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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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3 hours ago, Haiduk said:

Russians tried to push off UKR troops from Pyatykhatky, throwing whole tank company in attack, but as one our account writes "now the road from Zherebynka to Pyatukahtky" turned out equivalent of Chornobaivka, because of "Stugna-P" teams and artilelry of 128th mountain-assault brigade destroyed most of enemy armor 

On the video you can see Russian armor, moving from the south, from village Hrozove, passing through long hangars to the road fork. Tanks, which were hit were on the way to Pyatykatky


Stugna-P team at work near Pyatykatky

Video from the same location, with "hell rider" - burning Russian armor on full speed drives along the road from Hrozove and turns west deeper to Zherebyanky 

Russian milbloggers about situation:

In total. No any Piatikahtki was returned. Moreover, the enemy advaned further and already assaults Zherebyanki. All messages that Piatikhatki are turned back, turned out a fake.

Where these Osetian "yeblans" [I can't translate this obscent word adequately :) ], who said they recaptured




Pushing just hard enough to provoke the Russians into suicidal counter attacks seems like the ideal strategy actually. 

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1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

I just do NOT get deliberately putting tanks into knife fight range of light AT weapons.  I mean, that field is flat as a pancake from what I can see, so why aren't the tanks sitting a few hundred meters back and letting something more expendable ferry the infantry into position?


The standard Russian 125mm HE shell must just really be hard get in the right spot relative to a trench from a ~300 meters range. I mean there have been some pretty spectacular case of Ukrainians expending an entire ammo load and then driving the tank over the trench because there are still live Russians in it. I will be very curious to see what happens the first time we get tape of Western tanks shooting at a trench. How much difference will it make that the Western tanks are taller, and there gun depress at least somewhat further. 

Edit: I am just assuming we haven't done something smart like send the newer ammo that can explode at a programmed distance. That stuff looks like it would clear tranches wholesale. Especially the sort of sad ones the Russians tend to dig.

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52 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

Very smart.  The Russians are unlikely to learn anything useful from these releases, yet it helps satisfy pro-Ukrainian desire to see SOMETHING.  It also might give pro-Russians more things to cry about which aren't, in the big picture, all that important to the counter offensive.

Yeah extremely smart. Also hurts the Russia propaganda narritive in that the steady stream of Russians dying on video continues, whereas there are no more (hopefully) trashed Bradleys.

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14 hours ago, Grigb said:

While reading RU BS I realized something - Looks like I do not see RU VKS work. Is it due of my prejudice, or are they truly missing?


4 hours ago, Haiduk said:

Our official and twitter sources are posting almost every day about gliding bomb usage on right bank of Kherson oblast and Zaporizhzhia oblast. 

FT article (paywalled) talks a little about it.


“I personally saw how, during our assault, the enemy [fighter jet] aircraft immediately fired on our advancing troops using laser guided bombs from a far distance,” said Stas, a soldier with an elite drone surveillance unit helping infantry regain lost territory in the south of the country. It was not an isolated incident, he said.

Russia’s use of helicopters to attack armour was a “very powerful technique” to which Ukraine had no parity, said Stas, pleading for the west to provide Ukraine with US Apache attack choppers, in addition to F-16 fighter jets.

“Manpads are not very effective at night,” said a Ukrainian air force pilot. “We need systems with detection and guidance — radar or optical-electronic systems,” the pilot added.

The Alligator is also highly vulnerable to surface to air missiles when in range. Russia has lost at least 35 of them since February last year, according to Oryx, which documents equipment losses in the war. Colonel Yuriy Ignat, spokesperson for the Ukrainian air force, claimed four had been shot down in the last week.

Ignat played down the threat from Russian attack helicopters during the counteroffensive.

“The Ka-52 is absolutely not a helicopter that establishes air superiority,” Ignat said, nor did it deliver “the kind of firepower that is decisive on the battlefield”.

The greater aviation threat to Ukraine’s forces came from Russian fighter jets which had more powerful radars and longer-range missiles than Ukraine’s older Soviet-built aircraft, Ignat said.



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A crucial thing happened this week. A quote from Amb. Blinken in Beijing: 

"With regard to lethal aid to Russia for use in Ukraine, we and other countries have received assurances from China that it is not and will not provide lethal assistance to Russia for use in Ukraine.   We appreciate that, and we have not seen any evidence that contradicts that." 

That despite everything, China isn't throwing Russia a lifeline (in any major way) says much. It says China will do only what is in its own interests and that being bound to Russia's fate clearly isn't. 

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Perhaps the US will find room to send more weapons to Ukraine now.



June 20 (Reuters) - The Pentagon found it had overestimated the amount of funding for ammunition, missiles and other equipment it sent to Ukraine by $6.2 billion due to an accounting error, a spokesperson said on Tuesday, more than double the amount previously disclosed.

The value of the accounting error was revised up from the $3 billion that was first reported by Reuters in May, the result of assigning a higher-than-warranted value on U.S. weaponry shipped to Ukraine.


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1 hour ago, chuckdyke said:

Very graphic this

Yeah it is. The video is all over the place and viewed countless times. It reminds me of the guys after work playing some game called Quake (90's) on the company network. Four of them giggling like school girls having just enough knowledge of military matters to make you laugh yourself. Some have told me they thought the vid was fake because "there's no blood". Like a 1960's war movie. If I were to view the video without any experience, I might come to the same conclusion. Many Americans are clueless on what is happening. Most frankly. They are too busy. Those that are into fake valor and the irresponsible use of firearms will rejoice in this video; those with real valor and use firearms responsibly will not.  

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Biden says threat of Putin using tactical nuclear weapons is 'real'


"When I was out here about two years ago saying I worried about the Colorado river drying up, everybody looked at me like I was crazy," Biden told a group of donors in California on Monday.
"They looked at me like when I said I worry about Putin using tactical nuclear weapons. It's real," Biden said.


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1 hour ago, kevinkin said:

Yeah it is. The video is all over the place and viewed countless times. It reminds me of the guys after work playing some game called Quake (90's) on the company network. Four of them giggling like school girls having just enough knowledge of military matters to make you laugh yourself. Some have told me they thought the vid was fake because "there's no blood". Like a 1960's war movie. If I were to view the video without any experience, I might come to the same conclusion. Many Americans are clueless on what is happening. Most frankly. They are too busy. Those that are into fake valor and the irresponsible use of firearms will rejoice in this video; those with real valor and use firearms responsibly will not.  

Ever since CMBO came out we had a small, but at one time vocal, group wanting to see blood when soldiers were hit.  "You say your game is realistic, but there is no blood!".  We told them to get their fetish satisfied with some other game.

For the most part rifle fire does not do much obvious visible damage to the Human body aside from hits to the head and smashing of fingers.  Blood?  Sure, but not spurting out like Quake, rather seeping out instead of spurting.  Even when something really vital is nicked the uniform or equipment keeps it from looking like the Black Knight of Holy Grail fame.

So, for the split second we see each of those Russians fall, why would we see anything?  On top of that, the video circulating is very low quality with high compression.

Large caliber small arms, especially in the .50 cal range, aren't as kind.

Where bodies really get deformed is from high explosives.  There was a picture going around last week showing proof that Russians are Nazis.  It was a dead Russian soldier that HE contorted into the shape of a Swastika.  Yet almost no blood.  I'll leave it at that.

I do say I have to agree with the commentary at the top of the repost of the video.  Long ago I lost any sense of sympathy for dead Russian soldiers or their occupation partners.  My wife occasionally tries to remind me they are Human, usually (bad timing) right after I read about another Russian warcrime.  The last time she said this I just read about the Ukrainian POWs that were castrated with a pocket knife.  Still, I believe in the rules of war and basic Humanity towards living creatures.  Ukraine should take prisoners when the opportunity presents itself and they should treat them properly as such.  Other than that, I'm 100% fine with them killing the rest as quickly and thoroughly as possible.  I might feel sorry they grew up in a brutal authoritarian culture that bread them into being the way they are, but that's not Ukraine's or the world's problem.  They chose this path more than Ukraine did, so it is what it is.


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Not much from ISW's June 20th report, likely due to reduced reported Ukrainian activity.  Ukraine also acknowledged that they are now dealing with significant commitment of Russian reinforcements (and/or airpower):


Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Malyar reported on June 19 that Russian forces have committed significant forces to stop Ukrainian offensives, making Ukrainian advances difficult.[3] Malyar added that ongoing Ukrainian operations have several tasks that are not solely focused on liberating territory and that Ukrainian forces have yet to start the main phase of counteroffensive operations.[4]

The second sentence is what we've been keeping front and center for the last two weeks.  Ukraine is not in full offensive mode yet, therefore territory is not going to be the primary objective for this phase.  As we have noted, weakening of Russia's supporting services (ammo, artillery, armor, EW, C2, etc.) seems to have a higher priority than pushes into Russian territory.  It also appears that Ukraine is using mostly existing forces to expand access through the grey zone to hit Russia's main line of defenses.  This keeps their main force fresh while also giving planners more options once they deem the time is right to commit them.

Speaking of Russia learning in this war, my recent commentary was focused on military strategy.  ISW points out that that in the information war they are apparently learning some things and since it is just theater they have more control about implementing those lessons:


The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) continues to respond to Ukrainian counteroffensive operations with a relatively high degree of rhetorical coherence, suggesting that the MoD has learned from its past mishandling of the information space during previous Ukrainian counteroffensives. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu addressed the MoD Collegium on June 20 and began his speech by addressing ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensive operations in western Donetsk and Zaporizhia Oblasts.[5] Shoigu claimed that the counteroffensive began on June 4, consistent with ISW’s previous assessment of when the counteroffensive began.[6] Shoigu additionally claimed that Ukrainian troops have launched 263 attacks on Russian positions since June 4 but denied that Ukrainian forces have made gains anywhere in the theater, contrary to publicly available geolocated evidence of Ukrainian advances. The fact that Shoigu addressed the counteroffensive in such a public and relatively even-keeled manner (even while maintaining typical MoD denial of Ukrainian successes) is a notable inflection from the Russian MoD’s failure to prepare a unified response to Ukraine‘s Kharkiv and Kherson Oblast counteroffensives in 2022 and the resulting panic in the Russian information space, indicating the Russian information space has somewhat adapted to and learned from past moments of informational collapse.[7]

The information Grigb has been posting about this certainly is a part of this.


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What the is going on here? 

There are many ways to count the aid value sums. Write-off value on the accounting books, what it cost when it was new, or the cost to replace the given capability. 

Now the US is changing how it calculates the value. At the start did the US want to exaggerate the aid given for some reason and now thanks to US internal politics they hope to avoid going to legislative to increase the total aid budget? So they start counting in the most "cheap" way.

In my country, it would be a very big thing when tens of billions of money's appear or disappear from anything government related.


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8 minutes ago, The_MonkeyKing said:

What the is going on here? 

There are many ways to count the aid value sums. Write-off value on the accounting books, what it cost when it was new, or the cost to replace the given capability. 

Now the US is changing how it calculates the value. At the start did the US want to exaggerate the aid given for some reason and now thanks to US internal politics they hope to avoid going to legislative to increase the total aid budget? So they start counting in the most "cheap" way.

works for me, whatever it takes to get as much stuff there as possible as fast as possible.  I'll bet you won't hear many republicans especially in the Senate complaining either.

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2 hours ago, sburke said:

works for me, whatever it takes to get as much stuff there as possible as fast as possible.  I'll bet you won't hear many republicans especially in the Senate complaining either.

I would think Congress might care when the budgets they approve starts living their own life by tens of billions 💸

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8 minutes ago, The_MonkeyKing said:

What the is going on here? 

There are many ways to count the aid value sums. Write-off value on the accounting books, what it cost when it was new, or the cost to replace the given capability. 

Now the US is changing how it calculates the value. At the start did the US want to exaggerate the aid given for some reason and now thanks to US internal politics they hope to avoid going to legislative to increase the total aid budget? So they start counting in the most "cheap" way.


I think the DOD uses the same accounting firms that Hollywood uses when they want to make a film lose money, despite being wildly profitable.  Forest Gump is often cited as the poster child of this sort of "creative accounting", because although the movie earned well over 10x what it cost to make the film, on paper it lost money.  Here's a good article on it.





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17 minutes ago, The_MonkeyKing said:

What the is going on here? 

There are many ways to count the aid value sums. Write-off value on the accounting books, what it cost when it was new, or the cost to replace the given capability. 

Now the US is changing how it calculates the value. At the start did the US want to exaggerate the aid given for some reason and now thanks to US internal politics they hope to avoid going to legislative to increase the total aid budget? So they start counting in the most "cheap" way.


I think Biden is making it clear to the nutcases at the outermost ends of the political spectrum that he will torture the accounting as necessary if they bleep around on the next supplemental appropriation for Ukraine.

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27 minutes ago, dan/california said:

I think Biden is making it clear to the nutcases at the outermost ends of the political spectrum that he will torture the accounting as necessary if they bleep around on the next supplemental appropriation for Ukraine.

Or maybe he is making clear you guys go make pinatas out of the paper we print. Then let the candy fall to the floor for "our children" to enjoy. There a different arithmetic in Washington. Try applying that grammar schooling to a citizen's bills and checking accounts.   

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1 hour ago, The_MonkeyKing said:

In my country it would be very big thing when then of billions of money's appear or disappear from anything government related.

No one is claiming the U.S. is run better than Finland, no really we do NOT make that claim. It is just that this rambling wreck of a system has produced the worlds most powerful military, and I simply don't care what budget shenanigans the President has to pull finish beating the Russians in Ukraine. Doubly so when Putin is actively manipulating and funding the worst people in our system.

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53 minutes ago, dan/california said:

I simply don't care what budget shenanigans the President has to pull finish beating the Russians in Ukraine.

I do. There should be no shenanigans. Send Miley and Austin III as envoys to Putin and show him our Chinese menu of hurt. And the fortune cookies all have losing lottery numbers. Do it now, or there will nothing left in Ukraine to fight for other than fertile dirt. 

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9 hours ago, Haiduk said:

Suitable bridgehead, opening T0812 road toward Vasylivka. UKR forces can cut Russians in Kamyanske and move further to Enerhodar on west and Melitopol on south.

Road fork near hangars in Zherebyanky is on the height 92, probably most high point in the area


Mashovets has written today about situation on this part of front, maybe @Grigb will translate later, I have no time alas ( 

I will but probably not today. 

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