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I wanna be sedated by the Peng Challenge

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Hey Alpine Persistance, I'm no oversight! Oversight indeed!

I'm trapped at home due to my freelance stylee work habits (ie I have to PAY for access) and what greets me when I spend a serious amount of hard-earned greenbacks pressing that 'Connect' button? Disrespect and derision.

Well, cloak you in a wooly coat and burn on a pyre.

And where the hell are all these extra rats coming from? Someone get the poison.

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Mensch, buddy...I hate to tell you that you're a week behind the story. I posted that news over a week ago, and from Worcester, Massachusetts where I was spending my Easter weekend with my family. I used to live down the street from State Mutual and my father had met Harvey Ball, calling him the wost boring man he'd ever met since NipponBoy.

My point: I'm better than you.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

Berli is running out of real estate and even his near perfect fire discipline (no small feat with green troops) will save him.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No small feat indeed... and many of them are conscripts. I would have agreed with you... until your ill conceived smoke screen. You are providing me with concealment from your tanks while ensuring that I open up on your troops at the best possible range. BTW, barbed wire is not the best place to take cover... particularly when an MG42 is covering it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat:

...what greets me when I spend a serious amount of hard-earned greenbacks pressing that 'Connect' button? Disrespect and derision.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Right--instead of the warm personal validation we all expect and deserve as individuals here in the Cesspool. C'mon everyone! We need to help stevetherat actualize his person-hood. Group hug! Just let me grab my Bowie knife, first...

Agua Perdido

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Goanna had the unmitigated gall to suggest that:And you, Joe can hang your head in shame.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WHAT? You DARE to suggest that I used GAMEY tactics in our late, lamented contest? Did I, EVEN ONCE, use edge hugging? I DID NOT! Did I, EVEN ONCE, use a single crew in a combat role? I DID NOT! Did I, EVEN ONCE, use mines? I DID NOT! Did I, EVEN ONCE, have even a single bloody MG armed Jeep let alone a bunch of them? I DID NOT! And yet you, who used mines AND PILLBOXES (not that even one was facing the right direction ... I guess you have to use something to keep those Volksturm chaps from running like sheep ... sit down Mace) dares to accuse ME of GAMEY tactics because I was constrained by time? BAH!, you sir are a cad and a scoundrel. Why I had gobs of arty left and if I'd had the bloody time I'd have stood off and blown your old geezers to kingdom come with my 105s. I did not have that time so I took the HONORABLE route and charged into the teeth of your defense.

Panzerschreks to the left of us,

Panzerschreks to the right,

Volksturm in front of us, volleyed and thundered. (mind you most of the thundering issued from the thunder JUGS they were using)

I tell you friends it was glorious. Yes two the three AFVs died but the third sped into the very depths of his so-called defense and changed the game from a defeat to a draw and I call that a victory ... hmmmm ... uh ... oh well.

I DEMAND a rematch with the foul lizard boy and this time there will be no draw ... unless it's a tie I suppose.

In any case, Lorak please scribe the following disgusting result of 40 TURNS of Gaming With Lizard Boy:

Joe Shaw the Honorable and Courageous: Draw

Goanna the Cheating and Cowardly: Draw


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well croda.. funny guy.. wheres my turn you nob.. at least I posted a animated smile to pull and bug the Peng man him self.

I am not better then you.. that is true... you can't rate my better life form spiecies with a sea cucumber as you.

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Sea cucumber?!?

Mensch when are you going to surrender to me and lick my boots clean?

Croda You limp-wristed fop! Where is the turn from our HUGO-MONSTEROUS battle?

LORAK! Dammit, man! Uncork yourself from that booth over at the Waffle House and post my win over Peng!


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I have all of your turns.

I have Dalem's dog's ears and toenails.

I have a better self image than Hiram.

I have a real woman, unlike Meeks.

I have a crappier education than NipponBoy.

And, alas, I also have an accute case of CM Burnout.

I will not however issue pansy-assed surrender files to any who ask as I have all of you teetering perilously on the edge of the eternal pit and intend to send you plumetting in the near future.

I've played CM nightly since August and am taking a little vacation (in the Tribes2 world, nevertheless). Most likely some FPS carnage will assuage my tactically crippled mind and lead me back to armor tactics before much time has passed. In the mean time, I'm sure you can all deal with it.

If anyone is interested in looking me up in Tribes, I play as Croda, naturally, and would enjoy the chance to frag (Bauhaus...) you in another arena.

For those of you about to flame me for my honesty, keep this in mind. I check the thread every couple of days, do a search for my name on each page, and read only those posts which reference me as Croda. Usually I laugh and then move on toTheOneRing.net or something. Occasionally I like to point out that Mensch is a goober or that NipponBoy looks Japanese. I don't acknowledge Shaw for very obvious reasons.

I have also refused to alter my sig file, mostly because I couldn't be bothered, and because it has a Neil Young line in it.

That's about it.

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Took a little vacation (fishing).

Fishing sucked. But there was a nice Irish pub serving all the corned beef and guinness you could eat/drink.

Tome updates:









Joe Shaw-draw


CRODA... I was thinking that you were totally usless. Well... you still are. But at least you have the great taste to play Tribes 2. While Tribes was one of the most addictive on-line experiences I have ever had. Tribes 2 has grabbed me by the Balls also. I'll be sure to add Croda to my buddy list. I play under Lorak obviously. You can find me whoring around on some public servers (usually day time). I look forward to beating you in the head with a shocklance!

(Edit): Croda, Since our game was just starting turn 2 I think. If you want to kill that one, thats fine by me. Either way doesn't matter.

Lorak the loathed

[ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Lorak ]

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What's with the creeping Zionism on Formerly Trollop's sig? Jihad is for kids! It's for moms! For pops! It's the ultimate family activity. Because if you don't do it, you won't be left any place to raise your family.

"The Israelis think they're pretty hot, but actually they're a fourth-rate army fighting seventh-rate armies."

Marine commander in Lebanon, shortly after his troops were shelled by the IDF (paraphrased, and possibly misattributed, because I don't have the source handy, but I'm pretty sure that's close.)

Astaghfarallah Al-Azeeeeem. Pause. Al-Raheeeem.

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nijis I would remind you that THIS is the CessPool, we don't deal in politics, local, national or global as we feel there's more than enough crap floating around as it is. If you want to talk politics lad, go and chat with Bauhaus, he won't listen but he'll be ever so glad for the company especially since his Panther and Jagdpanzer IV had to pop smoke and reverse so they could get out of the sights of my mighty Churchill that was about to pepper them with actual cannon fire donchaknow. Where was I? Oh yes, anyway if I want political commentary I'll tune to CNN, otherwise ... stuff a sock in it. And if Babra is contributing he should too ... the sock thing that is. THE CESSPOOL FOR CESS, that's my motto, well one of them anyway ... another is "There's nothing wrong with a little pornography as long as you don't have a little pornograph." YMMV.


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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nijis:

"The Israelis think they're pretty hot, but actually they're a fourth-rate army fighting seventh-rate armies."

Marine commander in Lebanon, shortly after his troops were shelled by the IDF...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

All the better if they think it was an accident... :D

Seems to me the mighty Marines scarpered pretty quick too. Guess those 7th rate armies aren't so crappy after all, eh?

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And if Babra is contributing he should too ... the sock thing that is...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ouch. Scratchy. Wool no good for that. Lend me one of your silk ones, would ya, Joe?

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My apologies, just out trolling for abuse. But I guess it's wiser to keep the points more specific to individual poolers and/or their squires/pets/bodily fauna rather than potentially politically charged topics. So tsod off, all of you.

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Well, then... Getting back too POOL business...

LORAK!! You oaf!

Please enscribe the following...


Babbling Mensch: LOSS!

Score was like 74-22 or somefink like that. The greatest part was when my STUGIII took out his super Pershing from like 750 meters. That was reeeeeeal nice.


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JoeShaw has never been righter in his life (it's actually his first experience with rectitude [bauhaus!] of any kind) and this discussion needs to stop here.

I suggest a new topic for it on the Outer Board, hehe.

Aren't we about due for a new thread anyway? I hear the black padlock helicopters hovering....

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I stand bitch-slapped and shame-faced. I assume, however, that posts which offer themed abuse of individuals are pool-safe, as in,

Incorrect: Long live the heroic Palestinian people and their drooling incontinent leadership!/May the flame of Zion burn brighter than a match held up to the butt of a diner at Shlomo MacKenzie's Felafel Emporium!

Correct: Babra's undergarments see more colonizers than the Jericho valley casino on weekends/I cut through Nijis' defense like a Merkava through toddlers

Anyway, it all ain't worth the tsouris.

[ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: nijis ]

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