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Team 2’s AT team finished setting up its AT-7, aimed at the Scimitar near the ruined farm and let fly… the missile just skimmed the turret but hit the ground well beyond…


…immediately the accompanying Fennek spotted the team and fired a few volleys of grenades at this team.  None hit, but the grenades were churning up the ground as they moved closer and closer toward the end of the turn. 


The AT team fired a second missile that is still in the air at the end of the first turn.  I will be pulling them out of the line next turn... hopefully they get out okay… if not, that’s okay too as long as he loses the Scimitar.  I’m on the edge of my seat…


Neither of my vehicles in this team got a spot this turn... I will be pulling the BMP out of the line next turn in order to re-mount one of the scout teams as noted last turn.  The LAV-AT will stay where it is for now, I expect Baneman will move a vehicle or two next turn near the ruined farm, and that might help the LAV-AT spot one or both of them.

Team 1’s BMP did pull off the line this turn, and will now wait for the Recon Platoon leader team to remount next turn.


The Fennek at Farm 2 dismounted this turn and entered the buildings.  It does not look like he wants to push beyond the farm at this point... he is happy to sit in place and provide support fire with the Scimitar towards my UNCONs near the Monastery.


Two of the four LAVs in my reaction force will be moving forward into keyhole positions next turn, hoping to get a spot or two on a Scimitar or Fennek.  This movement is in preparation for my Advance Guard which is just one minute out. 


The dismounts from this platoon are starting to move out on a route reconnaissance toward OBJ GARNET.  The other two LAVs are being held back in reserve.


In DUMAYR, Baneman is pushing his irregulars hard toward mine and it continues to cost him.  My teams are going to get critical on ammo very soon though, so he might be able to get an advantage.  I am switching my teams in this area to control their own fire.  I should have noticed the small amount of ammo they carried from the start.  I’ll try to provide them some support by fire from my positions near KT2, but to be honest, the action in DUMAYR is a side-show right now and I am not intent on pushing forward at all there.

My final Technical did extricate itself, so that will help some and it is moving to the sound of guns in DUMAYR-North.


  • PIR:  Will the enemy militia/fighters attempt to seize DUMAYR?  His assault is picking up steam, but it has cost him a lot of casualties to this point. I estimate he has lost 9 or 10 fighters (maybe one or two more) to 3 of my own.
  • PIR:  Where are the enemy Technicals?  I finally get some contacts on his technicals, they are presently located near the built up area at the western most bridge.
Edited by Bil Hardenberger
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On 6/22/2018 at 4:39 PM, Bil Hardenberger said:


This is a very interesting gif. I've watched it a few times now to confirm what I think I am seeing. It appears, based on this gif, that the 4.0 infantry bug is not present. Granted, there are no indirect fires here, but that was not the only trigger of the bug. There is a lot of fire at close range with casualties sustained on both sides of the fight, some of the casualties being caused by RPG/HE rounds, and none of the units seem to be displacing willy-nilly. 

I know it is early in the fight, but have you noticed any changes to the infantry behavior that confirm or dispute my observations here?

On 6/22/2018 at 4:39 PM, Bil Hardenberger said:


This BMP-2 model looks fantastic. Props to whoever skinned it. 

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7 hours ago, Bil Hardenberger said:

MINUTE 4 (file 10)

Team 2’s AT team finished setting up its AT-7, aimed at the Scimitar near the ruined farm and let fly… the missile just skimmed the turret but hit the ground well beyond…


…immediately the accompanying Fennek spotted the team and fired a few volleys of grenades at this team.  None hit, but the grenades were churning up the ground as they moved closer and closer toward the end of the turn. 


The AT team fired a second missile that is still in the air at the end of the first turn.  I will be pulling them out of the line next turn... hopefully they get out okay… if not, that’s okay too as long as he loses the Scimitar.  I’m on the edge of my seat…


Neither of my vehicles in this team got a spot this turn... I will be pulling the BMP out of the line next turn in order to re-mount one of the scout teams as noted last turn.  The LAV-AT will stay where it is for now, I expect Baneman will move a vehicle or two next turn near the ruined farm, and that might help the LAV-AT spot one or both of them.

Team 1’s BMP did pull off the line this turn, and will now wait for the Recon Platoon leader team to remount next turn.


The Fennek at Farm 2 dismounted this turn and entered the buildings.  It does not look like he wants to push beyond the farm at this point... he is happy to sit in place and provide support fire with the Scimitar towards my UNCONs near the Monastery.


Two of the four LAVs in my reaction force will be moving forward into keyhole positions next turn, hoping to get a spot or two on a Scimitar or Fennek.  This movement is in preparation for my Advance Guard which is just one minute out. 


The dismounts from this platoon are starting to move out on a route reconnaissance toward OBJ GARNET.  The other two LAVs are being held back in reserve.


In DUMAYR, Baneman is pushing his irregulars hard toward mine and it continues to cost him.  My teams are going to get critical on ammo very soon though, so he might be able to get an advantage.  I am switching my teams in this area to control their own fire.  I should have noticed the small amount of ammo they carried from the start.  I’ll try to provide them some support by fire from my positions near KT2, but to be honest, the action in DUMAYR is a side-show right now and I am not intent on pushing forward at all there.

My final Technical did extricate itself, so that will help some and it is moving to the sound of guns in DUMAYR-North.


  • PIR:  Will the enemy militia/fighters attempt to seize DUMAYR?  His assault is picking up steam, but it has cost him a lot of casualties to this point. I estimate he has lost 9 or 10 fighters (maybe one or two more) to 3 of my own.
  • PIR:  Where are the enemy Technicals?  I finally get some contacts on his technicals, they are presently located near the built up area at the western most bridge.

I don't usually quote an entire post, especially one as large as this, but an exception is certainly warranted.

@Bil Hardenberger, you have surpassed your usual high high standards with this one! Embedded gifs (or whatever magickry you used) highlighting the action? Outstanding.

Great overview, perspectives, command analysis, etc.

Now, I have to give Baneman some credit: expending his uncons to make you expend your ammo is a BRILLIANT tactic. Do your Uncons have grenades? Knives? Nearby rocks?  ;)

In a serious vein, if your Uncon defensive position is running low on ammo, what is your plan for them?

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6 hours ago, IICptMillerII said:

This is a very interesting gif. I've watched it a few times now to confirm what I think I am seeing. It appears, based on this gif, that the 4.0 infantry bug is not present. Granted, there are no indirect fires here, but that was not the only trigger of the bug. There is a lot of fire at close range with casualties sustained on both sides of the fight, some of the casualties being caused by RPG/HE rounds, and none of the units seem to be displacing willy-nilly. 

I know it is early in the fight, but have you noticed any changes to the infantry behavior that confirm or dispute my observations here?

This BMP-2 model looks fantastic. Props to whoever skinned it. 

Well, can't say, can I? But it'd be a sad day if the test team weren't testing and the coding guys weren't coding, wouldn't it?

(And, yes, I agree with the BMP-2 comment. The entire CMSF2 appearance is heads and shoulders improved over CMSF.)

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13 minutes ago, c3k said:

I don't usually quote an entire post, especially one as large as this, but an exception is certainly warranted.

@Bil Hardenberger, you have surpassed your usual high high standards with this one! Embedded gifs (or whatever magickry you used) highlighting the action? Outstanding.

Great overview, perspectives, command analysis, etc.

Thanks Ken, coming from you that means something.


Now, I have to give Baneman some credit: expending his uncons to make you expend your ammo is a BRILLIANT tactic. Do your Uncons have grenades? Knives? Nearby rocks?  ;)

In a serious vein, if your Uncon defensive position is running low on ammo, what is your plan for them?

Well, there will be a hint in my next post.. whether it will succeed or not remains to be seen.  I will say that I am not too worried about this front yet... if I were to lose my entire UNCON force I would be alright with that as long as I could take apart his armored assets.. then I can deal with cleaning the rats out of Dumayr in my own time. 

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14 minutes ago, Bil Hardenberger said:

Well, there will be a hint in my next post.. whether it will succeed or not remains to be seen.  I will say that I am not too worried about this front yet... if I were to lose my entire UNCON force I would be alright with that as long as I could take apart his armored assets.. then I can deal with cleaning the rats out of Dumayr in my own time. 

Ahhh, yes. I'm glad to see that my command techniques have been adopted by others. ;) Your UNCONs will thank you for the opportunity to seek more glory for you by giving up their pitiful lives. I treasure the little red crosses my men gift to me. 

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Team 2’s ATGM that was in flight last turn missed high again… I think all the incoming fire threw off their aim so they missed both of those shots and in my opinion that is a realistic result.  Baneman opened up on them with several Scimitars this turn, however the team was able to pull back over the ridge no worse for wear.  The AT-7 is still partially deployed, an advantage of moving just one action spot, resetting will take far less time.  They do have three missiles left... next time I use them I need to find a better, more keyholed position, preferably away from the prying eyes of those damned Fenneks.

One lucky SOB (composite image to show the missile's path):


The BMP 2 is now re-manned and I will be moving them toward a firing position next turn to attempt to engage a Scimitar further in depth.


LAV-25 4 moved into a keyhole position and at the end of the turn spotted, fired at and penetrated the Scimitar near the ruined farm (Weapon Mount penetration).  I don’t think it is knocked out yet, so next turn I will be pouring it on.  The Fennek right next to it spotted my hulldown LAV almost immediately and fired a salvo of grenades, but they went long.  Damn that thing has amazing optics.  Drives home that I need to take them out as quickly as I can.  The Scimitars in comparison do not seem to spot my units very well at all. 


At the end of the turn the LAV-AT attached to Team 2 got a firm spot on the Fennek near the ruined farm.  It was taking aim as the turn ended.  I doubt they will miss like the AT-7 team did, fingers crossed.  Killing the Fenneks is now a priority task.


The dismounted recon platoon is closing in on OBJ GARNET.  They are looking for a covered route to move towards the enemy positions.


At Farm 002 the Fennek that dismounted last turn remounts.  That vehicle is useless without its crew and loses all the advantages its optics give him, guess he realized that.

In DUMAYR, Baneman continues to throw his teams forward.  I am going to abandon my positions near the Monastery and move my fighters to South DUMAYR and let them join the fight for that objective. 

The Monastery and Village Charlie are not as important as DUMAYR and I’d like to concentrate against the unit he has engaged there and eliminate it.  With a little luck he could find himself squeezed between my two irregular forces.  Team 1’s BMP-2 will be providing some support fire into the enemy held buildings across from my teams in an attempt to reduce some of the pressure. 


In other news, my Advance Guard arrived in the AO.  I am actually wishing I had another five minutes for the recon battle... it is just now starting to develop and get interesting.  With my Advance Guard will also come his… and he can deploy his forward far faster than I, so could, in theory achieve fire superiority before I can get into position.  KT-2 does provide the highest ground in the AO so that is an advantage for me... but it will be tricky bringing my combat power to bear without exposing them.  I also expect a linear artillery barrage on KT2 in the near future... maybe before the main body arrives so I need to prepare for that as well.


Advance Guard

I have five turns before the main body arrives so I would like to commit the Advance Guard to action as soon as possible.  My intent is to attrit the enemy recon force and the enemy Advance Guard to such a degree that when the main bodies arrive I will have a leg up.  I feel like the battle in EA1 is the key to this battle.  Whoever wins that fight will have freedom of maneuver.


I will try to target my mortars on KT1 if possible.

The T-90SA platoon will be quickly moving over the bridge to support the LAVs that are engaging the enemy recon elements and to be in a central position in order to react to where they are needed.


The BMP-3 platoon will disembark their infantry and then the vehicles will move en-masse to the north edge of the KT2 ridgeline.  I want them to engage the enemy with their ATGMs, if possible one part of the enemy force at a time.  I would love to eventually get them down to the plain between KT1 and KT2 to take the fight to the enemy but that might have to wait for the main body to arrive.


The dismounted infantry platoon will move down the gully and move toward the river.  Once close they will await orders.  My intent with them is to drive as deep as possible under cover toward the river, and cross it if possible to support the irregulars in DUMAYR.  It will take a few turns for them to get moving as they need to disembark, split, remount one of the teams to allow the BMP-3s to operate at full efficiency, and only then can they head out.

Can't wait to play with these guys:


Once the BMP-3s arrive at the ridgeline I will pull the LAV-ATs from the teams they are supporting and attach them to the BMP-3s.  The Syrian Recon Platoon dismounted elements will remain where they are for now and continue their dismounted recon and harassment role.  The BMP-2 #2 will be moving to join its brother so they can cooperate as a team, mainly against the enemy DUMAYR irregular fighters. 

Next turn I will include a SITMAP to show all friendly and enemy unit positions (known and suspected).

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38 minutes ago, Bil Hardenberger said:

Can't wait to play with these guys:


Next turn I will include a SITMAP to show all friendly and enemy unit positions (known and suspected).

Interesting stuff.  Looking forward to seeing these guys in action and the SITMAP. 

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4 hours ago, Bil Hardenberger said:

In DUMAYR, Baneman continues to throw his teams forward.  I am going to abandon my positions near the Monastery and move my fighters to South DUMAYR and let them join the fight for that objective. 

The Monastery and Village Charlie are not as important as DUMAYR and I’d like to concentrate against the unit he has engaged there and eliminate it.  With a little luck he could find himself squeezed between my two irregular forces.  Team 1’s BMP-2 will be providing some support fire into the enemy held buildings across from my teams in an attempt to reduce some of the pressure. 

From your previous post I got the impression that you were considering to withdraw from Dumayr altogether. In this update you are describing a pretty offensive plan for the forces there and in the monastery. Was I reading too much in your last post, or some datum from the latest reply suggested to try and go for a backhand blow in Dumayr?

Excellent materials @Bil Hardenberger thinking of the amount of time I think you invested in those waters my eyes. Very nice material to read while on holidays :)

Edited by BletchleyGeek
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1 hour ago, BletchleyGeek said:

From your previous post I got the impression that you were considering to withdraw from Dumayr altogether. In this update you are describing a pretty offensive plan for the forces there and in the monastery. Was I reading too much in your last post, or some datum from the latest reply suggested to try and go for a backhand blow in Dumayr?

A little misunderstanding for sure   The fighters I have in Dumayr were never going to withdraw, they are digging in and absorbing the attacks Baneman is throwing at them.  What I am doing now is attempting to move my other irregular force into Dumayr to make him redeploy and break up the strength of his attackers. 


Excellent materials @Bil Hardenberger thinking of the amount of time I think you invested in those waters my eyes. Very nice material to read while on holidays :)

Thanks Miguel.  I appreciate the kudos.

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13 minutes ago, Bud Backer said:

Ok, I had the same confusion as BletchleyGeek about Dumayr. Now it makes more sense. This is really fine work, Bil. Really fine. Must be hours for each turn. 

About one hour per turn actually give or take... all of these posts were written as I reviewed the turn and gave orders.  The actual game is up to turn 17, so I am just generating images and movies until we catch up.

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On 6/23/2018 at 11:49 PM, sburke said:

Now now, that kind of info has to come from the man behind the curtain.  ;) 


On 6/24/2018 at 5:31 AM, c3k said:

Well, can't say, can I? But it'd be a sad day if the test team weren't testing and the coding guys weren't coding, wouldn't it?

(And, yes, I agree with the BMP-2 comment. The entire CMSF2 appearance is heads and shoulders improved over CMSF.)

Understood. I will take my observation for what it is. Combined with Baneman's perspective, it does in fact look like the issue is not present. Its great to see an active example of the bug fix in action! Makes me look forward to the release of CMSF2 all the more.

Very excited to see how this battle plays out. It's been intense from the get go, and it should become rapidly more explosive now that Bil has some tanks to play with. 

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The Fennek near the old farm didn't really stand a chance:  


The LAV-AT will withdraw next turn. 

I’ll pull it back until the other LAV-AT can join it in this area, then I will push them forward together. 

Team 2’s BMP-2 will be withdrawing from this sector next turn to join the other BMP-2.  It should be spotting from this position, but can see nothing.


Sadly, the Scimitar that was penetrated last turn successfully withdrew under a smoke screen.  It was unlucky that my LAV only got a few rounds off last turn... it gave Baneman time to extricate the wounded Scimitar.

There is one more Scimitar in this area, though I have not seen it in several turns.  The contact icon has been stationary for a few minutes at least.  I am pushing a couple of LAVs into positions to try to get a spot.


Frustratingly Baneman was able to rush the Fennek he had at Farm 002 right under the eyes of the LAV-AT I have overwatching this area.  The LOS on this map is complicated and he found the perfect seam to move down that was out of my LAV-AT’s view.



The only Advance Guard reinforcement I spotted was this Leo 2A4.  So he will have two of those and he may be using them as a team, at least that’s what I would do, so the other one may be near this one.


Most of my spots are coming from the DRT on Hill 42.0.


Baneman’s technicals are starting to move towards my fighters near the Monastery.  It’s interesting that none of my units on KT2 can spot them... I’ll see if I can fix that next turn. 


The BMP-2 should be able to spot that area. 


Definitely not impressed with the Syrian vehicles or units (i.e ATGM Team) so far in this battle, they need to get their sh*t together.  Right now I am fighting with one arm tied behind my back... I expect that will change once the US Mech Company and tanks arrive with the main body, but for now I need to be careful with the forces I have on hand.  The Marines are doing the main punching right now… hopefully the Syrians will be able to contribute in a meaningful way soon.

This should be fun... two more LAV-25s join the LAV that shot up the Scimitar from last turn.  This is a sweet position, it is masked from the majority of Baneman's force and it closes off a major route to KT2.


I know I promised you a SITMAP this turn but I decided to hold off on that until I get more information about his Advance Force.  I hope the following suffices to give you an idea as to how the enemy positions stand:


Finally, we have our first entry in the Blood BoardTM!!


  • PIR:  Will the enemy Mechanized Force attempt to seize KT 2?  It does not appear Baneman is trying to attack KT2 yet, but he could be building a Support by Fire (SBF) position to support such an attack.
  • PIR:  What is the force composition of the enemy Advance Guard?  Have only spotted one Leopard 2A4 so far. 
  • PIR:  Where are the enemy tanks?  The spotted enemy Leopard 2A4 tank is in the KT1 line possibly providing fire support.
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Enjoying the excellent presentation as always Bil especial the Gifs to actual see the action. Strange seeing Syria and US as allies in the commentary as those units are so used to being on opposite sides. Cool though to now have the freedom to mix and match forces like that if one want to. Good luck and for God's sake get organized will ya 😉

Edited by Vinnart
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