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CMFI Crete 1941 mini-mod project

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  On 4/9/2021 at 3:16 AM, Malaspina said:

Long-time Italian happy customer here, and I couldn't be happier with RtV and Gustav Line, but this is difficult news to digest. It is hard to believe that a CMRT: Barbarossa or Stalingrad module wouldn't be appreciated by the market.

Or even "Little Saturn". It would be little: only Hungarians, Romanians and Italians to add to the game. That's nothing compared to RtV ;)



Oh, for sure this would all be appreciated by our core customer base.  If we didn't have anything else to do we'd be quite happy to do all of this and more.  But we do have a lot of things competing for our time so that means we have to select what we do very carefully.  Sadly, that means a lot of really cool stuff won't get made.  Like Crete, for example.



So, over in the CMRT F&R thread, we had BFC Steve show up a few times to make posts. In the quoted section above, we see the important statement from BFC that they will never get to do Crete. That caught my eye and I tried for the last few days to organize a behind the scenes project. EDIT: I expected more of a response but can only blame myself, maybe I came across odd or a but flippant. I did address a very respected person as NZ Dude! Sorry again sir...I do have 2 forumites kicking in some assistance. Thank you guys. Onward and upward!

So, I am gearing up something for the 80th Anniversary of the Crete campaign. I got some good stuff brewing in my head! At least 2 small scenarios. One from the FJ perspective. 1 from the 2NZ division perspective. Some cool old seldom seen mods and some really cool new mods. 

Edited by kohlenklau
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@jamxo made me this. thank you sir! Neck deep in research on a campaign I never have explored in detail. Several inspirations have gripped me for creating 2 new scenarios along with some new mods. An advisory committee is overseeing development of the scenarios, <<"more cowbell!">>... Thank you Jon.

@mjkerner is going through his entire collection of FJ uniforms to coalesce the most "Crete-esian" flavored images for this mini-mod. Thank you Mark. I will also re-release an older Crete scenario (playable just for H2H) written by boardgame developer @Broadsword56. Thank you Gina.



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@Erwin Thanks!

I guess maybe I am the good looking front man to the band and often do solo albums and have my own tour bus and groupies, but please a big salute to the great folks working with me or giving me some guidance. @mjkerner @Juju @JM Stuff @jamxo @Broadsword56 @JonS





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Started a briefing for one of the CMFI Kreta 1941 mini-mod scenarios coming out in late May. Today is April 26th! 80th Anniversary of Operation Hannibal is today! Whadya know!


Operation Hannibal. It is 0735 on Saturday, April 26, 1941. The sun is just rising and it is still slightly cool. From the sidewindows of your Ju-52, the weather is clear with a light wind from the sea to the southeast. You are Oberleutnant Paul Brand, in command of your company of German Fallschirmjager. Your mission is to start in just a moment as you and your men parachute down into the Greek countryside near the town of Kavos. A few kilometers away at the Corinth Canal Bridge, other Fallschirmjagers have landed by gliders just 10 minutes earlier. Secure Kavos and the southern approach to the Corinth Canal Bridge. Block all attempts by the enemy to interfere with our main force at the bridge. 
Your Fallschirmjager Kompanie contains a high proportion of veterans of the 1939 Polish campaign and the 1940 assault at Fort Eben-Emael. You are at full strength but you are on your own. You have no fire support: no mortars, no artillery, no Stukas. 
The British units covering this area of Greece are believed to be Australian or New Zealand troops. Infantry units with limited support. No enemy armor is expected. 
The British are here by trucks and might have some heavy weapons at their disposal. Kavos is not expected to be garrisoned by more than a platoon. 
You have around 30-40 minutes to complete your mission. The enemy has a marked exit zone that represents them getting through to the bridge. You have a variety of hidden touch objectives. You have ONE large RED set up zone. Preserve your force, locate and neutralize any enemy encountered. Set up blocking positions as appropriate. Don't let a single Tommy get through to the bridge!

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7 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

Great little project, Phil. Although I'm very busy with the new module and first of all finishing my scenario The Lions are Hunting, I would love to take a look at it and playtest it a bit.

BFC, contract this man!

Thanks Jacob! PM sent with download link

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The test scenario is Kiwi Soldiers II: Baggage Claim

0845, Tuesday, May 20, 1941. A clear day with a warm breeze off the sea to the north. The Luftwaffe bombers had always made an early morning show in the past several weeks. After stand-to, your platoon would be eager for some breakfast. Something edible always arrived...until today. Something was different today. The Stukas kept coming, wave after wave. Then swarms of German cargo planes lumbered into view. They disgorged their parachute troops from one end of the horizon to the other. The sound of Bofors around Maleme announced the invasion was on. You are Lieutenant Lester of the 21st New Zealand Battalion. You have your men positioned in and around a small farmhouse. Your orders are to hold until relieved or ordered to withdraw. 
C Coy, 9 platoon is at much reduced strength since evacuation from Greece: 2 half-strength sections and a Bren team under Private Sowden. There is a limited supply of ammunition.
The Germans are making a big grab for Crete and we'll either send them packing or end up behind a fence as POW's. 
The German parachute forces are lightly equipped overall. Their most vulnerable phase is immediately after landing. Numerous German cargo planes have flown over your sector. Though just barely out of range, the enemy could be seen jumping from the side door.  
You are just looking out the farmhouse's kitchen window as some sort of container floats down by parachute into the field next to the farm. You must prevent the Germans from getting to their equipment. Employ your platoon to accomplish the mission.


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I love when I can use tricks and shenanigans to accomplish my CM modding goals!

What you see below is @Juju 's drop zone discarded chutes mod (in new Crete colors!) with my beta FJ drop cannister mod BUT AS THE GERMAN AMMO DUMP supply crates via mdr file renaming and modtagging with [crete]. @MOS:96B2P Karl reminded my wine clouded sleepy brain how to get them into the scenario...Thanks sir.


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2 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

@MOS:96B2P Karl reminded my wine clouded sleepy brain how to get them into the scenario...Thanks sir.

+1  Very cool.  Supply from the air.  This mod / idea will be useful in many scenarios / campaigns.  With some tweaking it can probably be used in every title.  Everything from CM FI Crete, to a cut off CM Cold War Berlin Brigade, to CM Black Sea keeping the tip of the Russian invasion spear in supply, etc. Interesting stuff.  :)       

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The above photo is sadly part of a terrible sequence of a photo documented atrocity by the Germans where they gunned down a group of Crete civilians. It showed me the stick fence to the right. So I modded in a similar looking fence from CMRT. See below in the background.


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7 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

+1  Very cool.  Supply from the air.  This mod / idea will be useful in many scenarios / campaigns.  With some tweaking it can probably be used in every title.  Everything from CM FI Crete, to a cut off CM Cold War Berlin Brigade, to CM Black Sea keeping the tip of the Russian invasion spear in supply, etc. Interesting stuff.  :)       

And Market Garden!

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