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Review of CMBB Says It's Dull!!!

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I loved the bit about 'having to sit around waiting for your opponent to move'. I'm always happy for a chance to go get a cookie or go to the toilet or look in the fridge. RTSers never leave their seats. After 50-60 straight hours the've been know to spontaneously combust.

I wonder if that guy ever noticed you can playback the movie from different angles... I wouldn't put it past him to have missed that bit.

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The guy is entitled to his own opinion. Not everyone's going to fall madly in love with either CMBO or CMBB.
That's no excuse for inaccuracies, illogical statements and overall poor writing. If this guy's totally unprofessional attempt at a review (are you not required to have writing experiece to write reviews for online publications?) causes one person not to buy the game, then he has cost a legimate, hard-working developer well-deserved income, all because he didn't take the time to really play the game, or even copy-edit his article for that matter. However, if a person actually took the time to seriously read this drivel (pray tell, how does an explosion render something obsolete? Perhaps it was an explosion of inventive genius?), then I suppose their taste and intellect would not be suited to a game like CM.

[ October 17, 2002, 05:42 PM: Message edited by: akdavis ]

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Originally posted by akdavis:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />The guy is entitled to his own opinion. Not everyone's going to fall madly in love with either CMBO or CMBB.

(are you not required to have writing experiece to write reviews for online publications?)</font>
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On a positive note...look out for Tom's review at SimHQ...expect pages of shameless gushing in the near future :D

CM does seem to be hard to sell to gamers...in all my time of pimping CM, I've had one success (Cpl Carrot), one partial success (thought it was a great game, but the graphics engine gave him a wicked headache... :( ), and inumerable failures (...I want a good wargame! (translated from l33t)....I deleted the CM demo cos it was too hard! :mad: )

Oh well...maybe in a few more years, the gaming community will have grown up enough :D

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Ofcourse it might vary from one magazine to another, or one company to another, but I rather imagine none of the so called game reviewers are going to get rich at their current employment. Let's face it, while at McDonald's I do expect the fellow behind the counter to competently wrap up a hamburger for me, but I seriously doubt that in most instances you would find that the same particular fellow also had the ability to represent you before the Supreme Court.

Put another way I suppose, I haven't noticed many doctoral prefixes appended to the names of those game reviewers.

[ October 17, 2002, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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I think the review is actually pretty good - in that you can rather easily figure out what the reviewers point of view is (hardcore RTSer). The hardcore RTSers I know (and avoid) _don't_ like CM. The non RTSer gamers I know either do "love" CM (as the review predicts), or have other obvious mental deficiencies, too, not to mention and poor genetics and unfortunate personal hygeine practices.

Heck, in general I value negative reviews far more than positive reviews. Unless they're exhaustive (as grog reviews often are) positive reviews tend to all sound the same. Many negative reviews are negative because they reviewer didn't understand the game, sure. But discounting those, I've found that if I can read a negative review and think "The game's bad points don't sound bad to me!" I'll probably will like the game.

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In a perfect world reviewers should only review from the perspective of the intended audience, which they should have the propper credentials to represent. Having a Baroque art expert give a "review" of Post Modernism style artwork isn't likely to work out any better than having a RTS fanatic judge CMBB smile.gif

Do we get upset when we see a review like the one which started this thread? No, not really. It can't do us any harm because the audience being pitched to isn't likely to buy CM even if the review is positive. On the other hand, if someone were interested in the Eastern Front and happened to stumble upon the review while looking for the review of Harvest, Rush, and Crush XIV they might actually check us out and make up their own minds.

As many of you have heard me say over and over again... we can't please all the people all the time. So as long as our intended audience is happy and large enough to support us, we are perfectly content to keep on doing what we do. And by all indications, we don't need to polish up our resumes or practice asking if fries would be desired to accompany that cheeseburger smile.gif


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Man, I hate it when twich-RTS-click fest-rocket jumpers review anything. If it dosen't have a minigun or a nade launcher, it gets dogged.

I'll wait for the more objective reviews (both negitive and positive) to see what the non-wargaming community thinks. Not like it will effect my opinion though. ;)

[ October 17, 2002, 10:30 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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Yeah, that was poorly written, and the comparison to RTSes was just wrong. CM isn't trying to do the same thing at all, it's trying to put the strategy back in strategy game.

I think BFC's marketing may be partly responsible for suggesting the comparison. The "we go" system is described as a "hybrid of turns and real time." Which is true in a sense, but if it gives people the mistaken impression that CM has something in common with an RTS....

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Originally posted by General Tacticus

CM does seem to be hard to sell to gamers...in all my time of pimping CM,...[/QB]

Different folks - different strokes. But in regards to "my pimping" CM, all 4 of "my hos" are now confirmed CM addicts. Just give 'em a little crack (or CM) and they'll do anything! :D
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At the very least it can be said that this represents CMBB getting absorbed into the marketplace when obscure non-targeted sites have enough interest to even review the game.

For this guy it might be boring, but then he might be 13 years old and/or a console junkie.

Single malts may be an acquired taste and those weened on w00t monkey extreme dude soda might balk at a Lagavulin.


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Originally posted by flamingknives:

I like the way the reviewer seems to think that the strengths and weaknesses of WWII equipment were added by BTS to make the game balenced.


Anyone want to break out the Peasant Garb and Flaming Torches? I feel a lynch mob is called for.... ;)

Yes I noticed that too, good call. Although my impression was that he thought the game uses some kind of made-up armor strengths/weaknesses that are very "realistic", I doubt he knew that those are real-world values. (that is if he even figured out that the 'RETURN' key brings up unit details)

Anyway, he's an accurately modeled cod faced livermonger, so I'm not stressing over it.

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Originally posted by Rob Murray:

The guy is entitled to his own opinion...

This is where I strongly disagree. The guy has no opinion about the game, he simply CAN'T have one because he couldn't possibly have played it enough to even be able to form one. I can almost guarantee that when he first installed the game (if he even did that), he had a very negative attitude towards it because of one reason or another, (He probably has no interest in WWII for example) and thus his "review" is half-assed. I mean look what he writes bellow!

'A differen't take on the RTS genre'? Bullsh*t, he must have written that on 'talk out of your arse day', a day that only he is familiar with.

You know this guy's putting a gun to his head soon.

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The most interesting thing to me was how he pointed out that rts meant you had total control of the units.Apparently he never played a rts since either...You send your units toward the enemy with a lasso n click and watch them all suicide themselves by walking blithely past something shooting at them(which isn't their target) or you get all your various groups on a hot key so that in the few nano secs that combat takes you can press said key and see that group is already dead.Yea total control :confused: *biatch slaps "reviewer"* :mad: tongue.gif

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What's the biggie here?

Battlefront state they are not interested in chasing the twitch crowd... this guys got "RTS tank-rush...can I have some more Sunny D mom?" written all over him and he gives the game a panning... I say excellent! I won't be having to put up with his (or anybody who values his opinion) ahistorcial perspective on any of the boards I read regularly...I give thanks for that!

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