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I have a dream that the universal BFC will have the idea of expanding CMRT in the future


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   This is a brilliant little struggle in the cold.  When I first bought Combat Mission Barbarossa to Berlin, I wondered the same thing you did.  Was there a game scenario that covered the situation pictured on the box art?  There wasn't, but I always wondered what might have happened if that little picture played out.

   Well, you nailed it, pal.  This little battle is perfect for what is depicted in the CMBB picture. 

   We got the house, fairly intact, and I only had to write two letters.  Sadly, I think they were from friendly fire, as the Assault Gun boys shot a little short on one shell.  The troops patched up the two wounded, and Schultz got a small fire going in the ruins so we could warm up.  The two Russians we took prisoner were more than happy to help with the fire, and we ended up sharing some of our rations, as they they appeared to be more starved than we were. 

   We did set up a perimeter, just in case some other Russians decided they wanted the warm house back.  :unsure:

   The StuG is perfect.  It was the deciding factor.  Otherwise, I think we'd have taken some really bad casualties.

   I was not able to button up the StuG commander.  The button was greyed out.  I felt a little uncomfortable when getting close to the house and not able to have the crew button up.  Is there a way to fix that?  Just curious.  Otherwise, the StuG looks amazing and performed well.

   Thanks so much for putting this together.  It brings back a lot of nostalgia to the early battles of CMBB.  These games were absolutely jaw-dropping for me, because it brought 3D to all the ASL games I had been enjoying for years.  Now I was able to get down alongside the troops and see what they were seeing. 

   Great job Phil!


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1 hour ago, Heinrich505 said:

Great job Phil!

Thanks Gary. I am real happy you liked it. I loved making it and feel the same way as you about that painting. I am sure it can be expanded into something involving a counterattack. Maybe even a mini-campaign? That would be real cool.

THE STUG: It is NOT perfect but as damn close as I can get it I think. The idea came to me how to make it in Blender the other day just out of the blue! I was excited to see it come to life and made some tweaks here and there as I popped in and out of Blender and CMRT. I promise I will continue to study it and see what else might be doable to improve it. The PanzerIIF is not going as well with clearing the hurdles of modelling the 3D. I know it just takes me time. 

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On 12/13/2021 at 3:07 PM, Gary R Lukas said:

I would love to see a scenario for Stalingrad and Kursk where all of the vehicles are from that time period and not taking a Panzer III G from an Ad Hoc group in 1945 and trying to make it work in 1942-43.

Gary, after some bourbon, I must reply. 

Dude, we are neighbors in the same street. The government is fuggin BFC. When you want some improvement out on the street and see me out there making a speed limit sign out of plywood and sharpies...AND you think it is sub par and piss on me for doing it...that hurts my feelings. OF COURSE OF COURSE we'd all love for BFC to crank out the real deal and in 2 seconds make the 1942 tanks happen. They probably already have it all on paper. THEY ARE BUSINESSMEN NOW. For free, 0.00 cents, I offer some admittedly lame ass amateur versions to entertain us. Don't eyeball it. Don't download it. Fine. A few folks think it is an AOK stopgap solution to what we may never get from BFC. This is all deja-effing-vu. In late 2015 I and some good fellows made CMRT WInter Mod from bubblegum and banding wire. It held the test for me for 6 effing years until BFC finally pumped out CMRT FR.

Please give some of my stuff a chance! I always joke and ask that people squint when they play my scenarios and mods. It may be the only Barbarossa you see for 7 years...

No more bourbon left...

Best wishes and S/F to you.

~Phil (hoo-yah USN Deep Sea Diver)



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Doggone it, Phil's administrative assistant must have left the bourbon out after she was told to hide it from him.  Someone get the latte' machine fired up as we need to pump Phil full of mocha choka grande peppermint latte' with whipped cream on the top.  That way we can get him back on track and pushing out more cool BARB or STAL stuff.  He gets so maudlin when he hits the bourbon.  :unsure:

Ya just can't get good help these days.  Sheesh!  He never gets this way with Johnny...Walker that is...

Phil, with this StuG of yours, it might be possible to recreate Wittmann's early armor encounters, as he did some crazy things while commanding the early assault guns.

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On 12/16/2021 at 12:55 AM, kohlenklau said:

Gary, after some bourbon, I must reply. 

Dude, we are neighbors in the same street. The government is fuggin BFC. When you want some improvement out on the street and see me out there making a speed limit sign out of plywood and sharpies...AND you think it is sub par and piss on me for doing it...that hurts my feelings. OF COURSE OF COURSE we'd all love for BFC to crank out the real deal and in 2 seconds make the 1942 tanks happen. They probably already have it all on paper. THEY ARE BUSINESSMEN NOW. For free, 0.00 cents, I offer some admittedly lame ass amateur versions to entertain us. Don't eyeball it. Don't download it. Fine. A few folks think it is an AOK stopgap solution to what we may never get from BFC. This is all deja-effing-vu. In late 2015 I and some good fellows made CMRT WInter Mod from bubblegum and banding wire. It held the test for me for 6 effing years until BFC finally pumped out CMRT FR.

Please give some of my stuff a chance! I always joke and ask that people squint when they play my scenarios and mods. It may be the only Barbarossa you see for 7 years...

No more bourbon left...

Best wishes and S/F to you.

~Phil (hoo-yah USN Deep Sea Diver)



Well Brother your Mods are Fricking Awesome, you do excellent work here and for that I salute you!! I have downloaded almost everything you put on BF, but when I want a Stug III with a short 75mm cannon for a battle, I don't want to use a Stug Mod with a long 75L48, it just don't feel the same. I really like this last FR game, the tanks have better paint jobs, the Inf have better uniforms, I just Love it. But I am a little disappointed in that there is No Sturm Tiger, No Hetzer Flame Throwers, No Flamethrowers for Specialist teams, also No LMG for the SS. The Wehrmacht has them as do Luftwaffe units, but nothing for the SS, and if any branch would have the most up to date weaponry, it would be Hitlers SS. Hey as we are on this subject how hard would it be to take a black panzer uniform and put a swastika arm band on it?? I did do that with a Black Panzer Uniform and added it to the Volksturm clothing to represent the Hitler Youth who fought in the closing days of the war, but it would look a lot better with a Swastika Arm Band. I can't make anything like that, but I KNOW YOU CAN, I have faith in you, keep me posted

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My earlystug mod currently blends the 251 ausf c "stummel" that has an ACTUAL short 75 with the Stug3 body shape. Pluses are the actual performance of the short 75 but sadly the minuses are the VERY thin armor.. crew can't close...


If the scenario designer understands these issues then the minuses can be somewhat mitigated. And since that is most likely me...we should be able to use the mod in an enjoyable manner. 

I will keep studying the options for a "Gen 2" and maybe improve it...


I have a Wittman book and can study it to see what type tactical situations occurred. Maybe he never took a hit? I don't know 

Edited by kohlenklau
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1 hour ago, kohlenklau said:

My earlystug mod currently blends the 251 ausf c "stummel" that has an ACTUAL short 75 with the Stug3 body shape. Pluses are the actual performance of the short 75 but sadly the minuses are the VERY thin armor.. crew can't close...

Maybe those wouldn't stand up to IS-1 based KV-1s quite as well as I thought.  :unsure:

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9 hours ago, kohlenklau said:

My earlystug mod currently blends the 251 ausf c "stummel" that has an ACTUAL short 75 with the Stug3 body shape. Pluses are the actual performance of the short 75 but sadly the minuses are the VERY thin armor.. crew can't close...

It was the fact the crew were wearing helmets that made me wonder what was underneath. It's a pretty effective compromise. I actually find the Stummels quite useful so long as they're used right so no reason this StuGmel can't be effective.

I had thoughts of something similar for the KV2 behemoth - stick a KV2 skin on a SU152 - okay we don't get turret traverse (easily explained in the scenario briefing as damage) but it would have a similar speed and armour protection effectiveness, and of course that cannon ... see if a platoon of Panzer IIIs can take it out ...

8 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Maybe those wouldn't stand up to IS-1 based KV-1s quite as well as I thought.  :unsure:

Yep, bit outgunned; even against a T34/76 'twould struggle. KV1 is a tough nut to impersonate. Need something a bit slow with a relatively small gun but well armoured. A redressed T34 would work to a degree, but too speedy; maybe a Valentine ... tough against PzIIIs, slow, good armour, decent gun ...

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@Lucky Strike

You've got my thoughts going back to the very challenging CMBB scenario, where the Germans historically first ran into a KV-1.  The German player was given several Mark IIIs, some infantry with grenade bundles, and a Flak Gun, if I am remembering the OOB correctly, and they had to try and take out the KV-1.  I think the KV was immobilized.

It was a hoot trying to play that, and the KV-1 was pretty much shrugging everything off.  If you could smoke the area a bit, and then get the Flak gun set up, you had a decent chance of taking out the KV-1, but you only had moments before the KV-1 would home in on the Flak.  I can't remember if any StuG assault guns were also included. 

But, I don't think we can tow and set up a Flak gun in CMFR, so this battle might not be reproducible. 

The StuGs used in the Stalingrad mod were actual assault guns, but the long 75 barrel was "adjusted" so that visually it appeared to be short. 

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They need to do a little innovation. The Germans had tank-hunting teams. They had something like a couple of AT mines on top of a board. Two ropes which were attached on each end. Two infantry men positioned in two opposed foxholes. Once a mammoth tank approached (KV1 or KV2?) they pulled the AT mines underneath the tracks. It was a WW2 IED of some description? 

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10 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

I was assuming @kohlenklau's StuG was based on one of the long barreled types, not a half-track.

Yurst, that's what I thought our Kohl had done too. He's cunning for sure.

8 hours ago, Heinrich505 said:

@Lucky Strike

You've got my thoughts going back to the very challenging CMBB scenario, where the Germans historically first ran into a KV-1.  The German player was given several Mark IIIs, some infantry with grenade bundles, and a Flak Gun, if I am remembering the OOB correctly, and they had to try and take out the KV-1.  I think the KV was immobilized.

It was a hoot trying to play that, and the KV-1 was pretty much shrugging everything off.  If you could smoke the area a bit, and then get the Flak gun set up, you had a decent chance of taking out the KV-1, but you only had moments before the KV-1 would home in on the Flak.  I can't remember if any StuG assault guns were also included. 

But, I don't think we can tow and set up a Flak gun in CMFR, so this battle might not be reproducible. 

The StuGs used in the Stalingrad mod were actual assault guns, but the long 75 barrel was "adjusted" so that visually it appeared to be short. 

Yes that's what I was thinking of. In RL the Germans would have to try to immobilise these beasts then wait for an '88 or just swarm over the things with infantry. As you say, we sadly can't have towed '88s. I suppose an extreme mod option would be to dress up a 75 to look like a flak 88 so it could be towed, would need to dress the towing vehicle to look like an Sdkfz 7. Bit of a faff, but all the models are there to do this. The 75 might then be able to take out the KV2/SU152 - all gets very confusing. 🤪

5 hours ago, chuckdyke said:

They need to do a little innovation. The Germans had tank-hunting teams. They had something like a couple of AT mines on top of a board. Two ropes which were attached on each end. Two infantry men positioned in two opposed foxholes. Once a mammoth tank approached (KV1 or KV2?) they pulled the AT mines underneath the tracks. It was a WW2 IED of some description? 

I don't think we have access to teller mines sadly, or do pioneers have them? Don't know, haven't looked. Would be a great addition to a scenario like this.

Edited by Lucky_Strike
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  • 4 weeks later...
15 hours ago, lcm1947 said:

My opinion for what it's worth.  I was going to buy RT in the next couple of weeks but now that there is a question of how accurate the research and stats on the Russian 

tanks are I have decided to hold off and buy another more accurate one like FB or FI.  

Where is that concern coming from? The recent video bashing T-34s?

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