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Hurricane Peng – A Cat 5 Challenge or just a steady drip?

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Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Nice to have a Squire who doesn't need to be told.....

I'm in the mood for a nice fruity red tonight..

I'll trust you to choose the vintage.

I shall struggle to find, retrieve and return (unopened) such a jewel for you. </font>
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Originally posted by SirReal:

But what's up with all these SSNs? I can hardly take two steps here without stepping in one. Disgusting. Who brought this plague of decreptitude upon the purity of the MBT?!

Seanachaiii! It's YOUR garbage! You brought it in, you put it out!


Sod you, Sir SirReal[/]. If you want to understand why this incontinent three legged male sheep followed me in here, you need to read the last, oh, I don't know, say 5 or 6 pages of the now padlocked "Moving in Snow - Ridiculous' thread, as well as the last two pages of the previous Peng Challenge.

Now, I know how unpleasant it's going to be for everyone while this child works through his obsession with hating me, but what can you do?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now, I know how unpleasant it's going to be for everyone while this child works through his obsession with hating me, but what can you do?

Is it time for the Annual Hate Seanachai Festival again? Goody, I just got my purple, velvet, giant grape costume put together.

Hhhhm, to attend sober or drunk? Why am I even considering sobriety? Drunk as a skunk it is.

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

Oh, it's Friday. Better pop down to the cellar and fetch some nice bottles for the ladies this weekend.

Nice to have a Squire who doesn't need to be told.....

I'm in the mood for a nice fruity red tonight..

I'll trust you to choose the vintage. </font>

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Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

]Is it time for the Annual Hate Seanachai Festival again? Goody, I just got my purple, velvet, giant grape costume put together.

Hhhhm, to attend sober or drunk? Why am I even considering sobriety? Drunk as a skunk it is.

You know, I may have to put the general Festival on hold for a while. Now that I have a mortal enemy stalking me and belittling me, I have new responsibilities.

It's a big step, you know, for a man to take on having a mortal enemy. It makes you look to the future, consider your usage of time. You have to ask yourself: can I really afford to ask everyone on the Forum to send me their hatred when I'm being stalked by a new mortal enemy? Will I have enough time to cope with his lunatic demands when I'm being hated by many people?

But that doesn't mean we can't all have some wine, Mike, especially for Persephone and YK2. And just a hint, Mike: you keep calling her Y2K, which makes you look like an idjit. Her screenname is YK2. I'd hate to see you put a foot wrong with the Ladies.

Of course, Fair One is always in style.

[ September 19, 2003, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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You know lads in every training session I conduct there are those few who, despite my best efforts, just don't "get it." I do my best but they are just beyond reach so to speak. I feel sorry for them and I feel that bit of guilt that perhaps if I'd tried just that bit harder, if I'd phrased it just that much differently, if I'd used just one more sports analogy then perhaps they'd have made that last step and would have been numbered amongst those who did indeed "get it." Here, they are called outerboarders and are deserving of ... well the back of our hand really

But then there are those rare creatures who are SO dim, SO lacking in perception and SO clueless that they not only don't "get it," they don't "get" that they don't "get it." They are the ones stumbling through life, usually blaming others for their misfortune and without a shred of humor to brighten their dull and colorless days until the end of time.

These poor creatures are, most usually and most rightly, sent to Coventry as they lack even the rudimentary sense that Gawd gave a stalk of celery.

And then there's Carbon14*. I'm of the opinion that Coventry may not work with him. He may indeed be such a dull knife that he wouldn't understand. We may have to bring out the long hidden and carefully maintained WMD ... Weapons of Mass Derision!


* That's not bad, Carbon14, but I think it just misses somehow. After all Carbon14 is of value. No, I think we must come up with a different name for this one. What to do, what to do.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And then there's Carbon14*. I'm of the opinion that Coventry may not work with him. He may indeed be such a dull knife that he wouldn't understand. We may have to bring out the long hidden and carefully maintained WMD ... Weapons of Mass Derision!


* That's not bad, Carbon14, but I think it just misses somehow. After all Carbon14 is of value. No, I think we must come up with a different name for this one. What to do, what to do.

Personally, I like Cabron666, but it's probably not right for me to twit his sceenname now that we're locked in a struggle to my death.

Joe, you're certainly free to abuse Cabron66, but please remember that he is my lunatic stalker, that he came in here for the purpose of obsessively becoming my mortal enemy, and now that I'm stuck with him until I die (I suppose that may not be that long a time if he's a really, really obsessive mortal enemy), that you can't all just put the boot in and then send him to Coventry. Fair's fair. If you all start bashing him then he gets to be rude back, at least until he goes completely over the top and gets himself banned.

But you're right about one thing. He doesn't even seem to get that he doesn't actually get it. Still, if he wants to behave like a complete and utter oick, I don't see why I shouldn't get some fun out of it.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

We closed on the house today.

Now my wife is on a painting and decorating spree.

Turns are therefore delayed indefinitely (or at least until I can get back to the peaceful slumber offered by my office).


What color are you painting the wheels?

Joe </font>

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Wow, all that and it has no effect. You must be starting to feel a bit like those little planes you always see buzzing around King Kong.

Like Hank Hill said:

"Dammit woman, I'm trying to stop an outbreak and you're driving the monkey to the airport."

When are you going to see that I'm trying to help you. Dementia is a very dangerous thing. Perhaps if you make a few more cracks about Canada? That always makes you feel better.

But if it doesn't, well, there's always more of whatever it is you do here at the "bong" challenge. What was that again? Something to do with amphibians, no?

Also, if you didn't get it from my other threads, I'm half Mexican. By all means, fire away.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now, I know how unpleasant it's going to be for everyone while this child works through his obsession with hating me, but what can you do?

I still like my suggestion of a 50,000 pt. QB in the Snow with Air Support.

It has a certain, oh I don’t know, je nes se qua to it.

If there was only a way you could be the Moose Huggers, it would be perfect. Try the Finns instead. A pallid substitute, but the best we can probably do.

{BTW, Do you know how long it takes to type “je nes se qua” when the beer kicks in? Now, where did that bottle of wine bugger off to?...}

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Now, I know how unpleasant it's going to be for everyone while this child works through his obsession with hating me, but what can you do?
Unpleasant? Goodness, no. Reading the Peng thread sober is unpleasant. Watching the epic battle between Seanachai and his lunatic stalker unfold, that's entertaining.


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Originally posted by Cabron66:

Man, you are too easy. 4 threads shut down in one day. Shall we go for 5? 6?


Spare them, lord Cabron, they know who they have offended! Turn thine eye from them, and smitheth them not with thine holy wrath! Bringeth not upon them the plague of Thread Locking which thou dost wield with thine own righteous finger!

(Mainly because the smelly louts would invade our thread again.)

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