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New Combat Mission game Announced. Combat Mission: Afrika Korps!!!

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The wait is over. The next game in the award winning Combat Mission series has just been announced.

Combat Mission: Afrika Korps (CMAK) moves the focus to three new regions of conflict.

North Africa from 1940-43

Italy (including Sicily) from 1943-45

Crete in 1941.

Using a modified CMBB engine Combat Mission: Afrika Korps adds some new features including dust clouds and multi-turreted vehicles.

Check out the new CMAK Overview webpage and read through the CMAK Frequently Asked Questions section which we have prepared for you.

We also have a small gallery of CMAK Screenshots to wet your whistle.

We expect CMAK to be available in the 4th quarter 2003.

Check out the CMAK section located here:

CMAK Website

[ April 04, 2003, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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I'm not a religious man, but tonight I'll get on my knees and pray this new game runs on my machine. Hell, if it doesn't I'll buy a machine to run it on!!!!!

[ April 04, 2003, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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1. YES ! :cool:

2. I dont even need to go to CDV to get it ;)

3. "you can count on seeing multi-turreted vehicles (and those with turrets and sponsons)"

..... So let me be the first to ask... can we have some for CMBB ;) (be honest you knew that one was coming)

4. Poor old 'mac os-x' users ... get a PC :D

5. I take it the stories about the current CM engine being 'dead' should be ingnored ?


Edited because Shep beat me to the 'multi turret' vehicles statement .... I'd better learn to type quicker !

[ April 04, 2003, 02:16 PM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]

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oh western desert.... not very interested but I'll have a look....OHHHH that looks good ohhhh very good.

beginning to get interested...must... resist.. wife will kill me......ok I'll buy it :D just as long as its the same version as my American brothers will get and not the ....[gulp] CDV version ... :rolleyes: and I don't have to wait weeks longer than America for the european release ...oh who am I kidding I'll buy it anyway


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To anyone from BTS/BFC,

One HUGE question.This was taken from another post by someone else,but it also applys to me.

Originally posted by Jaws:


.....CMBB doesn't work with the latest NVIDIA drivers and I see that as a major problem because there will be a time in the near future we will have to switch to new drivers to run other applications.

So,since CMAK is simply a rework of CMBB engine,will this be addressed in CMAK?If not,im screwed,and so is BTS/BFC if they want my money.I will not buy a different graphic card just to play it,and of course wont buy CMAK.

[EDITED to ensure this get answered]

[ April 04, 2003, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: nevermind ]

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There'll be Stukas over

the vale of Tebourba

tomorrow when I have my tea

there'll be Spitfires over

10 minutes later

when they're of no bloody use to me

Sung to the tune of 'Cliffs of Dover', or sumfink.

(with apologies for no doubt getting the exact text wrong)

To get you in the mood (and stop me croaking):

From History of the Irish Guards in World War 2:


War Office, 17th August, 1943.

The KING has

been graciously pleased to approve the award of the VICTORIA CROSS to:-

No. 2722925 Lance-Corporal John Patrick

Kenneally, Irish Guards (Tipton, Staffs.).

The Bou feature dominates all ground East and West between Medjez El Bab and Tebourba. It was essential to the final assault on Tunis that this feature should be captured and held.

A Guards Brigade assaulted and captured a portion of the Bou on the 27th April, 1943. The Irish Guards held on to points 212 and 214 on the Western end of the feature, which points the Germans frequently counter-attacked.

while a further attack to capture the complete feature was being prepared, it was essential for the Irish Guards to hold on. They did so.

On the 28th April, 1943, the positions held by one Company of the Irish Guards on the ridge between points 212 and 214 were about to be subjected to an attack by the enemy. Approximately one Company of the enemy were

seen forming up preparatory to attack and Lance-Corporal Kenneally decided that this was

the right moment to attack them himself. Single-handed he charged down the bare forward

slope straight at the main enemy body firing his Bren gun from the hip as he did so. This

outstanding act of gallantry and the dash with which it was executed completely unbalanced

the enemy Company which broke up in disorder. Lance-Corporal Kenneally then returned to

the crest further to harass their retreat.

Lance-Corporal Kenneally repeated this

remarkable exploit on the morning of the 30th April, 1943, when, accompanied by a Sergeant

of the Reconnaissance Corps, he again charged the enemy forming up for an assault. This time he so harassed the enemy, inflicting many casualties, that this projected attack was frustrated: the enemy’s strength was again about one Company. It was only when he was noticed hopping from one fire position to another further to the left, in order to support another Company, carrying his gun in one hand and supporting himself on a Guardsman with the other, that it was discovered he had been wounded. He refused to give up his Bren gun, claiming that he was the only one who understood that gun, and continued to fight all

through that day with great courage, devotion to duty and disregard for his own safety.

The magnificent gallantry of this N.C.O. on these two occasions, under heavy fire, his unfailing vigilance, and remarkable accuracy were responsible for saving many valuable lives during the days and nights in the forward positions. His actions also played a considerable part in holding these positions and this influenced the whole course of the battle. His rapid appreciation of the situation, his initiative and his extraordinary gallantry in attacking single-handed a massed body of the enemy and breaking up an attack on two occasions, was an achievement that can seldom have been equalled. His courage in fighting all day when wounded was an inspiration to all ranks.

[ April 04, 2003, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: Andreas ]

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This looks incredibly cool. I'm particularly pleased that Italy will go up to 1945, so there's no vexing and abitrary cutoff date. Great news.

I have one question, referencing the FAQ:

Which nationalities will be included?

Currently the list of included nations is as follows. This list is subject to change.







New Zealand


Looks good to me, but shouldn't France also be on the list? French forces briefly resisted the Allied Torch invasion, then came over to the Allied side and fought, IIRC, in Tunisia and Sicily, and definitely in Italy. It would seem to be a shame to leave them out, esp. since the French are already modeled in CMBO.
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Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

Nice, although I was hoping the next game would be the full engine rewrite and would've been willing to wait a little longer for it.

Wacky, the wait for the new engine will be the same, with or without this. We're releasing CMAK "on the fly" smile.gif


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