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Unsolicited Possibilities

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With the purchase of CMA this morning, I now own all the CMx2 games.  I suppose it’s safe to say I’m becoming a CMx2  addict, as I usually have at least one battle raging at all times across the full spectrum of games.  Worse yet, I fear I may have also spread the disease to my son, if the four or five PBEM conflicts he currently has ongoing is any indication.  On a short road trip the other day we were discussing the myriad directions BF could take the current engine and we came up with the following, in no particular order:

  • WWII North Africa:  Afrika Korps, 8th Army, 7th AD, Free French, El Alamein, Tobruk, Gazala….a personal favorite of mine
  • Fulda Gap:  This is number one on my wish list.  Fought this battle in my head a hundred times over as a kid growing up in the 60’s and 70’s.  Lots of possibilities here.  Think Sir John Hackett’s The Third World War.
  • WWII Pacific Theater:   Not really pining for this.  Primarily an infantry slog in jungle terrain.  I’d likely wear out my Alt and “T” keys.
  • Vietnam:  See above.
  • Sino-Soviet Clash:  Intrigues me.  Not sure it’s ever been done in an electronic wargame.  Wouldn’t have to deal with my personal quirk of never playing against the US.
  • Arab-Israeli Wars:  As something different, I’d be up for this one as well.
  • Korea:  Like Vietnam, I don’t think this war sells in the electronic gaming market.
  • Falklands:  Small, limited, dull (with apologies to anyone who took part).
  • Desert Storm:  Too one-sided.
  • OEF and OIF:  These are still too personal for me.  Rather see updates to CMA and CMSF.

I’m sure there are other possibilities out there, particularly in the hypothetical, but this is what we came up with off the top of our heads shortly after emerging from a CM induced coma.



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  • Fulda Gap:  This is number one on my wish list.  Fought this battle in my head a hundred times over as a kid growing up in the 60’s and 70’s.  Lots of possibilities here.  Think Sir John Hackett’s The Third World War.


This This This!


Number One for me as well. I really hope that at some point in the future we will get a Cold War Scenario CM game. Personally I would prefer it to take place during the 1980's, even more preferably after 1985. This way the Americans would get the M1A1, Humvee and Bradley, all in good quantity, while giving the Soviets a lot of great stuff too, such as modernized T-64's and T-72's as well as the T-80 line of tanks, not to forget their large amount of IFV's.


For me this is my dream CM game, but I understand that it is going to be a while before this is possible, due to the massive amount of work planned as far as supporting Bulge when it comes out, as well as adding new content and modules to existing games that are already out. Still though, I hope that one day in the not to to distant future I, and many others will get their wish. Here's hoping!


As far as the other ideas, I like them all with the exception of a Sino-Soviet clash, and only because I have little knowledge or interest in that area. However I think that both a CM game set in Korea (1950, not a fictional conflict) and one of the many Arab-Israeli conflicts would be a lot of fun, the latter bringing a lot of new flavor to the CMx2 series. 


Lastly, i agree with you that I would rather see an update to both CMA and CMSF instead of seeing a CM game based on either OEF or OIF.

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  • Fulda Gap:  This is number one on my wish list.  Fought this battle in my head a hundred times over as a kid growing up in the 60’s and 70’s.  Lots of possibilities here.  Think Sir John Hackett’s The Third World War.
  • Arab-Israeli Wars:  As something different, I’d be up for this one as well.


I like most all of the suggestions and would buy any of them that BFC made.  Fulda Gap is at the top of my list and Arab-Israeli Wars would also be cool.


This This This!


Number One for me as well. I really hope that at some point in the future we will get a Cold War Scenario CM game. Personally I would prefer it to take place during the 1980's, even more preferably after 1985. 


+1 for Fulda Gap.  


I would love to see Combat Mission: Korea, but to properly do it justice it might have to wait for a future version of the game engine.


When the 1945 WWII CM titles are done I think a lot of the equipment for Korea would be in BF's inventory.  If a 1945 CM title had both US and Russian forces in it moders and scenario designers could probably give us US vs Russia in the late 1940s (The Patton like scenario) and Korea.  Of course a CM title dedicated to Korea would be even better.      

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Let me throw my hat in for WW2 North Africa.  If the CMSF terrain would work well for that, it would cut down on a lot of work.


I crave more maneuver battles and longer WW2 ranges so that the longer range weapons of WW2 could shine eg: 88mm - in a way that they do not currently in CM1.

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  • Fulda Gap:  This is number one on my wish list.  Fought this battle in my head a hundred times over as a kid growing up in the 60’s and 70’s.  Lots of possibilities here.  Think Sir John Hackett’s The Third World War.
  • Arab-Israeli Wars:  As something different, I’d be up for this one as well.


My personal favorites of your list. Particularily Fulda Gap would be cool. Just think of the possibilities of a Cold War CM title: how about a US/German REFORGER '85 campaign? Or how about Soviet campaign á la Seven Days to the River Rhine (image below):




That' s my wet dream in termans of CM!

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For me, in no particular order:

1. Fulda Gap: 1989


It's a big throw down fight between several fairly well known and understood military forces.  All the advantages of a "historical" setting in that we don't need to make assumptions about what the equipment and forces are capable of doing....while all the ability to make some really fun scenarios.  Also opens the door to a whole mess of modules.  I prefer the 1989 setting simply because it'll give you all the tools you need to do 1980-1988 campaigns too, as it wasn't like anything that was in service in 1980 was entirely out of frontline use by 1989, while it still includes the later stuff for those of us who like that kind of thing.


2. Philippines 1944-45 


It's basically the Pacific in a can.  There's jungle fighting...but there's also some fairly open terrain and urban fights that are worth playing back through.  Also of note it's one of the few places that the Japanese had significant tank forces, and there were legit actual paratrooper assaults.  Also the very active Filipino guerrillas (augmented by US military stay-behinds) make for a worthwhile unconventional force add-on.


3. Korea 1950


There's a lot of material to work with.  It's not as tank vs tank focused as other Combat Missions, but it wasn't strictly an infantryman's fight either.  It'd also be a great release to showcase some improved infantry behavior and defensive fortifications too.


4. Korea 2019


While a bit outlandish given the current capabilities of the DPRK  between the US forces in region (and the follow on forces to arrive), the ROK Army, the DPRK, and even the PLA, you've got a lot of fun toys.  Also there's lots of places in Korea that'll facilitate good company and down level combined arms fights.  On the other hand Combat Mission would need to make some major improvements in doing  very dense urban terrain to really capture South Korea well.  

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For me, in no particular order:

1. Fulda Gap: 1989


It's a big throw down fight between several fairly well known and understood military forces.  All the advantages of a "historical" setting in that we don't need to make assumptions about what the equipment and forces are capable of doing....while all the ability to make some really fun scenarios.  Also opens the door to a whole mess of modules.  I prefer the 1989 setting simply because it'll give you all the tools you need to do 1980-1988 campaigns too, as it wasn't like anything that was in service in 1980 was entirely out of frontline use by 1989, while it still includes the later stuff for those of us who like that kind of thing.


2. Philippines 1944-45 


It's basically the Pacific in a can.  There's jungle fighting...but there's also some fairly open terrain and urban fights that are worth playing back through.  Also of note it's one of the few places that the Japanese had significant tank forces, and there were legit actual paratrooper assaults.  Also the very active Filipino guerrillas (augmented by US military stay-behinds) make for a worthwhile unconventional force add-on.


3. Korea 1950


There's a lot of material to work with.  It's not as tank vs tank focused as other Combat Missions, but it wasn't strictly an infantryman's fight either.  It'd also be a great release to showcase some improved infantry behavior and defensive fortifications too.


4. Korea 2019


While a bit outlandish given the current capabilities of the DPRK  between the US forces in region (and the follow on forces to arrive), the ROK Army, the DPRK, and even the PLA, you've got a lot of fun toys.  Also there's lots of places in Korea that'll facilitate good company and down level combined arms fights.  On the other hand Combat Mission would need to make some major improvements in doing  very dense urban terrain to really capture South Korea well.  


I like Korea 2019 but to give it a better balance PRC supports North Korea. A bit unlikely perhaps but we want a better technological balance


Fulda Gap is also good but not that keen on Philippines or 1950s Korean War 

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I think a Fulda Gap CM should be higher on the list than a Korea 2019. I mean, the modern Combat Mission titles right now are either completely lopsided (in conventional warfare) towards the US (CMSF) or rather unbalanced (CMBS); so in terms of game "style", a Fulda Gap title would be very unique right now. In addition, it would be nice to recreate Red Storm Rising in CM.

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I'm in the same boat with Fulda being a higher priority.  It's a more interesting theater, and I feel CM is the best venue for playing out the Battalion-Platoon level spectrum of fighting.  It's also a pretty small leap as far as game dynamics (the only "must include" in terms of game dynamics would be having chemical/nuclear effects (not the weapons themselves, but the contamination) and defenses included (basically making meaning all vehicles operate buttoned up, infantry's everything suffers from rolling around in full protective gear).  




I like Korea 2019 but to give it a better balance PRC supports North Korea. A bit unlikely perhaps but we want a better technological balance


What I like about CM is with the editor it does not strictly have to be one scenario or the other.  A US-ROK-Chinese combined mission fighting the mixture of unconventional (with conventional augmentation) NKPA holdouts is equally interesting to a outright joint NKPA/PLA invasion.  And because it's all effectively alternate reality anyway, having campaigns that offer China as a friend (perhaps "friend") of the west or a foe ship with the base game is totally do-able.  

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1. Fulda Gap: 1989


It's a big throw down fight between several fairly well known and understood military forces.  All the advantages of a "historical" setting in that we don't need to make assumptions about what the equipment and forces are capable of doing....while all the ability to make some really fun scenarios.  Also opens the door to a whole mess of modules.  I prefer the 1989 setting simply because it'll give you all the tools you need to do 1980-1988 campaigns too, as it wasn't like anything that was in service in 1980 was entirely out of frontline use by 1989, while it still includes the later stuff for those of us who like that kind of thing.



for me this would be my most preferred time period for a Cold War CM game as well for the reasons you listed, plus for me I am a big fan of the game World in Conflict, which takes place in '89. I would love to recreate some of the missions from that game in a CM Cold War game.


I like all of your other ideas as well. I really hope that we eventually get a game set in 1950 Korea (after CM: Fulda Gap of course :)) and I think the modern/future Korea setting could be very cool as well, however that would be pretty low on my list. I would want to see a few more titles before CM: Second Korean War, but that's just me. 

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My personal favorites of your list. Particularily Fulda Gap would be cool. Just think of the possibilities of a Cold War CM title: how about a US/German REFORGER '85 campaign? Or how about Soviet campaign á la Seven Days to the River Rhine (image below):




That' s my wet dream in termans of CM!


Or a hypothetical modern 2017ish Fulda Gap would work for me as well.  Fulda Gap 2017 (or whatever).

But all this is topped by wanting to help Rommel conquer North Africa (WWII North Africa:  Afrika Korps, 8th Army, 7th AD, Free French, El Alamein, Tobruk, Gazala…..) 

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Or a hypothetical modern 2017ish Fulda Gap would work for me as well.  Fulda Gap 2017 (or whatever).

But all this is topped by wanting to help Rommel conquer North Africa (WWII North Africa:  Afrika Korps, 8th Army, 7th AD, Free French, El Alamein, Tobruk, Gazala…..) 


As Stagler said, you can basically do this in BS, although it wouldn't make much sense without a lot of imagination. During the Cold War the Soviets had a massive military. The red horde was a reality (albeit a bit of a derogatory generalization) Today, the Russian military is not even close to the size it was during the Cold War. Currently (correct me if I am wrong) the Indians have more T-90 tanks than the Russians have in active service. In order for a Fulda Gap 2017 scenario to be possible (obviously it would not take place at the actual Fulda Gap because Germany is unified and all that) you would have to create your own historical timeline allowing for a massive Russian military build up over the course of a decade or so. For me this is a bit of a stretch. However that shouldn't stop others from imagining it and trying it out in BS.


I would love to see a CMx2 game set in North Africa. I think its one of the more overlooked parts of WWII despite how interesting it all was, both militarily and politically. I would want Fulda Gap first, but CM: North Africa would definitely be a day one purchase for me. 

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As Stagler said, you can basically do this in BS, although it wouldn't make much sense without a lot of imagination. During the Cold War the Soviets had a massive military. The red horde was a reality (albeit a bit of a derogatory generalization) Today, the Russian military is not even close to the size it was during the Cold War. Currently (correct me if I am wrong) the Indians have more T-90 tanks than the Russians have in active service. In order for a Fulda Gap 2017 scenario to be possible (obviously it would not take place at the actual Fulda Gap because Germany is unified and all that) you would have to create your own historical timeline allowing for a massive Russian military build up over the course of a decade or so. For me this is a bit of a stretch. However that shouldn't stop others from imagining it and trying it out in BS.


I would love to see a CMx2 game set in North Africa. I think its one of the more overlooked parts of WWII despite how interesting it all was, both militarily and politically. I would want Fulda Gap first, but CM: North Africa would definitely be a day one purchase for me. 

It could be Donetsk gap, With a NATO attack on Russia :) With a US build which makes more sense. Infact this has inspired me, I may make a scenario with a massive US tank force vs a smaller RU force defending.

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It could be Donetsk gap, With a NATO attack on Russia :) With a US build which makes more sense. Infact this has inspired me, I may make a scenario with a massive US tank force vs a smaller RU force defending.


Now that would be interesting, and would make a lot more sense (militarily, maybe not politically) given the current state of the Russian and US military's. 


Also worth mentioning, not sure if anyone here is a Harold Coyle fan, but I think it could be cool to set up some of the scenarios from his book "The Ten Thousand." For those that don't know, the story begins in post Cold War 21st century with a developing rouge nuke crisis. Essentially Ukraine has some nukes that they want to sell (behind closed doors and all that) and NATO intelligence gets word of this and plans a military operation to seize the Ukrainian nukes before they can sell em. There are a few skirmishes between an American armored unit and Ukrainians, as well as between US Army Rangers and UKR guards at the site where the nukes are. The novel takes place in roughly modern times. They never give an exact year but they do say 21st century and the gear they are using is all currently in use, and there are no prototype units or anything like that in operation by any of the forces, so the current OOB and TO&E in BS would fit perfectly.

As a little side note, it was reading this book that finally inspired my wallet into getting Black Sea. The part of the book with fighting between the UKR and US is pretty limited, but it did the trick for me. 

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It could be Donetsk gap, With a NATO attack on Russia :) With a US build which makes more sense. Infact this has inspired me, I may make a scenario with a massive US tank force vs a smaller RU force defending.


Get the Kornet teams together, its going to be a long day.

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Everyone knows I'm a hardcore France 1940 fanboy, but I guess I should put it down in writing one more time in hope ;)


Fulda Gap '80's would be my secondary choice.


#3 would be Eastern Front 1943 - I'd love to recreate the Kharkov battles ( probably has the best chance of seeing the light of day in the next couple of years )

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For all those wishing for a Fulda Gap game - why not just fire up BS with EW set on high? You cannot see the fancy armor kits on those T-72s and M1s at 90% of practical zoom levels. Guns lethality hasn't changed much (i.e., no more WW2-style dramatic 2-minute duels with lots of armor spalling but no result; if it connects, it'll kill).


Wouldn't it make more sense to add older vehicles with something like the Vehicle Pack for CMBN rather than making another game? Especially since most of these vehicles had already been completed for CMSF and CMA. That way we can have mission flexibility, from Fulda Gap to street fights in Grozny, limited only by mission maker's imagination. Older infantry TOEs and winterized infantry and vehicle skins would be awesome as well.  Combat Mission: Ops 1989-2017  has a better ring to it than Combat Mission: Black Sea ;) Doubt it'll ever happen, since CM has been gradually losing its epic sandbox-ness and moving to controlled  content environments ever since the monstrous Barbarossa to Berlin.

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