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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Marlow as slower an'Mensch ain a spellin' contest - nae turns fer months.


Its you that owes me a turn you addle brained git. You've had it for a couple o' weeks, I just figured you were afraid to open the file. I'll resend it tonight.

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Upon finally emerging from my catatonia, stemming from the brutal BBS collapse, I feel I must respond to several of my opponents game updates:

dalem, you back-of-the-map-hugging, bunny-slope skiing bastiche. You claim to be dying-not-a-lot, but then again that is because you are hiding like a little girl (my apologies to Kitty & YK2). Seems those victory flags I am taking are confusing you!

MrSpkr, you clearly hacked the game in order to purchase an overwhelming number of infantry units, but while I may not prevail in our current soiree, I shall be able to go to sleep with a clear conscience, knowing that I am not so gamey as you.

Panzer Leader, you may have 7 points, but that is only because I am not paying any attention to you, and by extension our game. Of all my contests, yours takes the least amount of effort - Hit Go.

armornut claims to have "computer problems" in order to avoid by brilliant tactical moves...

The rest of you can bend over and cough!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

If you don't like Mr. Phan, you're going to hate the rest of us. He's warm and phuzzy. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, interesting relationship you have...

How does a warm and phuzzie Phan feel?


I knew these poolers were a strange bunch of people, but this...

[ 05-25-2001: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

... I'll give you some scones with clotted cream (down [bi]St. Rat[/bi]!).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahhhhh, the cream, the cream, you mentioned the cream!

Now I'm going to face the rest of the day wondering - no drooling - over an imaginative jammed up scone with lashings of clotted cream.


I will send you the bill for cleaning the sodden t-shirt I'm wearing. I'll have to make do with a milky cup of tea until I can get to a supermarket.

SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE! You've made me go fricking SHOPPING!


Changing the subj, my hunny and I are off to the sunny climes of the Midlands. Coventry to be precise. That's the original Coventry, not the hick village you have in yankland.

We're off to see HER rellies and chums. While I will no doubt idle away the time twiddling fingers and expelling air from every orifice, she will be contented spewing forth her constant verbal diarrhea into the small hours with her equally chatty girlfriends.

Luckily, we're renting a car so, while she and her girly bosom buddies while away their lives 'catching up', I will explore the locale. The city centre is, well, concrete - grey, booooring and dull (after an inspired rebuilding programme brought about by one, Mr Hitler and his aeroplanes). However, I understand the surrounding countryside is a stunner.

So, what I am trying to say, in my own twisted and irrelevant way, is that there will be no files from me this weekend. I know, those that have the privilege wait baited-breath for my files knowing that their education continues full apace. Patience students, patience.

I wish to extend to you all and each of your families a miserable and rainy weekend. Just like mine is bound to be.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

...You low-life, macro-brew swilling<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

eerily correct, though micros, too


nope; confusing me with my daughter, there

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...You slither on to the main stage, and make a challenge to 'the Fair Emma'...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

duh; that what we do here, and it was to YK2, not the 'fair Emma'; there's a difference, y'know

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...You're not worthy to buff her footware with your tongue...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

maybe not, but thanks for giving me the idea! yum!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Although Chivalry is no longer necessary, it is not dead.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

say that on a US college campus and not even feathers would be left of you; but you are correct, even though it has nothing to do with the One True Thread

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I take up your challenge...

Send me a setup.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

fine, whatever

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I ask as my second Pawbroon, The French...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

the cheese-eating surrender-monkey got your back? that's sharp, ShawnNikky.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This is a most formal challenge...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I said YES, already! stop repeating yourself and being redundant and saying things over and over!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Should I fall, my second will take up this challenge.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

good: I can look forwards to two games now

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Your dangly bits have been assayed...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

how'd you know about that trip to the doc? left that office with a "Mule" sign about my neck


Seanachai, believe it or don't, but you have nicely confirmed what was the intent of my Challenge to YK2. Whatever. I'll confine my taunts/challenges to other, more responsive, Cess Denizens henceforth.

Once safely home and drunk, I'll wing something your way.

Have a really, really bad day.

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Ike, you must be patient with Seanachai.

He lives near and has met Deke Fenkel and Shandorf, and is much the lesser man for it. Seanachai has made it his life's work to bring every obnoxious insect mentioned in the works of Shakespeare to Minnesota, which is the only thing he has done successfully. He believes the Nash Rambler was the greatest invention of the 20th Century because it had fold-down plastic covered seats and reached speeds over 50 mph. He waits patiently at the mailbox for his next issue of Boy's Life, not realizing that such periodical expired many years ago and was never actually a sex magazine.

And yes, Seanachai buys Bazooka bubblegum just to read the comic inside. He studies each one of them intently in the solitude of his bathroom, the one with the large, autographed poster of Joe Shaw on the wall that absorbs the excess gas emitted. All very sad, and all very true.

I personally am helping to lighten his life by wasting him at CM, which I consider to be in the finest traditions of pro bono charity work that is so common to my profession.

To put it simply, Seanachai is our very own "Mr. Rogers", with the same indeterminate sexuality and unnatural interest in small children.

So, drink something a little more gentle when playing Seanachai. I suggest a "Grasshopper" with a colorful parasol sitting on top.

[ 05-25-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

[ 05-25-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

various random editing...

how'd you know about that trip to the doc? left that office with a "Mule" sign about my neck


I think you should have had your eyes checked while you were there with old Doc. The sign said Mole, not Mule.

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To chrisl

Dear Putz:








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Oh dear, he is still here. Okay then.

michael dorosh wrote:


By partially effective, I believe he means the three platoon HQs (casualties 1-3) with the big black lines extending back to the beach, 700 meters away. Oh and that (1-1) Piat team, don't forget him.


I take it, "ineffective" is Canadian slang for "smokin' slag heaps"


Um, the first wave never landed, at least not by what I can tell from the broken crews floundering in the water.

As it is, his flanking force (chuckle) is being slowly cut down by a single Puma that rules the battlefield. My other soldiers are distracted and taking great delight in knocking his dingies out of the water at 1500 meters.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:


Don't worry, Michael. The Americans will be along shortly to save your butt.

Funny how art imitates life, isn't it? smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>MrSpkr wrote:

Funny how art imitates life, isn't it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's what art is for, you spoon. The remarkable instances are where life imitates art.

You're well on your way to that degree in Stating the Bloody Obvious, though. Keep at it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

All within 30 turns....'tis a beautiful thing


What the Sheepish one fails to mention is the Tiger, 2 Pzkw IV's, Whirblewind, 2 or 3 Puma's and about 7 H/T's that I had to defend against with 3 guns and 1 aircraft. (none of which actually killed anything)

All the hard work was done by the PBI (poor bloody infantry) and they did his majesty proud.

Oh yeah, Mace also used plenty of Feck'in big arty too. Baasstarrrd!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

Btw, whatever happened to the Mace vs Peng game for my virtual virginity or whatever it was for? =|<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Virtual virginity?!!!! :eek:

Well, nothing to worry about, fluffy feline.

At the rate at which we're turning this game around, you'll be long dead by the time it's finished, and humanity will be entering the 3rd millenium since the birth of whos-he-bobs.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Where am I? Hello?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeh, that's what I want to know! ;)


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JD! jd, you lecherous pool-boy chaser, your imminent demise (courtesy the Evil one, Berli) is winging its electronic way to you now. Pick up the gauntlet and face your doom like the man you pretend to be.

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Miss Candor -

You coprophagous amoeboid! What kind of creature challenges a girl (even if she IS infatutated with someone who thinks Jerry Lewis is a pretty funny guy)?

I challenge you, you stinking bag of goat innards. Send a setup that I may crush you ruthlessly, in God's mercy.


[ 05-25-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Miss Candor

You coprophagous amoeboid! What kind of creature challenges a girl ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm. From my experience is normally the kind of guy that enjoys losing. You know the type; he's probably the head of big corporation by day but at night finds that being bullied, whipped, and spanked by a dominant woman clad in black latex or leather allows him to rid himself of the day's stress.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

Hmm. From my experience is normally the kind of guy that enjoys losing. You know the type; he's probably the head of big corporation by day but at night finds that being bullied, whipped, and spanked by a dominant woman clad in black latex or leather allows him to rid himself of the day's stress.


Dammit, Kitty, you've gone and made me feel all funny again.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

Lorak, scribe thusly:

The gamey, high-point, long-narrow-map generatin' sumnabatchin, did I say gamey, FJ gerbil dug in, cheesy arty an' AA gun usin', gamey, smarmy, skulduggerous, pettifoggin', bastarrd Blousemouse has wrought a tactical victory against my stubborn but slow Brits.


Boy, you did pull out the big ole book-o-words. You still lost however.

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