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Fury Movie Discussion.

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Oh man, The Movie must have a Bug in it. Get BF to fix it or something.

I will not be able to watch it until patch 4.0 comes out and the Tiger does a proper number on that Sherman.

This thread has the same stupid complaints that many of the threads here in the forum have. You people really need to get a concept on what life is about.

One - Movies are not made to represent real life, if you think they do - major issue

Two - games that similate real life really dont - they function on the mechanics of a game - so there will always be aspects that do not work correct to real life.

That is all you get today for learning - class

Just be grateful they even tried to make a movie based on a WWII Tank.

as the backdrop to the storyline.

Hear, Hear!

I enjoyed the film and, yes, the final battle was somewhat exaggerated. How unusual for a Hollywood film!

Now back to my CM battle where a single, wounded soldier, hiding in a hedge, has denied my opponent the victory zone.

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One - Movies are not made to represent real life...

Mostly true, although some movies are made with the intention of representing real life with greater or lesser success. But yes, for the most part they are entertaining fantasies. But it can also be said that the more these fantasies can be said to resemble real life, the greater their impact can be. A form of "fantastic realism" if you will. I would suggest that a really good war movie would, while not losing focus on the story elements that make the whole thing worth watching, also dot all the 'i's and cross all the 't's to make it convincing to the cognoscenti.


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"...make it convincing to the cognoscenti."

It's all about costs. Producers are happy if it passes muster with the 99% who are not cognoscenti. CM2 is also entertainment. It's all relative.

It's even more about the imagination or lack of it on the part of producers. Band of Brothers and The Pacific hold up fairly well because Spielberg and Hanks intended that it should. Somewhat the same can be said for A Bridge Too Far, which was pretty good for its era. Production costs were not cheap, but they managed to find sufficient financing to pull it off. And I claim that it would be possible to make a more modest production that at least does not egregiously offend those who are more in the know. There is really no excuse for misrepresenting bad tactics or virtually unrecognizable mindsets and behaviors of the characters. Such things occur because the producers/writers/directors expect such things and think their audiences do too.


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Mostly true, although some movies are made with the intention of representing real life with greater or lesser success. But yes, for the most part they are entertaining fantasies. But it can also be said that the more these fantasies can be said to resemble real life, the greater their impact can be. A form of "fantastic realism" if you will. I would suggest that a really good war movie would, while not losing focus on the story elements that make the whole thing worth watching, also dot all the 'i's and cross all the 't's to make it convincing to the cognoscenti.


As Erwin said. Except it is more like 99.9 % that would have no clue as to if the scenes were reasonable possible or not in the movie. So for all of them, the movie seems realistic enough to think possible.

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Amen. And by far most of the time it doesn't take a PhD. to recognize when something presented on screen is just plain f***ing dumb.


Well I just watched most of Wolf of Wall Street.....finally just turned it off and felt I had just lost a portion of my life I will never get back.

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I'll see it...when it comes on Netflix. I can't comment on how realistic it is. I've never been to war and never been in a tank in war. I've heard all sorts of war stories from vets who've seen actual war, but that can't really convey the emotion of war. I heard form a vet that he liked the movie, but he was in a non direct combat MOS who never came close to a battle zone.

Personally about the only thing I can say I've experienced that comes close is I've been carjacked, ran away from 2 thugs one with a gun who tried to rob me or worse-had I not gotten away in broad daylight, accosted by much bigger thugs and had someone try to either home invade or burglarize me, but though better when they knew I was armed and ready to defend my castle.

The lessons I've learned over the years is:

Surprise and the initiative is a huge advantage (force multiplier). Most thugs stalk their prey and pounce when you are least suspecting-does this sound like a good strategy to use when playing CM? Who said war is fair?

You may be anti-gun-until you really wish you had one.

Training and mastering your weapon system is crucial. From my personal experience most buy guns where you can do so, but don't put the time, money and effort into training which is crucial.

Media can never come close to replicating the sudden fear or aftermath of a life and death situation. The after affects of being in bad situations lasts a long time, sometimes a lifetime.

My trainer who I consider-my master out of respect who has seen much real violence in war and the streets of America has much to say about war/action movies most not so good, but then again he does watch em.

Regardless of whether Fury is realistic or not I'll end up watching it simply because I like war flicks.

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Well I just watched most of Wolf of Wall Street.....finally just turned it off and felt I had just lost a portion of my life I will never get back.

Hrrumph. Well I saw it a while ago, and it confirmed at least one thing thing for me: bewbs are oarsome!

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Well I just watched most of Wolf of Wall Street.....finally just turned it off and felt I had just lost a portion of my life I will never get back.

Another movie I'll watch when it comes out on Netflix. Heard its long, raunchy and entertaining.

I worked for one of the major IB's years ago. It was definitely salty, but I never saw the over the top kind of stuff in WoWS, not to say it never happened.

Don't think you could get away with the stuff that when on back then in today's hyper PC world, but I'm completely removed from that world so who knows.

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Don't think you could get away with the stuff that [went] on back then in today's hyper PC world, but I'm completely removed from that world so who knows.

Some 20 or 30 years ago a book called Liar's Dice came out that was very interesting and revealing. Surely not the last word on the subject, but interesting reading.


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On a more technical level, the only thing that really had me scratching my head was when the four Shermans traveling line abreast got surprised while motoring right into the face of the lone Tiger... Smoke rounds were fired and the platoon immediately reversed the opposite direction, which would probably be a likely response. But once they regained their composure the platoon of Shermans decided to run straight back at the Tiger, guns blazing. Having played so much CM I kept thinking to myself they should split into pairs while they were reversing and immediately tried to get on the flanks forcing the Tiger to traverse and engage only one pair of flanking Shermans while the other pair knocked it out. :)

World of Tanks required this scene to participate in cross-promotion of the movie.

Entertaining movie all in all, although at times dipping into silliness. Music was terrible.

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I have watched film today. The summary is that a ss battalion and their dumb tactics against one immobilized Sherman tank and a tiger tank with big gun but decided to fight at close ranges. Is that indicators why Germans were lost ww2 war or again is that only a film showing american great war abilities.? If second Saving Private Ryan is better than this show


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I went last night and enjoyed it.

If you think movies should be tactical training tools used in staff colleges around the world: do not go.

If you think movies should be documentaries, with every single t crossed and i dotted: do not go.

If, on the other hand, think movies are a good way of telling stories and examining the human condition: go. Go see it at a theatre with comfy seats, a big screen, excellent stereo, and enjoy yourself. Even better is that afterwards you get to giggle at all the joyless dicks who'd rather count rivets than immerse themselves in a well told story for over two hours.

"nothing I can't see on youtube"? FFS. Miss the point, much? :rolleyes:

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Go see it at a theatre with comfy seats

The one I went to had excellent seats with motorized reclining. It's a sign of the downfall of Western Civilization that so many resources were put into those seats, but I must admit it was quite nice!

As many have said already, the movie was good entertainment. I'd recommend it to others looking for well acted, well produced, and well executed entertainment who also don't mind gratuitous gore and predictable sub plots. The rest was rubbish :D

I was fine with the suspension of disbelief aspect until the beginning portion of the standoff at the crossroads. I thought they could have wound up with the same dramatic effect without doing Monty Python's Holy Grail vicious rabbit scene where the tank is the rabbit and the SS are King Arthur's men. Rearrange the letters of the tank Fury and you get Fury. Coincidence? I think not!

I thought the battle against the dug in Germans that had pinned down the Armored Infantry platoon was really quite good. Both from a cinematic standpoint and also from a tactical warfare standpoint. Pretty much a CMBN QB game where the defender goes from lucky to unlucky in about 3 turns :D


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"the movie was good entertainment...."

I want to go see the movie. If it has WWII tanks and a vicious rabbit scene... well ... more popcorn :) Do they have live hoses in Fury ;)

WWI related: Saw a restored B-24 fly over this afternoon over my house! Very, very cool :D Hood teenagers were out on street and wanted to know what all the noise was. Tried to explain WWII, B-24.... a glaze went over their eyes. On kid pulled out his phone. Whats up ... looking for B-24?

No...I am goggling WWII :eek:

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I hear ya, Buzz.

On any given summer's day I can look up and see one of only two air-worthy Lancasters in the world gracing the skies, the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum's "Mynarski". Sadly, my 'hood's teenagers are so busily engaged in contemplating their navels that they rarely leave the house.

Kids these days, eh?

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