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Kibitzer's Korner - Gamey SOB Challenge - No Doug No Bil

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The 57mm ATGs can still ruin a Panther's day if they get a side shot, I think, so he's not quite got impunity outside Bazooka range, but it's certainly looking like it's going to be harder for the Shermans now. It's ironic that after the early-turn discussion of how Bil's elevation advantage might make the Panthers more vulnerable, it was Panther fire on a Sherman which was hitting top armour because of the steepness of the incline Bil has to descend.

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The most likely thing to get damaged with mortar fire is the running gear. And 60mm aren't going to do much even to Tracks. "Small HE" was downgraded in effect against armour, some time ago (v2? 1.11?)

As an interesting aside, I've just completed a small QB in which circumstances allowed me to rain 60mm mortar rounds on a Stug and a Mk 111.


In the case of the Stug, one round achieved a partial penetration on the gunners hatch - marked as hull top I think - causing the crew to bail. Oddly enough another round went through the now open commanders hatch but neither actually KO'ed the Stug.


The MK 111 also took a hit on the turret roof which caused another partial penetration and did KO it.


I was quite surprised at those results as I didn't think they were possible with 60mm ammo; 81mm maybe.

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Yes going to be very tough for Bil, I would have lobbed some smoke rounds in that area DF from the Sherman's. He has to get to the side and where they are now he will lose. He has one maybe two turns before the Panthers close that option for him.

I am hoping he can pull something out of the bag.

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From Bil's response to my post about why his Shermans are coming down the mountain where they are, compared to what I'm seeing in Doug's videos (admittedly with tree foliage off) I wonder if his usual painstaking assessment of his fighting ground has come up a little short. Looks to me like there's a fairly broad gap in the woods, but Bil averred that he hadn't left their cover... That said, not sure how he was ever going to sneak armour past overwatching Panthers, if what I think I'm seeing is right. Smoke might've helped, if the elevation didn't mean the tanks were visible above it (can't see if that's the case from visuals provided).

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Yes I think you are right the elevation might make smoke less effective. When looking at the smoke from the hit Sherman it did not seem to help because it reversed up the slope. Hard to tell with tree foliage off.

I think Bil had one shot at flanking and it looks like it is close to failure.

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uf, posted this on bil's thread but i think it might be a bit over the top. luckily we have this thread.

so,if this was real life, would the allied side look to cease the engagement and withdraw from battle at this point?

Funny you mention that. I just replied on Bil's thread that a draw or a minor defeat is still a victory of sorts in some circumstances. So yeah, I'd say pulling back and waiting to come back another day would be quite realistic. A surrender in the game has the misfortune of making it an instant decisive loss but if one compares units destroyed, the picture is less clear*. In theory, Bil's losses are two armoured vehicles while I think Doug lost a fair bit of his supporting infantry.

*if one is prepared to concede the map on the premise it's not vital to hold to the last man

Edited by Bud_B
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Just seen this thread and posted in Bils IMO yes Allies would call off assault, but if Bil can obtain a draw I think he will have done very well!

Not his best game for sure and why he kept trying to deploy the mortars when it was clear they were too exposed and IMO needed to pull back and deploy elsewhere.

If he can keep Sherman's alive as a threat that should keep Panthers at bay and lay some zooks side shots if Panthers come forward to play. I would be setting some armoured arcs for the zooks to keep tight control on ammo usage.

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Interesting thread, men. Some very good comments/observations here. Thanks for caring about the battle. AARs are fun, but a lot of work. This was my first one......which makes me wonder just what kind of idiot picks a fight with Bil Hardenberger for his first AAR? :huh:



Re: flipping sides/mirror match.....   I think I've just about had enough of this map. Better quit while I'm ahead. ;)

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Interesting thread, men. Some very good comments/observations here. Thanks for caring about the battle. AARs are fun, but a lot of work. This was my first one......which makes me wonder just what kind of idiot picks a fight with Bil Hardenberger for his first AAR? :huh:



Re: flipping sides/mirror match.....   I think I've just about had enough of this map. Better quit while I'm ahead. ;)



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