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I'm in the early twenties London for a year club, too.

Even worked at the Student Union pub for a few months. My first time ever behind a bar was Freshers' first night. They just had prices scribbled on tiny stickers on each tap and you had to add it up and make change in your head, only entering the total in the register. As I recall, I spent as much time as possible at the dish washing station that night. They used tons of plastic pint cups, which annoyed me. I asked the manager (an Irishman who went by Paddy--I kid you not) why all the cheapo cups instead of proper glasses. To which he responded, "They take 'em and they break 'em."

Served tons of Snakebite & Black.

Yeah...wonderful days. My student loan never saw what hit it. I kept a log of my spending for the first few weeks. It went something like this:


  • Groceries: 10 pounds.
  • Stationary: 3 pounds.
  • Telephone Card: 5 pounds.
  • Pub: 20 pounds.

It was like that nearly every day until I ran out of money. :)

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AFAIK BFC expressed interest only once again AFAIK and its never been officially mentioned again. In short I wouldnt hold your breath. Honestly i think a CM War on Terror with optional Iraq or Afgahan terrrain from oct 01 to say dec 09 could be done and would be better. The core would be one canpaign for 03 thunder run on baghdad  another campaign for the intial spec ops and friendly forces hunt for bin laden. Maybe anaconda.

thw usmc module of course would have a campaign of them takn helmand over from the brits.

There could be 2 or 3 redfor campaigns. One as taliban at any stage. 2 iraqi insurgency i suggest based arnd fallujah 04.

3 iraqi forces during the 03 invasion including some what ifs ( that thunder run could have ended very badly too ppl forget that because quite simply it didnt.)


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1 hour ago, Sublime said:

AFAIK BFC expressed interest only once again AFAIK and its never been officially mentioned again. In short I wouldnt hold your breath. Honestly i think a CM War on Terror with optional Iraq or Afgahan terrrain from oct 01 to say dec 09 could be done and would be better.

I disagree. War on Terror is a still running real world war. CMSF was the hypothetical invasion of Syria by NATO forces. That's a different piece of cake.

CMSF 4.0 would require a big technical update, but all research, playtesting and such is done. 

CM War on Terror would need research, TO&E, scenarios etc etc.

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Still running but in different locales and really wound down. This would cover essentially the bush years and the early obama years where troop numbers increased. CM:A though licensed still has the Afghan terrain. SF has the terrain thatd easily fit hypothetical ISIS/ Syrian civil war maps but also could realisitically depict Iraq.

Most of the original SF equipment would be relevant for most of the decade and therefore even if needing modification is already there. Every possible weapon the insurgents had or could have had has been alrdy made and modelled in CM SF, A, or BS.

A heacy part of the ISAF in afghans alrdy been done with the SF modules. And the USMC too. The only things needed would be extensive updates ajd overhaul. But the maps and units are still all there already. And maybe a couple random US small arms and a few downgraded US vehicles that already were in game. Not to mention for SF insurgency side IEDs spys, civilians, and all that was already made and included. So instead of settli g on a CMSF redux, why not go big and do CM SF WoT. You could still do the alternate syrian civil war timeline but have new content based on real battles and some what ifm 2 diff regions ( arab desert, afghan) like BN has germany holland and france. Depending on your modules a bunch of diff western forces or insurgents iraqi or insurgents taliban. The  syrian military.

Or perhaps instead of a fallujah campaign the excellent comm made ramadi map im sure could be used with th4 designers permission. That alone would make for interesting campaigns on both sides.

To what exactly do you heartily disagree?4

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Regarding CMSF updating... yup, we are very interested in bringing it up to current technical standards.  It is something that I predict will happen, just not a firm idea of when.  What I can say is that if we do it there will be (at least initially) no changes to the settings or the scenarios except (if needed and when possible) for rebalancing needs due to gameplay changes.


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On 10/8/2016 at 0:26 PM, Scipio said:


I disagree. War on Terror is a still running real world war. CMSF was the hypothetical invasion of Syria by NATO forces. That's a different piece of cake.

CMSF 4.0 would require a big technical update, but all research, playtesting and such is done. 

CM War on Terror would need research, TO&E, scenarios etc etc.

The research largely has been done however. SF is a good snapshot of US forces at that time. And largely applicable from 01 to 09. Some changes but most of the work was done for SF.  the syrian army and iraqi army used very similar equipment. The irregulars frm SF would be the exact same in syria or iraq. Jihadist arabs in am arab setting basically look similar.

Yes the WoT is ongoing but cmon itll never end or be " won ". Itll end when the US has enough and quits but itll never end until then. Thats why we.d call it War on Terror and use that snapshot. A conflict doesnt have to end for it to be gamed especially since the US COIN and invasion of Iraq are over. And Afghanistans been wound down significantly.

The WoT is like the War on Drugs in that its basically unwinnable.

We have SF and BS with fictional conflicts. We have the WW2 titles for real battles and what if battles with proper equipment. So i fail to see how the fact the WoT is ongoing would be an issue at all.

Modelling the 03 invasion of Iraq - the Syrian equipment and research would apply. Yes TO&Es would have to be researched. But sometjing tells me itd be waaaay easier than gttn russian info. After all we took over Iraq and got all the info. The US equipment minus strykers is basically all the same.  Yes maybe you take away xm25s or add m14s for the squad marksman for afghan. Maybe you add cell phone jammers or model the caimans and other stuff. But really its all there already. Marines. Brits all of it.

LLF did a GIGANTIC map of Ramadi thats begging to be adopted by BFC. I think if they updated SF, and added the new content of a WoT module perhaps they could generate a lot of sales ( and interest in its primary market in the US ) for perhaps the least amount of work as far as research, and making new models of things because.. as I said they.re all there

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Regarding CMSF updating... yup, we are very interested in bringing it up to current technical standards.  It is something that I predict will happen, just not a firm idea of when.  What I can say is that if we do it there will be (at least initially) no changes to the settings or the scenarios except (if needed and when possible) for rebalancing needs due to gameplay changes.



Wow, excellent news!!

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I still play the dutch missions from time to time, especially 'De Hinderlaag', (the ambush). Although the dutch army has been reduced quite badly since that time, I still hope to see the dutch return in the NATO module for CMBS. Thank God the dutch government has woken up and is investing more money in the armed forces again. Even tanks are on the menu again, I've heard. 

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I used to like the canadians in SF  because for whatever reason they felt the most American army circa Vietnam era to me. I think it was their assault rifles and oob etc.


I never got the brit module i always regretted that. I least liked the dutch. The germans rocked. The USMC by far were my fav. Troops to command.

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On 12.10.2016 at 5:58 PM, Battlefront.com said:

Regarding CMSF updating... yup, we are very interested in bringing it up to current technical standards.  It is something that I predict will happen, just not a firm idea of when.  What I can say is that if we do it there will be (at least initially) no changes to the settings or the scenarios except (if needed and when possible) for rebalancing needs due to gameplay changes.


WHAAAA!!! Shock Force! Shock Force! Shock Force! Animal loves Shock Force! :D


On 17.10.2016 at 10:14 PM, Sublime said:

I used to like the canadians in SF  because for whatever reason they felt the most American army circa Vietnam era to me. I think it was their assault rifles and oob etc.


I never got the brit module i always regretted that. I least liked the dutch. The germans rocked. The USMC by far were my fav. Troops to command.

The Germans rocked? I just played the the Demo-Mission but found the German Panzergrenadier OOB way too brittle. A squad at six men, a platoon at barely 25 - that means just two bad hits by high caliber rounds can render your platoon inoperable. Plus so few rifles have problems in establishing fire superiority. I got really paranoid for fear of any losses, playing them. Loved to play the big, 13-men USMC squads - HOORAA!

I am really looking forward to playing the Bundeswehr, though, because I want to see how "our" Army would perform in a "real" battle.


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Well honestly your battle rifle is reviled by the troops and I dont think SF reflected that. Though when they got fausts and their MG3s idk i always had no problem punching right thru with monimal dead fritzies compared to dead dutch or canadian boys. The Americans I never had a problem with whatever branch tho if I had to choose the USMC definitely had the the best oob and force structure game wise IMO



Also ive read a lot of stuff that whilst the Bundeswehr of the 50s 60s to 80s was very skilled and Im sure it is now theres WAAAY less confidence among German soldiers about their abilities, numbers, and again your battle rifle famously failed them especially in the first major post ww2 firefight for German troops and lots got killed because overheating etc. Sadly similar but different reasons to the US boys with the m16a1 in Nam in 65/66 and even later...

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If they do a new game set in modern Afghanistan, I hope they include the Danish forces. Not only because I'm from here myself, but because we are the country that has suffered the heaviest losses there, when compared to the population size.


Denmark, 1 per 177,000 (31 deaths)
Estonia, 1 per 186,000 (7 deaths)
United Kingdom, 1 per 224,000 (272 deaths)
Canada, 1 per 236,000 (140 deaths)
United States, 1 per 302,000 (1017 deaths)
Latvia, 1 per 733,000 (3 deaths)
Netherlands, 1 per 810,000 (21 deaths)


Numbers are from http://www.newyorker.com/news/steve-coll/burden-sharing

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On 7-10-2016 at 8:28 AM, Battlefront.com said:

We've talked about crowd funding for many years now.  There's some distinct disadvantages to it for more-or-less general development.  And generally if one has enough money to make a product without crowd funding then that's the better way to go.  However, there are situations we can imagine using crowd funding for.  Just nothing at the moment.


Well, if it ever comes, than I would gladly be willing to pay 200 to 300 USD a year if that would speed up the number of upgrades and modules. If hundreds of gamers here would be prepared to do the same it could make a difference perhaps.

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Whilst of course that sacrifice is honorable and noble and its a tragedy for those young men  I wouldnt worry because the Dutch were in the nato expansion for SF and true statistically they suffered the most percentage wise  but thats still... a bit different than a whole thousand more dead men buddy.

In the end i guess one is too many if youre the one tho eh? :(

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1 hour ago, Aragorn2002 said:

Well, if it ever comes, than I would gladly be willing to pay 200 to 300 USD a year if that would speed up the number of upgrades and modules. If hundreds of gamers here would be prepared to do the same it could make a difference perhaps.


The problem right now is that BF's strategy of small incremental improvements to the game over many years means that each game product is very similar to the previous products.  CM2 is getting repetitive and, dare I say it, boring...  

All the "euro-centric" games are very similar in terms of gameplay to each other.  That's a major reason that I wish CM2 would go back to the desert with Afrika Korps or a modern CMSF-like product.

I envy newcomers who have the wonderful experience of playing the pretty much fully realized CM2 games.  However, for those of us who have been loyally playing CM games for the past 17 years(!)...

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7 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

I think you might be mixing up Danish and Dutch :)


Wot? There's a difference? One's a breakfast pastry and the other makes you pay half, right? It really gets messed up when you take a Dutch girlfriend to breakfast, "just as friends", in Denmark. Someone's gonna get insulted. 

:) <- Just in case.



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