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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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3 minutes ago, Grigb said:

Putin said today something... strange

He literally said: "Diligence is generally a separate talent, it's not just, sorry, a rubber butt (laughs)". It is not Russian phrase like at all. It is just plain nonsense. 

I do not know if he is still sane, but I do know that he has a new nickname now.

yeah, sometimes it's hard to understand what kind of nonsense he is talking about

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2 hours ago, Beleg85 said:

This is beyond beautiful. ;)

I try to follow Russian fascination with everything British in this conflict, and it is already like Alice in Wonderland on acid. Somebody will need to write a solid anthropological wok about this phenomenon when war ends. Still don't know if it is more phantom pain after "Londongrad", ambition to level up to Victorian imperialism esthetics, some very late burps after Crimean War or urge to find equal adversary with Anglophilia masked as Anglophobia. Or simply too much exposure to British cinema (Bond...)and Netflix serials. But it is very real phenomenon that just keeps giving so much joy (or rather would be, if not the grim circumstances).

British Empire still holds the world record on most planetary landmass occupied ever. And also it let go of all those after winning WW2 and ended up being even stronger for it. Wouldn't be surprised if that has anything to do with russian hatred. Russia is the last empire on Earth after all and it's time is running out without any real "achievements" to add to history books. Not even a single successful conquest.

Edited by kraze
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UK government cut UK armed forces to the bones. Look at what British Commandos had to use for landing at the station!



And it is not even motorized barge.



Fun fact - it seems RU are so stingy and lazy that they did not even bother to bring a tug. Absence of tug make a nice plot hole - it means RU army aviation is total crap that cannot catch running away UKR river tug.

[UPDATE] The plot is so thick now that I think it is thickest plot ever - UKR wanted to take IAEA hostages to prevent RU army from recapturing station.

But it also means that because it was Boris Johnson plan - Boris Johnson wanted to take IAEA hostages! 

Anyone got a phone number of UK tabloids? I have a story to sell. 100% legit!

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39 minutes ago, Huba said:


Going to be really interesting to see more of these kinds of videos. I keep talking about competing snowdomes- this is what I think it should look like:

The Russian Air Defence layer starts getting holes blasted in it by HARMs (or is redeployed to save the bridges/ uses it's ammo up trying to hit HIMARs rockets or ground targets/ or is logistically neutered/ etc).

This allows Ukrainian airpower/dronepower to penetrate the AD layer and start poking holes in the artillery layer...

... which means that Russian ground units start to lose the protection of their artillery (no support) and become more exposed to Ukrainian artillery (reduced counterbattery capability)...

... which means they become increasingly vulnerable to Ukrainian ground forces.

Nothing revolutionary, but like Huba says, we haven't seen drone videos like that since Phase 1, and we all know how that ended. A pretty solid indicator that the Russians on the west bank are getting closer to collapse... providing Ukraine can keep the pressure up.

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22 minutes ago, Grigb said:

UK government cut UK armed forces to the bones. Look at what British Commandos had to use for landing at the station!



And it is not even motorized barge.



Fun fact - it seems RU are so stingy and lazy that they did not even bother to bring a tug. Absence of tug make a nice plot hole - it means RU army aviation is total crap that cannot catch running away UKR river tug.

[UPDATE] The plot is so thick now that I think it is thickest plot ever - UKR wanted to take IAEA hostages to prevent RU army from recapturing station.

But it also means that because it was Boris Johnson plan - Boris Johnson wanted to take IAEA hostages! 

Anyone got a phone number of UK tabloids? I have a story to sell. 100% legit!

Seriously?   I have no words for the absolute bull**** they are trying to pedal.

Edited by BlackMoria
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33 minutes ago, billbindc said:

Tempted to take the risk: Adam Kinzinger🇺🇦🇺🇸✌️ on Twitter: "For more background:  https://t.co/gW79N4vATT" / Twitter

Well if a B movie actor says we need to stop supporting Ukraine the issue is settled. Heck I support giving Putin the rest of Europe if it makes Kevin happy.

 Really funny response by the NAFO fella, I like his style. 😀

Edited by Harmon Rabb
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40 minutes ago, Hapless said:

Going to be really interesting to see more of these kinds of videos. I keep talking about competing snowdomes- this is what I think it should look like:

The Russian Air Defence layer starts getting holes blasted in it by HARMs (or is redeployed to save the bridges/ uses it's ammo up trying to hit HIMARs rockets or ground targets/ or is logistically neutered/ etc).

This allows Ukrainian airpower/dronepower to penetrate the AD layer and start poking holes in the artillery layer...

... which means that Russian ground units start to lose the protection of their artillery (no support) and become more exposed to Ukrainian artillery (reduced counterbattery capability)...

... which means they become increasingly vulnerable to Ukrainian ground forces.

Nothing revolutionary, but like Huba says, we haven't seen drone videos like that since Phase 1, and we all know how that ended. A pretty solid indicator that the Russians on the west bank are getting closer to collapse... providing Ukraine can keep the pressure up.

You said this perfectly. Ukraine is collapsing the Russian air defence/ISR/artillery bubble, notably a large part of the pressure on the artillery is actually pressure on the ammo supply. Once the bubbles gone the ground forces have no choice but to leave. We just have to hope the AFU can maintain the pressure long enough. Brave men are dying every hour to get that done.

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9 minutes ago, Harmon Rabb said:

Well if a B movie actor says we need to stop supporting Ukraine the issue is settled. Heck I support giving Putin the rest of Europe if it makes Kevin happy.

 Really funny response, by the NAFO fella, I like his style. 😀

very funny response, but beware.  that's Hercules you are talking about!

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Well, day is over here and there is no much updates from Kherson. To summarize

  • RU counter attacked everywhere and sort of stabilized it everywhere [not to confuse - it is yesterday/today morning info so it could be yesterday counter-attack]
  • At West CLAIM RU pushed UKR from Zelenei Hai
  • At Bridgheads RU push UKR from Bruskinse and road. UKR started pushing to opposite direction from Bruskinske toward Schalyve
  • At Vysokopyllia RU counter-attacked and pushed UKR from southern edges of Olhine and Vysokolillya. Claim the at Arkhangilske RU also pushed UKR somewhat back [the same as above]

But the topic mostly disappeared and is replaced with discussion of UKR-British landing at Station with mix of RU successful defense against UKR Kharkiv offensive.

We got something like info blackout of Kherson.

[UPDATE] Forgot to add - according to various claims non of UKR crossing got destroyed or even hit. 

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In previous days UKR HIMARSed four military objects in Izium and something in Balakliya, Kharkiv oblast. This guy uder account Alex commented Necromancer article about the death of Russian officer from elite Rosgvardiya Spetsnaz unit "Vityaz' " (604th Special Operation Center). Officiallly he was killed when "UKR nazi shelled with HIMARS local market and Risgvardya fighters were resquing civilians". Alex told indeed HIMARS hit two-strorey building nearby with a market, where was some service or deployment point of Rosgvardiya and police, so, he think, dead Russian officer probably not a single, who "covered civilians from HIMARS with own chest", because the buildig was ruined almost to the basement


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I don't know how reliable this information, but author claimed UKR destroyed pontoon bridge through Inhulets near Daryivka

Also about degradation of Russian AD in Kherson. Only on this direction for yesterday UKR aviation conducted 24 sorties (from 70 total). Interesting, that as far as month ago UKR aviation conducted maximum 20 for a day and usually 12-15.

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19 hours ago, fireship4 said:

Cool piece of history, though it sounds less like Lenin and more like a figure with a social function protected by the position.  It makes me think of the traditional clown, or a court jester.

True, Lenin was not perfect yurodivy (Rasputin was much more) but his hagiography and folk memory nonetheless retained several crucial characteristics. He was a figure from outside rotten and decaying social order that managed to destroy and renew it, bringing new, fresh sacrality of authority- which is one of the functions of Trickster/God's Fool figure (being outsider/destroyer/creator of widely accepted meanings and power relations). Since he can create order, he is not bounded by existing one, including common morallity; unlike settled priesthood that belongs to sinfull world, adored with its burdens, jewelery and subservient to rulers, yurodivy can move between Outside and Inside. Now, one of qualities of Lenin is that he also rejected all material pleasures like richness, food, women etc. (not exactly true of course, but in folk memory- "Lenin at least was modest and never steal" still ring with Soviet population up to 2000's); was persecuted and haunted, played "dressing games" to outwitt his opressors; was forced to living in exile for long time (desert caves/wild woods= cheap living quarters in Zurich, doesn't matter) where he finally reached an Enlightment. He preached the whole time. Then he arrived triumphally - in April 1917 was his Parousia; he left a train at Petrogrod, after which he started his reign (well, almost- but Revolution for such a figure is piece of cake, especially against morally bankrupted power).

From that point it more follows the story of Priest King/Triumphal Prophet rather than God's Fool, i.e. charismatic, selfless servant of total cause. And marxism-leninsm was indeed TOTAL...oh boy, it was total at every possible level- logical, historical, eschatological. Its followers strive to create New Man and finish History. It had its own concept of time, dedicated priests, scripture, cathedrals, highly developed secret language, rites of passage, inquisition etc. It purged infidels, opportunists and all kinds of "undecent" people harder than any other ideology or religion for a long time. And Lenin was its Prophet. After his noble death from overwork (in reality it could be syphilis) he was mummified, put on display just next to Kremlin walls so future generations could still enjoy his sacred presence...And renewed power order, now led by acolyte Stalin (who by a twist of fate was deeply spiritual wannabe priest in his youth) could bath in his everlasting glory and follow his noble path to bright future.

Treating him (often mockerly) as religious figure and comparisions of Lenin to Christ, Mahommet,Chomeini, Savanarolla etc. are rather common for many Russian intellectuals; there were even some intersting s-f/fantasy books with this topic.

Generally figures of Holy Man of different iterations (yurodivy/prophet/prest king), bringer of esoteric Truth that will enlight rotten and doomed world (= renew socio-political order) are still very popular in Russian Orthodox hagiography and even secular popculture today; Russian movies, books and even games are full of such personas (note it resonates very well with official ideology of new Russian state- russkiy mir should be kingdom of spirituality and true meaning as against western materialism; up to a certain point, of course). I can bet many Russian nationalists for example still adore and mimic them, if only on esthetic levels:



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