzzsaw: But, but … what am I supposed to do with this machine if I cannot view messages from my Liege or surf porn sites?

Stranger: Here open this document. It is called a spreadsheet. It contains a list of your deliverables. We need you to complete all of these items in the next 4 weeks.

Buzzsaw: “Spreadsheet”, “Deliverables”. Is this whole place bewitched? Does everyone speak in tongues? I just want to speak with my Liege.

Stranger, transformed into evil Slave Driver: I AM YOUR LIEGE NOW PEON! Get to work! You are already behind, and we will be having half-day project meetings three times a day, so I don’t know how you are going to catch up. Get to work or feel my lash on your back!

[The Scene: Several days later. Buzzsaw sits hunched over the machine of enchanted sand. Evil Slave Driver glares at him in the background]

Slave Driver: Slaves must eat! Today you have many choices: pickled cabbage, pickled radishes, pickled mung beans, or this strange looking root that we found out back and decided to pickle.

Buzzsaw: Oh cruel Fortuna, why have you forsaken me …

[Fade to black]

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Originally posted by rune:

Buzzy ,

As a former Serf and Turf of mine, may I remind you that you disappeared at your Gnome Annon meeting for longer then a week at a time. May I also remind you, that you passed on seeing CMAK here in Chicago, and the chance to taunt Mr Spkr and the texans. Heck, I'll even give you the chance to kill Seanachai while he is dressed as an Aussie and has his Boys in hand. Also, we will be playing the London get together, which should be no challenge considering they think Monty was the peak in British Generalship. I want no excuses that you live in CA, as we all know the entire state is on fire anyway, so it is just like visiting Berli during lunch anyway.


It's really just the bottom half of the state that is on fire. Most of us up here think that now would be the perfect time to finally turn off their water.

Speaking of water, London in November is tempting, but my health insurance doesn't cover trenchfoot, so, much as I would like to go, I am going to have to pass.

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Rune, exactly when and where was that London get-together? It so happens that my significant other (and I'm not talking about my right hand) is taking an educational trip to Ethiopia in late November/early December. I might be able to hop over the north atlantic for a day or two.


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Originally posted by SirReal:

I might be able to hop over the north atlantic for a day or two.


Oh, of course. Just hop over the old North Atlantic for a day or two! Then parasail to Baden-Baden for a fortnight and then bicycle over to Gdansk for a matinee at the cinema!

Look at me, I'm sooooo continental! I can visit seven countries in forty-five minutes and my Armani suit won't even lose it's crease.

Feckin' cheeky sod...

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Originally posted by rune:

Saturday, at the house of Andreas.


This saturday? Oh well. Perhaps CMAK will be released by the time she leaves for Africa.

Oh, and Boo. I'm a self-employed computer programmer. I've never even touched an Armani suit. My workwear consists of furry slippers and a jogging suit.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Rest assured that I will be out of the shadows and back in the saddle tonight, gleefully swinging my aforementioned 2x4 in my best Whitey Ford manner...

In other words, I'll be aiming at your hinder regions.

I don't mind Grog Porn, but this 'Neo-Cricket' Porn is too sodding much.

Desist, oh Boo.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Saturday, at the house of Andreas.

Jefferson Airplane...no, wait...Strawberry Alarm Clock? </font>
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