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The Vehicle Pack is out!

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"3. Battle Packs -> only battles and campaigns, probably with an emphasis to support Vehicle and Forces Packs since previous releases should have plenty of scenarios and campaigns already."

This would be VERY welcome. Please consider focusing on CAMPAIGNS (other than a few scenarios to showcase Vehiclce or Forces packs). There are a reasonable number of scenarios available for each title.

But, there are now hardly any campaigns for the recent releases and it doesn't appear volunteers have time to make campaigns any more.

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That's all fine if you want some kind of sandbox / Arma style experience Iain, not so great if you want the "scenario" experience.

Please do not take my comments the wrong way. I was in no way implying such use could replace playing a good scenario that someone else created. This kind of thing is another way to play and it is fun. For those that like the idea of the vehicles but are having trouble with the no scenarios available issue this is an alternative way to have fun with them. That is all I was offering.

OK actually you got me I am secretly hoping that some people will try it out and enjoy it and start creating scenarios for the rest of us to play too. ;)

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Concerning to me no concerns to pay the extensions but it should not become complex.

CMBN is unique, historic and very realistic.

That has to make 15 years that I adopted fight mission

Imagine if it is necessary to proceed to the reinstallation of cmbn, a great deal of modules to be installed.

And all these passwords

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idea of these packs is cool, but the price is a joke. Maybe you should sell these vehicles individually? I'm asking seriously. I have a free 10 bucks and I bought a few of these vehicles.

You can send me the $10. Below is the tank I just created. Wasn't that hard either...looks great!


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very funny, but for $ 20 I might have a new game - with the packs are interested in me only a few vehicles - can I pay one dollar per vehicle;)

And for 20 bucks I could get several tasty pizzas.

It's all about what you want more.

If you want another game (a cheap one tho) instead of these vehicles, then by all means, buy another game.

But for the amount of content, I think it's worth 20 bucks.

Someone calculated that it was 79 cents per unit, and that certainly seems fair.

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If you want another game (a cheap one tho) instead of these vehicles, then by all means, buy another game.

Or maybe this game a lower price. ;)

But for the amount of content, I think it's worth 20 bucks.

Someone calculated that it was 79 cents per unit, and that certainly seems fair.

Sorry but I don't think is it fair, a brand new module costs 35$, this pack 20$.

A potential customer still don't know which kind of bug fixes have been included and the new anti-piracy protection is an annoyance.

Moreover we are still waiting the RT patch.

Surely you can say it was worth every penny spent, but not that it is fair :)

Speaking in Battlefront games terms of course.

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Could we connaitre the success of the sales of the opuses of fight mission and or find them in certain countries?

If we can buy the cd in certain hypermarkets.

I live in France and if my recollections are good, I had discovered fight afrika korps mission in hypermarket in Luxemburg.

And I bought fight shock mission second-hand force on a site.

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Seeing 3 or so scenarios got made (were redone) already to feature new vehicles I finally budged and made a purchase of the VP (no, not victory points you silly).

Downloading now. Hope Aris resurrects and mods them! Otherwise I'll have to put all his vehicle mods out of my mod folder due to inconsistency, ugh. :( Or at least if someone with similar texture skill paints them I'll be happy too. :D

But for now I have to wait for the downloading to finish. Gotta look up how to install and then activate, huh. Wish me luck guys.

Thanx Battlefront for continuous support of my game! Will buy forces and especially eagerly scenarios/campaigns featuring all the new stuff too when they are offered.

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And for 20 bucks I could get several tasty pizzas.

Someone calculated that it was 79 cents per unit, and that certainly seems fair.

If your going by that logic then the base CMBN game would cost well over $200 :eek:. I counted 131 vehicles and heavy weapon alone. Once you add in all the infantry units for each nationality you'd be broke!

Look, Steve summed up the real reasons behind the cost (posted earlier in this thread). Do yourself a favor and read his explanations and then decide if $20 is worth it for you. You'll never have such a forward explanation of things and candid honesty from any other developing team out there.

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Or maybe this game a lower price. ;)

Sure, and you could pirate it for free, but that doesn't mean you're right.

It's not worth the money for you. Fine.

Don't buy it.

But don't come complaining about the price because the price isn't unexpected and certainly isn't unreasonable considering the effort put into it (almost every unit is a 100% new model and there's even a new mechanic involved)

Sorry but I don't think is it fair, a brand new module costs 35$, this pack 20$.

A potential customer still don't know which kind of bug fixes have been included and the new anti-piracy protection is an annoyance.

Moreover we are still waiting the RT patch.

Surely you can say it was worth every penny spent, but not that it is fair :)

Speaking in Battlefront games terms of course.

Let's see here...

Update to 3.0 with no new units = 10$

Vehicles patch with 20+ new units = 20$

Module with maby 30+ new units and some scenarios = 35$

Base game = 55$

Seems like a fair deal to me.

As for "a potential customer", well sure... but then there's my buddy who is also a "potential customer" if they ever decide to start selling the entire bundle for 5$...

Doesn't mean they should lower the price to that just to "get that one customer" that won't pay the full price.

And the CMRT patch has nothing to do with this discussion at all.

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Several??? You must have price controls in Sweden. Around here, I am lucky if I can get two small pizzas for $20.



Its the same here.. You might be able to squeeze in three for 20$ but they wouldent be very tasty.

But with the logic some use around here the pizzas should be for free.. :rolleyes:

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Several??? You must have price controls in Sweden. Around here, I am lucky if I can get two small pizzas for $20.



Well, let's just say I lived in a tiny tiny village with 4000 inhabitants, and 3 pizzerias...

And that's pretty much the picture in most of sweden. Every village has at least 1 pizzeria.

The village I live in now has 9000 inhabitants and 5 pizzerias, 1 chinese food, 1 thai food, 3 "burger joints" and 2 inns...

So yeah... pizza can be real cheap here :)

Can be expensive too though, but that's up to you if you want quality or quantity.

EDIT: and as an interesting sidenote, I could add that 1 of the pizzerias in Furulund (old village) burned down under mysterious circumstances and 1 pizzeria in Kävlinge (current village) burned down too.

Both opened by former chefs from the largest chain of pizzerias here (not really a chain, but owned by the same family and they switch owners every 2 years because it lets them get away with not paying taxes or something... and that same family is heavily involved in drugs in Malmö and my friend was even stabbed by one of them and is still after 10 years under death threat and can't go to Malmö)

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I'm sorry but you lost me there. Maybe there is a language problem? But then what is your definition of fair?


The difference in price among a module and this pack, maybe is not the best "word" but I thought that was pretty clear.

Surely is subjective how many $ a customer is willing to pay, but is objective that there is a difference between a module and this pack greater than 15$.

And I'm not speaking about pizza, cars, books and so on (a nonsense), I'm doing a simple comparison between two products from the same developer.

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All this arguing about the pack seems to be happening in a vacuum. Has anyone here actually played the game using the new vehicles yet? How can you have an opinion if you haven't played the game with the new vehicles yet? I just did a QB using Hotchkiss chassis SP guns in bocage country to fight off a US advance and had great fun doing it. :)

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If your going by that logic then the base CMBN game would cost well over $200 :eek:. I counted 131 vehicles and heavy weapon alone. Once you add in all the infantry units for each nationality you'd be broke!

Look, Steve summed up the real reasons behind the cost (posted earlier in this thread). Do yourself a favor and read his explanations and then decide if $20 is worth it for you. You'll never have such a forward explanation of things and candid honesty from any other developing team out there.

Thanks, I read that and it sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me.

And 20 bucks is worth it for me.

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All this arguing about the pack seems to be happening in a vacuum. Has anyone here actually played the game using the new vehicles yet? How can you have an opinion if you haven't played the game with the new vehicles yet? I just did a QB using Hotchkiss chassis SP guns in bocage country to fight off a US advance and had great fun doing it. :)

Still trying to download the damned thing :(

On my fourth download attempt now.

Slow-slow-slow downloads combined with "server error" messages at around 0.8-1.0 GB downloaded is really wearing down my patience.

Maby a torrent file would be nice?

It's not like you can use the file without the license code anyway.

EDIT: didn't work this time either.

**** it, I'm off to bed... :(

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Okay, I have NEVER waded in on the pricing/value hyperbole-laden BS but I just don't get it.

Why is there some great calamity revolving around purchasing new content for the game?

If you want what's being offered, you purchase it, and if you don't then you don't.

I happen to love the CM series but my interest is mostly drawn towards the Theatres of War that feature Canadian and other Commonwealth nations; that is my personal area of interest.

I didn't purchase Red Thunder because I was less interested in the East Front; again that is my preference. I am very pleased that Battlefront is creating content packs to continue to flesh out CMBN and I will continue to respectfully request other pack additions because that is what I would like to see.

If/when they release battlepacks for the Eastern Theatre, you won't see me complaining in the Red Thunder forum that I'm getting nothing I want in the pack; I'm not as interested in the Eastern Front (I noticed this in the CMx1 series, of which I purchased each module, because I played CMBB less).

The new Vehicle pack has possibly inspired me to get back into some modding again, and I might even try my hand at an Aris-like mod for the CW vehicles in the pack (my potential output being a poor facsimile of Aris' work to be sure); hell, I may even try to make some scenarios at some point in the future when I can find time.

But the price is the price and I think its worth it for the time I'll probably spend with it going forward; if you don't want the pack, don't buy it, and please stop whining about it.

End Rant

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What do you do for a living then Oddball if I may ask? Burning down pizzerias for the competition? ;)

I managed to download the pack in one go but got it marked as malicious by Chrome and in turn not executable. Downloading again from Firefox this time. Hope it works.


The new Vehicle pack has possibly inspired me to get back into some modding again, and I might even try my hand at an Aris-like mod for the CW vehicles in the pack (a poor facsimile of Aris' work to be sure); hell, I may even try to make some scenarios some time.

Oh boy yes please do!

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