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Take a Peng Challenge and call me in the morning


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You know there is something about v41belowpar that I truly don’t like… I can’t quite put my finger on it.

Is it the inane, mind numbingly pointless comments?

The COMPLETE absence of anything even resembling a pair… heck I don’t even detect a shrivelled up single never mind a pair?

Perhaps its the ridiculous job title of ‘regulatory analyst’ which I don’t know about you makes me think… unemployed loser, but can count (barely)?

The whole thing about you having been an illegitimate squire (and from there an illegitimate knight)?

Is it that fecking website on your profile?

Could it just be the simple fact that you’re a contemptible kiwi?

I don’t know.

But I do know that I’ve all but ANHIALATED that Noba fellow which means I’ll soon require a new ‘challenge’ (especially when taking into account a certain Ladies terrible rate of turn sendingness).

Am I, the glorious Messiah of the thread, blessing you, a half baked, mono-testicular girlie-buffoon, with a challenge?

No… well not as you understand the concept.

You see princess I’m not just going to beat you, I’m going to CRUSH you, I’m going to humiliate you, ruin you, I’m gonna rub your face into the steaming pile of crap your forces will be reduced to.

Your tank crews will all be cooked alive, each and everyone screaming “why am I being led by a skirt wearing feckwit’, I’m gonna stake EVERY last one of your stinking men … You’re going to pull out your hair (or at least try to anyhows), you’ll scream in your eunuch like manner “that’s not fair”! You’ll probably file a lawsuit, or ring your mommy or call up a ‘tell us about your problem’ radio show… you’ll do anything but take it like a man.

And why?

Why will I do this to you?

Because feckwit I’m going to advertise your destruction to every Tom, Dick & Harry sober enough to listen. Your pansy like tactics will haunt you everywhere you go, people will say, as you go by, “she was BRUTALISED by the Messiah”. You’ll for a while try to come back to the thread, but it just wont feel the same, people will ignore you as they do now of course but it’ll FEEL colder… and then one day it’ll hit you, EVEN the Belgian is laughing at you. Soon afterwards you’ll stop posting, occasionally you’ll lurk, but for all intents and purposes you’ll vanish, you’ll be forgotten. People wont say “Do you remember 42vblow?”… This simple goal is the reason I’ve blessed you with my presence

It’s already determined that all this will occur. I have foreseen it… all that is left is for you to merely accept your… fate

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Originally posted by Lars:

No e-mail addy, no challenge, and no style.

We've found our sixteenth wit.

SSN's, always the common denominator.

And where the feck is NYNY... is that pronounced Ninny? Is he European?

Look Warty you may as well SOD OFF back to Ninny & wrap yourself, all snug as a bug like, up in your mommies skirt before the scary people 'come & get you' ... I can’t believe I’m going to write this... stickypiss is out of your league... squire and all, he is

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Und vhere-a zee feck is NYNY... is thet prunuoonced Neenny? Is he-a Ioorupeun? Luuk Verty yuoo mey es vell SOD OoFF beck tu Neenny & vrep yuoorselff, ell snoog es a boog leeke-a, up in yuoor mummeees skurt beffure-a zee scery peuple-a 'cume-a & get yuoo' ... I cun’t beleeefe-a I’m gueeng tu vreete-a thees. Um gesh dee bork, bork!.. steeckypiss is oooot ooff yuoor leegooe-a... sqooure-a und ell, he-a is

And whehe the, uh uh uh, feck is NYNY... dat pronoussd Ninny, duh...uh...? Is he European, duh...uh...? Look Warty you may as webuhll SOD OFF back t' Ninny & wrap yourself, uh uh uh uh uh, all snug as a bug like, uh uh uh, up in your mommies skirt bef'e the, ERRRR, sc peoble 'come & get you' ... I can’t beliebe I’m goigg t' write dis... Lee me lone!stickypiss is out of your league... skire 'n all, he is

And where da damn feck be NYNY... be dat pronounced Ninny? Is he European? Look Warty ya' may as well SOD OFF back t'Ninny & wrap yo'self, all snug as some bug likes, down in yo' mommies skirt befo'e da damn scary sucka's 'come & dig ya'' ... ah' can’t recon' I’m goin' t'scribble dis... stickypiss be out uh yo' league... squire and all, he is

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

looks around blearily

What the hell are you people all still doing here? Shouldn't you all be getting some sleep, or something?

Man, I've been posting since 7 AM this morning, and I'm still typing with nary an error!

What the hell are you doing tonight you gnome?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Spkr had a birthday? Well, a Happy one to him...

How old is that toad, anyways?!

Unless I misunderstood, yes. He made some veiled reference (how *else* to lawyers put things but vaguely) to "another birthday" and Lars, I believe, pointed out to him that we don't *do* lawyer birthdays, so I'd conclude that, given the evidence at hand, circumstantial though it may be that, quid pro quo and ad infinitum, he has, indeed, managed to survive another one.

And if you hadn't been so sock-eyed plastered, you'd have seen it!

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Happy birthday, Lady Moraine. A good week for it, wouldn't you say?


Plus there was this... /\

And yes, Steve, it was a good week, heh.

And Seanachai if you'd just looked at his profile for one fleeting second, you might see *this* as confirmation:

"Birth Date: February 23, 1967" He is one day shy of two years older than me.

And at the very real risk of being mauled by Peng for this... ;)tongue.gif

[ February 25, 2005, 02:15 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

looks around blearily

What the hell are you people all still doing here? Shouldn't you all be getting some sleep, or something?

Man, I've been posting since 7 AM this morning, and I'm still typing with nary an error!

Umm Seanachai, hate to break this to you but it's Friday. About 5:00 PM. Think you missed a couple of days there...
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