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On 10/30/2017 at 6:34 PM, Battlefront.com said:

Because trees are fun to cut down and turn into lumber.  Man has to have a hobby, doesn't he? :)


That's funny, my job is your hobby, and my hobby is your job.

BBM (Before the Beard Mord).






On 10/30/2017 at 6:34 PM, Battlefront.com said:

Seriously though, trees are the single worst thing to do in the CM2 engine.  We have no plans to expand CMSF1's features as a rule.  The exceptions are the sorts of things Vanir mentioned.

Ok, Steve, I am willing to compromise on the trees because I like you and I think you are a decent member of this race we call humans, BUT PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEEEEEASE don't leave out new terrain features that would fit with the Syrian landscape; foot path, stream, weeds, grass tall, flowers, grass extra tall (VERY IMPORTANT), lt forest, hvy forest, deep marsh, reeds, heavy rocks, crop types. These are all excellent additions that will give map makers much more flexibility in future scenario design. I implore you with every fiber of my Mordness don't deny us the ability to make maps as great as they can be. These options are in all the other titles please allow them in CMSF2.


On another note the regular marsh is impassable for infantry in SF but passable in the other titles.


Will the Marines be able to use the amphibious capabilities of the AAVs?



P.S. And how did you dodge that hellacious storm? CMP just got our power on down here, today. It's been out since 1:30 Monday morning! I missed Halloween!



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47 minutes ago, Mord said:



P.S. And how did you dodge that hellacious storm? CMP just got our power on down here, today. It's been out since 1:30 Monday morning! I missed Halloween!

Dang Halloween requires electricity up there?  Geez a few candles and away you go. And it works much better for the theme anyway. 

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It does to do my traditional all day Horror movie marathon! I usually start the day before but missed that too. I ended up laying in bed under a bunch of covers listening to some Tales to Terrify podcasts on my mp3 player.



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5 hours ago, Mord said:


That's funny, my job is your hobby, and my hobby is your job.

The irony is not lost on me, nor the humor ;)


Ok, Steve, I am willing to compromise on the trees because I like you and I think you are a decent member of this race we call humans, BUT PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEEEEEASE don't leave out new terrain features that would fit with the Syrian landscape; foot path, stream, weeds, grass tall, flowers, grass extra tall (VERY IMPORTANT), lt forest, hvy forest, deep marsh, reeds, heavy rocks, crop types. These are all excellent additions that will give map makers much more flexibility in future scenario design. I implore you with every fiber of my Mordness don't deny us the ability to make maps as great as they can be. These options are in all the other titles please allow them in CMSF2.

All appropriate Engine 4 terrain will be available for CMSF2.  That includes the marshy stuff from CMRT.


On another note the regular marsh is impassable for infantry in SF but passable in the other titles.

Correct.  That was a compromise we made to sorta simulate swamps/water.  Now that we have Engine 4's suite of stuff, no problemo.


Will the Marines be able to use the amphibious capabilities of the AAVs?

That's the plan!  Same for the other swimmers.


P.S. And how did you dodge that hellacious storm? CMP just got our power on down here, today. It's been out since 1:30 Monday morning! I missed Halloween!

We lost power for about 10 hours, but being off grid with a huge mass of batteries means I didn't even notice :D  We're a mix of CMP and Emera here and there's plenty of pockets that are still without power.  Most restored by yesterday, but I was Down East tonight at a meeting (more hobbies) and the primary speaker is hoping for Saturday to get power on.  I heard a couple of groans in the audience so obviously she wasn't the only one.

For those of you who don't know, we had a bit of wind on Monday and 80% of our state is trees.  Trees + wind = problemos!  Even though I wasn't personally affected, thanks to our funny speaking northern neighbors and the even funnier speaking southern neighbors who came up here to clear trees and get the power back on.  Nice to have good neighbors.


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21 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

In fact, this week I was reminded of how much has changed regarding QBs since the CMSF/CMA system changed with CMBN.

Honestly, I never even bothered playing a QB in Shock Force, because I knew you guys would eventually get around to fixing it.
It's been a few years, but here we are. ;)

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Yes, the crews did a great job with the cards they were dealt. They worked their butts off.


Excellent info, Steve, thanks for taking the time. I am really excited to see what we'll be able to do with visuals in the map editor. You are doing god's work!


I'd like to make a suggestion on rubble if I could. My suggestion would be to keep CMSF rubble as it is. It's much more robust and immersive

than the stuff that came with CMBN+. Here's a couple pics to illustrate.


Deep, chunky, rubble. Looks like what you'd see in Stalingrad or something. Makes your guys feel safe and secure!



Though the outer edges look better, that's about it. The newer rubble feels anemic and has no depth or real body to it. I always felt this move was visually a step backward when it was changed in BN.





Ultimately one day I hope you guys will implement a light and heavy rubble tile for us to paint maps areas, without being tied to using just the building rubble. The three together would make for some killer damaged maps.






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Very much in agreement with Mord.  B)

Could we get an extra-chunky rubble flavour object that will stick to or protrude through sharp elevation changes (as can be found between buildings or ruins that are in close proximity but different elevations), it's hard to create the appearance of mounds of rubble in the current setup:



It's all just a bit too flat.  :unsure:

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Much of Syria is not desert, so a pine tree (cedar) is entirely appropriate.

1. It would also be nice to have just a couple of modular buildings with nonflat/no access roofs.  Use CMFI Mediterranean textures.

2. The barn is pretty versatile when reskinned as a thin walled warehouse / high bay  structure (we can do the reskin).

3. Last don't forget the small half sized cottage! Those are ubiquitous in third world slums (again, we can reskin it).

That is my bare bones plea list.

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Some more flavours of ruins, or more ruination options might be good.....You can never have too many!  ;)

A couple more shop-front type building frontages would really help the immersion too.

PS @Mord  Are those pylons in your CM:BS image flavour objects?  If so where did you find them? 

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Hmm.  I wonder how many times I gotta say that we're not ADDING things to CMSF2 except for a small amount of things which don't involve a lot of work/time?  Probably more than a few hundred, I'm sure :D

What you guys are advocating is "mission creep".  Just adding one thing isn't a problem, but if everybody has a list of 5 different one things then it's a huge deal in total.  So yeah, we're definitely going to be hard nosed about this because we can't let extremely minor things add up to a major drag on CMSF2.

The best thing you guys can do is expect nothing more than CMSF1 updated to Engine 4.  That way when you do get CMSF2, and it definitely has more than that, you can say "cool!" instead of being disappointed that things we said won't be in CMSF2 are... surprisingly enough... not in CMSF2. 

Take a lesson from the Danes, the happiest people on Earth by some measures.  Apparently they go to sleep with no expectations that they will ever wake up, so when they do that puts them in a good mood all day.  It's a good philosophy to have and I'd like to think my Danish grandfather imparted that upon me :)


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I'm definitely happy to give out gold stars for enthusiasm :)  I'm just here to manage expectations.  Some developers/publishers think it's great to let people's expectations run wild because it helps drive up sales.  But it also helps drive up disillusionment and resentment when lofty expectations meet reality.  Kinda like Prometheus ;)


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7 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

Hmm.  I wonder how many times I gotta say that we're not ADDING things to CMSF2 except for a small amount of things which don't involve a lot of work/time?  Probably more than a few hundred, I'm sure :D

LOL. That time I wasn't asking for something to be added I was asking for something to stay! It was completely benign, I wanted to save you work. Joking aside, you gotta admit, CMSF has the better rubble. Can that aspect stay or does it have to be changed? By that I mean does the newer engine force something older like that to be switched out?

But I don't think any of us are gonna be disappointed. This is a dream come true. How many players would've given their left testicular region for CMBO to be brought up to CMBB/AK standards way back when? With what you guys have been doing with CM upgrades and  CA's new announcements for Total War historical settings, I don't think there's been a better time in wargaming then now.


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I agree with that sentiment in certain circumstances - usually re people. 

But, otherwise I like the somewhat more inspirational "Shoot for the stars and you may hit the Moon".  I like to think it's inspirational.  (As opposed to a deep space starship slamming accidentally into the moon.)  :( 

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On 4/11/2017 at 5:39 AM, Battlefront.com said:

Take a lesson from the Danes, the happiest people on Earth by some measures.  Apparently they go to sleep with no expectations that they will ever wake up, so when they do that puts them in a good mood all day.

That's right! More information on Denmark can be found in this old documentary about our little kingdom :D



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On 11/4/2017 at 8:31 AM, Mord said:

LOL. That time I wasn't asking for something to be added I was asking for something to stay! It was completely benign, I wanted to save you work. Joking aside, you gotta admit, CMSF has the better rubble. Can that aspect stay or does it have to be changed? By that I mean does the newer engine force something older like that to be switched out?



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