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Here it is folks.. the time has arrived for the CMSF2 BETA AAR.  I will be adding to this thread later today,, but wanted to get the thread started. 

My opponent?  My nemesis from the CMFB  BETA AAR, Baneman ,agreed to a rematch.  I really do owe him a more thoughtful game than I gave him the last time.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with that game, Baneman beat me rather soundly.  Hope that doesn't happen again!  ;) 

This game is well under way, we have completed 16 minutes of action, so there are a lot of turns to come in relatively quick succession and the Blood Board™ is filling rather alarmingly.  

For those of you who were following my "Lesson in Defense" AAR in the CMBN forum.. sorry about not updating that thread for a while, but I can really only do one of these at a time, and this one takes priority.,  Once I started this game it took up my full attention.

More anon.  Bil




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For this game we wanted to show as much as possible, and yet provide an entertaining and challenging game.  We decided that each of us would take two nations, and some UNCONs and Fighters and duke it out man on man, steel against steel (or Chobham as the case may be)... the only constraint was that whoever chose the US would also have to field the Syrians as the US does come with some advantages (Javelins etc.).

I gave Baneman first choice and he went with his own folks, the UK and partnered them with the German Army.  He suggested that I, as an American should take the US, so what choice did I have?  ;) 

As for force purchases we adhered to the following:

  • These constraints will apply to EACH nation we choose (purchase must be 50-50):
    • Light troops - one platoon of mounted recon (or light armored recon) or two platoons of dismounted recon
    • Armor - either two tanks (1st class: M1, Leo, or Challenger) or one platoon of second class tanks (anything Syrian, Leo 1 (Canada)
    • Infantry - either one company (mounted) or two companies dismounted troops
    • Artillery - whatever comes with our purchased units, plus:  one battery of medium howitzers (one from each nation)
    • UNCONs - will let George select and deploy for us
    • No air

We then sent our purchases to @George MC who provided a gorgeous map for us to fight on, and he set us up.. George also selected and setup the UNCON force for us and deployed them.. neither of us knew the force composition or the locations of our irregulars.  George identified key objectives for us also and really this game could not have happened without him.  So, THANKS GEORGE!!!

I will get into the details of my force pick and what I suspect Baneman is bringing to the party in a later post... should be interesting, this is a Meeting Engagement with the following forces arrayed against each other:

  • BANEMAN - UK and German - UNCONs including some Technical (gun truck) support)
  • ME - US and Syrian - UNCONs including some Technical (gun truck) support)

The next post will have some pictures.  ;)  I will show some map highlights and include a topo map that I am using to track the action in this battle. 

I will run through my METT-T analysis as quickly as I can in order to get to the action... the first of those posts will probably go up tonight.


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Nice to see the detail on what your battle looks like. Sounds interesting...

2 hours ago, Bil Hardenberger said:

George also selected and setup the UNCON force for us and deployed them.. neither of us knew the force composition or the locations of our irregulars. 

Especially the surprise element. Cool.

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Following is the base Topo map I created for this action.. notes:

  • Grid squares are 100 meters square
  • Red area is approximately my starting setup zone
  • Blue area is approximately Baneman's starting setup zone
  • Numbered triangles refer to the camera views posted below this map.  The camera is at the junction of the two long sides of the triangle viewing towards the short end.  
    • Outlined shapes indicate a high elevation view
    • Solid shapes indicate a ground level (or close) view

I hope this helps you get oriented to the battle space.  

Click on the images to view them in more detail.


Screenshots - (disclaimer:  ALL screenshots in this AAR thread unless otherwise specified will be taken with the Movie Mode turned on):











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6 minutes ago, sburke said:

@Bil Hardenberger am assuming from above screenshot this is daytime?

Affirmative.   I'll be breaking down the scenario in my upcoming METT-T analysis posts starting this evening.

In the meantime, here is the scenario briefing, provided by the incomparable @George MC.  It really wasn't necessary for George to add this briefing, but he is a perfectionist.  :) 


This Tactical Area of Responsibility (TAOR) consists of agricultural land, small wooded plots and orchards set in rolling terrain crisscrossed by deep irrigation ditches. The WADI BARADA runs east/west and is crossed by the causeway at DUMAYR.

DUMAYR is a small regional town with one main street running its length north/south (Highway 2).

The approach to DUMAYR is dominated by HILL 40.0 with its large monastery.

All farms, villages and DUMAYR are believed to be unoccupied by civilians.

The ground underfoot is dry. The forecast for the next 24 hour period is hot with clear skies, winds are NW, strength light.

Phase 1:  ATTACK:  Your advance guard and attachments is to defeat enemy elements within its TAOR in order to allow the main tactical group to advance along Highway 2.


1. Eliminate or neutralize enemy anti-tank elements from positions of overwatch within range of the highway.

2. Eliminate or neutralize all enemy combatants in the TAOR.

  • Enemy Casualties             40%        125 pts
  • Enemy Condition             25%        75 pts
  • Enemy Ammo                   30%        50 pts

Phase 2: SECURE: Your tactical group and attachments to clear and secure the following objectives:


1. CLEAR (Touch) the following objectives:

  • OBJ DIAMOND                  50 pts
  • OBJ RUBY                            50 pts
  • OBJ SAPPHIRE                   50 pts
  • OBJ GARNET                      50 pts

2. SECURE (Occupy) the following objectives:

  • OBJ GOLD                            500 pts
  • OBJ SILVER                          250 pts
  • OBJ BRONZE                       100 pts
  • OBJ STEEL                            100 pts
  • OBJ COPPER                       100 pts

Your tactical group to maintain continued combat effectiveness for future operations by maintaining:

  • Friendly Casualties          25%        125 pts
  • Friendly Condition           80%        75 pts
  • Friendly Ammo                 50%        50 pts

Your combat group travelling in extended column is split into three main elements:

  • SCOUTS – in TAOR
  • ADVANCE GUARD – ETA 5 minutes
  • MAIN BODY – ETA 10 minutes
  • REAR GUARD – ETA 15 minutes

Exact location and disposition of enemy armored units is unclear. Estimated to be tactical group equipped with armor and IFVs. Main built up areas in the TAOR is a combat area between competing local fighter and combatant groups. Some of whom are ‘friendly’ to the REDFOR.

Your scout units currently in the TAOR will move out at 0700Hrs.

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1 hour ago, Bil Hardenberger said:
  • Grid squares are 100 meters square

Ouch - are you trying to hurt our brains? 100m squares for a game that uses 8m action squares. Let's see that's 12.5 squares per side of the grid, that's 156.25 AS per grid square. :D

I am only kidding we all know what you are trying to do - help orient us on a big map. And really no one should spend time thinking about action squares unless you get into the weeds over some game behaviour or corner case.


1 hour ago, Bil Hardenberger said:

will be taken with the Movie Mode turned on

I will try to forgive you for that :)

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8 minutes ago, IanL said:

Ouch - are you trying to hurt our brains? 100m squares for a game that uses 8m action squares. Let's see that's 12.5 squares per side of the grid, that's 156.25 AS per grid square. :D

there is one in every crowd... the map is about 1500 meters by 2350 meters (give or take)  


I will try to forgive you for that :)

Heh, I apologize ahead of time.  ;)  I'm sure Baneman will post many lovely full color screen shots.

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2 minutes ago, Bil Hardenberger said:

there is one in every crowd... the map is about 1500 meters by 2350 meters (give or take)  

I try.

2 minutes ago, Bil Hardenberger said:

Heh, I apologize ahead of time.  ;)  I'm sure Baneman will post many lovely full color screen shots.

I'll be looking forward to that.

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7 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

@Bil Hardenberger vs. @Baneman, playing CM:SF2 on a @George MC map.....Consider me well & properly hooked!  ;)

Probably shouldn't tag Baneman in this thread... ;)   Nothing sensitive has been posted yet, but it could make him accidentally click on something he'd rather not see.

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We are expecting a meeting engagement type battle with enemy forces relatively similar in strength, composition, and combat power to our own.

The mission for this operation is to secure Highway 2, the Main Supply Route (MSR) through this Area of Operations (AO).  This will mean securing the high ground and the objectives leading to the regional town of DUMAYR.  Clearing and securing the MSR is paramount prior to securing DUMAYR, which is the ultimate objective of this op.

Mission Specific Tasks (YELLOW) consist of clearing the following objectives:  

·         OBJ DIAMOND – FARM 003        

·         OBJ RUBY – FARM 005   t

·         OBJ SAPPHIRE – Highway 2 Bridge

·         OBJ GARNET – Bridge on entry road

Keep casualties to a minimum, below the 25% threshold if at all possible while inflicting maximum damage on the enemy. 

This operation is a stepping stone to follow-on ops, so husbanding ammo and keeping consumption to a minimum is requested; try to maintain at least 50% of initial unit combat load. 

Mission Essential Tasks (RED) consist of the following objectives.  Reinforce and assist friendly local militia and civilian fighters to secure and hold these objectives for follow-on operations:

·         OBJ GOLD – Priority 1 – Northern approaches into DUMAYR

·         OBJ SILVER – Priority 2 – Southern approaches into DUMAYR

·         OBJ BRONZE – Priority 3 – Center of DUMAYR

·         OBJ STEEL – Monastery

·         OBJ COPPER – Village Charlie

These objectives are priority and must be secured to comply with the Commander’s intent and to prepare the way for follow-on operations.

Click on the map to zoom in:


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Enemy Intentions:  Intel reports that enemy civilian and militia forces similar in size and capability to ours are eager to capture DUMAYR, the monastery, and Village Charlie.

Enemy Force Capabilities:  It is reported that the enemy contingent in the AO is similar in force make up and combat power to our own.

Possible Order of Battle:

  • Civilian Fighter and Militia – specifics unknown, but suspected to be similar in size and organization to those supporting us
    • PIR:  Will the enemy militia/fighters attempt to seize DUMAYR?
    • PIR:  Will the enemy militia/fighters attempt to seize the Monastery?
    • PIR:  Where are the enemy Technicals?
  • UK and German Mechanized Battalion Task Force – possible British command element
    • Reconnaissance Force - intelligence reports enemy mechanized recon made up of allied UK and German forces.  Order of Battle – S2 reports possible:
      • UK Recce Platoon – (possible)  - Good light armored recon force, but could have small dismounted recon capability
        • 8 Scimitar light tanks. 
        • 1 Spartan APC with Recce Section
        • FV432 Bulldog APC
      • German Aufklarung Platoon – (possible)  – less capable vehicles, but a strong dismounted capability
        • 4 Fennek (Desert Fox) armored reconnaissance vehicles – NOTE: these vehicles become unmanned when the team dismounts
        • 1 HQ and 3 Aufklarung Teams
      • This force is expected to enter the AO around the same time as our recon force
      • The potential eight enemy Scimitar light tanks could be the most dangerous opponent for our recon force to contend with.  Though they will be light in dismounted recon assets, they could have an initial combat power advantage in the AO.
        • PIR:  Will the enemy recon attempt a recon in force down AA1?
        • PIR:  Will the enemy recon attempt a counter-recon operation?
        • PIR:  Will the enemy recon force take up overwatch positions at KT1?
    • Maneuver Elements
      • Armor – S2 reports possible:
      • Two  Challenger 2
      • Two Leopard 2A6 or A4
    • Mechanized Infantry – S2 reports possible:
      • One British Mech Infantry Company
      • One German PzG Company
  • Support Elements – S2 reports possible:
    • One UK medium howitzer battery
    • One German medium howitzer battery
  • This would be a very capable and dangerous force, priority must go to defeating the enemy armor and IFVs.
    • PIR:  Will the enemy Mechanized Force attempt to seize KT 2?
    • PIR:  What is the force composition of the enemy Advance Guard?
    • PIR:  Where are the enemy tanks?

Enemy Strengths:  the enemy mechanized force will be just as capable as our own, their tank and mech infantry contingents are expected to equal our own, and in some cases could be slightly better.  Artillery support will also be strong and will require us to keep on the move to keep ahead of any potential fire missions.

Enemy Equipment:  S2 expects to see the following equipment in the enemy force:

  • Scimitar and Fennek reconnaissance vehicles
  • Challenger 2 and Leopard 2A6 or A4 tanks
  • Warrior and Marder IFVs

Enemy Weaknesses:  The enemy force is as capable as our own, however the enemy infantry dismounted squads are lacking anything similar to the Javelin ATGM capability.

Enemy Course of Action (COA): 

  • AA1 is the most obvious route as it provides good cover for a fast moving assault team, it would however leave him visible to my AT assets. 
  • AA2 is less likely, in fact I would really be surprised if he moves down Highway 2 at all, even though it does possess the best bridge. 
  • AA3 is another option, he could attempt to take the Hill 42.0 ridge or at least nullify the advantage that ridgeline gives me.  I expect it to be heavily hit by artillery when that becomes available.  I do however think this option (AA3) is highly unlikely as it would be very costly.  It think he is more likely to hit it with artillery and attempt to keep it covered with as many weapons as he can spare.
  • AA4 – this route could be very difficult for me to defend and with his ability to deploy which is far quicker than mine, this route could allow him to get very close to my ridgeline before I could react. 

Click on the map to zoom in:


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11 hours ago, Bil Hardenberger said:

My opponent?  My nemesis from the CMFB  BETA AAR, Baneman ,agreed to a rematch.  I really do owe him a more thoughtful game than I gave him the last time.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with that game, Baneman beat me rather soundly.  Hope that doesn't happen again!  ;) 

Being a bit harsh on yourself there mate - you might have lost but I doubt anybody could accuse you of not putting thought into any of your battles. From memory, you had a couple of bad dice rolls in the CMFB AAR which pretty much did you over; however, your analysis, force pick and plan seemed pretty good to me.

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